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SH(1P)                     POSIX Programmer's Manual                    SH(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.

       sh -- shell, the standard command language interpreter

       sh [-abCefhimnuvx] [-o option]... [+abCefhimnuvx] [+o option]...
           [command_file [argument...]]

       sh -c [-abCefhimnuvx] [-o option]... [+abCefhimnuvx] [+o option]...
           command_string [command_name [argument...]]

       sh -s [-abCefhimnuvx] [-o option]... [+abCefhimnuvx] [+o option]...

       The sh utility is a command language  interpreter  that  shall  execute
       commands  read  from  a  command  line string, the standard input, or a
       specified file. The application shall ensure that the  commands  to  be
       executed  are  expressed  in the language described in Chapter 2, Shell
       Command Language.

       Pathname expansion shall not fail due to the size of a file.

       Shell input and output redirections have an implementation-defined off-
       set maximum that is established in the open file description.

       The  sh  utility  shall  conform  to  the  Base  Definitions  volume of
       POSIX.1-2008, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines, with  an  exten-
       sion for support of a leading <plus-sign> ('+') as noted below.

       The  -a,  -b, -C, -e, -f, -m, -n, -o option, -u, -v, and -x options are
       described as part of the set utility in Section 2.14, Special  Built-In
       Utilities.   The  option  letters derived from the set special built-in
       shall also be accepted with a leading <plus-sign> ('+')  instead  of  a
       leading  <hyphen>  (meaning the reverse case of the option as described
       in this volume of POSIX.1-2008).

       The following additional options shall be supported:

       -c        Read commands from the command_string operand. Set the  value
                 of  special  parameter  0 (see Section 2.5.2, Special Parame-
                 ters) from the value of  the  command_name  operand  and  the
                 positional  parameters  ($1,  $2, and so on) in sequence from
                 the remaining argument operands. No commands  shall  be  read
                 from the standard input.

       -i        Specify  that  the shell is interactive; see below. An imple-
                 mentation may treat specifying the -i option as an  error  if
                 the  real  user  ID of the calling process does not equal the
                 effective user ID or if the real group ID does not equal  the
                 effective group ID.

       -s        Read commands from the standard input.

       If  there  are  no  operands and the -c option is not specified, the -s
       option shall be assumed.

       If the -i option is present, or  if  there  are  no  operands  and  the
       shell's  standard  input and standard error are attached to a terminal,
       the shell is considered to be interactive.

       The following operands shall be supported:

       -         A single <hyphen> shall be treated as the first  operand  and
                 then ignored. If both '-' and "--" are given as arguments, or
                 if other operands precede the single  <hyphen>,  the  results
                 are undefined.

       argument  The positional parameters ($1, $2, and so on) shall be set to
                 arguments, if any.

                 The pathname of a file containing commands. If  the  pathname
                 contains  one  or more <slash> characters, the implementation
                 attempts to read that file; the file need not be  executable.
                 If the pathname does not contain a <slash> character:

                  *  The  implementation  shall attempt to read that file from
                     the current working directory; the file need not be  exe-

                  *  If  the file is not in the current working directory, the
                     implementation may perform a  search  for  an  executable
                     file  using  the  value  of PATH, as described in Section
           , Command Search and Execution.

                 Special parameter 0 (see Section 2.5.2,  Special  Parameters)
                 shall  be  set to the value of command_file.  If sh is called
                 using a synopsis form that omits command_file, special param-
                 eter 0 shall be set to the value of the first argument passed
                 to sh from its parent (for example, argv[0] for a C program),
                 which is normally a pathname used to execute the sh utility.

                 A  string  assigned to special parameter 0 when executing the
                 commands in command_string.  If command_name  is  not  speci-
                 fied,  special  parameter  0 shall be set to the value of the
                 first argument passed to sh from  its  parent  (for  example,
                 argv[0]  for  a C program), which is normally a pathname used
                 to execute the sh utility.

                 A string that shall be interpreted by the  shell  as  one  or
                 more commands, as if the string were the argument to the sys-
                 tem() function defined in the  System  Interfaces  volume  of
                 POSIX.1-2008.  If  the  command_string  operand  is  an empty
                 string, sh shall exit with a zero exit status.

       The standard input shall be used only if one of the following is true:

        *  The -s option is specified.

        *  The -c option is not specified and no operands are specified.

        *  The script executes one or more commands that  require  input  from
           standard  input  (such as a read command that does not redirect its

       See the INPUT FILES section.

       When the shell is using standard input and it invokes  a  command  that
       also  uses  standard  input,  the  shell shall ensure that the standard
       input file pointer points directly after the command it has  read  when
       the  command begins execution. It shall not read ahead in such a manner
       that any characters intended to be read by the invoked command are con-
       sumed  by  the  shell (whether interpreted by the shell or not) or that
       characters that are not read by the invoked command are not seen by the
       shell.  When  the  command  expecting to read standard input is started
       asynchronously by an interactive shell, it is unspecified whether char-
       acters are read by the command or interpreted by the shell.

       If  the standard input to sh is a FIFO or terminal device and is set to
       non-blocking reads, then sh shall enable  blocking  reads  on  standard
       input. This shall remain in effect when the command completes.

       The  input file shall be a text file, except that line lengths shall be
       unlimited. If the input file is empty or consists solely of blank lines
       or comments, or both, sh shall exit with a zero exit status.

       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of sh:

       ENV       This  variable,  when  and  only when an interactive shell is
                 invoked, shall be subjected to parameter expansion (see  Sec-
                 tion  2.6.2,  Parameter  Expansion)  by  the  shell,  and the
                 resulting value shall be used as a pathname of  a  file  con-
                 taining shell commands to execute in the current environment.
                 The file need not be executable. If the expanded value of ENV
                 is  not  an  absolute  pathname, the results are unspecified.
                 ENV shall be ignored if the real and effective  user  IDs  or
                 real and effective group IDs of the process are different.

