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.k5login (5)
Kerberos V5 acl file for host access
Apache2::Log (3)
Perl API for Apache Logging Methods
Apache2::Log (3pm)
Perl API for Apache Logging Methods
Authen::SASL::Perl::LOGIN (3)
Login Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::LOGIN (3pm)
Login Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN (3)
Plain Login Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN (3pm)
Plain Login Authentication class
blogger (8)
writes messages to a running blogd process
DateTime::Locale::Catalog (3)
Provides a catalog of all valid locale names
DateTime::Locale::Catalog (3pm)
Provides a catalog of all valid locale names
DateTime::Locale::ksh (3)
Locale data examples for the Colognian (ksh) locale
DateTime::Locale::ksh (3pm)
Locale data examples for the Colognian (ksh) lo...
DateTime::Locale::ksh_DE (3)
Locale data examples for the Colognian Germany...
DateTime::Locale::ksh_DE (3pm)
Locale data examples for the Colognian Germa...
DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog (3)
Provides a list of all valid time zone names
DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog (3pm)
Provides a list of all valid time zone names
IPC::Run3::ProfLogReader (3)
read and process a ProfLogger file
IPC::Run3::ProfLogReader (3pm)
read and process a ProfLogger file
IPC::Run3::ProfLogger (3)
write profiling data to a log file
IPC::Run3::ProfLogger (3pm)
write profiling data to a log file
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::SyslogAppender (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::Syslog
logging (7)
Why, What & How We Log
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger (3)
SpamAssassin logging module
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger (3pm)
SpamAssassin logging module
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::File (3)
log to file
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::File (3pm)
log to file
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Stderr (3)
log to standard error
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Stderr (3pm)
log to standard error
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Syslog (3)
log to syslog
Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Syslog (3pm)
log to syslog
Net::Server::Log::Log::Log4perl (3)
log via Log4perl
Net::Server::Log::Log::Log4perl (3pm)
log via Log4perl
Net::Server::Log::Sys::Syslog (3)
log via Syslog
Net::Server::Log::Sys::Syslog (3pm)
log via Syslog
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Prohib... (3)
Avoid putting conditional logi...
Razor2::Syslog (3)
- Syslog support for Razor2
Razor2::Syslog (3pm)
- Syslog support for Razor2
scrollkeeper (7)
An open document cataloging and metadata management sy...
__audit_log_bprm_fcaps (9)
store information about a loading bprm and relev...
__audit_log_capset (9)
store information about the arguments to the capset ...
__bitmap_shift_left (9)
logical left shift of the bits in a bitmap
__bitmap_shift_right (9)
logical right shift of the bits in a bitmap
access.conf (5)
the login access control table file
Alien::Build::Log (3)
Alien::Build logging
Alien::Build::Log::Abbreviate (3)
Log class for Alien::Build which is less ...
Alien::Build::Log::Default (3)
Default Alien::Build log class
aria_dump_log (1)
Dump content of Aria log pages.
aria_read_log (1)
display Aria log file contents
audit_getloginuid (3)
Get a program's loginuid value
audit_log (9)
Log an audit record
audit_log_acct_message (3)
log a user account message
audit_log_end (9)
end one audit record
audit_log_format (9)
format a message into the audit buffer.
