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LVM.CONF(5)                   File Formats Manual                  LVM.CONF(5)

       lvm.conf - Configuration file for LVM2


       lvm.conf  is  loaded  during  the initialisation phase of lvm(8).  This
       file can in turn lead to other files being loaded -  settings  read  in
       later  override  earlier settings.  File timestamps are checked between
       commands and if any have changed, all the files are reloaded.

       Use lvm dumpconfig to check what settings are in use.

       This section describes the configuration file syntax.

       Whitespace is not significant unless it is within  quotes.   This  pro-
       vides  a  wide choice of acceptable indentation styles.  Comments begin
       with # and continue to the end of the line.  They are treated as white-

       Here is an informal grammar:

       file = value*
              A configuration file consists of a set of values.

       value = section | assignment
              A value can either be a new section, or an assignment.

       section = identifier '{' value* '}'
              A section is groups associated values together.
              It is denoted by a name and delimited by curly brackets.
              e.g. backup {

       assignment = identifier '=' ( array | type )
              An assignment associates a type with an identifier.
              e.g. max_archives = 42

       array =  '[' ( type ',')* type ']' | '[' ']'
              Inhomogeneous arrays are supported.
              Elements must be separated by commas.
              An empty array is acceptable.

       type = integer | float | string
              integer = [0-9]*
              float = [0-9]*'.'[0-9]*
              string = '"'.*'"'

              Strings must be enclosed in double quotes.

       The sections that may be present in the file are:

       devices -- Device settings

              dir  --  Directory in which to create volume group device nodes.
              Defaults to "/dev".  Commands also accept this as  a  prefix  on
              volume group names.

              scan -- List of directories to scan recursively for LVM physical
              volumes.  Devices in directories outside this hierarchy will  be
              ignored.  Defaults to "/dev".

              preferred_names -- List of patterns compared in turn against all
              the pathnames referencing the same  device  in  in  the  scanned
              directories.   The pathname that matches the earliest pattern in
              the list is the one used in  any  output.   As  an  example,  if
              device-mapper  multipathing  is  used, the following will select
              multipath device names:
              devices { preferred_names = [ "^/dev/mapper/mpath" ] }

              filter -- List of patterns to apply to devices found by a  scan.
              Patterns  are regular expressions delimited by any character and
              preceded by a (for accept) or r (for reject).  The list is  tra-
              versed  in order, and the first regex that matches determines if
              the device will be accepted or rejected (ignored).  Devices that
              don't  match  any  patterns  are accepted. If you want to reject
              patterns that don't match, end the list with "r/.*/".  If  there
              are  several  names  for the same device (e.g. symbolic links in
              /dev), if the first matching pattern in the list for any of  the
              names  is an a pattern, the device is accepted; otherwise if the
              first matching pattern in the list for any of the names is an  r
              pattern  it  is rejected; otherwise it is accepted.  As an exam-
              ple, to ignore /dev/cdrom you could use:
              devices { filter=["r|cdrom|"] }

              cache_dir -- Persistent filter cache file  directory.   Defaults
              to "/etc/lvm/cache".

              write_cache_state  -- Set to 0 to disable the writing out of the
              persistent filter cache file when lvm exits.  Defaults to 1.

              types -- List of pairs of  additional  acceptable  block  device
              types  found  in  /proc/devices together with maximum (non-zero)
              number of partitions (normally 16).  By default,  LVM2  supports
              ide,  sd, md, loop, dasd, dac960, nbd, ida, cciss, ubd, ataraid,
              drbd, power2, i2o_block  and  iseries/vd.   Block  devices  with
              major  numbers of different types are ignored by LVM2.  Example:
              types = ["fd", 16].  To create physical volumes on device-mapper
              volumes created outside LVM2, perhaps encrypted ones from crypt-
              setup, you'll need types = ["device-mapper", 16].  But if you do
              this, be careful to avoid recursion within LVM2.  The figure for
              number of partitions is not currently used in LVM2 -  and  might
              never be.

              sysfs_scan  -- If set to 1 and your kernel supports sysfs and it
              is mounted, sysfs will be used as a quick way of  filtering  out
              block devices that are not present.

              md_component_detection  -- If set to 1, LVM2 will ignore devices
              used as components of software RAID (md) devices by looking  for
              md  superblocks. This doesn't always work satisfactorily e.g. if
              a device has been  reused  without  wiping  the  md  superblocks

              md_chunk_alignment  --  If  set  to  1, and a Physical Volume is
              placed directly upon an md device,  LVM2  will  align  its  data
              blocks with the md device's stripe-width.