       FCEDIT    This  variable,  when  expanded by the shell, shall determine
                 the default value for the -e editor option's  editor  option-
                 argument. If FCEDIT is null or unset, ed shall be used as the

       HISTFILE  Determine a pathname naming a command history  file.  If  the
                 HISTFILE variable is not set, the shell may attempt to access
                 or create a file .sh_history in the directory referred to  by
                 the  HOME  environment  variable.  If the shell cannot obtain
                 both read and write access to, or create, the  history  file,
                 it shall use an unspecified mechanism that allows the history
                 to operate properly.  (References to history ``file'' in this
                 section  shall  be understood to mean this unspecified mecha-
                 nism in such cases.) An implementation may choose  to  access
                 this  variable  only when initializing the history file; this
                 initialization shall occur when fc or  sh  first  attempt  to
                 retrieve  entries  from,  or add entries to, the file, as the
                 result of commands issued by the user, the file named by  the
                 ENV   variable,  or  implementation-defined  system  start-up
                 files.  Implementations may choose  to  disable  the  history
                 list  mechanism  for users with appropriate privileges who do
                 not set HISTFILE; the specific circumstances under which this
                 occurs  are implementation-defined. If more than one instance
                 of the shell is using the same history file, it  is  unspeci-
                 fied how updates to the history file from those shells inter-
                 act. As entries are deleted from the history file, they shall
                 be  deleted oldest first. It is unspecified when history file
                 entries are physically removed from the history file.

       HISTSIZE  Determine a decimal number representing the limit to the num-
                 ber  of  previous commands that are accessible. If this vari-
                 able is unset, an unspecified default greater than  or  equal
                 to  128  shall be used. The maximum number of commands in the
                 history list is unspecified, but shall be at  least  128.  An
                 implementation  may  choose to access this variable only when
                 initializing the history file, as described  under  HISTFILE.
                 Therefore, it is unspecified whether changes made to HISTSIZE
                 after the history file has been initialized are effective.

       HOME      Determine the pathname of the user's home directory. The con-
                 tents  of  HOME  are  used in tilde expansion as described in
                 Section 2.6.1, Tilde Expansion.

       IFS       A string treated as a list of characters  that  is  used  for
                 field  splitting and to split lines into fields with the read

                 If IFS is not set, it shall behave as  normal  for  an  unset
                 variable,  except  that field splitting by the shell and line
                 splitting by the read command shall be performed  as  if  the
                 value  of  IFS  is  <space><tab><newline>; see Section 2.6.5,
                 Field Splitting.

                 Implementations may ignore the value of IFS in  the  environ-
                 ment, or the absence of IFS from the environment, at the time
                 the shell is invoked, in which case the shell shall  set  IFS
                 to <space><tab><newline> when it is invoked.

       LANG      Provide  a  default  value for the internationalization vari-
                 ables that are unset or null. (See the Base Definitions  vol-
                 ume  of POSIX.1-2008, Section 8.2, Internationalization Vari-
                 ables for the precedence  of  internationalization  variables
                 used to determine the values of locale categories.)

       LC_ALL    If  set  to  a non-empty string value, override the values of
                 all the other internationalization variables.

                 Determine the  behavior  of  range  expressions,  equivalence
                 classes,  and  multi-character collating elements within pat-
                 tern matching.

       LC_CTYPE  Determine the locale for the interpretation of  sequences  of
                 bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as
                 opposed to  multi-byte  characters  in  arguments  and  input
                 files),  which  characters  are defined as letters (character
                 class alpha), and the behavior of  character  classes  within
                 pattern matching.

                 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format
                 and contents  of  diagnostic  messages  written  to  standard

       MAIL      Determine  a pathname of the user's mailbox file for purposes
                 of incoming mail notification. If this variable is  set,  the
                 shell shall inform the user if the file named by the variable
                 is created or if its modification time has changed. Informing
                 the user shall be accomplished by writing a string of unspec-
                 ified format to standard error prior to the  writing  of  the
                 next  primary  prompt  string.  Such check shall be performed
                 only after the completion of  the  interval  defined  by  the
                 MAILCHECK  variable after the last such check. The user shall
                 be informed only if MAIL is set and MAILPATH is not set.

                 Establish a decimal integer value that  specifies  how  often
                 (in seconds) the shell shall check for the arrival of mail in
                 the files specified by the MAILPATH or  MAIL  variables.  The
                 default value shall be 600 seconds. If set to zero, the shell
                 shall check before issuing each primary prompt.

       MAILPATH  Provide a list of pathnames and optional  messages  separated
                 by  <colon>  characters.  If  this variable is set, the shell
                 shall inform the user if any of the files named by the  vari-
                 able  are  created  or  if  any  of  their modification times
                 change. (See the preceding entry for MAIL for descriptions of
                 mail  arrival  and user informing.) Each pathname can be fol-
                 lowed by '%' and a string that shall be subjected to  parame-
                 ter  expansion and written to standard error when the modifi-
                 cation time changes. If a '%' character in  the  pathname  is
                 preceded  by  a <backslash>, it shall be treated as a literal
                 '%' in the pathname. The default message is unspecified.

                 The MAILPATH environment variable takes precedence  over  the
                 MAIL variable.

       NLSPATH   Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing
                 of LC_MESSAGES.

       PATH      Establish a string formatted as described in the Base Defini-
                 tions  volume  of  POSIX.1-2008, Chapter 8, Environment Vari-
                 ables, used to effect  command  interpretation;  see  Section
       , Command Search and Execution.

       PWD       This  variable  shall  represent  an absolute pathname of the
                 current working directory. Assignments to this  variable  may
                 be ignored.

