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PPI::Token::Magic (3)
Tokens representing magic variables
PPI::Token::Magic (3pm)
Tokens representing magic variables
Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::Requ... (3)
Magic variables should be assi...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::Requ... (3pm)
Magic variables should be as...
Variable::Magic (3)
Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl.
Variable::Magic (3pm)
Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl.
cfront (n)
Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files
cgen (n)
Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files
conjure (1)
interprets and executes scripts written in the Magick ...
ether-wake (8)
A tool to send a Wake-On-LAN "Magic Packet"
File::MimeInfo::Magic (3)
Determine file type with magic
GraphicsMagick-config (1)
get information about the installed version of Gr...
GraphicsMagickWand-config (1)
get information about the installed version o...
Image::ExifTool::MIFF (3pm)
Read Magick Image File Format meta information
ImageMagick (1)
is a free software suite for the creation, modificatio...
keygen (1)
generate magic cookies for xauth
libmagic (3)
Magic number recognition library
Log::Log4perl::InternalDebug (3)
Dark Magic to enable _INTERNAL_DEBUG
Log::Log4perl::Resurrector (3)
Dark Magic to resurrect hidden L4p statements
magic (5)
file command's magic pattern file
Magick-config (1)
get information about the installed version of ImageMa...
MagickCore-config (1)
get information about the installed version of ImageM...
MagickWand-config (1)
get information about the installed version of the Ma...
mcookie (1)
generate magic cookies for xauth
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