              data_alignment_detection  --  If  set to 1, and your kernel pro-
              vides topology information in sysfs for the Physical Volume, the
              start  of  data area will be aligned on a multiple of the 'mini-
              mum_io_size'  or  'optimal_io_size'  exposed  in  sysfs.   mini-
              mum_io_size is the smallest request the device can perform with-
              out incurring  a  read-modify-write  penalty  (e.g.  MD's  chunk
              size).   optimal_io_size  is  the  device's  preferred  unit  of
              receiving I/O (e.g. MD's stripe width).  minimum_io_size is used
              if optimal_io_size is undefined (0).  If both md_chunk_alignment
              and  data_alignment_detection  are   enabled   the   result   of
              data_alignment_detection is used.

              data_alignment  --  Default  alignment  (in KB) of start of data
              area when creating a new Physical Volume using the lvm2  format.
              If  a  Physical  Volume is placed directly upon an md device and
              md_chunk_alignment or data_alignment_detection is  enabled  this
              parameter  is ignored.  Set to 0 to use the default alignment of
              64KB or the page size, if larger.

              data_alignment_offset_detection -- If set to 1, and your  kernel
              provides  topology information in sysfs for the Physical Volume,
              the start of the aligned data area of the Physical  Volume  will
              be shifted by the alignment_offset exposed in sysfs.

              To  see the location of the first Physical Extent of an existing
              Physical Volume use pvs -o +pe_start .  It will be a multiple of
              the  requested  data_alignment  plus  the  alignment_offset from
              data_alignment_offset_detection (if  enabled)  or  the  pvcreate

              disable_after_error_count  --  During  each LVM operation errors
              received from each device are counted.  If the counter of a par-
              ticular  device  exceeds  the  limit set here, no further I/O is
              sent to that device for the remainder of the  respective  opera-
              tion.  Setting  the  parameter  to 0 disables the counters alto-

              pv_min_size -- Minimal size (in KB) of the  block  device  which
              can be used as a PV.  In clustered environment all nodes have to
              use the same value.  Any value smaller than  512KB  is  ignored.
              Up  to  and include version 2.02.84 the default was 512KB.  From
              2.02.85 onwards it was changed to 2MB to avoid floppy drives  by

              issue_discards -- Issue discards to a logical volumes's underly-
              ing physical volume(s) when the  logical  volume  is  no  longer
              using  the  physical  volumes'  space  (e.g. lvremove, lvreduce,
              etc).  Discards inform the storage that a region is no longer in
              use.  Storage that supports discards advertise the protocol spe-
              cific way discards should be issued by the kernel (TRIM,  UNMAP,
              or WRITE SAME with UNMAP bit set).  Not all storage will support
              or benefit from discards but SSDs and  thinly  provisioned  LUNs
              generally do.  If set to 1, discards will only be issued if both
              the storage and kernel provide support.

       allocation -- Space allocation policies

              cling_tag_list -- List of PV tags matched by the  cling  alloca-
              tion policy.

              When searching for free space to extend an LV, the cling alloca-
              tion policy will choose space on the same PVs as the  last  seg-
              ment  of  the existing LV.  If there is insufficient space and a
              list of tags is defined here, it will check whether any of  them
              are  attached  to the PVs concerned and then seek to match those
              PV tags between existing extents and new extents.

              The @ prefix for tags is required.  Use the special tag "@*"  as
              a  wildcard  to match any PV tag and so use all PV tags for this

              For example, LVs are mirrored between two sites within a  single
              VG.   PVs  are  tagged  with either @site1 or @site2 to indicate
              where they are situated and these two PV tags are  selected  for
              use with this allocation policy:

              cling_tag_list = [ "@site1", "@site2" ]

       log -- Default log settings

              file  -- Location of log file.  If this entry is not present, no
              log file is written.

              overwrite -- Set to 1 to overwrite the log file each time a tool
              is invoked.  By default tools append messages to the log file.

              level -- Log level (0-9) of messages to write to the file.  9 is
              the most verbose; 0 should produce no output.

              verbose -- Default level (0-3) of messages  sent  to  stdout  or
              stderr.   3 is the most verbose; 0 should produce the least out-

              silent -- Set to 1 to suppress all  non-essential  tool  output.
              When  set,  display  and  reporting  tools  will still write the
              requested device properties to  standard  output,  but  messages
              confirming  that something was or wasn't changed will be reduced
              to the 'verbose' level and not appear unless -v is supplied.

