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NUMACTL(8)               Linux Administrator's Manual               NUMACTL(8)

       numactl - Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory

       numactl [ --interleave nodes ] [ --preferred node ] [ --membind nodes ]
       [ --cpunodebind nodes ] [ --physcpubind cpus ] [  --localalloc  ]  [--]
       command {arguments ...}
       numactl --show
       numactl --hardware
       numactl [ --huge ] [ --offset offset ] [ --shmmode shmmode ] [ --length
       length ] [ --strict ]
       [ --shmid id ] --shm shmkeyfile | --file tmpfsfile
       [ --touch ] [ --dump ] [ --dump-nodes ] memory policy

       numactl runs processes with a specific NUMA scheduling or memory place-
       ment policy.  The policy is set for command and inherited by all of its
       children.  In addition it can set persistent policy for  shared  memory
       segments or files.

       Use  --  before command if using command options that could be confused
       with numactl options.

       nodes may be specified as N,N,N or  N-N or N,N-N  or   N-N,N-N  and  so
       forth.  Relative nodes may be specifed as +N,N,N or  +N-N or +N,N-N and
       so forth. The + indicates that the node numbers  are  relative  to  the
       process'  set  of allowed nodes in its current cpuset.  A !N-N notation
       indicates the inverse of N-N, in other words all nodes except N-N.   If
       used  with + notation, specify !+N-N. When same is specified the previ-
       ous nodemask specified on the command line  is  used.   all  means  all
       nodes in the current cpuset.

       Instead of a number a node can also be:

       netdev:DEV                 The node connected to network device DEV.
       file:PATH                  The node the block device of PATH.
       ip:HOST                    The node of the network device of HOST
       block:PATH                 The node of block device PATH
       pci:[seg:]bus:dev[:func]   The node of a PCI device.

       Note  that  block  resolves the kernel block device names only for udev
       names in /dev use file:

       Policy settings are:

       --interleave=nodes, -i nodes
              Set a memory interleave policy. Memory will be  allocated  using
              round  robin  on  nodes.  When memory cannot be allocated on the
              current interleave target fall back to  other  nodes.   Multiple
              nodes may be specified on --interleave, --membind and --cpunode-

       --membind=nodes, -m nodes
              Only allocate memory from  nodes.   Allocation  will  fail  when
              there  is not enough memory available on these nodes.  nodes may
              be specified as noted above.

       --cpunodebind=nodes, -N nodes
              Only execute command on the CPUs of nodes.  Note that nodes  may
              consist  of  multiple  CPUs.   nodes  may  be specified as noted

       --physcpubind=cpus, -C cpus
              Only execute process on cpus.  This accepts cpu numbers as shown
              in the processor fields of /proc/cpuinfo, or relative cpus as in
              relative to the current cpuset.  You may  specify  "all",  which
              means  all  cpus  in  the  current cpuset.  Physical cpus may be
              specified as N,N,N or  N-N or N,N-N or  N-N,N-N  and  so  forth.
              Relative  cpus  may be specifed as +N,N,N or  +N-N or +N,N-N and
              so forth. The + indicates that the cpu numbers are  relative  to
              the  process' set of allowed cpus in its current cpuset.  A !N-N
              notation indicates the inverse of N-N, in other words  all  cpus
              except N-N.  If used with + notation, specify !+N-N.

       --localalloc, -l
              Always allocate on the current node.

              Preferably  allocate  memory  on  node,  but if memory cannot be
              allocated there fall back to other  nodes.   This  option  takes
              only a single node number.  Relative notation may be used.

       --show, -s
              Show NUMA policy settings of the current process.

       --hardware, -H
              Show inventory of available nodes on the system.

       Numactl can set up policy for a SYSV shared memory segment or a file in

       This policy is persistent and will be used by all  mappings  from  that
       shared  memory.  The  order of options matters here.  The specification
       must at least include either of --shm, --shmid, --file to  specify  the
       shared  memory segment or file and a memory policy like described above
       ( --interleave, --localalloc, --preferred, --membind ).

