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GROFF_CHAR(7)          Miscellaneous Information Manual          GROFF_CHAR(7)

       groff_char - groff glyph names

       This  manual  page lists the standard groff glyph names and the default
       input mapping, latin1.  The glyphs  in  this  document  look  different
       depending  on  which  output  device was chosen (with option -T for the
       man(1) program or the roff formatter).  Glyphs not  available  for  the
       device  that is being used to print or view this manual page are marked
       with `(N/A)'; the device currently used is `ascii'.

       In the actual version, groff provides only 8-bit characters for  direct
       input and named entities for further glyphs.  On ASCII platforms, input
       character codes in the range 0 to 127  (decimal)  represent  the  usual
       7-bit ASCII characters, while codes between 127 and 255 are interpreted
       as the corresponding characters in the latin1 (ISO-8859-1) code set  by
       default.   This mapping is contained in the file latin1.tmac and can be
       changed by loading a different input encoding.  Note that some  of  the
       input  characters are reserved by groff, either for internal use or for
       special input purposes.  On EBCDIC platforms, only code page cp1047  is
       supported  (which  contains  the  same  characters as latin1; the input
       encoding file is called cp1047.tmac).  Again, some input characters are
       reserved for internal and special purposes.

       All  roff  systems provide the concept of named glyphs.  In traditional
       roff systems, only names of length 2 were used, while groff  also  pro-
       vides  support  for  longer  names.  It is strongly suggested that only
       named glyphs are used for all character representations outside of  the
       printable 7-bit ASCII range.

       Some  of the predefined groff escape sequences (with names of length 1)
       also produce single glyphs; these exist for historical reasons  or  are
       printable versions of syntactical characters.  They include `\\', `\'',
       `\`', `\-', `\.', and `\e'; see groff(7).

       In groff, all of these different types of characters and glyphs can  be
       tested positively with the `.if c' conditional.

       In  this  section,  the  glyphs in groff are specified in tabular form.
       The meaning of the columns is as follows.

       Output shows how the glyph is printed for the current device;  although
              this  can  have  quite  a  different  shape on other devices, it
              always represents the same glyph.

       Input  specifies how the glyph is input either directly by a key on the
              keyboard, or by a groff escape sequence.

       Code   applies  to  glyphs  which can be input with a single character,
              and gives the ISO latin1 decimal code of that  input  character.
              Note  that  this  code  is  equivalent to the lowest 256 Unicode
              characters, including 7-bit ASCII in the range 0 to 127.

              gives the usual PostScript name of the glyph.

              is the glyph name used in composite glyph names.

   7-bit Character Codes 32-126
       These are the basic glyphs having 7-bit  ASCII  code  values  assigned.
       They  are  identical to the printable characters of the character stan-
       dards ISO-8859-1 (latin1) and Unicode (range Basic Latin).   The  glyph
       names used in composite glyph names are `u0020' up to `u007E'.

       Note  that input characters in the range 0-31 and character 127 are not
       printable characters.  Most of them are invalid  input  characters  for
       groff anyway, and the valid ones have special meaning.  For EBCDIC, the
       printable characters are in the range 66-255.

       48-57  Decimal digits 0 to 9 (print as themselves).

       65-90  Upper case letters A-Z (print as themselves).

       97-122 Lower case letters a-z (print as themselves).

       Most of the remaining characters not in the just described ranges print
       as themselves; the only exceptions are the following characters:

       `      the ISO latin1 `Grave Accent' (code 96) prints as `, a left sin-
              gle quotation mark; the original character can be obtained  with

       '      the  ISO latin1 `Apostrophe' (code 39) prints as ', a right sin-
              gle quotation mark; the original character can be obtained  with

       -      the  ISO  latin1  `Hyphen,  Minus  Sign'  (code 45)  prints as a
              hyphen; a minus sign can be obtained with `\-'.

       ~      the ISO latin1 `Tilde' (code 126)  is  reduced  in  size  to  be
              usable  as  a  diacritic;  a  larger  glyph can be obtained with

       ^      the ISO latin1 `Circumflex Accent' (code 94) is reduced in  size
              to be usable as a diacritic; a larger glyph can be obtained with

