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XML::NamespaceSupport (3)
A simple generic namespace processor
XML::NamespaceSupport (3pm)
a simple generic namespace support class
gitnamespaces (7)
Git namespaces
nsenter (1)
run program with namespaces of other processes
Tcl_AppendExportList (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_CreateNamespace (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_DeleteNamespace (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_Export (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_FindCommand (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_FindNamespace (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_ForgetImport (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_Import (3)
manipulate namespaces
Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler (3)
manipulate namespaces
unshare (1)
run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
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