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ppm (5)
Netpbm color image format
avstopam (1)
convert an AVS X image to a Netpbm image
extendedopacity (5)
theory of netpbm interpolation and extrapolation
index (1)
netpbm library overview
libnetpbm (3)
general introduction to the netpbm library
libnetpbm_draw (3)
(unknown subject)
libnetpbm_image (3)
overview of netpbm image-processing functions
libnetpbm_ug (3)
netpbm sample code
libpbm (3)
libnetpbm functions to read and write PBM image files
libpgm (3)
libnetpbm functions to read and write PGM image files
libpnm (3)
libnetpbm functions to read and write PNM image files
libsystem (3)
run a Netpbm program with program input and output
pam (5)
Netpbm common 2-dimensional bitmap format
pamaddnoise (1)
add noise to a Netpbm image
pamarith (1)
perform arithmetic on two Netpbm images
pamcomp (1)
composite (overlay) two Netpbm images together
pamdepth (1)
change the maxval in a Netpbm image
pamdice (1)
slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or ver...
pamendian (1)
reverse endianness of a Netpbm image
pamenlarge (1)
Enlarge a Netpbm image N times
pamexec (1)
Execute a shell command on each image in a Netpbm imag...
pamfile (1)
describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
pamfixtrunc (1)
repair a Netpbm image whose file is truncated
pamfunc (1)
Apply a simple monadic arithmetic function to a Netpbm...
pamperspective (1)
a reverse scanline renderer for Netpbm images
pampick (1)
pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream
pamscale (1)
scale a Netpbm image
pamslice (1)
extract one line of values out of a Netpbm image
pamsplit (1)
split a multi-image Netpbm file into single-image files
pamsumm (1)
Summarize the samples in a Netpbm image arithmetically
pamsummcol (1)
summarize (sum, average, etc) a Netpbm image by column
pamtoavs (1)
convert a Netpbm image to an AVS X image
pamtopdbimg (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a Palm Pilot Image Viewer PD...
pamtodjvurle (1)
convert a Netpbm image to DjVu Color RLE format
pamtofits (1)
convert a Netpbm image into FITS format
pamtogif (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a GIF image
pamtompfont (1)
Convert Netpbm image to Mplayer bitmap font file
pamtooctaveimg (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a GNU Octave image
pamtopfm (1)
Convert Netpbm image to PFM (Portable Float Map)
pamtosrf (1)
convert a sequence of Netpbm images to a SRF image file
pamtosvg (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graph...
pamtotga (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a TrueVision Targa file
pamtotiff (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a TIFF file
pamtowinicon (1)
convert Netpbm PAM images to a Microsoft Windows icon ...
pamtoxvmini (1)
convert Netpbm image to an XV 'thumbnail' picture
pamx (1)
display Netpbm image in X Window System window
pbm (5)
Netpbm bi-level image format
pfmtopam (1)
Convert PFM (Portable Float Map) image to Netpbm format
pgm (5)
Netpbm grayscale image format
pngtopam (1)
convert a PNG image into a Netpbm image
pnm (5)
Netpbm superformat
pnmcat (1)
concatenate Netpbm images
pnmcolormap (1)
create quantization color map for a Netpbm image
pnmconvol (1)
general MxN convolution on a Netpbm image
pnmquant (1)
quantize the colors in a Netpbm image to a smaller set
pnmtorle (1)
convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
pnmtotiffcmyk (1)
convert a Netpbm image into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
srftopam (1)
convert a SRF image file to Netpbm images
sunicontopnm (1)
convert a Sun icon into a Netpbm image
winicontopam (1)
convert a Microsoft Windows icon file into a Netpbm PA...
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