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x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASE x
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LOGIN(1)                         User Commands                        LOGIN(1)

       login - begin session on the system

       login [ -p ] [ -h host ] [ -H ] [ -f username | username ]

       login  is  used  when  signing onto a system.  If no argument is given,
       login prompts for the username.

       The user is then prompted for a password, where approprate.  Echoing is
       disabled  to  prevent  revealing  the password.  Only a small number of
       password failures are permitted before login exits and  the  communica-
       tions link is severed.

       If  password  aging  has  been enabled for the account, the user may be
       prompted for a new password before proceeding.  He will  be  forced  to
       provide  his  old  password  and  the  new  password before continuing.
       Please refer to passwd(1) for more information.

       The user and group ID will be set according  to  their  values  in  the
       /etc/passwd  file.   There  is one exception if the user ID is zero: in
       this case, only the primary group ID  of  the  account  is  set.   This
       should  allow the system administrator to login even in case of network
       problems.  The value for $HOME, $USER,  $SHELL,  $PATH,  $LOGNAME,  and
       $MAIL  are  set  according  to  the  appropriate fields in the password
       entry.   $PATH  defaults  to  /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin  for  normal
       users,  and to /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr
       /bin for root, if not otherwise configured.

       The environment variable $TERM will be preserved, if it  exists  (other
       environment variables are preserved if the -p option is given), else it
       will be initialized to the terminal type on your tty.

       Then the user's shell is started.  If no shell  is  specified  for  the
       user  in  /etc/passwd,  then /bin/sh is used.  If there is no directory
       specified in /etc/passwd, then / is used (the home directory is checked
       for the .hushlogin file described below).

       If  the file .hushlogin exists, then a "quiet" login is performed (this
       disables the checking of mail and the printing of the last  login  time
       and  message  of  the day).  Otherwise, if /var/log/lastlog exists, the
       last login time is printed (and the current login is recorded).

       -p     Used by getty(8) to tell login not to destroy the environment.

       -f     Used to skip a second login authentication.   This  specifically
              does  not  work for root, and does not appear to work well under

       -h     Used by other servers (i.e., telnetd(8)) to pass the name of the
              remote  host to login so that it may be placed in utmp and wtmp.
              Only the superuser may use this option.

              Note that the -h option has impact on the PAM service name.  The
              standard  service  name is login, with the -h option the name is
              remote.  It is necessary to create proper PAM config files (e.g.
              /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/remote).

       -H     Used  by  other  servers  (i.e.,  telnetd(8)) to tell login that
              printing the hostname should be suppressed in the login: prompt.

       -V     Display version information and exit.

       login reads the /etc/login.defs(5) configuration file.  Note  that  the
       configuration  file  could  be  distributed  with another package (e.g.
       shadow-utils).  The following  configuration  items  are  relevant  for

       MOTD_FILE (string)
           If  defined,  a ":" delimited list of "message of the day" files to
           be displayed upon login.  The default value is /etc/motd.   If  the
           MOTD_FILE  item is empty or a quiet login is enabled, then the mes-
           sage of the day is not displayed.  Note that the same functionality
           is also provided by pam_motd(8) PAM module.

       LOGIN_TIMEOUT (number)
           Max time in seconds for login.  The default value is 60.

       LOGIN_RETRIES (number)
           Maximum  number  of  login  retries in case of a bad password.  The
           default value is 3.

       FAIL_DELAY (number)
           Delay in seconds before being allowed another three tries  after  a
           login failure.  The default value is 5.

       TTYPERM (string)
           The terminal permissions.  The default value is 0600 or 0620 if tty
           group is used.

       TTYGROUP (string)
           The login tty will be owned by the TTYGROUP.  The default value  is
           tty.   If  the  TTYGROUP  does not exist, then the ownership of the
           terminal is set to the user's primary group.

           The TTYGROUP can be either the name of a group or a  numeric  group

       HUSHLOGIN_FILE (string)
           If  defined, this file can inhibit all the usual chatter during the
           login sequence.  If a  full  pathname  (e.g.   /etc/hushlogins)  is
           specified,  then  hushed mode will be enabled if the user's name or
           shell are found in the file.  If this global  hush  login  file  is
           empty then the hushed mode will be enabled for all users.

           If  a  full  pathname  is  not  specified, then hushed mode will be
           enabled if the file exists in the user's home directory.

           The default is to check /etc/hushlogins and if it  does  not  exist
           then ~/.hushlogin

           If  the  HUSHLOGIN_FILE item is empty, then all the checks are dis-

       DEFAULT_HOME (boolean)
           Indicate if login is allowed if we can not change directory to  the
           home directory.  If set to yes, the user will login in the root (/)
           directory if it is not possible to change directory  to  her  home.
           The default value is yes.

       LOG_UNKFAIL_ENAB (boolean)
           Enable  display  of  unknown  usernames  when  login  failures  are
           recorded.  The default value is no.

           Note that logging unknown usernames may be a security  issue  if  a
           user enters her password instead of her login name.

       ENV_PATH (string)
           If  set,  it  will  be used to define the PATH environment variable
           when a regular user logs in.  The default value is  /usr/local/bin:

       ENV_ROOTPATH (string)
       ENV_SUPATH (string)
           If  set,  it  will  be used to define the PATH environment variable
           when the superuser logs in.  The default value is  /usr/local/sbin:


       init(8),  getty(8),  mail(1),  passwd(1),  passwd(5), environ(7), shut-

       The undocumented BSD -r option is not supported.  This may be  required
       by some rlogind(8) programs.

       A  recursive  login,  as  used  to be possible in the good old days, no
       longer works; for most purposes su(1)  is  a  satisfactory  substitute.
       Indeed,  for  security  reasons,  login does a vhangup() system call to
       remove any possible listening processes on the tty.  This is  to  avoid
       password sniffing.  If one uses the command login, then the surrounding
       shell gets killed by vhangup() because it's no longer the true owner of
       the  tty.  This can be avoided by using exec login in a top-level shell
       or xterm.

       Derived from BSD login 5.40 (5/9/89) by  Michael  Glad  <>
       for HP-UX
       Ported to Linux 0.12: Peter Orbaek <>
       Rewritten to a PAM-only version by Karel Zak <>

       The  login  command  is part of the util-linux package and is available
       from Linux Kernel  Archive  <

util-linux                         June 2012                          LOGIN(1)

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