       Output   Input   Code   PostScript     Unicode   Notes
       !        !       33     exclam         u0021
       "        "       34     quotedbl       u0022
       #        #       35     numbersign     u0023
       $        $       36     dollar         u0024
       %        %       37     percent        u0025
       &        &       38     ampersand      u0026
       '        '       39     quoteright     u0027
       (        (       40     parenleft      u0028
       )        )       41     parenright     u0029
       *        *       42     asterisk       u002A
       +        +       43     plus           u002B
       ,        ,       44     comma          u002C
       -        -       45     hyphen         u2010
       .        .       46     period         u002E
       /        /       47     slash          u002F
       :        :       58     colon          u003A
       ;        ;       59     semicolon      u003B
       <        <       60     less           u003C
       =        =       61     equal          u003D
       >        >       62     greater        u003E
       ?        ?       63     question       u003F
       @        @       64     at             u0040
       [        [       91     bracketleft    u005B
       \        \       92     backslash      u005C
       ]        ]       93     bracketright   u005D
       ^        ^       94     circumflex     u005E     circumflex accent
       _        _       95     underscore     u005F
       `        `       96     quoteleft      u0060

       {        {       123    braceleft      u007B
       |        |       124    bar            u007C
       }        }       125    braceright     u007D
       ~        ~       126    tilde          u007E     tilde accent

   8-bit Character Codes 160 to 255
       They are interpreted as printable characters according  to  the  latin1
       (ISO-8859-1)  code  set,  being  identical to the Unicode range Latin-1

       Input characters in range 128-159 (on non-EBCDIC hosts) are not  print-
       able characters.

       160    the ISO latin1 no-break space is mapped to `\~', the stretchable
              space character.

       173    the soft hyphen control character.  groff never uses this  char-
              acter  for  output  (thus it is omitted in the table below); the
              input character 173 is mapped onto `\%'.

       The remaining ranges (161-172, 174-255) are printable  characters  that
       print  as themselves.  Although they can be specified directly with the
       keyboard on systems with a latin1 code page, it is better to use  their
       glyph names; see next section.

       Output   Input   Code   PostScript       Unicode      Notes
       i        i       161    exclamdown       u00A1        inverted exclamation mark
       c        c       162    cent             u00A2
       L        L       163    sterling         u00A3
       x        x       164    currency         u00A4
       Y        Y       165    yen              u00A5
       |        |       166    brokenbar        u00A6
       S        S       167    section          u00A7
       "        "       168    dieresis         u00A8
       (C)      (C)     169    copyright        u00A9
       a        a       170    ordfeminine      u00AA
       <<       <<      171    guillemotleft    u00AB
       ~        ~       172    logicalnot       u00AC
       _R)      _R)     174    registered       u00AE
                        175    macron           u00AF
       o        o       176    degree           u00B0
       +-       +-      177    plusminus        u00B1
       2        2       178    twosuperior      u00B2
       3        3       179    threesuperior    u00B3
       '        '       180    acute            u00B4        acute accent
       u        u       181    mu               u00B5        micro sign
       9|       9|      182    paragraph        u00B6
       .        .       183    periodcentered   u00B7
       ,        ,       184    cedilla          u00B8
       1        1       185    onesuperior      u00B9
       o        o       186    ordmasculine     u00BA
       >>       >>      187    guillemotright   u00BB
       1/4      1/4     188    onequarter       u00BC
       1/2      1/2     189    onehalf          u00BD
       3/4      3/4     190    threequarters    u00BE
       c        c       191    questiondown     u00BF
       A        A       192    Agrave           u0041_0300
       A        A       193    Aacute           u0041_0301
       A        A       194    Acircumflex      u0041_0302
       A        A       195    Atilde           u0041_0303
       A        A       196    Adieresis        u0041_0308
       A        A       197    Aring            u0041_030A
       AE       AE      198    AE               u00C6
       C        C       199    Ccedilla         u0043_0327
       E        E       200    Egrave           u0045_0300