audit_log_secctx (9)
Converts and logs SELinux context
audit_log_semanage_message (3)
log a semanage message
audit_log_start (9)
obtain an audit buffer
audit_log_user_avc_message (3)
log a user avc message
audit_log_user_comm_message (3)
log a user message from a console app
audit_log_user_command (3)
log a user command
audit_log_user_message (3)
log a general user message
audit_set_backlog_limit (3)
Set the audit backlog limit
audit_set_loginuid (9)
set current task's audit_context loginuid
audit_setloginuid (3)
Set a program's loginuid value
aulastlog (8)
a program similar to lastlog
aureport (8)
a tool that produces summary reports of audit daemon logs
ausearch (8)
a tool to query audit daemon logs
bindtextdomain (3)
set directory containing message catalogs
blk_queue_logical_block_size (9)
set logical block size for the queue
blogd (8)
boot logging on /dev/console
Bootloader::Logger (3)
library for logging
cargo-login (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-logout (1)
(unknown subject)
catclose (3)
open/close a message catalog
catclose (3p)
close a message catalog descriptor
catgets (3)
get message from a message catalog
catopen (3)
open/close a message catalog
catopen (3p)
open a message catalog
ccw_device_siosl (9)
initiate logging
changelog (n)
Processing text in Emacs ChangeLog format
force a write-ahead log checkpoint
chsh (1)
change login shell
clog (3)
natural logarithm of a complex number
clog (3p)
complex natural logarithm functions
clog10 (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10f (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10l (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog2 (3)
base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2f (3)
base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2l (3)
base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clogf (3)
natural logarithm of a complex number
clogl (3)
natural logarithm of a complex number
closelog (3)
send messages to the system logger
closelog (3p)
control system log
CPAN::Reporter::History (3pm)
Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get0_log_store (3osslssl-3)
Encapsulates the data requir...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set_shared_CTLOG_S... (3osslssl-3)
Encapsulates the data...
CTLOG_free (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate Transp...
CTLOG_get0_log_id (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate...
CTLOG_get0_name (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate T...
CTLOG_get0_public_key (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certifi...
CTLOG_new (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate Transpa...
CTLOG_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate Tran...
CTLOG_new_from_base64 (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certifi...
CTLOG_new_from_base64_ex (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Cert...
CTLOG_STORE_free (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificate Transparenc...
CTLOG_STORE_get0_log_by_id (3osslssl-3)
Get a Certificate Transparency log ...
CTLOG_STORE_load_default_file (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificat...
CTLOG_STORE_load_file (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificate Transp...
CTLOG_STORE_new (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificate Transparency...
CTLOG_STORE_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificate Transpare...
cupsd-logs (5)
cupsd log files (access_log, error_log, and page_log)
curl_global_trace (3)
Global libcurl logging configuration
login options
callback for known host matching logic
cvs (n)
Processing text in 'cvs log' format
dbilogstrip (1)
filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dialog (1)
display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dmsetup (8)
low level logical volume management
dnsblog (8)
Postfix DNS white/blacklist logger
tcllib_msgcat (n)
Message catalog management for the various document pa...
msgcat_c (n)
Message catalog for the doctoc parser (C)
msgcat_de (n)
Message catalog for the doctoc parser (DE)
msgcat_en (n)
Message catalog for the doctoc parser (EN)
msgcat_fr (n)
Message catalog for the doctoc parser (FR)
e2undo (8)
Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
empathy-accounts (1)
Accounts configuration dialog for Empathy instant mess...
eventlogadm (8)
push records into the Samba event log store
expect (1)
programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
ExtUtils::InstallPaths (3)
Build.PL install path logic made easy
fontchooser (n)
control font selection dialog
fparseln (3bsd)
return the next logical line from a stream
fribidi_log2vis (3)
get visual string
fribidi_log2vis_get_embedding_levels (3)
get embedding levels
fribidi_reorder_line (3)
reorder a line of logical string to visual
ftpusers (5)
list of users that may not log in via the FTP daemon
gamma (3)
(logarithm of the) gamma function
gammaf (3)
(logarithm of the) gamma function
gammal (3)
(logarithm of the) gamma function
gencat (1)
Generate message catalog
gencat (1p)
generate a formatted message catalog
getlogin (3)
get username
getlogin (3p)
get login name
getlogin_r (3)
get username
git-log (1)
Show commit logs
git-reflog (1)
Manage reflog information
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-shell (1)
Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-shortlog (1)
Summarize 'git log' output
git-var (1)
Show a Git logical variable
git-whatchanged (1)
Show logs with differences each commit introduces
glLogicOp (3gl)
specify a logical pixel operation for color index rend...
glutCopyColormap (3)
copies the logical colormap for the layer in use from ...