       The sh utility shall take the standard action for all signals (see Sec-
       tion 1.4, Utility Description Defaults) with the following exceptions.

       If the shell is interactive, SIGINT  signals  received  during  command
       line editing shall be handled as described in the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION,
       and SIGINT signals received at other  times  shall  be  caught  but  no
       action performed.

       If the shell is interactive:

        *  SIGQUIT and SIGTERM signals shall be ignored.

        *  If  the  -m option is in effect, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, and SIGTSTP sig-
           nals shall be ignored.

        *  If the -m option is not in effect, it is unspecified whether  SIGT-
           TIN,  SIGTTOU,  and SIGTSTP signals are ignored, set to the default
           action, or caught.  If they are caught, the  shell  shall,  in  the
           signal-catching  function, set the signal to the default action and
           raise the signal (after  taking  any  appropriate  steps,  such  as
           restoring terminal settings).

       The  standard  actions, and the actions described above for interactive
       shells, can be overridden by use of the trap special  built-in  utility
       (see trap and Section 2.11, Signals and Error Handling).

       See the STDERR section.

       Except  as  otherwise stated (by the descriptions of any invoked utili-
       ties or in interactive mode), standard error shall  be  used  only  for
       diagnostic messages.


       See  Chapter 2, Shell Command Language.  The functionality described in
       the rest of the EXTENDED  DESCRIPTION  section  shall  be  provided  on
       implementations that support the User Portability Utilities option (and
       the rest of this section is not further shaded for this option).

   Command History List
       When the sh utility is being used interactively, it  shall  maintain  a
       list of commands previously entered from the terminal in the file named
       by the HISTFILE environment variable. The type, size, and internal for-
       mat  of  this  file  are  unspecified.  Multiple sh processes can share
       access to the file for a user, if file access permissions  allow  this;
       see the description of the HISTFILE environment variable.

   Command Line Editing
       When  sh  is being used interactively from a terminal, the current com-
       mand and the command history (see fc) can be edited using vi-mode  com-
       mand line editing. This mode uses commands, described below, similar to
       a subset of those described in  the  vi  utility.  Implementations  may
       offer  other  command line editing modes corresponding to other editing

       The command set -o vi shall enable vi-mode editing and place sh into vi
       insert  mode  (see  Command Line Editing (vi-mode)).  This command also
       shall disable any other editing mode that the implementation  may  pro-
       vide. The command set +o vi disables vi-mode editing.

       Certain  block-mode  terminals  may  be unable to support shell command
       line editing. If a terminal is unable to provide either edit  mode,  it
       need  not  be possible to set -o vi when using the shell on this termi-

       In the following sections, the characters erase, interrupt,  kill,  and
       end-of-file are those set by the stty utility.

   Command Line Editing (vi-mode)
       In vi editing mode, there shall be a distinguished line, the edit line.
       All the editing operations which modify a line affect  the  edit  line.
       The edit line is always the newest line in the command history buffer.

       With  vi-mode  enabled, sh can be switched between insert mode and com-
       mand mode.

       When in insert mode, an entered character shall be  inserted  into  the
       command  line,  except  as  noted in vi Line Editing Insert Mode.  Upon
       entering sh and after termination of the previous command, sh shall  be
       in insert mode.

       Typing  an  escape  character shall switch sh into command mode (see vi
       Line Editing Command Mode).  In  command  mode,  an  entered  character
       shall  either  invoke  a defined operation, be used as part of a multi-
       character operation, or be treated as an error. A character that is not
       recognized  as  part of an editing command shall terminate any specific
       editing command and shall alert the terminal. If sh receives  a  SIGINT
       signal in command mode (whether generated by typing the interrupt char-
       acter or by other means), it shall terminate command  line  editing  on
       the  current  command  line, reissue the prompt on the next line of the
       terminal, and reset the command history  (see  fc)  so  that  the  most
       recently executed command is the previous command (that is, the command
       that was being edited when it was interrupted is  not  re-entered  into
       the history).

       In  the  following sections, the phrase ``move the cursor to the begin-
       ning of the word'' shall mean ``move the cursor to the first  character
       of  the  current  word'' and the phrase ``move the cursor to the end of
       the word'' shall mean ``move the cursor to the last  character  of  the
       current  word''. The phrase ``beginning of the command line'' indicates
       the point between the end of the prompt string issued by the shell  (or
       the  beginning  of the terminal line, if there is no prompt string) and
       the first character of the command text.

   vi Line Editing Insert Mode
       While in insert mode, any character typed shall be inserted in the cur-
       rent command line, unless it is from the following set.

       <newline> Execute the current command line. If the current command line
                 is not empty, this line shall be  entered  into  the  command
                 history (see fc).

       erase     Delete  the character previous to the current cursor position
                 and move the current cursor position back one  character.  In
                 insert  mode, characters shall be erased from both the screen
                 and the buffer when backspacing.

       interrupt If sh receives a SIGINT signal in insert mode (whether gener-
                 ated by typing the interrupt character or by other means), it
                 shall terminate command line editing with the same effects as
                 described  for  interrupting  command  mode; see Command Line
                 Editing (vi-mode).

       kill      Clear all the characters from the input line.

                 Insert the next character input, even  if  the  character  is
                 otherwise a special insert mode character.

                 Delete  the  characters  from the one preceding the cursor to
                 the preceding word boundary. The word boundary in  this  case
                 is  the  closer  to the cursor of either the beginning of the
                 line or a character that is in neither the  blank  nor  punct
                 character classification of the current locale.

                 Interpreted  as  the end of input in sh.  This interpretation
                 shall occur only at the beginning of an input line.  If  end-
                 of-file  is  entered other than at the beginning of the line,
                 the results are unspecified.