       E        E       201    Eacute           u0045_0301
       E        E       202    Ecircumflex      u0045_0302
       E        E       203    Edieresis        u0045_0308
       I        I       204    Igrave           u0049_0300
       I        I       205    Iacute           u0049_0301
       I        I       206    Icircumflex      u0049_0302
       I        I       207    Idieresis        u0049_0308
       D        D       208    Eth              u00D0
       N        N       209    Ntilde           u004E_0303
       O        O       210    Ograve           u004F_0300
       O        O       211    Oacute           u004F_0301
       O        O       212    Ocircumflex      u004F_0302
       O        O       213    Otilde           u004F_0303
       O        O       214    Odieresis        u004F_0308
       x        x       215    multiply         u00D7
       O        O       216    Oslash           u00D8
       U        U       217    Ugrave           u0055_0300
       U        U       218    Uacute           u0055_0301
       U        U       219    Ucircumflex      u0055_0302
       U        U       220    Udieresis        u0055_0308
       Y        Y       221    Yacute           u0059_0301
       b        b       222    Thorn            u00DE
       B        B       223    germandbls       u00DF
       a        a       224    agrave           u0061_0300
       a        a       225    aacute           u0061_0301
       a        a       226    acircumflex      u0061_0302
       a        a       227    atilde           u0061_0303
       a        a       228    adieresis        u0061_0308
       a        a       229    aring            u0061_030A
       ae       ae      230    ae               u00E6
       c        c       231    ccedilla         u0063_0327
       e        e       232    egrave           u0065_0300
       e        e       233    eacute           u0065_0301
       e        e       234    ecircumflex      u0065_0302
       e        e       235    edieresis        u0065_0308
       i        i       236    igrave           u0069_0300
       i        i       237    iacute           u0069_0301
       i        i       238    icircumflex      u0069_0302
       i        i       239    idieresis        u0069_0308
       o        o       240    eth              u00F0
       n        n       241    ntilde           u006E_0303
       o        o       242    ograve           u006F_0300
       o        o       243    oacute           u006F_0301
       o        o       244    ocircumflex      u006F_0302
       o        o       245    otilde           u006F_0303
       o        o       246    odieresis        u006F_0308
       -:-      -:-     247    divide           u00F7
       o        o       248    oslash           u00F8
       u        u       249    ugrave           u0075_0300
       u        u       250    uacute           u0075_0301
       u        u       251    ucircumflex      u0075_0302
       u        u       252    udieresis        u0075_0308
       y        y       253    yacute           u0079_0301
       b        b       254    thorn            u00FE
       y        y       255    ydieresis        u0079_0308

   Named Glyphs
       Glyph  names  can  be  embedded  into the document text by using escape
       sequences.  groff(7) describes how these escape sequences look.   Glyph
       names  can  consist  of  quite  arbitrary  characters from the ASCII or
       latin1 code set, not only alphanumeric characters.  Here some examples:

       \(ch   A glyph having the 2-character name ch.

              A glyph having the name char_name (having length 1, 2, 3,  ...).
              Note  that `c' is not the same as `\[c]' (c a single character):
              The latter is internally mapped to glyph name `\c'.  By default,
              groff  defines  a  single  glyph name starting with a backslash,
              namely `\-', which can be either accessed as `\-' or `\[-]'.

       \[base_glyph composite_1 composite_2 ...]
              A composite glyph; see below for a more detailed description.

       In groff, each 8-bit input character can also referred to by  the  con-
       struct  `\[charn]' where n is the decimal code of the character, a num-
       ber between 0 and 255 without leading zeros  (those  entities  are  not
       glyph  names).   They  are  normally mapped onto glyphs using the .trin
       request.  Another special convention is the  handling  of  glyphs  with
       names  directly  derived  from  a Unicode code point; this is discussed
       below.  Moreover, new glyph names can be created by the .char  request;
       see groff(7).

       In the following, a plus sign in the `Notes' column indicates that this
       particular glyph name appears in the PS version of the  original  troff
       documentation, CSTR 54.

       Entries  marked  with  `***'  denote  glyphs  for mathematical purposes
       (mainly used for DVI output).  Normally, such glyphs have metrics which
       make them unusable in normal text.

       Output   Input   PostScript   Unicode   Notes
       D        \[-D]   Eth          u00D0     uppercase eth
       o        \[Sd]   eth          u00F0     lowercase eth
       b        \[TP]   Thorn        u00DE     uppercase thorn
       b        \[Tp]   thorn        u00FE     lowercase thorn
       B        \[ss]   germandbls   u00DF     German sharp s

       Ligatures and Other Latin Glyphs

       Output   Input   PostScript   Unicode           Notes
       ff       \[ff]   ff           u0066_0066        ff ligature +
       fi       \[fi]   fi           u0066_0069        fi ligature +
       fl       \[fl]   fl           u0066_006C        fl ligature +
       ffi      \[Fi]   ffi          u0066_0066_0069   ffi ligature +
       ffl      \[Fl]   ffl          u0066_0066_006C   ffl ligature +
       L        \[/L]   Lslash       u0141             (Polish)
       l        \[/l]   lslash       u0142             (Polish)
       O        \[/O]   Oslash       u00D8             (Scandinavian)
       o        \[/o]   oslash       u00F8             (Scandinavian)
       AE       \[AE]   AE           u00C6
       ae       \[ae]   ae           u00E6
       OE       \[OE]   OE           u0152
       oe       \[oe]   oe           u0153
       IJ       \[IJ]   IJ           u0132             (Dutch)
       ij       \[ij]   ij           u0133             (Dutch)
       i        \[.i]   dotlessi     u0131             (Turkish)
                \[.j]   dotlessj     u0237             j without a dot

