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IO_GETEVENTS(2)            Linux Programmer's Manual           IO_GETEVENTS(2)

       io_getevents - read asynchronous I/O events from the completion queue

       #include <linux/aio_abi.h>         /* Defines needed types */
       #include <linux/time.h>            /* Defines 'struct timespec' */

       int io_getevents(aio_context_t ctx_id, long min_nr, long nr,
                        struct io_event *events, struct timespec *timeout);

       Note: There is no glibc wrapper for this system call; see NOTES.

       The  io_getevents() system call attempts to read at least min_nr events
       and up to nr events from the completion queue of the AIO context speci-
       fied  by  ctx_id.  The timeout argument specifies the amount of time to
       wait for events, where a NULL  timeout  waits  until  at  least  min_nr
       events have been seen.  Note that timeout is relative.

       On  success,  io_getevents() returns the number of events read: 0 if no
       events are available, or less than min_nr if the timeout  has  elapsed.
       For the failure return, see NOTES.

       EFAULT Either events or timeout is an invalid pointer.

       EINVAL ctx_id  is  invalid.   min_nr  is  out  of range or nr is out of

       EINTR  Interrupted by a signal handler; see signal(7).

       ENOSYS io_getevents() is not implemented on this architecture.

       The asynchronous I/O system calls first appeared in Linux 2.5.

       io_getevents() is Linux-specific and should not  be  used  in  programs
       that are intended to be portable.

       Glibc  does  not  provide a wrapper function for this system call.  You
       could invoke it using syscall(2).  But instead, you  probably  want  to
       use the io_getevents() wrapper function provided by libaio.

       Note  that  the  libaio wrapper function uses a different type (io_con-
       text_t) for the ctx_id argument.  Note also  that  the  libaio  wrapper
       does  not follow the usual C library conventions for indicating errors:
       on error it returns a negated error number (the negative of one of  the
       values   listed  in  ERRORS).   If  the  system  call  is  invoked  via
       syscall(2), then the return value follows  the  usual  conventions  for
       indicating  an  error:  -1,  with  errno set to a (positive) value that
       indicates the error.

       An invalid ctx_id may cause a segmentation fault instead of  generating
       the error EINVAL.

       io_cancel(2), io_destroy(2), io_setup(2), io_submit(2), aio(7), time(7)

       This  page  is  part of release 3.69 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
       description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
       latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

Linux                             2013-04-08                   IO_GETEVENTS(2)

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