       <ESC>     Place sh into command mode.

   vi Line Editing Command Mode
       In command mode for the command line editing  feature,  decimal  digits
       not beginning with 0 that precede a command letter shall be remembered.
       Some commands use these decimal digits as a count number  that  affects
       the operation.

       The term motion command represents one of the commands:

           <space>  0  b  F  l  W  ^  $  ;  E  f  T  w  |  ,  B  e  h  t

       If the current line is not the edit line, any command that modifies the
       current line shall cause the content of the current line to replace the
       content  of  the  edit line, and the current line shall become the edit
       line. This replacement cannot be undone  (see  the  u  and  U  commands
       below).  The modification requested shall then be performed to the edit
       line. When the current line is the edit line, the modification shall be
       done directly to the edit line.

       Any  command  that is preceded by count shall take a count (the numeric
       value of any preceding decimal digits). Unless  otherwise  noted,  this
       count  shall  cause  the specified operation to repeat by the number of
       times specified by the count.  Also unless  otherwise  noted,  a  count
       that  is  out of range is considered an error condition and shall alert
       the terminal, but neither the cursor position, nor  the  command  line,
       shall change.

       The  terms  word and bigword are used as defined in the vi description.
       The term save buffer corresponds to the term unnamed buffer in vi.

       The following commands shall be recognized in command mode:

       <newline> Execute the current command line. If the current command line
                 is  not  empty,  this  line shall be entered into the command
                 history (see fc).

                 Redraw the current command line. Position the cursor  at  the
                 same location on the redrawn line.

       #         Insert the character '#' at the beginning of the current com-
                 mand line and treat the resulting edit  line  as  a  comment.
                 This line shall be entered into the command history; see fc.

       =         Display  the possible shell word expansions (see Section 2.6,
                 Word Expansions) of the bigword at the current  command  line

                 Note:     This  does  not  modify  the content of the current
                           line, and therefore does not cause the current line
                           to become the edit line.

                 These  expansions  shall  be displayed on subsequent terminal
                 lines. If the bigword contains none of  the  characters  '?',
                 '*',  or '[', an <asterisk> ('*') shall be implicitly assumed
                 at the end. If any directories are matched, these  expansions
                 shall have a '/' character appended. After the expansion, the
                 line shall be redrawn, the cursor repositioned at the current
                 cursor position, and sh shall be placed in command mode.

       \         Perform  pathname  expansion  (see  Section  2.6.6,  Pathname
                 Expansion) on the current bigword, up to the largest  set  of
                 characters  that can be matched uniquely. If the bigword con-
                 tains none of the characters '?', '*', or '[', an  <asterisk>
                 ('*')  shall  be  implicitly assumed at the end. This maximal
                 expansion then shall replace the original bigword in the com-
                 mand  line,  and the cursor shall be placed after this expan-
                 sion.  If  the  resulting  bigword  completely  and  uniquely
                 matches  a  directory,  a  '/'  character  shall  be inserted
                 directly after the bigword. If some other file is  completely
                 matched,  a  single  <space> shall be inserted after the big-
                 word. After this operation, sh  shall  be  placed  in  insert

       *         Perform  pathname expansion on the current bigword and insert
                 all expansions into the command to replace the  current  big-
                 word,  with each expansion separated by a single <space>.  If
                 at the end of the line, the current cursor position shall  be
                 moved  to  the first column position following the expansions
                 and sh shall be placed in insert mode. Otherwise, the current
                 cursor  position  shall  be  the  last column position of the
                 first character after the expansions and sh shall  be  placed
                 in  insert  mode. If the current bigword contains none of the
                 characters '?', '*', or '[', before the operation, an <aster-
                 isk> ('*') shall be implicitly assumed at the end.

       @letter   Insert the value of the alias named _letter.  The symbol let-
                 ter represents a single alphabetic character from the  porta-
                 ble  character  set;  implementations  may support additional
                 characters as an extension. If  the  alias  _letter  contains
                 other  editing commands, these commands shall be performed as
                 part of the insertion. If no alias _letter is  enabled,  this
                 command shall have no effect.

       [count]~  Convert,  if  the current character is a lowercase letter, to
                 the equivalent uppercase letter and vice versa, as prescribed
                 by the current locale. The current cursor position then shall
                 be advanced by one character. If the cursor was positioned on
                 the  last  character  of  the line, the case conversion shall
                 occur, but the cursor shall not advance. If the  '~'  command
                 is  preceded  by  a count, that number of characters shall be
                 converted, and the cursor shall be advanced to the  character
                 position after the last character converted.  If the count is
                 larger than the number of characters after the  cursor,  this
                 shall not be considered an error; the cursor shall advance to
                 the last character on the line.

       [count].  Repeat the most recent non-motion command,  even  if  it  was
                 executed  on an earlier command line. If the previous command
                 was preceded by a count, and no count is  given  on  the  '.'
                 command,  the  count  from  the  previous  command  shall  be
                 included as part of the repeated command. If the '.'  command
                 is  preceded  by a count, this shall override any count argu-
                 ment to the previous command. The count specified in the  '.'
                 command  shall  become the count for subsequent '.'  commands
                 issued without a count.

       [number]v Invoke the vi editor to edit the current command  line  in  a
                 temporary  file.  When  the editor exits, the commands in the
                 temporary file shall be executed and placed  in  the  command
                 history.  If  a  number is included, it specifies the command
                 number in the command history to be edited, rather  than  the
                 current command line.