       Accented Characters

       Output   Input   PostScript    Unicode      Notes
       A        \['A]   Aacute        u0041_0301
                \['C]   Cacute        u0043_0301
       E        \['E]   Eacute        u0045_0301
       I        \['I]   Iacute        u0049_0301
       O        \['O]   Oacute        u004F_0301
       U        \['U]   Uacute        u0055_0301
       Y        \['Y]   Yacute        u0059_0301
       a        \['a]   aacute        u0061_0301

                \['c]   cacute        u0063_0301
       e        \['e]   eacute        u0065_0301
       i        \['i]   iacute        u0069_0301
       o        \['o]   oacute        u006F_0301
       u        \['u]   uacute        u0075_0301
       y        \['y]   yacute        u0079_0301
       A        \[:A]   Adieresis     u0041_0308   A with umlaut
       E        \[:E]   Edieresis     u0045_0308
       I        \[:I]   Idieresis     u0049_0308
       O        \[:O]   Odieresis     u004F_0308
       U        \[:U]   Udieresis     u0055_0308
                \[:Y]   Ydieresis     u0059_0308
       a        \[:a]   adieresis     u0061_0308
       e        \[:e]   edieresis     u0065_0308
       i        \[:i]   idieresis     u0069_0308
       o        \[:o]   odieresis     u006F_0308
       u        \[:u]   udieresis     u0075_0308
       y        \[:y]   ydieresis     u0079_0308
       A        \[^A]   Acircumflex   u0041_0302
       E        \[^E]   Ecircumflex   u0045_0302
       I        \[^I]   Icircumflex   u0049_0302
       O        \[^O]   Ocircumflex   u004F_0302
       U        \[^U]   Ucircumflex   u0055_0302
       a        \[^a]   acircumflex   u0061_0302
       e        \[^e]   ecircumflex   u0065_0302
       i        \[^i]   icircumflex   u0069_0302
       o        \[^o]   ocircumflex   u006F_0302
       u        \[^u]   ucircumflex   u0075_0302
       A        \[`A]   Agrave        u0041_0300
       E        \[`E]   Egrave        u0045_0300
       I        \[`I]   Igrave        u0049_0300
       O        \[`O]   Ograve        u004F_0300
       U        \[`U]   Ugrave        u0055_0300
       a        \[`a]   agrave        u0061_0300
       e        \[`e]   egrave        u0065_0300
       i        \[`i]   igrave        u0069_0300
       o        \[`o]   ograve        u006F_0300
       u        \[`u]   ugrave        u0075_0300
       A        \[~A]   Atilde        u0041_0303
       N        \[~N]   Ntilde        u004E_0303
       O        \[~O]   Otilde        u004F_0303
       a        \[~a]   atilde        u0061_0303
       n        \[~n]   ntilde        u006E_0303
       o        \[~o]   otilde        u006F_0303
                \[vS]   Scaron        u0053_030C
                \[vs]   scaron        u0073_030C
                \[vZ]   Zcaron        u005A_030C
                \[vz]   zcaron        u007A_030C
       C        \[,C]   Ccedilla      u0043_0327
       c        \[,c]   ccedilla      u0063_0327
       A        \[oA]   Aring         u0041_030A
       a        \[oa]   aring         u0061_030A


       The composite request is used to map most of the accents to non-spacing
       glyph names; the values given in parentheses are the original (spacing)

       Output   Input   PostScript     Unicode         Notes
       _        \[a"]   hungarumlaut   u030B (u02DD)   (Hungarian)
                \[a-]   macron         u0304 (u00AF)
                \[a.]   dotaccent      u0307 (u02D9)
       ^        \[a^]   circumfle      u0302 (u005E)
       '        \[aa]   acute          u0301 (u00B4)   +

       `        \[ga]   grave          u0300 (u0060)   +
       `        \[ab]   breve          u0306 (u02D8)
       ,        \[ac]   cedilla        u0327 (u00B8)
       "        \[ad]   dieresis       u0308 (u00A8)   umlaut
       v        \[ah]   caron          u030C (u02C7)
       o        \[ao]   ring           u030A (u02DA)   circle
       ~        \[a~]   tilde          u0303 (u007E)
       ,        \[ho]   ogonek         u0328 (u02DB)   hook
       ^        \[ha]   asciicircum    u005E           (spacing)
       ~        \[ti]   asciitilde     u007E           (spacing)