gnome-mines (6)
The popular logic puzzle minesweeper
gnome-session-properties (1)
Configure applications to start on login
gnome-sudoku (6)
puzzle game for the popular Japanese sudoku logic puzzle
gnutls_global_set_audit_log_function (3)
API function
gnutls_global_set_log_function (3)
API function
gnutls_global_set_log_level (3)
API function
gnutls_session_get_keylog_function (3)
API function
gnutls_session_set_keylog_function (3)
API function
gpk-install-catalog (1)
GNOME PackageKit Catalog Installer
grep-changelog (1)
print ChangeLog entries matching criteria
gst-stats-1.0 (1)
print info gathered from a GStreamer log file
hplog (8)
hp ProLiant Integrated Management Logging (IML) utility
hunspell (1)
spell checker, stemmer and morphological analyzer
hunspell (3)
spell checking, stemming, morphological generation and...
i2o_exec_lct_get (9)
Get the IOP's Logical Configuration Table
ilogb (3)
get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogb (3p)
return an unbiased exponent
ilogbf (3)
get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogbl (3)
get integer exponent of a floating-point value
mf (1)
Metafont, a language for font and logo design
innreport (8)
summarize INN log files.
iscsi_unblock_session (9)
set a session as logged in and start IO.
issue (5)
prelogin message and identification file
k5login (5)
Kerberos V5 acl file for host access
klogconsole (8)
Tells the kernel to what terminal it should copy messages
syslog (2)
read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set cons...
klogctl (3)
read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set cons...
klogd (8)
Kernel Log Daemon
kmsg_dump_get_buffer (9)
copy kmsg log lines
kmsg_dump_get_line (9)
retrieve one kmsg log line
kmsg_dump_register (9)
register a kernel log dumper.
kproplog (8)
display the contents of the Kerberos principal update log
l4p-tmpl (1)
Print out a Log4perl template configuration
last (1)
show listing of last logged in users
lastb (1)
show listing of last logged in users
lastlog (8)
reports the most recent login of all users or of a giv...
lgamma (3)
log gamma function
lgamma (3p)
log gamma function
lgamma_r (3)
log gamma function
lgammaf (3)
log gamma function
lgammaf_r (3)
log gamma function
lgammal (3)
log gamma function
lgammal_r (3)
log gamma function
libexpect (3)
programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
log (3)
natural logarithmic function
log (3p)
natural logarithm function
log (n)
Procedures to log messages of libraries and applications.
log10 (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log10 (3p)
base 10 logarithm function
log10f (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log10l (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log1p (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1p (3p)
compute a natural logarithm
log1pf (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1pl (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
log2 (3)
base-2 logarithmic function
log2 (3p)
compute base 2 logarithm functions
log2f (3)
base-2 logarithmic function
log2l (3)
base-2 logarithmic function
log2pcap (1)
Extract network traces from Samba log files
Log::Dispatch (3)
Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
Log::Dispatch::ApacheLog (3)
Object for logging to Apache::Log objects
Log::Dispatch::Base (3)
Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
Log::Dispatch::Code (3)
Object for logging to a subroutine reference
Log::Dispatch::Email (3)
Base class for objects that send log messages via ...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that us...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSender (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that ...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSendmail (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email tha...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MIMELite (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that us...
Log::Dispatch::File (3)
Object for logging to files
Log::Dispatch::File::Locked (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::File to facilita...
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate (3)
Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Flock (3)
File Locking Functions for Log::Dispat...
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Mutex (3)
Flock Based File Mutex.
Log::Dispatch::Handle (3)
Object for logging to IO::Handle classes
Log::Dispatch::Null (3)
Object that accepts messages and does nothing
Log::Dispatch::Output (3)
Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* objects
Log::Dispatch::Screen (3)
Object for logging to the screen
Log::Dispatch::Syslog (3)
Object for logging to system log.