       [count]l   (ell)

                 Move  the current cursor position to the next character posi-
                 tion. If the cursor was positioned on the last  character  of
                 the  line, the terminal shall be alerted and the cursor shall
                 not be advanced. If the count is larger than  the  number  of
                 characters  after the cursor, this shall not be considered an
                 error; the cursor shall advance to the last character on  the

       [count]h  Move  the  current cursor position to the countth (default 1)
                 previous character position. If the cursor was positioned  on
                 the  first  character  of  the  line,  the  terminal shall be
                 alerted and the cursor shall not be moved. If  the  count  is
                 larger  than the number of characters before the cursor, this
                 shall not be considered an error; the cursor  shall  move  to
                 the first character on the line.

       [count]w  Move  to  the start of the next word. If the cursor was posi-
                 tioned on the last character of the line, the terminal  shall
                 be alerted and the cursor shall not be advanced. If the count
                 is larger than the number of words  after  the  cursor,  this
                 shall not be considered an error; the cursor shall advance to
                 the last character on the line.

       [count]W  Move to the start of the next  bigword.  If  the  cursor  was
                 positioned  on  the  last character of the line, the terminal
                 shall be alerted and the cursor shall not be advanced. If the
                 count is larger than the number of bigwords after the cursor,
                 this shall not be  considered  an  error;  the  cursor  shall
                 advance to the last character on the line.

       [count]e  Move to the end of the current word. If at the end of a word,
                 move to the end of the next word. If  the  cursor  was  posi-
                 tioned  on the last character of the line, the terminal shall
                 be alerted and the cursor shall not be advanced. If the count
                 is  larger  than  the  number of words after the cursor, this
                 shall not be considered an error; the cursor shall advance to
                 the last character on the line.

       [count]E  Move  to  the  end of the current bigword. If at the end of a
                 bigword, move to the end of the next bigword. If  the  cursor
                 was  positioned on the last character of the line, the termi-
                 nal shall be alerted and the cursor shall not be advanced. If
                 the  count  is  larger  than the number of bigwords after the
                 cursor, this shall not be considered  an  error;  the  cursor
                 shall advance to the last character on the line.

       [count]b  Move  to  the beginning of the current word. If at the begin-
                 ning of a word, move to the beginning of the  previous  word.
                 If  the  cursor  was positioned on the first character of the
                 line, the terminal shall be alerted and the cursor shall  not
                 be  moved.  If  the  count is larger than the number of words
                 preceding the cursor, this shall not be considered an  error;
                 the cursor shall return to the first character on the line.

       [count]B  Move  to  the  beginning  of  the  current bigword. If at the
                 beginning of a bigword, move to the beginning of the previous
                 bigword.  If the cursor was positioned on the first character
                 of the line, the terminal shall be  alerted  and  the  cursor
                 shall not be moved. If the count is larger than the number of
                 bigwords preceding the cursor, this shall not  be  considered
                 an  error;  the cursor shall return to the first character on
                 the line.

       ^         Move the current cursor position to the  first  character  on
                 the input line that is not a <blank>.

       $         Move  to  the  last character position on the current command

       0         (Zero.) Move to the first character position on  the  current
                 command line.

       [count]|  Move to the countth character position on the current command
                 line. If no number is specified, move to the first  position.
                 The  first  character  position  shall  be numbered 1. If the
                 count is larger than the number of characters  on  the  line,
                 this  shall  not  be considered an error; the cursor shall be
                 placed on the last character on the line.

       [count]fc Move to the first occurrence of the character 'c' that occurs
                 after  the  current  cursor position. If the cursor was posi-
                 tioned on the last character of the line, the terminal  shall
                 be alerted and the cursor shall not be advanced. If the char-
                 acter 'c' does not occur in the line after the current cursor
                 position,  the terminal shall be alerted and the cursor shall
                 not be moved.

       [count]Fc Move to the first occurrence of the character 'c' that occurs
                 before  the  current cursor position. If the cursor was posi-
                 tioned on the first character of the line, the terminal shall
                 be  alerted and the cursor shall not be moved. If the charac-
                 ter 'c' does not occur in the line before the current  cursor
                 position,  the terminal shall be alerted and the cursor shall
                 not be moved.

       [count]tc Move to the character before  the  first  occurrence  of  the
                 character  'c' that occurs after the current cursor position.
                 If the cursor was positioned on the  last  character  of  the
                 line,  the terminal shall be alerted and the cursor shall not
                 be advanced. If the character 'c' does not occur in the  line
                 after  the  current  cursor  position,  the terminal shall be
                 alerted and the cursor shall not be moved.

       [count]Tc Move to the character after the first occurrence of the char-
                 acter  'c' that occurs before the current cursor position. If
                 the cursor was positioned on the first character of the line,
                 the  terminal  shall  be  alerted and the cursor shall not be
                 moved. If the character 'c' does not occur in the line before
                 the  current  cursor  position, the terminal shall be alerted
                 and the cursor shall not be moved.

       [count];  Repeat the most recent f, F, t,  or  T  command.  Any  number
                 argument  on  that  previous command shall be ignored. Errors
                 are those described for the repeated command.

       [count],  Repeat the most recent f, F, t,  or  T  command.  Any  number
                 argument  on that previous command shall be ignored. However,
                 reverse the direction of that command.

       a         Enter insert mode after the current cursor position.  Charac-
                 ters that are entered shall be inserted before the next char-

       A         Enter insert mode after the end of the current command line.

       i         Enter insert mode at the current cursor position.  Characters
                 that are entered shall be inserted before the current charac-

       I         Enter insert mode at the beginning  of  the  current  command

       R         Enter insert mode, replacing characters from the command line
                 beginning at the current cursor position.

