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Pnmgamma User Manual(0)                                Pnmgamma User Manual(0)

       pnmgamma - perform gamma adjustment on a PNM image

       pnmgamma {
        -bt709tolinear |
        -lineartobt709 |
        -bt709tosrgb |
        -srgbtobt709    }   [-gamma=float]   [-rgamma=float]   [-ggamma=float]


       pnmgamma [
        -bt709ramp |
        -srgbramp ] [-ungamma] [{gamma | redgamma greengamma bluegamma}  [pnm-

       This program is part of Netpbm(1)

       Pnmgamma performs gamma adjustment on pseudo-PNM images.

       The  PPM format specification specifies that certain sample values in a
       file represent certain light intensities in an image.   In  particular,
       they  specify that the sample values are directly proportional to lumi-
       nance as defined by ITU-R Recommendation BT.709.  BT.709 luminance as a
       function  of  radiance  is a power function modified with a linear ramp
       near black.

       However, people sometimes work with approximations of PPM and PGM where
       the sample values represent intensity in different ways:

       In  one  common variation, the sample value is directly proportional to
       radiance (often called 'linear intensity').

       Another popular variation is to make the samples proportional to  lumi-
       nance as defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
       SRGB standard.  The SRGB gamma transfer function is like the BT.709 one
       except with different constants in it.

       Note that SRGB is often spelled 'sRGB'.  In this document, we use stan-
       dard English typography, though, which doesn't allow for that  kind  of

       pnmgamma  allows  you  to  manipulate the gamma transfer function, thus
       working with and/or creating pseudo-PPM files that are useful for vari-
       ous things.

       For  example,  if  you feed a true PPM to pnmgamma -bt709tolinear , you
       get as output a file which is PPM in every respect except that the sam-
       ple  values  are  radiances.  If you feed such a file to pnmgamma -lin-
       earto709, you get back a true PPM.

       The situation for PGM images is analogous.   And  pnmgamma  treats  PBM
       images as PGM images.

       When  you  feed  a  radiance-proportional pseudo-PPM image to a display
       program that expects a true PPM, the display  appears  darker  than  it
       should,  so  pnmgamma has the effect of lightening the image.  When you
       feed a true PPM to a display program that expects radiance-proportional
       sample  values,  and  therefore  does  a gamma adjustment of its own on
       them, the display appears lighter than it should, so  pnmgamma  with  a
       gamma value less than one (the multiplicative inverse of whatever gamma
       value the display program uses) has the effect of darkening the image.

       The form of the parameters depends on whether you're using the old syn-
       tax  or the new syntax.  With the old syntax, the parameters are a mix-
       ture of gamma values and the input file name.  With the new syntax, the
       only parameter is the input file name and you specify gamma values with

       You use the old syntax if you specify -bt709ramp (or its synonym -cier-
       amp)  or  -srgramp or if you don't specify any transfer function at all
       (and thus default to a simple exponential).  Otherwise, you use the new

       With the old syntax, you may specify a single gamma value or 3 separate
       gamma values (red, green, and blue) or no gamma values.  In  any  case,
       the meanings of those parameters is the same as the more modern -gamma,
       -rgamma, -ggamma, and -bgamma options described below.

              Convert the image from BT.709 luminance to radiance.  I.e.  con-
              vert  from  true  PPM or PGM to a radiance-linear variation that
              can be used with certain tools that need it.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

              Convert the image from radiance to BT.709 luminance.  I.e.  con-
              vert to true PPM or PGM from a radiance-linear variation.

              You  get  true BT.709 (ergo true PPM or PGM) only if you use the
              default gamma value (i.e. don't specify -gamma, etc.).

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

              Convert the image from BT.709 luminance to SRGB luminance.  I.e.
              convert  from true PPM or PGM to an SRGB-based variation that is
              required by certain tools and display devices.

              You get true SRGB only if you use the default gamma value  (i.e.
              don't specify -gamma, etc.).

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

              Convert the image from SRGB luminance to BT.709 luminance.  I.e.
              convert to true PPM or PGM from an SRGB-based variation.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

              Same as -lineartobt709, but using the old syntax.

              This option was renamed in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).  Before
              that, its name is -cieramp.

              This is an obsolete synonym for -bt709ramp.

              The name of this option comes from a former belief that this was
              a standard of CIE (International  Commission  On  Illumination),
              but it now (August 2005) looks like it never was.

              Convert the image from radiance to SRGB luminance.  Note that it
              is true SRGB only if you use the default gamma value (i.e. don't
              specify any gamma parameters).

