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apparmor (7)
kernel enhancement to confine programs to a limited se...
B::Xref (3)
Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
c99 (1p)
compile standard C programs (1osslssl-3)
friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
callgrind_control (1)
observe and control programs being run by Callgrind
catchsegv (1)
Catch segmentation faults in programs
crontab (5)
files used to schedule the execution of programs
cups-deviced (8)
cupsd helper programs (deprecated)
cups-driverd (8)
cupsd helper programs (deprecated)
cups-exec (8)
cupsd helper programs (deprecated)
cupsd-helper (8)
cupsd helper programs (deprecated)
devdump (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ima...
expect (1)
programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
File::MimeInfo::Applications (3)
Find programs to open a file by mimetype
genisoimage-devdump (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ...
genisoimage-isodump (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ...
genisoimage-isoinfo (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ...
genisoimage-isovfy (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 i...
gitremote-helpers (7)
Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
gnome-options (7)
Standard Command Line Options for GNOME 2 Programs
go-13 (1)
build, test, install Go programs
inn.conf (5)
Configuration data for InterNetNews programs
iodbctest (1)
iODBC Demonstration programs
iodbctestw (1)
iODBC Demonstration programs
irexec (1)
run programs with one button press
isodump (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ima...
isoinfo (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ima...
isovfy (1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 ima...
jdb (1)
Finds and fixes bugs in Java platform programs.
jdb-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Finds and fixes bugs in Java platform programs.
lex (1p)
generate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT)
libexpect (3)
programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
libppm (3)
functions for PPM programs
make (1)
GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
make (1p)
maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs (D...
msql2mysql (1)
convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
opiekey (1)
Programs for computing responses to OTP challenges.
otp-md4 (1)
Programs for computing responses to OTP challenges.
otp-md5 (1)
Programs for computing responses to OTP challenges.
public (8)
for user root run specific TeX programs as user nobody
socksify (1)
runtime socksification of selected programs
suexec (8)
Switch user before executing external programs
systemd-run (1)
Run programs in transient scope or service units
Test::Perl::Critic (3pm)
Use Perl::Critic in test programs
valgrind (1)
a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
xscreensaver-gl-helper (6x)
figure out which X visual to use for GL programs
xslt-config (1)
provides compilation or linking flags for programs usi...
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