       When creating a SYSV shared memory segment use huge pages.  Only  valid
       before --shmid or --shm

       Specify  offset into the shared memory segment. Default 0.  Valid units
       are m (for MB), g (for GB), k (for KB), otherwise it specifies bytes.

       Give an error when a page in the policied area  in  the  shared  memory
       segment already was faulted in with a conflicting policy. Default is to
       silently ignore this.

       --shmmode shmmode
       Only valid before --shmid or --shm When creating a shared  memory  seg-
       ment set it to numeric mode shmmode.

       --length length
       Apply  policy  to length range in the shared memory segment or make the
       segment length long Default is to use  the  remaining  length  Required
       when a shared memory segment is created and specifies the length of the
       new segment then. Valid units are m (for MB), g (for GB), k  (for  KB),
       otherwise it specifies bytes.

       --shmid id
       Create or use an shared memory segment with numeric ID id

       --shm shmkeyfile
       Create  or  use  an  shared memory segment, with the ID generated using
       ftok(3) from shmkeyfile

       --file tmpfsfile
       Set policy for a file in tmpfs or hugetlbfs

       Touch pages to enforce policy early. Default is to not touch them,  the
       policy is applied when an applications maps and accesses a page.

       Dump policy in the specified range.

       Dump all nodes of the specific range (very verbose!)

       Valid node specifiers

       all                 All nodes
       number              Node number
       number1{,number2}   Node number1 and Node number2
       number1-number2     Nodes from number1 to number2
       ! nodes             Invert selection of the following specification.

       numactl --physcpubind=+0-4,8-12 myapplic arguments Run myapplic on cpus
       0-4 and 8-12 of the current cpuset.

       numactl --interleave=all bigdatabase arguments Run  big  database  with
       its memory interleaved on all CPUs.

       numactl  --cpunodebind=0  --membind=0,1  process  Run process on node 0
       with memory allocated on node 0 and 1.

       numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0,1 --  process  -l  Run  process  as
       above,  but  with  an option (-l) that would be confused with a numactl

       numactl --nodebind=netdev:eth0 --membind=netdev:eth0 network-server Run
       network-server  on the node of network device eth0 with its memory also
       in the same node.

       numactl --preferred=1 numactl --show Set preferred node 1 and show  the
       resulting state.

       numactl --interleave=all --shmkeyfile /tmp/shmkey Interleave all of the
       sysv shared memory region specified by /tmp/shmkey over all nodes.

       Place a tmpfs file on 2 nodes:
         numactl --membind=2 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/shm/A bs=1M count=1024
         numactl --membind=3 dd  if=/dev/zero  of=/dev/shm/A  seek=1024  bs=1M

       numactl --localalloc /dev/shm/file Reset the policy for the shared mem-
       ory file file to the default localalloc policy.

       Requires an NUMA policy aware kernel.

       Command is not executed using  a  shell.  If  you  want  to  use  shell
       metacharacters in the child use sh -c as wrapper.

       Setting  policy for a hugetlbfs file does currently not work because it
       cannot be extended by truncate.

       Shared memory segments larger than numactl's address  space  cannot  be
       completely  policied.  This  could be a problem on 32bit architectures.
       Changing it piece by piece may work.

       The old --cpubind which accepts node numbers, not cpu numbers, is  dep-
       recated  and  replaced  with  the  new  --cpunodebind and --physcpubind

       /proc/cpuinfo for the listing of active CPUs. See proc(5) for details.

       /sys/devices/system/node/node*/numastat for NUMA memory hit statistics.

       Copyright 2002,2004 Andi Kleen, SuSE Labs.  numactl and the  demo  pro-
       grams are under the GNU General Public License, v.2

       set_mempolicy(2) , get_mempolicy(2) , mbind(2) , sched_setaffinity(2) ,
       sched_getaffinity(2) , proc(5) , ftok(3) , shmat(2) , migratepages(8)

SuSE Labs                          Mar 2004                         NUMACTL(8)

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