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perlcritic (1)
Command-line interface to critique Perl source.
App::Cpan (3)
easily interact with CPAN from the command line
App::Cpan (3pm)
easily interact with CPAN from the command line
Getopt::Long (3)
Extended processing of command line options
Getopt::Long (3pm)
Extended processing of command line options
alsaloop (1)
command-line PCM loopback
amixer (1)
command-line mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
aplay (1)
command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA soundc...
arecord (1)
command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA soundc...
blockdev (8)
call block device ioctls from the command line
check-regexp (1)
test regular expressions from the command line
cmdline (n)
Procedures to process command lines and options.
cpan (1)
easily interact with CPAN from the command line
csh (1)
C shell with file name completion and command line edi...
dbiprof (1)
command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
Devel::Autoflush (3pm)
Set autoflush from the command line
drm_mode_create_from_cmdline_mode (9)
convert a command line modeline into ...
drm_mode_parse_command_line_for_conne... (9)
parse command line modeline fo...
efikeygen (1)
command line tool for generating keys to use for PE im...
getopt (3)
Parse command-line options
getopt_long (3)
Parse command-line options
getopt_long_only (3)
Parse command-line options
gitcli (7)
Git command-line interface and conventions
gnome-options (7)
Standard Command Line Options for GNOME 2 Programs
hp-health (4)
HP Advanced System Health Application & Command-line U...
ibus (1)
command line utility for ibus
isql (1)
unixODBC command-line interactive SQL tool
jrunscript (1)
Runs a command-line script shell that supports interac...
jrunscript-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
command line script shell
jrunscript-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Runs a command-line script shell that sup...
kernel-command-line (7)
Kernel command line parameters
lwp-request (1)
Simple command line user agent
mariadb (1)
the MariaDB command-line tool (mysql is now a symlink ...
mariadb-embedded (1)
the MariaDB command-line tool (mysql is now a symlink ...
mc-tool (1)
manipulate Mission Control accounts from the command line
mysql (1)
the MariaDB command-line tool (mysql is now a symlink ...
mysql_embedded (1)
the MariaDB command-line tool (mysql is now a symlink ...
openssl (1osslssl-3)
OpenSSL command line program
optarg (3)
Parse command-line options
opterr (3)
Parse command-line options
optind (3)
Parse command-line options
optopt (3)
Parse command-line options
pesign (1)
command line tool for signing UEFI applications
pesign-client (1)
command line tool for signing UEFI applications
phar (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar.phar (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
php (1)
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
podspell (1)
pod spell checking command line interface
popt (3)
Parse command line options
pulse-cli-syntax (5)
PulseAudio Command Line Interface Syntax
qcatool2 (1)
command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
sabcmd (1)
a command line interface to Sablotron XSLT processor
sgdisk (8)
Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator fo...
sm (1)
Command-line interface to the INN storage manager
speaker-test (1)
command-line speaker test tone generator for ALSA
sqlite (1)
A command line interface for SQLite
sqlite3 (1)
A command line interface for SQLite version 3
sqlsharp (1)
Mono SQL Query command-line tool
ssconvert (1)
a command line spreadsheet format converter
SSL_CONF_cmd_argv (3osslssl-3)
SSL configuration command line processing
svn (1)
Subversion command line client tool
synctex (1)
command line client tool to support the Synchronize Te...
tcsh (1)
C shell with file name completion and command line edi...
Tk_ParseArgv (3)
process command-line options
udisks (1)
udisks command line tool
udisksctl (1)
The udisks command line tool
upower (1)
UPower command line tool
wpa_cli (8)
WPA command line client
xargs (1)
build and execute command lines from standard input
xclip (1)
command line interface to X selections (clipboard)
xdg-desktop-icon (1)
command line tool for (un)installing icons to the desktop
xdg-desktop-menu (1)
command line tool for (un)installing desktop menu items
xdg-email (1)
command line tool for sending mail using the user's pr...
xdg-icon-resource (1)
command line tool for (un)installing icon resources
xdg-mime (1)
command line tool for querying information about file ...
xdg-screensaver (1)
command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xfconf-query (1)
Command line utility for xfconf system
xmlcatalog (1)
Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML ...
xmllint (1)
command line XML tool
xmlstarlet (1)
command line XML/XSLT toolkit
xmms2 (1)
offers a simple command-line interface to the XMMS2 da...
xrandr (1)
primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xsltproc (1)
command line XSLT processor
zshzle (1)
zsh command line editor
zypper (8)
Command-line interface to ZYpp system management libra...
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