              syslog -- Set to 1 (the default) to send  log  messages  through
              syslog.   Turn  off  by  setting to 0.  If you set to an integer
              greater than one, this is used - unvalidated - as the  facility.
              The default is LOG_USER.  See /usr/include/sys/syslog.h for safe
              facility values to use.  For example, LOG_LOCAL0 might be 128.

              indent -- When set to 1  (the  default)  messages  are  indented
              according  to their severity, two spaces per level.  Set to 0 to
              turn off indentation.

              command_names -- When set to 1, the command name is  used  as  a
              prefix for each message.  Default is 0 (off).

              prefix -- Prefix used for all messages (after the command name).
              Default is two spaces.

              activation -- Set to 1 to log messages while  devices  are  sus-
              pended  during  activation.   Only  set  this  temporarily while
              debugging a problem because in low memory situations  this  set-
              ting can cause your machine to lock up.

       backup -- Configuration for metadata backups.

              archive_dir  --  Directory used for automatic metadata archives.
              Backup copies of former  metadata  for  each  volume  group  are
              archived here.  Defaults to "/etc/lvm/archive".

              backup_dir  -- Directory used for automatic metadata backups.  A
              single backup copy of the current metadata for each volume group
              is stored here.  Defaults to "/etc/lvm/backup".

              archive  --  Whether or not tools automatically archive existing
              metadata into archive_dir before making changes to it.   Default
              is  1  (automatic archives enabled).  Set to 0 to disable.  Dis-
              abling this might make metadata recovery difficult or impossible
              if something goes wrong.

              backup  --  Whether  or  not tools make an automatic backup into
              backup_dir after changing metadata.   Default  is  1  (automatic
              backups  enabled).   Set  to 0 to disable.  Disabling this might
              make metadata recovery difficult or impossible if something goes

              retain_min  --  Minimum number of archives to keep.  Defaults to

              retain_days -- Minimum number of days  to  keep  archive  files.
              Defaults to 30.

       shell -- LVM2 built-in readline shell settings

              history_size  --  Maximum  number  of  lines of shell history to
              retain (default 100) in $HOME/.lvm_history

       global -- Global settings

              test -- If set to 1, run tools in test mode i.e. no  changes  to
              the  on-disk  metadata will get made.  It's equivalent to having
              the -t option on every command.

              activation -- Set to 0 to turn off all  communication  with  the
              device-mapper  driver.  Useful if you want to manipulate logical
              volumes while device-mapper is not present in your kernel.

              proc -- Mount point of proc filesystem.  Defaults to /proc.

              umask -- File creation mask for any files and  directories  cre-
              ated.   Interpreted  as  octal  if  the  first  digit  is  zero.
              Defaults to 077.  Use 022 to allow other users to read the files
              by default.

              format  -- The default value of --metadatatype used to determine
              which format of metadata to use when creating new physical  vol-
              umes and volume groups. lvm1 or lvm2.

              fallback_to_lvm1  --  Set  this  to  1 if you need to be able to
              switch between 2.4 kernels  using  LVM1  and  kernels  including
              device-mapper.  The LVM2 tools should be installed as normal and
              the LVM1 tools should be installed  with  a  .lvm1  suffix  e.g.
              vgscan.lvm1.  If an LVM2 tool is then run but unable to communi-
              cate with device-mapper, it will automatically invoke the equiv-
              alent  LVM1  version  of  the tool.  Note that for LVM1 tools to
              manipulate physical volumes and volume groups  created  by  LVM2
              you must use --metadataformat lvm1 when creating them.

              library_dir  -- A directory searched for LVM2's shared libraries
              ahead of the places dlopen (3) searches.

              format_libraries -- A list of shared libraries to load that con-
              tain code to process different formats of metadata. For example,
     is needed to read GFS pool metadata if LVM2
              was configured --with-pool=shared.

              locking_type  -- What type of locking to use.  1 is the default,
              which use flocks on files in locking_dir (see  below)  to  avoid
              conflicting  LVM2  commands  running  concurrently  on  a single
              machine. 0 disables locking and risks corrupting your  metadata.
              If  set  to  2, the tools will load the external locking_library
              (see below).  If the tools were configured --with-cluster=inter-
              nal  (the  default)  then  3  means to use built-in cluster-wide
              locking.  Type 4 enforces read-only  metadata  and  forbids  any
              operations that might want to modify Volume Group metadata.  All
              changes to logical volumes and  their  states  are  communicated
              using locks.

              wait_for_locks  -- When set to 1, the default, the tools wait if
              a lock request cannot be satisfied immediately.  When set to  0,
              the operation is aborted instead.

              locking_dir -- The directory LVM2 places its file locks if lock-
              ing_type is set to 1.  The default is /var/lock/lvm.

              locking_library -- The name of the external locking  library  to
              load  if  locking_type is set to 2.  The default is liblvm2clus-
      If you need to write such a library,  look  at  the
              lib/locking source code directory.

       tags -- Host tag settings

              hosttags  --  If  set  to  1, create a host tag with the machine
              name.  Setting this to 0  does  nothing,  neither  creating  nor
              destroying  any  tag.   The machine name used is the nodename as
              returned by uname (2).

