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TIMERADD(3)                Linux Programmer's Manual               TIMERADD(3)

       timeradd,  timersub,  timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval opera-

       #include <sys/time.h>

       void timeradd(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b,
                     struct timeval *res);

       void timersub(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b,
                     struct timeval *res);

       void timerclear(struct timeval *tvp);

       int timerisset(struct timeval *tvp);

       int timercmp(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b, CMP);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

       All functions shown above: _BSD_SOURCE

       The macros are provided to operate on timeval  structures,  defined  in
       <sys/time.h> as:

           struct timeval {
               time_t      tv_sec;     /* seconds */
               suseconds_t tv_usec;    /* microseconds */

       timeradd()  adds  the time values in a and b, and places the sum in the
       timeval pointed  to  by  res.   The  result  is  normalized  such  that
       res->tv_usec has a value in the range 0 to 999,999.

       timersub()  subtracts the time value in b from the time value in a, and
       places the result in the timeval pointed to by res.  The result is nor-
       malized such that res->tv_usec has a value in the range 0 to 999,999.

       timerclear() zeros out the timeval structure pointed to by tvp, so that
       it represents the Epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).

       timerisset() returns true (nonzero) if  either  field  of  the  timeval
       structure pointed to by tvp contains a nonzero value.

       timercmp()  compares  the  timer values in a and b using the comparison
       operator CMP, and returns true (nonzero) or false (0) depending on  the
       result  of  the comparison.  Some systems (but not Linux/glibc), have a
       broken timercmp() implementation, in which CMP of >=, <=, and == do not
       work; portable applications can instead use

           !timercmp(..., <)
           !timercmp(..., >)
           !timercmp(..., !=)

       timerisset() and timercmp() return true (nonzero) or false (0).

       No errors are defined.

       Not in POSIX.1-2001.  Present on most BSD derivatives.

       gettimeofday(2), time(7)

       This  page  is  part of release 3.69 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
       description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
       latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

Linux                             2010-02-25                       TIMERADD(3)

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