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xfs_db(8)                   System Manager's Manual                  xfs_db(8)

       xfs_db - debug an XFS filesystem

       xfs_db [ -c cmd ] ... [ -i|r|x|F ] [ -f ] [ -l logdev ] [ -p progname ]
       xfs_db -V

       xfs_db is used to examine an XFS filesystem. Under  rare  circumstances
       it  can also be used to modify an XFS filesystem, but that task is nor-
       mally left to xfs_repair(8) or to scripts such as xfs_admin(8) that run

       -c cmd xfs_db  commands  may  be  run interactively (the default) or as
              arguments on the command line.  Multiple  -c  arguments  may  be
              given. The commands are run in the sequence given, then the pro-
              gram  exits.  This  is   the   mechanism   used   to   implement

       -f     Specifies that the filesystem image to be processed is stored in
              a regular file at device (see the mkfs.xfs(8) -d  file  option).
              This might happen if an image copy of a filesystem has been made
              into an ordinary file with xfs_copy(8).

       -F     Specifies that we want to continue even if the superblock  magic
              is not correct.  For use in xfs_check and xfs_metadump.

       -i     Allows execution on a mounted filesystem, provided it is mounted
              read-only.  Useful for shell scripts such as xfs_check(8), which
              must  only  operate  on  filesystems  in a guaranteed consistent
              state (either unmounted or mounted read-only).  These  semantics
              are slightly different to that of the -r option.

       -l logdev
              Specifies the device where the filesystems external log resides.
              Only for those filesystems which use an external  log.  See  the
              mkfs.xfs(8)  -l  option,  and  refer  to  xfs(5)  for a detailed
              description of the XFS log.

       -p progname
              Set the program name to progname for prompts and some error mes-
              sages, the default value is xfs_db.

       -r     Open  device  or  filename read-only. This option is required if
              the filesystem is mounted.  It is only necessary  to  omit  this
              flag if a command that changes data (write, blocktrash) is to be

       -x     Specifies expert mode.  This enables the  write  and  blocktrash

       -V     Prints the version number and exits.

       xfs_db  commands  can  be broken up into two classes. Most commands are
       for the navigation and display of data structures  in  the  filesystem.
       Other commands are for scanning the filesystem in some way.

       Commands which are used to navigate the filesystem structure take argu-
       ments which reflect the names of filesystem  structure  fields.   There
       can  be  multiple  field  names  separated  by dots when the underlying
       structures are nested, as in C.  The field names can be indexed (as  an
       array  index)  if  the underlying field is an array.  The array indices
       can be specified as a range, two numbers separated by a dash.

       xfs_db maintains a current address in the filesystem.  The  granularity
       of  the  address  is  a filesystem structure.  This can be a filesystem
       block, an inode or quota (smaller than a filesystem block), or a direc-
       tory  block  (could  be  larger  than a filesystem block).  There are a
       variety of commands to set the current address.   Associated  with  the
       current  address is the current data type, which is the structural type
       of this data.  Commands which follow the structure  of  the  filesystem
       always  set  the  type  as well as the address.  Commands which examine
       pieces of an individual file (inode) need the current inode to be  set,
       this is done with the inode command.

       The  current address/type information is actually maintained in a stack
       that can be explicitly manipulated with the push, pop, and  stack  com-
       mands.   This allows for easy examination of a nested filesystem struc-
       ture.  Also, the last several locations visited are stored  in  a  ring
       buffer  which  can be manipulated with the forward, back, and ring com-

       XFS filesystems are divided into a small number of  allocation  groups.
       xfs_db  maintains  a  notion  of  the current allocation group which is
       manipulated by some commands. The initial allocation group is 0.

       Many commands have extensive online help. Use the help command for more
       details on any command.

       a      See the addr command.

       ablock filoff
              Set  current  address  to  the offset filoff (a filesystem block
              number) in the attribute area of the current inode.

       addr [field-expression]
              Set current address to the value of the field-expression.   This
              is  used  to "follow" a reference in one structure to the object
              being referred to. If no argument is given, the current  address
              is printed.

       agf [agno]
              Set  current address to the AGF block for allocation group agno.
              If no argument is given, use the current allocation group.

       agfl [agno]
              Set current address to the AGFL block for allocation group agno.
              If no argument is given, use the current allocation group.

       agi [agno]
              Set  current address to the AGI block for allocation group agno.
              If no argument is given, use the current allocation group.

       b      See the back command.

       back   Move to the previous location in the position ring.