Log::Dispatch::Types (3)
Types used for parameter checking in Log::Dispatch
Log::Dispatch::Vars (3)
Variables used internally by multiple packages
Log::Log4perl (3)
Log4j implementation for Perl
Log::Log4perl::Appender (3)
Log appender class
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Buffer (3)
Buffering Appender
Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI (3)
implements appending to a DB
Log::Log4perl::Appender::File (3)
Log to file
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Limit (3)
Limit message delivery via block period
Log::Log4perl::Appender::RRDs (3)
Log to a RRDtool Archive
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen (3)
Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColore... (3)
Colorize messages according to...
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Socket (3)
Log to a socket
Log::Log4perl::Appender::String (3)
Append to a string
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized (3)
Synchronizing other appenders
Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestArrayBuffer (3)
Subclass of Appender::TestBuffer
Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestBuffer (3)
Appender class for testing
Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestFileCreeper (3)
Intentionally slow test appender
Log::Log4perl::Catalyst (3)
Log::Log4perl Catalyst Module
Log::Log4perl::Config (3)
Log4perl configuration file syntax
Log::Log4perl::Config::BaseConfigurator (3)
Configurator Base Class
Log::Log4perl::Config::DOMConfigurator (3)
reads xml config files
Log::Log4perl::Config::PropertyConfig... (3)
reads properties file
Log::Log4perl::Config::Watch (3)
Detect file changes
Log::Log4perl::DateFormat (3)
Log4perl advanced date formatter helper class
Log::Log4perl::FAQ (3)
Frequently Asked Questions on Log::Log4perl
Log::Log4perl::Filter (3)
Log4perl Custom Filter Base Class
Log::Log4perl::Filter::Boolean (3)
Special filter to combine the results of...
Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch (3)
Filter to match the log level exactly
Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange (3)
Filter for a range of log levels
Log::Log4perl::Filter::MDC (3)
Filter to match on values of a MDC key
Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch (3)
Filter on log message string
Log::Log4perl::InternalDebug (3)
Dark Magic to enable _INTERNAL_DEBUG
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap (3)
maps java log4j appenders to Log::Dispatch classes
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::ConsoleAppender (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::Screen
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::FileAppender (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::File
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::JDBCAppender (3)
wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::NTEventLogApp... (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::Win32Even...
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::RollingFileAp... (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::TestBuffer (3)
wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestB...
Log::Log4perl::Layout (3)
Log4perl Layout Virtual Base Class
Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout (3)
Pass-thru Layout
Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout (3)
Pattern Layout
Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout:... (3)
(unknown subject)
Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout (3)
Simple Layout
Log::Log4perl::Level (3)
Predefined log levels
Log::Log4perl::Logger (3)
Main Logger Class
Log::Log4perl::MDC (3)
Mapped Diagnostic Context
Log::Log4perl::NDC (3)
Nested Diagnostic Context
Log::Log4perl::Resurrector (3)
Dark Magic to resurrect hidden L4p statements
Log::Log4perl::Util (3)
Internal utility functions
Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore (3)
Easy to use semaphores
Log::Log4perl::Util::TimeTracker (3)
Track time elapsed
log_db_daemon (8)
Database logging daemon for Squid
logb (3)
get exponent of a floating-point value
logb (3p)
radix-independent exponent
logbf (3)
get exponent of a floating-point value
logbl (3)
get exponent of a floating-point value
logf (3)
natural logarithmic function
logf (3p)
natural logarithm function
logger (1)
a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log ...
logger (1p)
log messages
logger (n)
System to control logging of events.
loggerAppender (n)
Collection of predefined appenders for logger
loggerUtils (n)
Utilities for logger
login (1)
begin session on the system
login (3)
write utmp and wtmp entries
login.defs (5)
shadow password suite configuration
login_tty (3)
terminal utility functions
loginctl (1)
Control the systemd login manager
logind.conf (5)
Login manager configuration file
logl (3)
natural logarithmic function
logname (1)
print user's login name
logname (1p)
return the user's login name
logout (3)
write utmp and wtmp entries
logresolve (1)
Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
logrotate (8)
rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logrotate.conf (5)
rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logsave (8)
save the output of a command in a logfile
logwtmp (3)
append an entry to the wtmp file
lslogins (1)
display information about known users in the system
lvchange (8)
change attributes of a logical volume
lvconvert (8)
convert a logical volume from linear to mirror or snap...
