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DefaultColormap (3)
Display macros and functions
DefaultColormapOfScreen (3)
screen information functions and macros
fb_copy_cmap (9)
copy a colormap
fb_dealloc_cmap (9)
deallocate a colormap
fb_default_cmap (9)
get default colormap
fb_invert_cmaps (9)
invert all defaults colormaps
fb_set_cmap (9)
set the colormap
glutCopyColormap (3)
copies the logical colormap for the layer in use from ...
glutSetColor (3)
sets the color of a colormap entry in the layer of use...
pnmcolormap (1)
create quantization color map for a Netpbm image
QwtAlphaColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLinearColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
SDL_SetColors (3)
Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit sur...
starfish (6x)
radially-symmetric throbbing colormap-hacking graphics...
Tk_Colormap (3)
retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_FreeColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
Tk_GetColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
Tk_PreserveColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
Tk_SetWindowColormap (3)
change window configuration or attributes
XAllocStandardColormap (3)
allocate, set, or read a standard colormap struc...
xcb_colormap_notify_event_t (3)
the colormap for some window changed
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcmap (1x)
displays the default colormap on X11 displays
XcmsCCCOfColormap (3)
query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap (3)
query and modify CCC of a colormap
XColor (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XColormapEvent (3)
ColormapNotify event structure
XCopyColormapAndFree (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color struc...
XCreateColormap (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XcupGetReservedColormapEntries (3)
list colormap entries reserved by the sy...
XcupStoreColors (3)
initialize shareable colormap entries at specific loca...
XDGACreateColormap (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAInstallColormap (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XFreeColormap (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XGetRGBColormaps (3)
allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XGetWMColormapWindows (3)
set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XInstallColormap (3)
control colormaps
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps (3)
Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the...
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps (3)
Frees memory used by the indicators member of an X...
XkbGetIndicatorMap (3)
Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mas...
XkbSetIndicatorMap (3)
Downloads the changes to the server based on modific...
XListInstalledColormaps (3)
control colormaps
XSetRGBColormaps (3)
allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XSetWindowColormap (3)
change window attributes
XSetWMColormapWindows (3)
set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XStandardColormap (3)
allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
xstdcmap (1)
X standard colormap utility
XtSetWMColormapWindows (3)
Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XUninstallColormap (3)
control colormaps
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