       Output   Input   PostScript       Unicode   Notes
       ,,       \[Bq]   quotedblbase     u201E     low double comma quote
       ,        \[bq]   quotesinglbase   u201A     low single comma quote
       "        \[lq]   quotedblleft     u201C
       "        \[rq]   quotedblright    u201D
       `        \[oq]   quoteleft        u2018     single open quote
       '        \[cq]   quoteright       u2019     single closing quote
       '        \[aq]   quotesingle      u0027     apostrophe quote (ASCII 39)
       "        \[dq]   quotedbl         u0022     double quote (ASCII 34)
       <<       \[Fo]   guillemotleft    u00AB
       >>       \[Fc]   guillemotright   u00BB
       <        \[fo]   guilsinglleft    u2039
       >        \[fc]   guilsinglright   u203A


       Output   Input   PostScript     Unicode Notes
       i        \[r!]   exclamdown     u00A1
       c        \[r?]   questiondown   u00BF
       --       \[em]   emdash         u2014           +
       -        \[en]   endash         u2013
       -        \[hy]   hyphen         u2010           +


       The  extensible bracket pieces are font-invariant glyphs.  In classical
       troff only one glyph  was  available  to  vertically  extend  brackets,
       braces, and parentheses: `bv'.  We map it rather arbitrarily to u23AA.

       Note  that  not all devices contain extensible bracket pieces which can
       be piled up with `\b' due to the restrictions of  the  escape's  piling
       algorithm.   A  general solution to build brackets out of pieces is the
       following macro:

              .\" Make a pile centered vertically 0.5em
              .\" above the baseline.
              .\" The first argument is placed at the top.
              .\" The pile is returned in string `pile'
              .de pile-make
              .  nr pile-wd 0
              .  nr pile-ht 0
              .  ds pile-args
              .  nr pile-# \n[.$]
              .  while \n[pile-#] \{\
              .    nr pile-wd (\n[pile-wd] >? \w'\$[\n[pile-#]]')
              .    nr pile-ht +(\n[rst] - \n[rsb])
              .    as pile-args \v'\n[rsb]u'\"
              .    as pile-args \Z'\$[\n[pile-#]]'\"
              .    as pile-args \v'-\n[rst]u'\"
              .    nr pile-# -1
              .  \}
              .  ds pile \v'(-0.5m + (\n[pile-ht]u / 2u))'\"
              .  as pile \*[pile-args]\"
              .  as pile \v'((\n[pile-ht]u / 2u) + 0.5m)'\"
              .  as pile \h'\n[pile-wd]u'\"

       Another complication is the  fact  that  some  glyphs  which  represent
       bracket  pieces  in  original  troff can be used for other mathematical
       symbols also, for example `lf' and `rf' which provide the `floor' oper-
       ator.   Other  devices  (most  notably for DVI output) don't unify such
       glyphs.  For this reason, the four glyphs `lf', `rf',  `lc',  and  `rc'
       are  not unified with similarly looking bracket pieces.  In groff, only
       glyphs with long names are guaranteed to  pile  up  correctly  for  all
       devices (provided those glyphs exist).

       Output Input            PostScript     Unicode Notes
       [      \[lB]            bracketleft    u005B
       ]      \[rB]            bracketright   u005D
       {      \[lC]            braceleft      u007B
       }      \[rC]            braceright     u007D
       <      \[la]            angleleft      u27E8   left angle bracket
       >      \[ra]            angleright     u27E9   right angle bracket

       |      \[bv]            braceex        u23AA   vertical extension *** +
              \[braceex]       braceex        u23AA

              \[bracketlefttp] bracketlefttp  u23A1
              \[bracketleftbt] bracketleftbt  u23A3
              \[bracketleftex] bracketleftex  u23A2
              \[bracketrighttp]bracketrighttp u23A4
              \[bracketrightbt]bracketrightbt u23A6
              \[bracketrightex]bracketrightex u23A5

       ,-     \[lt]            bracelefttp    u23A7   +
              \[bracelefttp]   bracelefttp    u23A7
       {      \[lk]            braceleftmid   u23A8   +
              \[braceleftmid]  braceleftmid   u23A8
       `-     \[lb]            braceleftbt    u23A9   +
              \[braceleftbt]   braceleftbt    u23A9
              \[braceleftex]   braceleftex    u23AA
       -.     \[rt]            bracerighttp   u23AB   +
              \[bracerighttp]  bracerighttp   u23AB
       }      \[rk]            bracerightmid  u23AC   +
              \[bracerightmid] bracerightmid  u23AC
       -'     \[rb]            bracerightbt   u23AD   +
              \[bracerightbt]  bracerightbt   u23AD
              \[bracerightex]  bracerightex   u23AA
              \[parenlefttp]   parenlefttp    u239B
              \[parenleftbt]   parenleftbt    u239D
              \[parenleftex]   parenleftex    u239C
              \[parenrighttp]  parenrighttp   u239E
              \[parenrightbt]  parenrightbt   u23A0
              \[parenrightex]  parenrightex   u239F


