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UUCP(1P)                   POSIX Programmer's Manual                  UUCP(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.

       uucp -- system-to-system copy

       uucp [-cCdfjmr] [-n user] source-file... destination-file

       The uucp utility shall copy files named by the source-file argument  to
       the  destination-file  argument.  The  files  named  can be on local or
       remote systems.

       The uucp utility cannot guarantee support for all  character  encodings
       in  all circumstances. For example, transmission data may be restricted
       to 7 bits by the underlying network, 8-bit data and filenames need  not
       be  portable  to  non-internationalized systems, and so on. Under these
       circumstances, it is recommended that only characters  defined  in  the
       ISO/IEC 646:1991  standard  International Reference Version (equivalent
       to ASCII) 7-bit range of characters be used, and that  only  characters
       defined  in  the  portable  filename  character  set be used for naming
       files.  The  protocol  for  transfer  of  files   is   unspecified   by

       Typical  implementations  of this utility require a communications line
       configured to use the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2008,  Chapter
       11,  General  Terminal Interface, but other communications means may be
       used. On systems where there  are  no  available  communications  means
       (either  temporarily or permanently), this utility shall write an error
       message describing the problem and exit with a non-zero exit status.

       The uucp utility shall  conform  to  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
       POSIX.1-2008, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

       The following options shall be supported:

       -c        Do not copy local file to the spool directory for transfer to
                 the remote machine (default).

       -C        Force the copy of local files  to  the  spool  directory  for

       -d        Make all necessary directories for the file copy (default).

       -f        Do not make intermediate directories for the file copy.

       -j        Write  the job identification string to standard output. This
                 job identification can be used by uustat to obtain the status
                 or terminate a job.

       -m        Send mail to the requester when the copy is completed.

       -n user   Notify user on the remote system that a file was sent.

       -r        Do not start the file transfer; just queue the job.

       The following operands shall be supported:

       destination-file, source-file
                 A  pathname of a file to be copied to, or from, respectively.
                 Either name can be a pathname on the local  machine,  or  can
                 have the form:


                 where  system-name  is taken from a list of system names that
                 uucp knows about.  The destination system-name can also be  a
                 list of names such as:


                 in  which  case,  an attempt is made to send the file via the
                 specified route to the destination. Care should be  taken  to
                 ensure  that  intermediate  nodes in the route are willing to
                 forward information.

                 The shell pattern matching notation characters '?', '*',  and
                 "[...]" appearing in pathname shall be expanded on the appro-
                 priate system.

                 Pathnames can be one of:

                  1. An absolute pathname.

                  2. A pathname preceded by ~user where user is a  login  name
                     on  the  specified  system and is replaced by that user's
                     login directory. Note that if an invalid login is  speci-
                     fied, the default is to the public directory (called PUB-
                     DIR; the actual location  of  PUBDIR  is  implementation-

                  3. A pathname preceded by ~/destination where destination is
                     appended to PUBDIR.

                     Note:     This  destination  is  treated  as  a  filename
                               unless  more than one file is being transferred
                               by this request or the destination is already a
                               directory.  To  ensure  that it is a directory,
                               follow the destination with a '/'.   For  exam-
                               ple, ~/dan/ as the destination makes the direc-
                               tory PUBDIR/dan if it does not exist  and  puts
                               the requested files in that directory.

                  4. Anything else shall be prefixed by the current directory.

                 If the result is an erroneous pathname for the remote system,
                 the copy shall fail. If the destination-file is a  directory,
                 the last part of the source-file name shall be used.

                 The  read,  write,  and execute permissions given by uucp are

       Not used.

       The files to be copied are regular files.

       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of uucp:

       LANG      Provide a default value for  the  internationalization  vari-
                 ables  that are unset or null. (See the Base Definitions vol-
                 ume of POSIX.1-2008, Section 8.2, Internationalization  Vari-
                 ables  for  the  precedence of internationalization variables
                 used to determine the values of locale categories.)

       LC_ALL    If set to a non-empty string value, override  the  values  of
                 all the other internationalization variables.

                 Determine  the locale for the behavior of ranges, equivalence
                 classes, and multi-character collating elements within brack-
                 eted filename patterns.

       LC_CTYPE  Determine  the  locale for the interpretation of sequences of
                 bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as
                 opposed  to  multi-byte  characters  in  arguments  and input
                 files) and the behavior of character classes within bracketed
                 filename patterns (for example, "'[[:lower:]]*'").

                 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format
                 and contents  of  diagnostic  messages  written  to  standard
                 error, and informative messages written to standard output.

       NLSPATH   Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing
                 of LC_MESSAGES.


       Not used.

       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.

       The output files (which may be on other  systems)  are  copies  of  the
       input files.

       If -m is used, mail files are modified.


       The following exit values shall be returned:

        0    Successful completion.

       >0    An error occurred.


       The following sections are informative.

       This  utility is part of the UUCP Utilities option and need not be sup-
       ported by all implementations.

       The domain of remotely accessible files can (and for  obvious  security
       reasons usually should) be severely restricted.

       Note  that the '!'  character in addresses has to be escaped when using
       csh as a command interpreter because of its history  substitution  syn-
       tax.  For ksh and sh the escape is not necessary, but may be used.

       As  noted  above,  shell  metacharacters  appearing  in  pathnames  are
       expanded on the appropriate system.  On  an  internationalized  system,
       this  is  done  under  the  control of local settings of LC_COLLATE and
       LC_CTYPE.  Thus, care should be taken  when  using  bracketed  filename
       patterns,  as  collation  and  typing rules may vary from one system to
       another. Also be aware that  certain  types  of  expression  (that  is,
       equivalence classes, character classes, and collating symbols) need not
       be supported on non-internationalized systems.




       mailx, uuencode, uustat, uux

       The Base Definitions volume of  POSIX.1-2008,  Chapter  8,  Environment
       Variables,  Chapter 11, General Terminal Interface, Section 12.2, Util-
       ity Syntax Guidelines

       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in  electronic  form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX),  The  Open  Group  Base
       Specifications Issue 7, Copyright (C) 2013 by the Institute of Electri-
       cal and Electronics Engineers,  Inc  and  The  Open  Group.   (This  is
       POSIX.1-2008  with  the  2013  Technical Corrigendum 1 applied.) In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at .

       Any  typographical  or  formatting  errors that appear in this page are
       most likely to have been introduced during the conversion of the source
       files  to  man page format. To report such errors, see https://www.ker- .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2013                             UUCP(1P)

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