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Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL (3)
Normalize scores via auto-welcomelist
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL (3pm)
Normalize scores via auto-whitelist
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep (3)
Normalize scores with sender reputati...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep (3pm)
Normalize scores with sender reputa...
PPI::Document::Normalized (3)
A normalized Perl Document
PPI::Document::Normalized (3pm)
A normalized Perl Document
PPI::Normal (3)
Normalize Perl Documents
PPI::Normal (3pm)
Normalize Perl Documents
PPI::Normal::Standard (3)
Provides standard document normalization functions
PPI::Normal::Standard (3pm)
Provides standard document normalization functions
PPI::Statement::Break (3)
Statements which break out of normal statement flow
PPI::Statement::Break (3pm)
Statements which break out of normal statement ...
abort (3)
cause abnormal process termination
abort (3p)
generate an abnormal process abort
ASN1_TIME_normalize (3osslssl-3)
ASN.1 Time functions
atexit (3)
register a function to be called at normal process ter...
audit_core_dumps (9)
record information about processes that end abnormally
dbilogstrip (1)
filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
exit (3)
cause normal process termination
FcLangNormalize (3)
Normalize the language string
glDepthRange (3gl)
specify mapping of depth values from normalized device...
glNormal (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3b (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3bv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3d (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3dv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3f (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3fv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3i (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3iv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3s (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3sv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormalPointer (3gl)
define an array of normals
gnutls_utf8_password_normalize (3)
API function
isnormal (3)
floating-point classification macros
isnormal (3p)
test for a normal value
mariadb-fix-extensions (1)
normalize table file name extensions (mysql_fix_...
MCE::Queue (3pm)
Hybrid (normal and priority) queues
mysql_fix_extensions (1)
normalize table file name extensions (mysql_fix_ex...
on_exit (3)
register a function to be called at normal process ter...
page_util_norm_lemon (n)
page AST normalization, LEMON
page_util_norm_peg (n)
page AST normalization, PEG
pnmnorm (1)
normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
scsi_normalize_sense (9)
normalize main elements from either fixed or descr...
stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize (3)
API function
stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize (3)
API function
Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath (3)
procedures to interact with any filesystem
unicode (n)
Implementation of Unicode normalization
Unicode::Normalize (3)
Unicode Normalization Forms
usb_hc_died (9)
report abnormal shutdown of a host controller (bus glue)
XGetWMNormalHints (3)
allocate size hints structure and set or read a windo...
XSetWMNormalHints (3)
allocate size hints structure and set or read a windo...
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