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x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASE x
x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASEx
SD_UID_GET_STATE(3)            sd_uid_get_state            SD_UID_GET_STATE(3)

       sd_uid_get_state, sd_uid_is_on_seat, sd_uid_get_sessions,
       sd_uid_get_seats - Determine login state of a specific Unix user ID

       #include <systemd/sd-login.h>

       int sd_uid_get_state(uid_t uid, char** state);

       int sd_uid_is_on_seat(uid_t uid, int require_active, const char* seat);

       int sd_uid_get_sessions(uid_t uid, int require_active,
                               char*** sessions);

       int sd_uid_get_seats(uid_t uid, int require_active, char*** seats);

       sd_uid_get_state() may be used to determine the login state of a
       specific Unix user identifier. The following states are currently
       known: "offline" (user not logged in at all), "lingering" (user not
       logged in, but some user services running), "online" (user logged in,
       but not active, i.e. has no session in the foreground), "active" (user
       logged in, and has at least one active session, i.e. one session in the
       foreground), "closing" (user not logged in, and not lingering, but some
       processes are still around). In the future additional states might be
       defined, client code should be written to be robust in regards to
       additional state strings being returned. The returned string needs to
       be freed with the libc free(3) call after use.

       sd_uid_is_on_seat() may be used to determine whether a specific user is
       logged in or active on a specific seat. Accepts a Unix user identifier
       and a seat identifier string as parameters. The require_active
       parameter is a boolean value. If non-zero (true), this function will
       test if the user is active (i.e. has a session that is in the
       foreground and accepting user input) on the specified seat, otherwise
       (false) only if the user is logged in (and possibly inactive) on the
       specified seat.

       sd_uid_get_sessions() may be used to determine the current sessions of
       the specified user. Accepts a Unix user identifier as parameter. The
       require_active parameter controls whether the returned list shall
       consist of only those sessions where the user is currently active (>
       0), where the user is currently online but possibly inactive (= 0), or
       logged in at all but possibly closing the session (< 0). The call
       returns a NULL terminated string array of session identifiers in
       sessions which needs to be freed by the caller with the libc free(3)
       call after use, including all the strings referenced. If the string
       array parameter is passed as NULL, the array will not be filled in, but
       the return code still indicates the number of current sessions. Note
       that instead of an empty array NULL may be returned and should be
       considered equivalent to an empty array.

       Similarly, sd_uid_get_seats() may be used to determine the list of
       seats on which the user currently has sessions. Similar semantics
       apply, however note that the user may have multiple sessions on the
       same seat as well as sessions with no attached seat and hence the
       number of entries in the returned array may differ from the one
       returned by sd_uid_get_sessions().

       On success, sd_uid_get_state() returns 0 or a positive integer. If the
       test succeeds, sd_uid_is_on_seat() returns a positive integer; if it
       fails, 0.  sd_uid_get_sessions() and sd_uid_get_seats() return the
       number of entries in the returned arrays. On failure, these calls
       return a negative errno-style error code.

       The sd_uid_get_state(), sd_uid_is_on_seat(), sd_uid_get_sessions(), and
       sd_uid_get_seats() interfaces are available as a shared library, which
       can be compiled and linked to with the libsystemd pkg-config(1) file.

       systemd(1), sd-login(3), sd_pid_get_owner_uid(3)

systemd 210                                                SD_UID_GET_STATE(3)

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