       Output Input PostScript     Unicode Notes
       <-     \[<-] arrowleft      u2190   +
       ->     \[->] arrowright     u2192   +
       <->    \[<>] arrowboth      u2194   (horizontal)
       v      \[da] arrowdown      u2193   +

       ^      \[ua] arrowup        u2191   +
              \[va] arrowupdn      u2195
       <=     \[lA] arrowdblleft   u21D0
       =>     \[rA] arrowdblright  u21D2
       <=>    \[hA] arrowdblboth   u21D4   (horizontal)
       v      \[dA] arrowdbldown   u21D3
       ^      \[uA] arrowdblup     u21D1
              \[vA] uni21D5        u21D5   vertical double-headed double arrow
       -      \[an] arrowhorizex   u23AF   horizontal arrow extension


       The  font-invariant  glyphs `br', `ul', and `rn' form corners; they can
       be used to build boxes.  Note that both the PostScript and the Unicode-
       derived names of these three glyphs are just rough approximations.

       `rn'  also serves in classical troff as the horizontal extension of the
       square root sign.

       `ru' is a font-invariant glyph, namely a rule of length 0.5m.

       Output       Input       PostScript       Unicode       Notes
       |            \[ba]       bar              u007C
       |            \[br]       SF110000         u2502         box rule +
       _            \[ul]       underscore       u005F         +
                    \[rn]       overline         u203E         +
       _            \[ru]       ---              ---           baseline rule +
       |            \[bb]       brokenbar        u00A6
       /            \[sl]       slash            u002F         +
       \            \[rs]       backslash        u005C         reverse solidus

       Use `\[radicalex]', not `\[overline]', for continuation of square root.

       Text markers

       Output    Input     PostScript        Unicode     Notes
       O         \[ci]     circle            u25CB       +
       o         \[bu]     bullet            u2022       +
       =         \[dd]     daggerdbl         u2021       double dagger sign +
       -         \[dg]     dagger            u2020       +
       <>        \[lz]     lozenge           u25CA
       []        \[sq]     uni25A1           u25A1       white square +
       9|        \[ps]     paragraph         u00B6
       S         \[sc]     section           u00A7       +
       <=        \[lh]     uni261C           u261C       hand pointing left +
       =>        \[rh]     a14               u261E       hand pointing right +
       @         \[at]     at                u0040
       #         \[sh]     numbersign        u0023
       _|        \[CR]     carriagereturn    u21B5
                 \[OK]     a19               u2713       check mark, tick

       Legal Symbols

       Output     Input      PostScript     Unicode      Notes
       (C)        \[co]      copyright      u00A9        +
       (R)        \[rg]      registered     u00AE        +
       tm         \[tm]      trademark      u2122
                  \[bs]      ---            ---          AT&T Bell Labs logo +

       The Bell Labs logo is not supported in groff.

       Currency symbols

       Output   Input  PostScript   Unicode   Notes
       $        \[Do]  dollar       u0024
       c        \[ct]  cent         u00A2     +
       EUR      \[eu]  ---          u20AC     official Euro symbol
       EUR      \[Eu]  Euro         u20AC     font-specific Euro glyph variant
       Y        \[Ye]  yen          u00A5
       L        \[Po]  sterling     u00A3     British currency sign
       x        \[Cs]  currency     u00A4     Scandinavian currency sign
       f        \[Fn]  florin       u0192     Dutch currency sign


       Output   Input   PostScript      Unicode   Notes
       o        \[de]   degree          u00B0     +
       %o       \[%0]   perthousand     u2030     per thousand, per mille sign
       '        \[fm]   minute          u2032     footmark, prime +
       ''       \[sd]   second          u2033
       u        \[mc]   mu              u00B5     micro sign
       a        \[Of]   ordfeminine     u00AA
       o        \[Om]   ordmasculine    u00BA

       Logical Symbols

       Output Input  PostScript   Unicode Notes
       ^      \[AN]  logicaland   u2227
       v      \[OR]  logicalor    u2228
       ~      \[no]  logicalnot   u00AC   +
       ~      \[tno] logicalnot   u00AC   text variant of `no'
       3      \[te]  existential  u2203   there exists
       V      \[fa]  universal    u2200   for all
       -)     \[st]  suchthat     u220B
       .:.    \[3d]  therefore    u2234
       .:.    \[tf]  therefore    u2234
       |      \[or]  bar          u007C   bitwise OR operator (as used in C) +

