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Errno (3)
System errno constants
XML::LibXML::ErrNo (3)
Structured Errors
XML::LibXML::ErrNo (3pm)
Structured Errors This module is based on xmlerror...
clnt_perrno (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrno (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
get errno number from last connect failure
errno (3)
number of last error
errno (3p)
error return value
errno.h (0p)
system error numbers
gnutls_transport_set_errno (3)
API function
gnutls_transport_set_errno_function (3)
API function
h_errno (3)
get network host entry
journal_errno (9)
returns the journal's error state.
ld_errno (3)
LDAP protocol error handling routines
libssh2_session_last_errno (3)
get the most recent error number
pcap_strerror (3pcap)
convert an errno value to a string
Tcl_ErrnoId (3)
manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_ErrnoMsg (3)
manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_GetErrno (3)
manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_SetErrno (3)
manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
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