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ldap.conf (5)
LDAP configuration file/environment variables
DateTime::Locale::en_FM (3)
Locale data examples for the English Micronesia...
DateTime::Locale::en_FM (3pm)
Locale data examples for the English Micrones...
Env (3)
perl module that imports environment variables as scal...
_newselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_CLR (3)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_CLR (3p)
macros for synchronous I/O multiplexing
synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_SET (3)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
synchronous I/O multiplexing
Mail::Mailer (3pm)
Simple interface to electronic mailing mechanisms
Mail::Send (3)
Simple electronic mail interface
Mail::Send (3pm)
Simple electronic mail interface
Mail::SpamAssassin::AsyncLoop (3)
scanner asynchronous event loop
Mail::SpamAssassin::AsyncLoop (3pm)
scanner asynchronous event loop
TAP::Harness::Env (3)
Parsing harness related environmental variables where...
TAP::Harness::Env (3pm)
Parsing harness related environmental variables whe...
Test2::Require::EnvVar (3)
Only run a test when a specific environment vari...
Test2::Require::EnvVar (3pm)
Only run a test when a specific environment va...
Thunar (1)
File Manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
actsync (8)
Synchronize newsgroups
actsyncd (8)
Synchronize newsgroups
adjtime (3)
correct the time to synchronize the system clock
aio (7)
POSIX asynchronous I/O overview
aio.h (0p)
asynchronous input and output
aio_cancel (3)
cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O request
aio_cancel (3p)
cancel an asynchronous I/O request
aio_error (3)
get error status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_error (3p)
retrieve errors status for an asynchronous I/O operation
aio_fsync (3)
asynchronous file synchronization
aio_fsync (3p)
asynchronous file synchronization
aio_init (3)
asynchronous I/O initialization
aio_read (3)
asynchronous read
aio_read (3p)
asynchronous read from a file
aio_return (3)
get return status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_return (3p)
retrieve return status of an asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspend (3)
wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
aio_suspend (3p)
wait for an asynchronous I/O request
aio_write (3)
asynchronous write
aio_write (3p)
asynchronous write to a file
anjuta (1)
GNOME Integrated Development Environment
anjuta-launcher (1)
GNOME Integrated Development Environment
async (n)
Asynchronous in-memory cache
ASYNC_block_pause (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_callback_fn (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchronous...
ASYNC_cleanup_thread (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_get_current_job (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_get_wait_ctx (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_init_thread (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_is_capable (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_pause_job (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_start_job (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
functions to manage waiting for asynchrono...
ASYNC_STATUS_ERR (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchronous ...
ASYNC_STATUS_OK (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchronous j...
ASYNC_unblock_pause (3osslssl-3)
asynchronous job management functions
ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchrono...
ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchronou...
ata_scsi_flush_xlat (9)
attron (3ncurses)
curses character and window attribute control routines
baudrate (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
build (1)
build SuSE Linux RPMs in a chroot environment
cfront (n)
Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files
circuit (6x)
animates a number of 3D electronic components.
clearenv (3)
clear the environment
cond_synchronize_rcu (9)
Conditionally wait for an RCU grace period
Config::Crontab (3pm)
Read/Write Vixie compatible crontab(5) files
corelist (1)
a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
cpclean (1)
Remove wrong control points by statistical methods
cron (8)
daemon to execute scheduled commands
crond (8)
daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab (1)
maintains crontab files for individual users
crontab (1p)
schedule periodic background work
crontab (5)
files used to schedule the execution of programs
Crypt::Mode::ECB (3)
Block cipher mode ECB [Electronic codebook]
curl_getenv (3)
return value for environment name
daps (1)
A complete environment to build HTML, PDF, EPUB and ot...
Date::Manip::History (3)
Twenty years and still going strong
disk_clear_events (9)
synchronously check, clear and return pending events
dot (1p)
execute commands in the current environment
drm_helper_move_panel_connectors_to_head (9)
move panels to the front in th...
env (1)
run a program in a modified environment
env (1p)
set the environment for command invocation
environ (3p)
array of character pointers to the environment strings
environ (7)
user environment
envsubst (1)
substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
envz (3)
environment string support
envz_add (3)
environment string support
envz_entry (3)
environment string support
envz_get (3)
environment string support
envz_merge (3)
environment string support
envz_remove (3)
environment string support
envz_strip (3)
environment string support
erasechar (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
erasewchar (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
fakeroot (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-sysv (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-tcp (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fdatasync (2)
synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
fdatasync (3p)
synchronize the data of a file (REALTIME)
fegetenv (3p)
get and set current floating-point environment
feholdexcept (3p)
save current floating-point environment
fenv.h (0p)
floating-point environment
fesetenv (3p)
set current floating-point environment
feupdateenv (3p)
update floating-point environment
fsync (1)
synchronize the specified file with storage device
fsync (2)
synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
fsync (3p)
synchronize changes to a file
gai_cancel (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
gai_error (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
gai_suspend (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
get_state_synchronize_rcu (9)
Snapshot current RCU state
getaddrinfo_a (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
getenv (3)
get an environment variable
getenv (3p)
get value of an environment variable
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
gitweb (1)
Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)
glCullFace (3gl)
specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be cu...