              Additional host tags to be set can be  listed  here  as  subsec-
              tions.   The  @ prefix for tags is optional.  Each of these host
              tag subsections can contain a host_list array of host names.  If
              any  one  of these entries matches the machine name exactly then
              the host tag gets defined on this particular host, otherwise  it

              After  lvm.conf has been processed, LVM2 works through each host
              tag that has been defined in turn, and if there is a  configura-
              tion  file  called  lvm_<host_tag>.conf  it attempts to load it.
              Any settings read in override settings found in  earlier  files.
              Any  additional  host  tags  defined  get appended to the search
              list, so in turn they can lead to  further  configuration  files
              being processed.  Use lvm dumpconfig to check the result of con-
              fig file processing.

              The following example always sets host tags tag1 and  sets  tag2
              on machines fs1 and fs2:

              tags { tag1 { } tag2 { host_list = [ "fs1", "fs2" ] } }

              These  options  are  useful if you are replicating configuration
              files around a cluster.  Use of hosttags = 1 means every machine
              can  have static and identical local configuration files yet use
              different settings and activate  different  logical  volumes  by
              default.  See also volume_list below and --addtag in lvm (8).

       activation -- Settings affecting device-mapper activation

              missing_stripe_filler  --  When activating an incomplete logical
              volume in partial mode, this option  dictates  how  the  missing
              data  is  replaced.  A value of "error" will cause activation to
              create error mappings for the missing data,  meaning  that  read
              access  to  missing  portions  of  the volume will result in I/O
              errors. You can instead also use a device path, and in that case
              this  device  will be used in place of missing stripes. However,
              note that using anything other than  "error"  with  mirrored  or
              snapshotted volumes is likely to result in data corruption.  For
              instructions on how to  create  a  device  that  always  returns
              zeros, see lvcreate (8).

              mirror_region_size  --  Unit size in KB for copy operations when

              readahead -- Used when there is no readahead value stored in the
              volume  group  metadata.   Set  to  none to disable readahead in
              these circumstances or auto to use the default value  chosen  by
              the kernel.

              reserved_memory,  reserved_stack  --  How many KB to reserve for
              LVM2 to use while logical volumes are  suspended.   If  insuffi-
              cient  memory  is reserved before suspension, there is a risk of
              machine deadlock.

              process_priority -- The nice value to use while devices are sus-
              pended.   This is set to a high priority so that logical volumes
              are suspended (with I/O generated by other  processes  to  those
              logical volumes getting queued) for the shortest possible time.

              volume_list  -- This acts as a filter through which all requests
              to activate a logical volume on this machine are passed.  A log-
              ical volume is only activated if it matches an item in the list.
              Tags must be preceded by @ and  are  checked  against  all  tags
              defined  in  the  logical volume and volume group metadata for a
              match.  @* is short-hand to check every  tag  set  on  the  host
              machine  (see tags above).  Logical volume and volume groups can
              also be included in the list by name e.g. vg00, vg00/lvol1.

              auto_activation_volume_list -- This acts  as  a  filter  through
              which  all  requests  to  autoactivate  a logical volume on this
              machine are passed. A logical  volume  is  autoactivated  if  it
              matches  an  item  in  the list. Volumes must also pass the vol-
              ume_list filter, if present. Tags must be preceded by @ and  are
              checked  against all tags defined in the logical volume and vol-
              ume group metadata for a match. @* is short-hand to check  every
              tag  set  on  the host machine (see tags above).  Logical volume
              and volume groups can also be included in the list by name  e.g.
              vg00, vg00/lvol1.

              read_only_volume_list -- This acts as a filter through which all
              requests to activate  a  logical  volume  on  this  machine  are
              passed.   A  logical  volume  is  activated  in  read-only  mode
              (instead of read-write) if it matches an item in the list.  Vol-
              umes  must  first pass the volume_list filter, if present.  Tags
              must be preceded by @ and are checked against all  tags  defined
              in the logical volume and volume group metadata for a match.  @*
              is short-hand to check every tag set on the  host  machine  (see
              tags  above).   Logical  volume  and  volume  groups can also be
              included in the list by name e.g. vg00, vg00/lvol1.