lvcreate (8)
create a logical volume in an existing volume group
lvdisplay (8)
display attributes of a logical volume
lvextend (8)
extend the size of a logical volume
lvmchange (8)
change attributes of the logical volume manager
lvreduce (8)
reduce the size of a logical volume
lvremove (8)
remove a logical volume
lvrename (8)
rename a logical volume
lvresize (8)
resize a logical volume
lvs (8)
report information about logical volumes
lvscan (8)
scan (all disks) for Logical Volumes
lxde-logout (1)
program for...
lxsession-logout (1)
program to logout from LXSession
Mail::SpamAssassin::Pyzor::Client (3)
Pyzor client logic
Mail::SpamAssassin::Pyzor::Digest::Pi... (3)
Pyzor backend logic module
mariadb-binlog (1)
utility for processing binary log files (mysqlbinlog i...
mariadb-dumpslow (1)
Summarize slow query log files (mysqldumpslow is now a...
mcelog (8)
Decode kernel machine check log on x86 machines
mf-nowin (1)
Metafont, a language for font and logo design
mpt_fc_log_info (9)
Log information returned from Fibre Channel IOC.
mpt_sas_log_info (9)
Log information returned from SAS IOC.
mpt_spi_log_info (9)
Log information returned from SCSI Parallel IOC.
mrtg-logfile (1)
description of the mrtg-2 logfile format
mrtg-traffic-sum (1)
Builds monthly traffic summary from mrtg log files
msgattrib (1)
attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
msgcat (1)
combines several message catalogs
msgcat (n)
Tcl message catalog
msgcmp (1)
compare message catalog and template
msgcomm (1)
match two message catalogs
msgconv (1)
character set conversion for message catalog
msgen (1)
create English message catalog
msgexec (1)
process translations of message catalog
msgfilter (1)
edit translations of message catalog
msgfmt (1)
compile message catalog to binary format
msggrep (1)
pattern matching on message catalog
msginit (1)
initialize a message catalog
msgmerge (1)
merge message catalog and template
msgunfmt (1)
uncompile message catalog from binary format
msguniq (1)
unify duplicate translations in message catalog
myisamlog (1)
display MyISAM log file contents
mysqlbinlog (1)
utility for processing binary log files (mysqlbinlog i...
mysqldumpslow (1)
Summarize slow query log files (mysqldumpslow is now a...
Net::Daemon::Log (3pm)
Utility functions for logging
newgrp (1)
log in to a new group
newslog (5)
Description of INN log files
nnslog (n)
Name service facility, Commandline Logging Client Appl...
nologin (5)
prevent unprivileged users from logging into the system
nologin (8)
politely refuse a login
npm-login (1)
Login to a registry user account
npm-logout (1)
Log out of the registry
openlog (3)
send messages to the system logger
openlog (3p)
open a connection to the logging facility
opielogin (1)
Replacement for login(1) that issues OPIE challenges.
OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_cb (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the CMP client ...
OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_verbosity (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the CMP ...
OSSL_CMP_LOG_ALERT (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_log_close (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_CRIT (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_DEBUG (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_EMERG (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_ERR (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_INFO (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_NOTICE (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_log_open (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_TRACE (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
(unknown subject)
pam_access (8)
PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_lastlog (8)
PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pam_loginuid (8)
Record user's login uid to the process attribute
pam_nologin (8)
Prevent non-root users from login
pam_securetty (8)
Limit root login to special devices
pam_sepermit (8)
PAM module to allow/deny login depending on SELinux en...
pam_shells (8)
PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_syslog (3)
send messages to the system logger
pam_systemd (8)
Register user sessions in the systemd login manager
pam_tally2 (8)
The login counter (tallying) module
pam_vsyslog (3)
send messages to the system logger
pam_warn (8)
PAM module which logs all PAM items if called
perlsynology (1)
Perl 5 on Synology DSM systems
pg_receivewal (1pg161)
stream write-ahead logs from a PostgreSQL server
pg_recvlogical (1pg161)
control PostgreSQL logical decoding streams
pg_resetwal (1pg161)
reset the write-ahead log and other control informatio...