glFrontFace (3gl)
define front- and back-facing polygons
glGetTexEnv (3gl)
return texture environment parameters
glGetTexEnvfv (3gl)
return texture environment parameters
glGetTexEnviv (3gl)
return texture environment parameters
glTexEnv (3gl)
set texture environment parameters
glTexEnvf (3gl)
set texture environment parameters
glTexEnvfv (3gl)
set texture environment parameters
glTexEnvi (3gl)
set texture environment parameters
glTexEnviv (3gl)
set texture environment parameters
glutSolidDodecahedron (3)
render a solid or wireframe dodecahedron (12-side...
glutSolidIcosahedron (3)
render a solid or wireframe icosahedron (20-sided ...
glutSolidOctahedron (3)
render a solid or wireframe octahedron (8-sided reg...
glutSolidTetrahedron (3)
render a solid or wireframe tetrahedron (4-sided r...
glXSwapBuffers (3gl)
exchange front and back buffers
gnome-session (1)
Start the GNOME desktop environment
groff (1)
front-end for the groff document formatting system
growisofs (1)
combined mkisofs frontend/DVD recording program.
grub2-editenv (1)
edit GRUB environment block
has_ic (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
has_il (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
i2o_exec_lct_notify (9)
Send a asynchronus LCT NOTIFY request
i386 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
ibv_ack_async_event (3)
get or acknowledge asynchronous events
ibv_asyncwatch (1)
display asynchronous events
ibv_get_async_event (3)
get or acknowledge asynchronous events
ico (1)
animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
input_mt_sync_frame (9)
synchronize mt frame
io_cancel (2)
cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O operation
io_destroy (2)
destroy an asynchronous I/O context
io_getevents (2)
read asynchronous I/O events from the completion queue
io_setup (2)
create an asynchronous I/O context
io_submit (2)
submit asynchronous I/O blocks for processing
killchar (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
killwchar (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
koi8rxterm (1)
X terminal emulator for KOI8-R environments
libcurl-env (3)
environment variables libcurl understands
libcurl-env-dbg (3)
environment variables libcurl DEBUGBUILD understands
libssh2_channel_setenv_ex (3)
set an environment variable on the channel
libssh2_sftp_fsync (3)
synchronize file to disk
linux32 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
localedef (1p)
define locale environment
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized (3)
Synchronizing other appenders
longname (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
mkocp (1)
frontend to otp2ocp(1)
mkofm (1)
front end to mktextfm(1)
mkpasswd (1)
Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)
mptscsih_synchronize_cache (9)
Send SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE to all disks.
msync (2)
synchronize a file with a memory map
msync (3p)
synchronize memory with physical storage
napi_synchronize (9)
wait until NAPI is not running
Net::DBus::ASyncReply (3pm)
asynchronous method reply handler
Net::DBus::Binding::Value (3pm)
Strongly typed data value
npm-doctor (1)
Check the health of your npm environment
openssl-env (7osslssl-3)
OpenSSL environment variables
orage (1)
Calendar for the Xfce Desktop Environment
pam_env (8)
PAM module to set/unset environment variables
pam_env.conf (5)
the environment variables config file
pam_getenv (3)
get a PAM environment variable
pam_getenvlist (3)
getting the PAM environment
pam_misc_drop_env (3)
liberating a locally saved environment
pam_misc_paste_env (3)
transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_misc_setenv (3)
BSD like PAM environment variable setting
pam_putenv (3)
set or change PAM environment variable
pbmtoptx (1)
convert a PBM image into Printronix printer graphics
pg_rewind (1pg161)
synchronize a PostgreSQL data directory with another d...
printenv (1)
print all or part of environment
pselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect (3p)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect6 (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pthread_barrier_wait (3p)
synchronize at a barrier
putenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
putenv (3p)
change or add a value to an environment
pwgen (1)
generate pronounceable passwords
qhull (1)
convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, ...
rdma_notify (3)
Notifies the librdmacm of an asynchronous event.
request_firmware_nowait (9)
asynchronous version of request_firmware
resize (1)
set environment and terminal settings to current xterm...
rest (n)
define REST web APIs and call them inline or asychrono...
ri (1)
Ruby API reference front end
ri.ruby2.1 (1)
Ruby API reference front end
ri.ruby3.2 (1)
Ruby API reference front end
rlatopam (1)
convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF image files to PAM...