                 Delete the characters between the current cursor position and
                 the  cursor  position  that  would  result from the specified
                 motion command. Then enter insert mode before the first char-
                 acter  following  any  deleted characters. If count is speci-
                 fied, it shall be applied to  the  motion  command.  A  count
                 shall be ignored for the following motion commands:

                     0    ^    $    c

                 If  the motion command is the character 'c', the current com-
                 mand line shall be cleared and insert mode shall be  entered.
                 If  the motion command would move the current cursor position
                 toward the beginning of the command line, the character under
                 the  current  cursor  position  shall  not be deleted. If the
                 motion command would move the current cursor position  toward
                 the  end of the command line, the character under the current
                 cursor position shall be deleted.  If  the  count  is  larger
                 than  the  number  of  characters  between the current cursor
                 position and the end of the command  line  toward  which  the
                 motion  command would move the cursor, this shall not be con-
                 sidered an error; all of  the  remaining  characters  in  the
                 aforementioned  range  shall be deleted and insert mode shall
                 be entered. If the motion command is  invalid,  the  terminal
                 shall  be alerted, the cursor shall not be moved, and no text
                 shall be deleted.

       C         Delete from the current character to the end of the line  and
                 enter insert mode at the new end-of-line.

       S         Clear the entire edit line and enter insert mode.

       [count]rc Replace the current character with the character 'c'.  With a
                 number count, replace the current and the  following  count-1
                 characters.  After  this command, the current cursor position
                 shall be on the last character that was changed. If the count
                 is  larger  than  the  number of characters after the cursor,
                 this shall not be considered an error; all of  the  remaining
                 characters shall be changed.

       [count]_  Append  a  <space>  after  the current character position and
                 then append the last bigword in the previous input line after
                 the <space>.  Then enter insert mode after the last character
                 just appended. With a number count, append the  countth  big-
                 word in the previous line.

       [count]x  Delete the character at the current cursor position and place
                 the deleted characters in the save buffer. If the cursor  was
                 positioned  on  the last character of the line, the character
                 shall be deleted and the cursor position shall  be  moved  to
                 the previous character (the new last character). If the count
                 is larger than the number of  characters  after  the  cursor,
                 this  shall  not  be  considered an error; all the characters
                 from the cursor to the end of the line shall be deleted.

       [count]X  Delete the character before the current cursor  position  and
                 place  the deleted characters in the save buffer. The charac-
                 ter under the current cursor position shall  not  change.  If
                 the cursor was positioned on the first character of the line,
                 the terminal shall be alerted, and the X command  shall  have
                 no  effect.  If  the line contained a single character, the X
                 command shall have no effect. If the line contained no  char-
                 acters,  the  terminal  shall be alerted and the cursor shall
                 not be moved. If the count is larger than the number of char-
                 acters  before  the  cursor,  this shall not be considered an
                 error; all the characters  from  before  the  cursor  to  the
                 beginning of the line shall be deleted.

                 Delete the characters between the current cursor position and
                 the character position that would result from the motion com-
                 mand.  A number count repeats the motion command count times.
                 If the motion command would move toward the beginning of  the
                 command line, the character under the current cursor position
                 shall not be deleted. If the motion command is d, the  entire
                 current command line shall be cleared. If the count is larger
                 than the number of  characters  between  the  current  cursor
                 position  and  the  end  of the command line toward which the
                 motion command would move the cursor, this shall not be  con-
                 sidered  an  error;  all  of  the remaining characters in the
                 aforementioned range shall be deleted. The deleted characters
                 shall be placed in the save buffer.

       D         Delete all characters from the current cursor position to the
                 end of the line. The deleted characters shall  be  placed  in
                 the save buffer.

                 Yank  (that  is, copy) the characters from the current cursor
                 position to the position resulting from  the  motion  command
                 into  the save buffer. A number count shall be applied to the
                 motion command. If the motion command would move  toward  the
                 beginning  of  the command line, the character under the cur-
                 rent cursor position shall not be  included  in  the  set  of
                 yanked  characters.  If  the  motion command is y, the entire
                 current command line shall be yanked into  the  save  buffer.
                 The  current cursor position shall be unchanged. If the count
                 is larger than the number of characters between  the  current
                 cursor  position and the end of the command line toward which
                 the motion command would move the cursor, this shall  not  be
                 considered  an  error; all of the remaining characters in the
                 aforementioned range shall be yanked.

       Y         Yank the characters from the current cursor position  to  the
                 end  of  the line into the save buffer. The current character
                 position shall be unchanged.

       [count]p  Put a copy of the current contents of the save  buffer  after
                 the  current  cursor  position.  The  current cursor position
                 shall be advanced to the last character  put  from  the  save
                 buffer.  A  count  shall indicate how many copies of the save
                 buffer shall be put.

       [count]P  Put a copy of the current contents of the save buffer  before
                 the  current  cursor  position.  The  current cursor position
                 shall be moved to the last character put from the  save  buf-
                 fer.  A count shall indicate how many copies of the save buf-
                 fer shall be put.

       u         Undo the last command that changed the edit line. This opera-
                 tion  shall not undo the copy of any command line to the edit

       U         Undo all changes made to the edit line. This operation  shall
                 not undo the copy of any command line to the edit line.


       [count]-  Set  the current command line to be the countth previous com-
                 mand line in the shell command history. If count is not spec-
                 ified,  it shall default to 1. The cursor shall be positioned
                 on the first character of the new command. If a k or  -  com-
                 mand  would  retreat  past  the maximum number of commands in
                 effect for this shell (affected by the  HISTSIZE  environment
                 variable),  the  terminal  shall  be alerted, and the command
                 shall have no effect.