pgmmorphconv (1)
perform morphological convolutions: dilation, erosion
plymouth (8)
A graphical boot system and logger
posix_trace_attr_getlogsize (3p)
retrieve and set trace stream size attribu...
posix_trace_attr_setlogsize (3p)
retrieve and set trace stream size attribu...
posix_trace_clear (3p)
clear trace stream and trace log (TRACING)
posix_trace_close (3p)
trace log management (TRACING)
posix_trace_open (3p)
trace log management (TRACING)
postlog (1)
Postfix-compatible logging utility
pskc_global_log (3)
API function
QwtAnalogClock (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLog10ScaleEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
rcs2log (1)
RCS to ChangeLog generator
rlog (1)
print log messages and other information about s
rlogin (1)
remote login
rotatelogs (8)
Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
rsyslog.conf (5)
rsyslogd(8) configuration file
rsyslogd (8)
reliable and extended syslogd
sasl_log_t (3)
The SASL logging callback
scanlogs (8)
Summarize and rotate INN log files
scrollkeeper-rebuilddb (8)
rebuild the scrollkeeper document catalog database
scsi_logging_level (8)
access Linux SCSI logging level information
SCT_get0_log_id (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate ...
SCT_get_log_entry_type (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certi...
SCT_set0_log_id (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate ...
SCT_set1_log_id (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate ...
SCT_set_log_entry_type (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certi...
sd-journal (3)
APIs for submitting and querying log entries to and fr...
sd-login (3)
APIs for tracking logins
sd_get_machine_names (3)
Determine available seats, sessions, logged in use...
sd_get_seats (3)
Determine available seats, sessions, logged in users a...
sd_get_sessions (3)
Determine available seats, sessions, logged in users a...
sd_get_uids (3)
Determine available seats, sessions, logged in users a...
sd_journal_get_catalog (3)
Retrieve message catalog entry
sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id (3)
Retrieve message catalog entry
sd_journal_perror (3)
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_journal_print (3)
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_journal_printv (3)
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_journal_send (3)
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_journal_sendv (3)
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_journal_stream_fd (3)
Create log stream file descriptor to the journal
Submit log entries to the journal
sd_login_monitor (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and virtual machi...
sd_login_monitor_flush (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and virtual...
sd_login_monitor_get_events (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and vi...
sd_login_monitor_get_fd (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and virtua...
sd_login_monitor_get_timeout (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and v...
sd_login_monitor_new (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and virtual m...
sd_login_monitor_unref (3)
Monitor login sessions, seats, users and virtual...
sd_uid_get_seats (3)
Determine login state of a specific Unix user ID
sd_uid_get_sessions (3)
Determine login state of a specific Unix user ID
sd_uid_get_state (3)
Determine login state of a specific Unix user ID
sd_uid_is_on_seat (3)
Determine login state of a specific Unix user ID
securetty (5)
file which lists terminals from which root can log in
setlogcons (8)
Send kernel messages to console N
setlogmask (3)
set log priority mask
setlogmask (3p)
set the log priority mask
sg_logs (8)
access log pages with SCSI LOG SENSE command
sg_sat_phy_event (8)
use ATA READ LOG EXT via a SAT pass-through to fetch S...
shells (5)
pathnames of valid login shells
signgam (3)
log gamma function
signgam (3p)
log gamma function
slapo-accesslog (5)
Access Logging overlay to slapd
slapo-auditlog (5)
Audit Logging overlay to slapd
smp_rep_phy_err_log (8)
invoke REPORT PHY ERROR LOG SMP function
snmptrapd (8)
Receive and log SNMP trap messages.
ssh (1)
OpenSSH remote login client
ssh-copy-id (1)
use locally available keys to authorise logins on a re...
SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback (3osslssl-3)
logging TLS key material
SSL_CTX_keylog_cb_func (3osslssl-3)
logging TLS key material
SSL_CTX_set_ctlog_list_file (3osslssl-3)
load a Certificate Transparency lo...