       metadata -- Advanced metadata settings

              pvmetadatacopies -- When creating a physical  volume  using  the
              LVM2  metadata  format,  this is the default number of copies of
              metadata to store on each physical volume.  Currently it can  be
              set  to  0, 1 or 2.  The default is 1.  If set to 2, one copy is
              placed at the beginning of the disk and the other is  placed  at
              the  end.   It  can  be  overridden  on  the  command  line with
              --pvmetadatacopies (see pvcreate).  If creating a  volume  group
              with  just  one  physical  volume,  it's  a  good idea to have 2
              copies.  If creating a large volume  group  with  many  physical
              volumes,  you may decide that 3 copies of the metadata is suffi-
              cient, i.e. setting it to 1 on three of  the  physical  volumes,
              and 0 on the rest.  Every volume group must contain at least one
              physical volume with at least 1 copy  of  the  metadata  (unless
              using the text files described below).  The disadvantage of hav-
              ing lots of copies is that every time the tools access the  vol-
              ume  group,  every  copy of the metadata has to be accessed, and
              this slows down the tools.

              pvmetadatasize -- Approximate number of sectors to set aside for
              each  copy  of the metadata. Volume groups with large numbers of
              physical or logical volumes, or volumes groups  containing  com-
              plex  logical  volume  structures will need additional space for
              their metadata.  The metadata areas are treated as circular buf-
              fers, so unused space becomes filled with an archive of the most
              recent previous versions of the metadata.

              pvmetadataignore When creating a physical volume using the  LVM2
              metadata  format,  this  states whether metadata areas should be
              ignored.  The default is "n".  If metadata areas on  a  physical
              volume are ignored, LVM will not not store metadata in the meta-
              data areas present  on  newly  created  Physical  Volumes.   The
              option  can be overridden on the command line with --metadataig-
              nore (See pvcreate and pvchange).  Metadata areas cannot be cre-
              ated  or  extended  after Logical Volumes have been allocated on
              the device.  If you do  not  want  to  store  metadata  on  this
              device, it is still wise always to allocate a metadata area (use
              a non-zero value for --pvmetadatacopies) in case you need it  in
              the future and to use this option to instruct LVM2 to ignore it.

              vgmetadatacopies  -- When creating a volume group using the LVM2
              metadata format, this is the default number of copies  of  meta-
              data  desired  across  all  the  physical  volumes in the volume
              group.  If set to a non-zero value, LVM will  automatically  set
              or  clear  the  metadataignore flag on the physical volumes (see
              pvcreate and pvchange --metadataignore) in order to achieve  the
              desired  number of metadata copies.  An LVM command that adds or
              removes  physical  volumes  (for  example,  vgextend,  vgreduce,
              vgsplit,  or  vgmerge),  may  cause  LVM to automatically set or
              clear the metadataignore flags.  Also, if  physical  volumes  go
              missing or reappear, or a new number of copies is explicitly set
              (see vgchange --vgmetadatacopies),  LVM  may  adjust  the  meta-
              dataignore  flags.   Set vgmetadatacopies to 0 instructs LVM not
              to set or clear the metadataignore flags automatically.  You may
              set  a  value  larger  than the sum of all metadata areas on all
              physical volumes.  The value can be overridden  on  the  command
              line  with --vgmetadatacopies for various commands (for example,
              vgcreate  and  vgchange),  and  can   be   queryied   with   the
              vg_mda_copies  field  of  vgs.  This option is useful for volume
              groups containing large numbers of physical volumes  with  meta-
              data as it may be used to minimize metadata read and write over-

              dirs -- List of directories holding live copies of LVM2 metadata
              as  text  files.   These directories must not be on logical vol-
              umes.  It is possible to use LVM2 with a couple  of  directories
              here,  preferably  on different (non-logical-volume) filesystems
              and with  no  other  on-disk  metadata,  pvmetadatacopies  =  0.
              Alternatively  these  directories  can be in addition to the on-
              disk metadata areas.  This feature was created during the devel-
              opment  of  the  LVM2  metadata  before the new on-disk metadata
              areas were designed and no longer gets tested.  It is  not  sup-
              ported under low-memory conditions, and it is important never to
              edit these metadata files unless you fully understand how things
              work: to make changes you should always use the tools as normal,
              or else vgcfgbackup, edit backup, vgcfgrestore.


       lvm(8), umask(2), uname(2), dlopen(3), syslog(3), syslog.conf(5)

Sistina Software UK    LVM TOOLS 2.02.98(2) (2012-10-15)           LVM.CONF(5)

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