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Pamenlarge User Manual(0)                            Pamenlarge User Manual(0)

       pamenlarge - Enlarge a Netpbm image N times

       pamenlarge N [pnmfile]

       This program is part of Netpbm(1)

       pamenlarge  reads  a  Netpbm  image  as  input, replicates its pixels N
       times, and produces a Netpbm image as output.  The output is  the  same
       type of image as the input.

       If  you  enlarge  by  a  factor of 3 or more, you should probably add a
       pnmsmooth step; otherwise, you can  see  the  original  pixels  in  the
       resulting image.

       For  PBM images, pamenlarge uses special fast algorithms for scale fac-
       tors up to 10.  For larger factors, it uses a  simple  but  slow  algo-
       rithm.   As a result, you can often get a significantly faster scale by
       running pamenlarge multiple times.  For example,  enlarging  by  3  and
       then  by  5 is faster than enlarging once by 15.  And because the algo-
       rithms are different for the different scale factors, some faster  than
       others, the order matters too.  For example, the following examples all
       produce the same output -- an image 15 times bigger on  edge  than  the
       input  --  but  with at different spees, each being faster than the one

            $ pamenlarge 15 test.pbm
            $ pamenlarge 5 test.pbm | pamenlarge 3
            $ pamenlarge 3 test.pbm | pamenlarge 5

       The special fast cases for factors up to 10 have existed since  Release
       10.50  (March  2010).   The special cases for 1, 2, 3, and 5 go back to
       Release 10.41 (December 2007).  Before  10.41,  there  are  no  special
       scale  factors  and  PBM enlargement is significantly slower than today
       for all scale factors.

       pamenlarge can enlarge only by integer factors.  The  slower  but  more
       general  pamscale can enlarge or reduce by arbitrary factors.  pamscale
       allows you to enlarge by resampling, which gives you smoother  enlarge-
       ments.  But it is much slower.

       pamstretch  is  another enlarging program that enlarges by integer fac-
       tors.  It does a simple kind of resampling that gives  you  a  smoothed
       enlargement with less computational cost.

       pbmreduce can reduce by integer factors, but only for PBM images.

       pamenlarge was new in Netpbm 10.25 (October 2004).  It is designed as a
       replacement for pnmenlarge by Jef Poskanzer, which was  in  Pbmplus  as
       far  back as 1989.  The major difference is that pamenlarge can enlarge
       PAM format images in addition to PNM.

       pbmreduce(1)  ,  pamscale(1)   ,   pamstretch(1)   ,   pbmpscale(1)   ,
       pnmsmooth(1) , pnm(5)

       Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

netpbm documentation             17 March 2010       Pamenlarge User Manual(0)

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