SSL_CTX_set_default_ctlog_list_file (3osslssl-3)
load a Certificate Transpa...
SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback (3osslssl-3)
logging TLS key material
SSL_SESSION_print_keylog (3osslssl-3)
printf information about a session
struct_sublog (9)
subchannel logout area
sudoreplay (8)
replay sudo session logs
sulogin (8)
single-user login
synctex (5)
Synchronize TeXnology help file
Sys::Syslog (3)
Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
syslog (3)
send messages to the system logger
syslog (3p)
log a message
syslog (8)
the system logging service
syslog.h (0p)
definitions for system error logging
systemd-cryptsetup (8)
Full disk decryption logic
systemd-cryptsetup@.service (8)
Full disk decryption logic
systemd-fsck (8)
File system checker logic
systemd-fsck-root.service (8)
File system checker logic
systemd-fsck@.service (8)
File system checker logic
systemd-halt.service (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd-hibernate.service (8)
System sleep state logic
systemd-hybrid-sleep.service (8)
System sleep state logic
systemd-kexec.service (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd-loginctl (1)
Control the systemd login manager
systemd-logind (8)
Login manager
systemd-logind.service (8)
Login manager
systemd-poweroff.service (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd-quotacheck (8)
File system quota checker logic
systemd-quotacheck.service (8)
File system quota checker logic
systemd-readahead (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-readahead-collect.service (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-readahead-done.service (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-readahead-done.timer (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-readahead-replay.service (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-reboot.service (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd-shutdown (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd-sleep (8)
System sleep state logic
systemd-suspend.service (8)
System sleep state logic
systemd-user-sessions (8)
Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logi...
systemd-user-sessions.service (8)
Permit user logins after boot, prohibit u...
tailf (1)
follow the growth of a log file
Tcl_LogCommandInfo (3)
retrieve or record information about errors and othe...
tepam_argument_dialogbox (n)
TEPAM argument_dialogbox, reference manual
tixDirSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate directory selection dialogs.
tixExFileSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate tixExFileSelectDialog widgets
tixFileSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate tixFileSelectDialog widgets
tk_chooseColor (n)
pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
tk_chooseDirectory (n)
pops up a dialog box for the user to select a direct...
tk_dialog (n)
Create modal dialog and wait for response
tk_getOpenFile (n)
pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
tk_getSaveFile (n)
pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
trace_block_bio_remap (9)
map request for a logical device to the raw device
tsort (1)
perform topological sort
tsort (1p)
topological sort
Unix::Syslog (3pm)
Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
users (1)
print the user names of users currently logged in to t...
utmp (5)
login records
utmpx (5)
login records
vfs_audit (8)
record selected Samba VFS operations in the system log
vfs_full_audit (8)
record Samba VFS operations in the system log
vfs_smb_traffic_analyzer (8)
log Samba VFS read and write operations throug...
vfs_time_audit (8)
samba vfs module to log slow VFS operations
vgmknodes (8)
recreate volume group directory and logical volume spe...
vsyslog (3)
send messages to the system logger
w (1)
Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
watchgnupg (1)
Read and print logs from a socket
who (1)
show who is logged on
writelog (8)
add a entry to an INN log file.
wtmp (5)
login records
x11-ssh-askpass (1x)
an X11-based pass-phrase dialog for use with OpenSSH
xanalogtv (6x)
Simulate reception on an old analog TV set
xclock (1)
analog / digital clock for X
xfce4-power-manager-settings (1)
Settings dialog for the Xfce 4 Power manager
xfce4-session-logout (1)
Logs out from Xfce
xfs_logprint (8)
print the log of an XFS filesystem
xinetd.log (8)
xinetd service log format
xlogo (1)
X Window System logo
xmlcatalog (1)
Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML ...
zeitgeist-daemon (1)
D-Bus interface providing a log of activities
zeitgeist-datahub (1)
passive loggers for Zeitgeist
zenity (1)
display GTK+ dialogs
zypper-log (8)
Zypper logfile reader
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