rpc_call_async (9)
Perform an asynchronous RPC call
rpc_call_sync (9)
Perform a synchronous RPC call
Rscript (1)
front end for scripting with R
rt_sigtimedwait (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
sabcmd (1)
a command line interface to Sablotron XSLT processor
sail (6)
multi-user wooden ships and iron men
sccmap (1)
extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
sccs (1p)
front end for the SCCS subsystem (DEVELOPMENT)
scsi_complete_async_scans (9)
Wait for asynchronous scans to complete
scsi_finish_async_scan (9)
asynchronous scan has finished
secure_getenv (3)
get an environment variable
secutil (1)
Extract X.509 certificates and strongnames from assemb...
select (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
select (3p)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
select_tut (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
setarch (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
setenv (3p)
add or change environment variable
setjmp.h (0p)
stack environment declarations
sg_sync (8)
sigevent (7)
structure for notification from asynchronous routines
sigtimedwait (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
sigwaitinfo (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
slk_attron (3ncurses)
curses soft label routines
slk_attron_sp (3ncurses)
curses screen-pointer extension
sn (1)
Digitally sign/verify/compare strongnames on CLR assem...
spamassassin-run (3)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (3pm)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (1)
simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spi_async (9)
asynchronous SPI transfer
spi_read (9)
SPI synchronous read
spi_sync (9)
blocking/synchronous SPI data transfers
spi_sync_transfer (9)
synchronous SPI data transfer
spi_w8r16 (9)
SPI synchronous 8 bit write followed by 16 bit read
spi_w8r16be (9)
SPI synchronous 8 bit write followed by 16 bit big-end...
spi_w8r8 (9)
SPI synchronous 8 bit write followed by 8 bit read
spi_write (9)
SPI synchronous write
spi_write_then_read (9)
SPI synchronous write followed by read
SSL_async_callback_fn (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_CTX_set_async_callback (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_CTX_set_async_callback_arg (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_get_all_async_fds (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_get_async_status (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_get_changed_async_fds (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_set_async_callback (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_set_async_callback_arg (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
SSL_waiting_for_async (3osslssl-3)
manage asynchronous operations
sudo.conf (5)
configuration for sudo front end
svnsync (1)
Subversion repository synchronization tool
sync (1)
Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage
synchronize_hardirq (9)
wait for pending hard IRQ handlers (on other CPUs)
synchronize_irq (9)
wait for pending IRQ handlers (on other CPUs)
synchronize_net (9)
Synchronize with packet receive processing
synchronize_rcu (9)
wait until a grace period has elapsed.
synchronize_rcu_bh (9)
wait until an rcu_bh grace period has elapsed.
synchronize_rcu_expedited (9)
Brute-force RCU grace period
synchronize_sched (9)
wait until an rcu-sched grace period has elapsed.
synchronize_sched_expedited (9)
Brute-force RCU-sched grace period
synchronize_srcu (9)
wait for prior SRCU read-side critical-section completion
synchronize_srcu_expedited (9)
Brute-force SRCU grace period
synctex (1)
command line client tool to support the Synchronize Te...
synctex (5)
Synchronize TeXnology help file
sys_rt_sigtimedwait (9)
synchronously wait for queued signals specified in ...
systemd-detect-virt (1)
Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd.exec (5)
Execution environment configuration
Tcl_AsyncCreate (3)
handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncDelete (3)
handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncInvoke (3)
handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncMark (3)
handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncReady (3)
handle asynchronous events
Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironment (3)
procedures for creating and using en...
Tcl_PutEnv (3)
procedures to manipulate the environment
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (3)
generate standard error message for wrong number of ar...
tek2plot (1)
translate Tektronix files to other graphics formats
term_attrs (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
termattrs (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
termname (3ncurses)
curses environment query routines
thunar (1)
File Manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
trace_block_bio_frontmerge (9)
merging block operation to the beginning of ...
tronbit (6x)
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.
uname26 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
unsetenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
unsetenv (3p)
remove an environment variable
usb_buffer_dmasync (9)
synchronize DMA and CPU view of buffer(s)
usb_buffer_dmasync_sg (9)
synchronize DMA and CPU view of scatterlist buffe...
usb_sg_wait (9)
synchronously execute scatter/gather request
usb_submit_urb (9)
issue an asynchronous transfer request for an endpoint
usb_unlink_anchored_urbs (9)
asynchronously cancel transfer requests en masse
uxterm (1)
X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
vfs_syncops (8)
Ensure meta data operations are performed synchronously.
voronoi (6x)
draws a randomly-colored Voronoi tessellation
w1_next_pullup (9)
register for a strong pullup
wattron (3ncurses)
curses character and window attribute control routines
wtf (6)
translates acronyms for you
x86_64 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
XdbeSwapBuffers (3)
swaps front and back DBE buffers.
xdg-settings (1)
get various settings from the desktop environment
xfce4-session (1)
Starts up the Xfce Desktop Environment
xfdesktop (1)
The Xfce 4 Desktop Environment's desktop manager
XSetAfterFunction (3)
enable or disable synchronization
XSynchronize (3)
enable or disable synchronization
zshzftpsys (1)
zftp function front-end
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