       [count]+  Set the current command line to be the countth  next  command
                 line in the shell command history. If count is not specified,
                 it shall default to 1. The cursor shall be positioned on  the
                 first  character  of  the  new  command.  If a j or + command
                 advances past the edit line, the current command  line  shall
                 be  restored  to  the  edit  line  and  the terminal shall be

       [number]G Set the current command line to be the  oldest  command  line
                 stored  in  the  shell command history. With a number number,
                 set the current command line to be the command line number in
                 the  history. If command line number does not exist, the ter-
                 minal shall be alerted and the  command  line  shall  not  be

                 Move backwards through the command history, searching for the
                 specified pattern, beginning with the previous command  line.
                 Patterns  use the pattern matching notation described in Sec-
                 tion 2.13, Pattern Matching Notation,  except  that  the  '^'
                 character  shall  have special meaning when it appears as the
                 first character of pattern.  In this case, the  '^'  is  dis-
                 carded and the characters after the '^' shall be matched only
                 at the beginning of a line. Commands in the  command  history
                 shall be treated as strings, not as filenames. If the pattern
                 is not found, the current command line shall be unchanged and
                 the  terminal  is alerted. If it is found in a previous line,
                 the current command line shall be set to that  line  and  the
                 cursor shall be set to the first character of the new command

                 If pattern is empty, the last non-empty pattern provided to /
                 or  ?   shall be used. If there is no previous non-empty pat-
                 tern, the terminal shall be alerted and the  current  command
                 line shall remain unchanged.

                 Move  forwards through the command history, searching for the
                 specified pattern, beginning with the next command line. Pat-
                 terns  use the pattern matching notation described in Section
                 2.13, Pattern Matching Notation, except that the '^'  charac-
                 ter  shall  have special meaning when it appears as the first
                 character of pattern.  In this case, the '^' is discarded and
                 the  characters  after  the  '^' shall be matched only at the
                 beginning of a line. Commands in the command history shall be
                 treated  as  strings, not as filenames. If the pattern is not
                 found, the current command line shall be  unchanged  and  the
                 terminal  alerted.  If  it  is found in a following line, the
                 current command line shall be set to that line and the cursor
                 shall be set to the fist character of the new command line.

                 If pattern is empty, the last non-empty pattern provided to /
                 or ?  shall be used. If there is no previous  non-empty  pat-
                 tern,  the  terminal shall be alerted and the current command
                 line shall remain unchanged.

       n         Repeat the most recent / or ?  command. If there is no previ-
                 ous  /  or  ?,  the terminal shall be alerted and the current
                 command line shall remain unchanged.

       N         Repeat the most recent / or ?  command, reversing the  direc-
                 tion  of the search. If there is no previous / or ?, the ter-
                 minal shall be alerted and the  current  command  line  shall
                 remain unchanged.

       The following exit values shall be returned:

           0   The  script  to  be  executed  consisted solely of zero or more
               blank lines or comments, or both.

       1-125   A non-interactive shell  detected  an  error  other  than  com-
               mand_file not found, including but not limited to syntax, redi-
               rection, or variable assignment errors.

         127   A specified command_file could not be found by  a  non-interac-
               tive shell.

       Otherwise,  the  shell shall return the exit status of the last command
       it invoked or attempted to invoke (see also the exit utility in Section
       2.14, Special Built-In Utilities).

       See Section 2.8.1, Consequences of Shell Errors.

       The following sections are informative.

       Standard  input and standard error are the files that determine whether
       a shell is interactive when -i is not specified. For example:

           sh > file


           sh 2> file

       create interactive and non-interactive shells,  respectively.  Although
       both accept terminal input, the results of error conditions are differ-
       ent, as described in Section 2.8.1, Consequences of  Shell  Errors;  in
       the  second example a redirection error encountered by a special built-
       in utility aborts the shell.

       A conforming application must protect its first operand, if  it  starts
       with a <plus-sign>, by preceding it with the "--" argument that denotes
       the end of the options.

       Applications should note that the standard PATH to the shell cannot  be
       assumed  to  be either /bin/sh or /usr/bin/sh, and should be determined
       by interrogation of the PATH returned by getconf  PATH,  ensuring  that
       the returned pathname is an absolute pathname and not a shell built-in.

       For example, to determine the location of the standard sh utility:

           command -v sh

       On some implementations this might return:


       Furthermore,  on systems that support executable scripts (the "#!" con-
       struct), it is recommended that applications using  executable  scripts
       install  them  using  getconf  PATH to determine the shell pathname and
       update the "#!" script appropriately as  it  is  being  installed  (for
       example, with sed).  For example:

           # Installation time script to install correct POSIX shell pathname
           # Get list of paths to check
           set -- $(getconf PATH)
           if [ "$Sifs_set" = y ]
               unset IFS
           # Check each path for 'sh'
           for i
               if [ -x "${i}"/sh ]
           # This is the list of scripts to update. They should be of the
           # form '${name}.source' and will be transformed to '${name}'.
           # Each script should begin:
           scripts="a b c"
           # Transform each script
           for i in ${scripts}
               sed -e "s|INSTALLSHELLPATH|${Pshell}|" < ${i}.source > ${i}

        1. Execute a shell command from a string:

               sh -c "cat myfile"

        2. Execute a shell script from a file in the current directory:

               sh my_shell_cmds

       The  sh utility and the set special built-in utility share a common set
       of options.

       The name IFS was originally an abbreviation of  ``Input  Field  Separa-
       tors'';  however,  this  name  is  misleading as the IFS characters are
       actually used as field terminators. The KornShell ignores the  contents
       of  IFS  upon entry to the script. A conforming application cannot rely
       on importing IFS.  One justification for this, beyond security  consid-
       erations, is to assist possible future shell compilers. Allowing IFS to
       be imported from the environment prevents many optimizations that might
       otherwise be performed via dataflow analysis of the script itself.

       The  text  in  the  STDIN  section about non-blocking reads concerns an
       instance of sh that has been invoked, probably by a C-language program,
       with standard input that has been opened using the O_NONBLOCK flag; see
       open() in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1-2008.  If  the  shell
       did  not  reset  this  flag,  it would immediately terminate because no
       input data would be available yet and that would be considered the same
       as end-of-file.