       Mathematical Symbols

       Output Input        PostScript     Unicode    Notes
       1/2    \[12]        onehalf        u00BD      +
       1/4    \[14]        onequarter     u00BC      +
       3/4    \[34]        threequarters  u00BE      +
       1/8    \[18]        oneeighth      u215B
       3/8    \[38]        threeeighths   u215C
       5/8    \[58]        fiveeighths    u215D
       7/8    \[78]        seveneighths   u215E
       1      \[S1]        onesuperior    u00B9
       2      \[S2]        twosuperior    u00B2
       3      \[S3]        threesuperior  u00B3

       +      \[pl]        plus           u002B      plus in special font +
       -      \[mi]        minus          u2212      minus in special font +
       -+     \[-+]        uni2213        u2213
       +-     \[+-]        plusminus      u00B1      +
       +-     \[t+-]       plusminus      u00B1      text variant of `+-'
       .      \[pc]        periodcentered u00B7
       .      \[md]        dotmath        u22C5      multiplication dot
       x      \[mu]        multiply       u00D7      +
       x      \[tmu]       multiply       u00D7      text variant of `mu'
       x      \[c*]        circlemultiply u2297      multiply sign in a circle
       +      \[c+]        circleplus     u2295      plus in a circle
       -:-    \[di]        divide         u00F7      division +
       -:-    \[tdi]       divide         u00F7      text variant of `di'
       /      \[f/]        fraction       u2044      bar for fractions

       *      \[**]        asteriskmath   u2217      +

       <=     \[<=]        lessequal      u2264      +
       >=     \[>=]        greaterequal   u2265      +
       <<     \[<<]        uni226A        u226A      much less
       >>     \[>>]        uni226B        u226B      much greater
       =      \[eq]        equal          u003D      equals in special font +
       !=     \[!=]        notequal       u003D_0338 +
       ==     \[==]        equivalence    u2261      +
       !==    \[ne]        uni2262        u2261_0338
       =~     \[=~]        congruent      u2245      approx. equal
       -~     \[|=]        uni2243        u2243      asymptot. equal to +
       ~      \[ap]        similar        u223C      +
       ~~     \[~~]        approxequal    u2248      almost equal to
       ~=     \[~=]        approxequal    u2248
       oc     \[pt]        proportional   u221D      +

       {}     \[es]        emptyset       u2205      +
       E      \[mo]        element        u2208      +
       E      \[nm]        notelement     u2208_0338
       (=     \[sb]        propersubset   u2282      +
              \[nb]        notsubset      u2282_0338
       =)     \[sp]        propersuperset u2283      +
              \[nc]        uni2285        u2283_0338 not superset
       (_     \[ib]        reflexsubset   u2286      +
       _)     \[ip]        reflexsuperset u2287      +
       (^)    \[ca]        intersection   u2229      intersection, cap +
       U      \[cu]        union          u222A      union, cup +

       /      \[/_]        angle          u2220
       |      \[pp]        perpendicular  u22A5
       I      \[is]        integral       u222B      +
              \[integral]  integral       u222B      ***
              \[sum]       summation      u2211      ***
              \[product]   product        u220F      ***
       _      \[coproduct] uni2210        u2210      ***
       V      \[gr]        gradient       u2207      +
       \/     \[sr]        radical        u221A      square root +
              \[sqrt]      radical        u221A      ***
              \[radicalex] radicalex      ---        square root continuation
              \[sqrtex]    radicalex      ---        ***

       |~     \[lc]        uni2308        u2308      left ceiling +
       ~|     \[rc]        uni2309        u2309      right ceiling +
       |_     \[lf]        uni230A        u230A      left floor +
       _|     \[rf]        uni230B        u230B      right floor +

       oo     \[if]        infinity       u221E      +
       N      \[Ah]        aleph          u2135
       I      \[Im]        Ifraktur       u2111      Gothic I, imaginary
       R      \[Re]        Rfraktur       u211C      Gothic R, real
       p      \[wp]        weierstrass    u2118      Weierstrass p
       a      \[pd]        partialdiff    u2202      partial differentiation +
              \[-h]        uni210F        u210F      Planck constant / 2pi
              \[hbar]      uni210F        u210F

       Greek glyphs

       These glyphs are intended for technical use, not for real  Greek;  nor-
       mally, the uppercase letters have upright shape, and the lowercase ones
       are slanted.  There is a problem with the mapping of letter phi to Uni-
       code.   Prior  to  Unicode  version 3.0, the difference between U+03C6,
       GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI, and U+03D5, GREEK PHI SYMBOL, was  not  clearly
       described; only the glyph shapes in the Unicode book could be used as a
       reference.  Starting with Unicode 3.0, the reference glyphs  have  been
       exchanged  and described verbally also: In mathematical context, U+03D5
       is the stroked variant and U+03C6 the curly glyph.  Unfortunately, most
       font vendors didn't update their fonts to this (incompatible) change in
       Unicode.  At the time of this writing (January 2006), it is  not  clear
       yet  whether  the  Adobe  Glyph  Names `phi' and `phi1' also change its
       meaning if used for mathematics, thus compatibility problems are likely
       to happen - being conservative, groff currently assumes that `phi' in a
       PostScript symbol font is the stroked version.