              This is an old syntax option.  There is no equivalent in the new
              syntax because it really shouldn't be a function of pnmgamma  at
              all.   It  exists solely for backward compatibility.  The reason
              it shouldn't exist is that the way to do this conversion consis-
              tent  with the Netpbm philosophy is do a -lineartobt709 followed
              by a -bt709tosrgb.  It's exactly analogous to the way  you  have
              to  convert  from  PNG to TIFF by doing a pngtopam followed by a
              pnmtotiff.  The -srgbramp option actually dates to before  there
              was  a standard definition of what the sample values of a Netpbm
              image measure, and pnmgamma considered radiance-linear to be the
              proper intermediate format.

              Apply  the  inverse  of the specified transfer function (i.e. go
              from gamma-adjusted luminance to radiance).

              This is valid only with -bt709ramp  (aka  -cieramp),  -srgbramp,
              and the default exponential transfer function.

              This  specifies the gamma value to use in the transfer function.
              All of the transfer functions involve an exponent, and the gamma
              value is that exponent.

              The standards specify a particular gamma value.  If you use any-
              thing else, you are varying from the standard.

              The default is the standard value.  For the  simple  exponential
              transfer function (which is not a standard), the default is 2.2.

              In  the  -bt709tosrgb and -srgbtobt709 conversions there are two
              exponents.  -gamma affects the 'to' function; the  'from'  func-
              tion always uses the standard gamma value.

              If  you  specify one of the component-specific options (-rgamma,
              etc.), that overrides the -gamma value.

              With the -bt709ramp (aka -cieramp), -srgbramp,  or  the  default
              exponential  transfer  function,  you  can't  actually  use this
              option,  but  you  specify  the  same  thing  with   parameters.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).



              These  options  are  just  like  -gamma, except they specify the
              value for a particular one of the color components.

              If you don't specify this option for a particular  color  compo-
              nent,  the  default  is the -gamma value (or -gamma's default if
              you didn't specify that either).

              With the -bt709ramp (aka -cieramp), -srgbramp,  or  the  default
              exponential  transfer  function,  you  can't  actually  use this
              option,  but  you  specify  the  same  thing  with   parameters.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

              This  is the maxval of the output image.  By default, the maxval
              of the output is the same as that of the input.

              Because the transformation is not linear,  you  need  a  greater
              maxval  in  the output in order not to lose any information from
              the input.  For example, if you convert to radiance-linear  sam-
              ple values with -ungamma -bt709ramp and default gamma value, and
              your maxval is 255 on both input and output, 3  different  input
              sample values all generate output sample value 254.  In order to
              have a different output  sample  value  for  each  input  sample
              value,  you  would  need  an  output maxval at least 3 times the
              input maxval.

              This option was new in Netpbm  10.32  (February  2006).   Before
              that,  you  can achieve the same result by increasing the maxval
              of the input or  decreasing  the  maxval  of  the  output  using

       A  good  explanation  of  gamma  is  in Charles Poynton's Gamma FAQ at (1)
        and Color FAQ at (1)

       In brief: The simplest way to code an image is by using  sample  values
       that are directly proportional to the radiance of the color components.
       Radiance is a physical quantification based on the amount of  power  in
       the  light;  it is easily measurable in a laboratory, but does not take
       into account what the light looks like to a person.  It wastes the sam-
       ple  space because the human eye can't discern differences between low-
       radiance colors as well as it can  between  high-radiance  colors.   So
       instead,  we  pass the radiance values through a transfer function that
       makes it so that changing a sample value by 1 causes the same level  of
       perceived  color  change  anywhere in the sample range.  We store those
       resulting values in the image file.  That transfer function  is  called
       the  gamma  transfer  function  and  the transformation is called gamma

       The gamma-adjusted value, proportional to  subjective  brightness,  are
       known as the luminance of the pixel.

       There is no precise objective way to measure luminance, since it's psy-
       chological.  Also, perception of brightness varies according to a vari-
       ety  of factors, including the surrounding in which an image is viewed.
       Therefore, there is not just one gamma transfer function.

       Virtually all image formats, either specified or de facto,  use  gamma-
       adjusted values for their sample values.

       What's  really  nice  about  gamma  is that by coincidence, the inverse
       function that you have to do to convert the gamma-adjusted values  back
       to radiance is done automatically by CRTs.  You just apply a voltage to
       the CRT's electron gun that is proportional to the gamma-adjusted  sam-
       ple  value,  and the radiance of the light that comes out of the screen
       is close to the radiance value you had before  you  applied  the  gamma
       transfer function!

       And  when  you consider that computer video devices usually want you to
       store in video memory a value proportional to the  signal  voltage  you
       want  to go to the monitor, which the monitor turns into a proportional
       drive voltage on the electron gun, it is really convenient to work with
       gamma-adjusted sample values.


       Copyright (C) 1991 by Bill Davidson and Jef Poskanzer.

netpbm documentation             30 June 2007          Pnmgamma User Manual(0)

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