       The  options  associated  with a restricted shell (command name rsh and
       the -r option) were excluded because the standard developers considered
       that  the  implied level of security could not be achieved and they did
       not want to raise false expectations.

       On systems that support set-user-ID scripts, a historical trapdoor  has
       been  to link a script to the name -i.  When it is called by a sequence
       such as:

           sh -

       or by:

           #! usr/bin/sh -

       the historical systems have assumed  that  no  option  letters  follow.
       Thus,  this  volume  of POSIX.1-2008 allows the single <hyphen> to mark
       the end of the options, in addition to the  use  of  the  regular  "--"
       argument, because it was considered that the older practice was so per-
       vasive. An alternative approach is taken by the KornShell,  where  real
       and  effective user/group IDs must match for an interactive shell; this
       behavior is specifically allowed by this volume of POSIX.1-2008.

       Note:     There are other problems with set-user-ID  scripts  that  the
                 two approaches described here do not resolve.

       The initialization process for the history file can be dependent on the
       system start-up files, in that they may contain  commands  that  effec-
       tively preempt the user's settings of HISTFILE and HISTSIZE.  For exam-
       ple, function definition commands are recorded  in  the  history  file,
       unless  the  set  -o  nolog  option is set. If the system administrator
       includes function definitions  in  some  system  start-up  file  called
       before  the  ENV  file, the history file is initialized before the user
       gets a chance to influence  its  characteristics.  In  some  historical
       shells,  the  history  file  is initialized just after the ENV file has
       been processed. Therefore, it is implementation-defined whether changes
       made to HISTFILE after the history file has been initialized are effec-

       The default messages for the various MAIL-related messages are unspeci-
       fied because they vary across implementations.  Typical messages are:

           "you have mail\n"


           "you have new mail\n"

       It  is important that the descriptions of command line editing refer to
       the same shell as that in POSIX.1-2008 so that  interactive  users  can
       also  be  application  programmers without having to deal with program-
       matic differences in their two environments. It is also essential  that
       the  utility name sh be specified because this explicit utility name is
       too firmly rooted in historical practice of application programs for it
       to change.

       Consideration was given to mandating a diagnostic message when attempt-
       ing to set vi-mode on terminals that do not support command line  edit-
       ing.  However,  it  is not historical practice for the shell to be cog-
       nizant of all terminal types and thus be able to  detect  inappropriate
       terminals in all cases.  Implementations are encouraged to supply diag-
       nostics in this case whenever possible, rather than leaving the user in
       a state where editing commands work incorrectly.

       In  early  proposals,  the KornShell-derived emacs mode of command line
       editing was included, even though the emacs editor itself was not.  The
       community  of  emacs  proponents was adamant that the full emacs editor
       not be standardized because they were  concerned  that  an  attempt  to
       standardize  this  very powerful environment would encourage vendors to
       ship strictly conforming versions lacking the extensibility required by
       the  community. The author of the original emacs program also expressed
       his desire to omit the program. Furthermore, there  were  a  number  of
       historical  systems  that did not include emacs, or included it without
       supporting it, but there were very few that did not include and support
       vi.   The  shell  emacs  command  line editing mode was finally omitted
       because it became apparent that the KornShell version  and  the  editor
       being  distributed  with  the GNU system had diverged in some respects.
       The author of emacs requested that  the  POSIX  emacs  mode  either  be
       deleted  or  have  a  significant  number  of  unspecified  conditions.
       Although the KornShell author agreed to consider changes to  bring  the
       shell into alignment, the standard developers decided to defer specifi-
       cation at that time. At the time, it was assumed that convergence on an
       acceptable  definition would occur for a subsequent draft, but that has
       not happened, and there appears to be no impetus to do so. In any case,
       implementations are free to offer additional command line editing modes
       based on the exact models of editors their users are  most  comfortable

       Early  proposals had the following list entry in vi Line Editing Insert

       \     If followed by the erase or kill character, that character  shall
             be  inserted  into  the  input  line.  Otherwise, the <backslash>
             itself shall be inserted into the input line.

       However, this is not actually a feature  of  sh  command  line  editing
       insert  mode,  but  one  of some historical terminal line drivers. Some
       conforming implementations continue to do this  when  the  stty  iexten
       flag is set.

       In  interactive shells, SIGTERM is ignored so that kill 0 does not kill
       the shell, and SIGINT is caught so that wait is interruptible.  If  the
       shell  does not ignore SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, and SIGTSTP signals when it is
       interactive and the -m option is not in effect, these  signals  suspend
       the shell if it is not a session leader. If it is a session leader, the
       signals are discarded if they would stop the process,  as  required  by
       the  System  Interfaces  volume  of POSIX.1-2008, Section 2.4.3, Signal
       Actions for orphaned process groups.


       Chapter 2, Shell Command Language, cd, echo, exit,  fc,  pwd,  invalid,
       set, stty, test, trap, umask, vi

       The  Base  Definitions  volume  of POSIX.1-2008, Chapter 8, Environment
       Variables, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines

       The System Interfaces volume  of  POSIX.1-2008,  dup(),  exec,  exit(),
       fork(), open(), pipe(), signal(), system(), ulimit(), umask(), wait()

       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 7, Copyright (C) 2013 by the Institute of Electri-
       cal  and  Electronics  Engineers,  Inc  and  The  Open Group.  (This is
       POSIX.1-2008 with the 2013 Technical Corrigendum  1  applied.)  In  the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group  Standard
       is  the  referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online
       at .

       Any typographical or formatting errors that appear  in  this  page  are
       most likely to have been introduced during the conversion of the source
       files to man page format. To report such errors,  see  https://www.ker- .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2013                               SH(1P)

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