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Xrandr (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
blitspin (6x)
rotate a bitmap in an interesting way
FcMatrixRotate (3)
Rotate a matrix
flipscreen3d (6x)
rotates an image of the screen through 3 dimensions.
glRotate (3gl)
multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
glRotated (3gl)
multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
glRotatef (3gl)
multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
glutSpaceballRotateFunc (3)
sets the Spaceball rotation callback for the cu...
hypertorus (6x)
Draws a hypertorus that rotates in 4d
list_rotate_left (9)
rotate the list to the left
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate (3)
Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Flock (3)
File Locking Functions for Log::Dispat...
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Mutex (3)
Flock Based File Mutex.
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::RollingFileAp... (3)
wraps Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
logrotate (8)
rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logrotate.conf (5)
rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
noof (6x)
draw rotatey patterns
obrotate (1)
"batch-rotate dihedral angles matching SMARTS patterns"
pamflip (1)
flip or rotate a PAM or PNM image
pdf180 (1)
rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf270 (1)
rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf90 (1)
rotate the pages of pdf files
pdfflip (1)
rotate the pages of pdf files
pnmrotate (1)
rotate a PNM image by some angle
rotatelogs (8)
Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
scanlogs (8)
Summarize and rotate INN log files
xcb_rotate_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_rotate_properties_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
XRotateBuffers (3)
manipulate cut and paste buffers
XRotateWindowProperties (3)
obtain and change window properties
XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigCurrentRate (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRates (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRotations (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigSizes (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigTimes (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRGetScreenInfo (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryExtension (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryVersion (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRRootToScreen (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSelectInput (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfig (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
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