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razor-check (1)
Razor Filtering Agent
Apache2::Filter (3)
Perl API for Apache 2.0 Filtering
Apache2::Filter (3pm)
Perl API for Apache 2.0 Filtering
Apache2::FilterRec (3)
Perl API for manipulating the Apache filter record
Apache2::FilterRec (3pm)
Perl API for manipulating the Apache filter record
Data::Printer::Filter (3)
Create powerful stand-alone filters for Data::Pri...
Data::Printer::Filter (3pm)
Create powerful stand-alone filters for Data::P...
Data::Printer::Filter::ContentType (3)
detect popular (binary) content in s...
Data::Printer::Filter::ContentType (3pm)
detect popular (binary) content in...
Data::Printer::Filter::DB (3)
pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx::...
Data::Printer::Filter::DB (3pm)
pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx...
Data::Printer::Filter::DateTime (3)
pretty-printing date and time objects (...
Data::Printer::Filter::DateTime (3pm)
pretty-printing date and time objects...
Data::Printer::Filter::Digest (3)
pretty-printing MD5, SHA and many other d...
Data::Printer::Filter::Digest (3pm)
pretty-printing MD5, SHA and many other...
Data::Printer::Filter::Web (3)
pretty-printing of HTTP/JSON/LWP/Plack/Dance...
Data::Printer::Filter::Web (3pm)
pretty-printing of HTTP/JSON/LWP/Plack/Dan...
HTML::Filter (3)
Filter HTML text through the parser
HTML::Filter (3pm)
Filter HTML text through the parser
Mail::Filter (3)
filter mail through multiple subroutines
Mail::Filter (3pm)
Filter mail through multiple subroutines
Test::Base::Filter (3)
Default Filter Class for Test::Base
Test::Base::Filter (3pm)
Default Filter Class for Test::Base
XML::SAX::Base (3)
Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::Base (3pm)
Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::BuildSAXBase (3)
Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::BuildSAXBase (3pm)
Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::BadVersion (3)
Plugin to filter out known bad...
Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::GoodVer... (3)
Plugin to filter known good ve...
archive_read_filter (3)
functions for reading streaming archives
archive_write_filter (3)
functions enabling output filters
bcomps (1)
biconnected components filter for graphs
bf_compact (1)
shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bf_copy (1)
shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bf_tar (1)
shell script to write a tar file of a bogofilter direc...
BIO_f_base64 (3osslssl-3)
base64 BIO filter
BIO_f_cipher (3osslssl-3)
cipher BIO filter
BIO_f_md (3osslssl-3)
message digest BIO filter
BIO_f_null (3osslssl-3)
null filter
BIO_f_prefix (3osslssl-3)
prefix BIO filter
BIO_get_cipher_ctx (3osslssl-3)
cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_cipher_status (3osslssl-3)
cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_indent (3osslssl-3)
prefix BIO filter
BIO_get_md (3osslssl-3)
message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_md_ctx (3osslssl-3)
message digest BIO filter
BIO_new_CMS (3osslssl-3)
CMS streaming filter BIO
BIO_set_cipher (3osslssl-3)
cipher BIO filter
BIO_set_indent (3osslssl-3)
prefix BIO filter
BIO_set_md (3osslssl-3)
message digest BIO filter
BIO_set_prefix (3osslssl-3)
prefix BIO filter
bogofilter (1)
fast Bayesian spam filter
bogotune (1)
find optimum parameter settings for bogofilter
bogoupgrade (1)
upgrades bogofilter database to current version
bogoutil (1)
Dumps, loads, and maintains bogofilter database files
bzless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
c++filt (1)
demangle C++ and Java symbols
ccomps (1)
connected components filter for graphs
circo (1)
filter for circular layout of graphs
col (1)
filter reverse line feeds from input
colcrt (1)
filter nroff output for CRT previewing
cupsfilter (8)
convert a file to another format using cups filters (d...
dansguardian (8)
web content filter
Data::Dump::Filtered (3pm)
Pretty printing with filtering
dbilogstrip (1)
filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
DBM_Filter (3)
- Filter DBM keys/values
DBM_Filter::compress (3)
filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::encode (3)
filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::int32 (3)
filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::null (3)
filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::utf8 (3)
filter for DBM_Filter
detex (1)
a filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file.
dftest (1)
Shows display filter byte-code, for debugging dfilter ...
dijkstra (1)
single-source distance filter
dot (1)
filter for drawing directed graphs
tc-ematch (8)
extended matches for use with "basic" or "flow" filters
enum_ieee80211_filter_flags (9)
hardware filter flags
extractres (1)
filter to extract resources from a PostScript document
FcPatternFilter (3)
Filter the objects of pattern
fdp (1)
filter for drawing undirected graphs
filter (3ncurses)
miscellaneous curses utility routines
filter (7)
cups file conversion filter interface
filter-a (8)
filter A in DNS responses when AAAA is present
filter-aaaa (8)
filter AAAA in DNS responses when A is present
Filter::Simple (3)
Simplified source filtering
Filter::Util::Call (3)
Perl Source Filter Utility Module
filter_sp (3ncurses)
curses screen-pointer extension
filterdiff (1)
extract or exclude diffs from a diff file
fixdlsrps (1)
filter to fix DviLaser/PS documents to work with PSUtils
fixfmps (1)
filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work
fixmacps (1)
filter to fix Macintosh documents with saner version o...
fixpsditps (1)
filter to fix Transcript psdit documents so PSUtils work
fixpspps (1)
filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so PSUtils work
fixscribeps (1)
filter to fix Scribe documents so PSUtils work
fixtpps (1)
filter to fix Tpscript documents to work with PSUtils
fixwfwps (1)
filter to fix Word for Windows documents so PSUtils work
fixwpps (1)
filter to fix WP documents so PSUtils work
fixwwps (1)
filter to fix Windows Write documents so PSUtils work
fold (1p)
filter for folding lines
foomatic-rip (1)
Universal print filter/RIP wrapper
funzip (1)
filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
gensprep (8)
compile StringPrep data from files filtered by filterR...
git-filter-branch (1)
Rewrite branches
glConvolutionFilter1D (3gl)
define a one-dimensional convolution filter
glConvolutionFilter2D (3gl)
define a two-dimensional convolution filter
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D (3gl)
copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolut...