       In groff, symbol `\[*f]' always denotes the stroked version of phi, and
       `\[+f]' the curly variant.

       Output   Input   PostScript    Unicode   Notes
       A        \[*A]   Alpha         u0391     +
       B_       \[*B]   Beta          u0392     +
       |        \[*G]   Gamma         u0393     +
       /\       \[*D]   Delta         u0394     +
       E        \[*E]   Epsilon       u0395     +
       Z        \[*Z]   Zeta          u0396     +
       H        \[*Y]   Eta           u0397     +
       O        \[*H]   Theta         u0398     +
       I        \[*I]   Iota          u0399     +
       K        \[*K]   Kappa         u039A     +
       /\       \[*L]   Lambda        u039B     +
       M        \[*M]   Mu            u039C     +
       N        \[*N]   Nu            u039D     +
       H        \[*C]   Xi            u039E     +
       O        \[*O]   Omicron       u039F     +
       TT       \[*P]   Pi            u03A0     +
       _        \[*R]   Rho           u03A1     +
       >        \[*S]   Sigma         u03A3     +
       T        \[*T]   Tau           u03A4     +
       Y        \[*U]   Upsilon       u03A5     +
       O        \[*F]   Phi           u03A6     +
       X        \[*X]   Chi           u03A7     +
       Y        \[*Q]   Psi           u03A8     +
       O        \[*W]   Omega         u03A9     +
       a        \[*a]   alpha         u03B1     +
       B        \[*b]   beta          u03B2     +
       y        \[*g]   gamma         u03B3     +
       d        \[*d]   delta         u03B4     +
       e        \[*e]   epsilon       u03B5     +
       C        \[*z]   zeta          u03B6     +
       n        \[*y]   eta           u03B7     +
       0        \[*h]   theta         u03B8     +
       i        \[*i]   iota          u03B9     +
       k        \[*k]   kappa         u03BA     +
       \        \[*l]   lambda        u03BB     +
       u        \[*m]   mu            u03BC     +
       v        \[*n]   nu            u03BD     +
       E        \[*c]   xi            u03BE     +
       o        \[*o]   omicron       u03BF     +
       n        \[*p]   pi            u03C0     +
       p        \[*r]   rho           u03C1     +
       s        \[ts]   sigma1        u03C2     terminal sigma +
       o        \[*s]   sigma         u03C3     +
       t        \[*t]   tau           u03C4     +
       u        \[*u]   upsilon       u03C5     +
       o        \[*f]   phi           u03D5     (stroked glyph) +
       x        \[*x]   chi           u03C7     +
       u        \[*q]   psi           u03C8     +
       w        \[*w]   omega         u03C9     +
       0        \[+h]   theta1        u03D1     variant theta
       o        \[+f]   phi1          u03C6     variant phi (curly shape)
       w        \[+p]   omega1        u03D6     variant pi, looking like omega
       e        \[+e]   uni03F5       u03F5     variant epsilon

       Card symbols

       Output     Input         PostScript     Unicode      Notes
                  \[CL]         club           u2663        black club suit
                  \[SP]         spade          u2660        black spade suit
                  \[HE]         heart          u2665        black heart suit
                  \[u2661]      uni2661        u2661        white heart suit
                  \[DI]         diamond        u2666        black diamond suit
                  \[u2662]      uni2662        u2662        white diamond suit

       Copyright (C) 1989-2004, 2006-2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       This document is distributed under the terms of the FDL (GNU Free Docu-
       mentation License) version 1.3 or later.  You should  have  received  a
       copy of the FDL on your system, it is also available on-line at the GNU
       copyleft site <>.

       This document is part of groff, the  GNU  roff  distribution.   It  was
       written  by  James  Clark  <>  with  additions  by Werner
       Lemberg <> and Bernd Warken <>.

              the GNU roff formatter

              a short reference of the groff formatting language

       An extension to the troff character set for Europe, E.G.  Keizer,  K.J.
       Simonsen, J. Akkerhuis; EUUG Newsletter, Volume 9, No. 2, Summer 1989

       The Unicode Standard <>

1.22.2                         07 February 2013                  GROFF_CHAR(7)

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