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D (3gl)
copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolut...
glGetConvolutionFilter (3gl)
get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel
glGetSeparableFilter (3gl)
get separable convolution filter kernel images
glSeparableFilter2D (3gl)
define a separable two-dimensional convolution fi...
includeres (1)
filter to include resources in a PostScript document
ip6tables (8)
administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
iptables (8)
administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
Log::Log4perl::Filter (3)
Log4perl Custom Filter Base Class
Log::Log4perl::Filter::Boolean (3)
Special filter to combine the results of...
Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch (3)
Filter to match the log level exactly
Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange (3)
Filter for a range of log levels
Log::Log4perl::Filter::MDC (3)
Filter to match on values of a MDC key
Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch (3)
Filter on log message string
Mail::SpamAssassin::Pyzor (3)
Pyzor spam filtering in Perl
makedumpfile.conf (5)
The filter configuration file for makedumpfile(8).
more (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing
msgfilter (1)
edit translations of message catalog
neato (1)
filter for drawing undirected graphs
Net::LDAP::Filter (3pm)
representation of LDAP filters
Net::LDAP::FilterMatch (3pm)
LDAP entry matching
nl (1p)
line numbering filter
nofilter (3ncurses)
miscellaneous curses utility routines
nofilter_sp (3ncurses)
curses screen-pointer extension
opendkim (8)
DKIM signing and verifying filter for MTAs
opendkim-genkey (8)
DKIM filter key generation tool
opendkim-testkey (8)
DKIM filter installation test
opendmarc (8)
DMARC email policy filter for MTAs
osage (1)
filter for drawing clustered graphs
pam_filter (8)
PAM filter module
patchwork (1)
filter for drawing clustered graphs as treemaps
pcap-filter (7)
packet filter syntax
pcap_compile (3pcap)
compile a filter expression
pcap_offline_filter (3pcap)
check whether a filter matches a packet
pcap_open_dead (3pcap)
open a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening ...
pcap_setfilter (3pcap)
set the filter
perldbmfilter (1)
Perl DBM Filters
perlfilter (1)
Source Filters
pgmmedian (1)
apply a median filter to a PGM file
pnmnlfilt (1)
non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal e...
Pod::Parser (3)
base class for creating POD filters and translators
posix_trace_get_filter (3p)
retrieve and set the filter of an initialized t...
posix_trace_set_filter (3p)
set filter of an initialized trace stream (TRAC...
ppmrelief (1)
run a Laplacian relief filter on a PPM image
psmerge (1)
filter to merge several PostScript files into one
QwtPlotPrintFilter (3)
(unknown subject)
rps_may_expire_flow (9)
check whether an RFS hardware filter may be removed
SDL_GetEventFilter (3)
Retrieves a pointer to he event filter
SDL_SetEventFilter (3)
Sets up a filter to process all events before they a...
seccomp_arch_add (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_exist (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_native (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_remove (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_resolve_name (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_attr_get (3)
Manage the seccomp filter attributes
seccomp_attr_set (3)
Manage the seccomp filter attributes
seccomp_export_bpf (3)
Export the seccomp filter
seccomp_export_pfc (3)
Export the seccomp filter
seccomp_init (3)
Initialize the seccomp filter state
seccomp_load (3)
Load the current seccomp filter into the kernel
seccomp_merge (3)
Merge two seccomp filters
seccomp_release (3)
Release the seccomp filter state
seccomp_reset (3)
Initialize the seccomp filter state
seccomp_rule_add (3)
Add a seccomp filter rule
seccomp_rule_add_array (3)
Add a seccomp filter rule
seccomp_rule_add_exact (3)
Add a seccomp filter rule
seccomp_rule_add_exact_array (3)
Add a seccomp filter rule
seccomp_syscall_priority (3)
Prioritize syscalls in the seccomp filter
sed (1)
stream editor for filtering and transforming text
selinux_netfilter_context_path (3)
These functions return the paths to the ...
sfdp (1)
filter for drawing large undirected graphs
sk_attach_filter (9)
attach a socket filter
sk_chk_filter (9)
verify socket filter code
sk_filter (9)
run a packet through a socket filter
sk_filter_select_runtime (9)
select execution runtime for BPF program
sk_unattached_filter_create (9)
create an unattached filter
spamassassin (1)
extensible email filter used to identify spam
spamassassin-run (3)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (3pm)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (1)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spfmilter (8)
SPF mail filter module
svndumpfilter (1)
Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
tc-tbf (8)
Token Bucket Filter
Tcl_ObjectContextIsFiltering (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tk_RestrictEvents (3)
filter and selectively delay X events
tolocal (1)
Character set conversion filter
tred (1)
transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
twopi (1)
filter for radial layouts of graphs
uniq (1p)
report or filter out repeated lines in a file
vidwhacker (6x)
grab images and apply random filters to them
wireshark-filter (4)
Wireshark filter syntax and reference
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_iter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
XFilterEvent (3)
filter X events for an input method
y4munsharp (1)
Unsharp filter for YUV4MPEG2 streams
yuvmedianfilter (1)
A filter for yuv images produced by the mjpeg tools
yuvycsnoise (1)
Noise filter specialized for NTSC Y/C separation noise
zless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
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