              Free block usage information collected by the last execution  of
              the  blockget command. This must be done before another blockget
              command can be given, presumably with different  arguments  than
              the previous one.

       blockget [-npvs] [-b bno] ... [-i ino] ...
              Get  block usage and check filesystem consistency.  The informa-
              tion is saved for use  by  a  subsequent  blockuse,  ncheck,  or
              blocktrash command. See xfs_check(8) for more information.

                 -b  is  used  to specify filesystem block numbers about which
                     verbose information should be printed.

                 -i  is used to specify  inode  numbers  about  which  verbose
                     information should be printed.

                 -n  is  used  to  save  pathnames for inodes visited, this is
                     used to support the xfs_ncheck(8) command. It also  means
                     that pathnames will be printed for inodes that have prob-
                     lems. This option uses a lot of memory so is not  enabled
                     by default.

                 -p  causes  error messages to be prefixed with the filesystem
                     name being processed. This is useful if several copies of
                     xfs_db are run in parallel.

                 -s  restricts output to severe errors only. This is useful if
                     the output is too long otherwise.

                 -v  enables verbose output.  Messages  will  be  printed  for
                     every block and inode processed.

       blocktrash  [-n count] [-x min] [-y max] [-s seed] [-0|1|2|3] [-t type]
              Trash randomly selected filesystem  metadata  blocks.   Trashing
              occurs  to  randomly  selected  bits in the chosen blocks.  This
              command is available only in debugging versions of  xfs_db.   It
              is useful for testing xfs_repair(8) and xfs_check(8).

                 -0 | -1 | -2 | -3
                     These  are used to set the operating mode for blocktrash.
                     Only one can be used: -0 changed  bits  are  cleared;  -1
                     changed  bits  are  set; -2 changed bits are inverted; -3
                     changed bits are randomized.

                 -n  supplies the count of block-trashings to perform (default

                 -s  supplies a seed to the random processing.

                 -t  gives  a type of blocks to be selected for trashing. Mul-
                     tiple -t options may be given. If no -t options are given
                     then all metadata types can be trashed.

                 -x  sets  the  minimum  size  of bit range to be trashed. The
                     default value is 1.

                 -y  sets the maximum size of bit range  to  be  trashed.  The
                     default value is 1024.

       blockuse [-n] [-c count]
              Print  usage  for  current filesystem block(s).  For each block,
              the type and (if any) inode are printed.

                 -c  specifies a count of blocks to process. The default value
                     is 1 (the current block only).

                 -n  specifies  that  file  names should be printed. The prior
                     blockget command must have also specified the -n option.

       bmap [-a] [-d] [block [len]]
              Show the block map for the current inode.  The map  display  can
              be  restricted  to  an  area  of the file with the block and len
              arguments. If block is given  and  len  is  omitted  then  1  is
              assumed for len.

              The  -a  and -d options are used to select the attribute or data
              area of the inode, if neither option is given  then  both  areas
              are shown.

       check  See the blockget command.

       convert type number [type number] ... type
              Convert from one address form to another.  The known types, with
              alternate names, are:
                 agblock or  agbno  (filesystem  block  within  an  allocation
                 agino or aginode (inode number within an allocation group)
                 agnumber or agno (allocation group number)
                 bboff or daddroff (byte offset in a daddr)
                 blkoff  or  fsboff  or  agboff  (byte  offset in a agblock or
                 byte or fsbyte (byte address in filesystem)
                 daddr or bb (disk address, 512-byte blocks)
                 fsblock or fsb or fsbno (filesystem block,  see  the  fsblock
                 ino or inode (inode number)
                 inoidx or offset (index of inode in filesystem block)
                 inooff or inodeoff (byte offset in inode)

              Only  conversions  that  "make sense" are allowed.  The compound
              form (with more than three arguments) is useful for  conversions
              such as convert agno ag agbno agb fsblock.

       daddr [d]
              Set  current  address  to the daddr (512 byte block) given by d.
              If no value for d is given,  the  current  address  is  printed,
              expressed as a daddr.  The type is set to data (uninterpreted).

       dblock filoff
              Set  current  address  to  the offset filoff (a filesystem block
              number) in the data area of the current inode.

       debug [flagbits]
              Set debug option bits. These are used for debugging xfs_db.   If
              no  value  is given for flagbits, print the current debug option
              bits. These are for the use of the implementor.

       dquot [projectid_or_userid]
              Set current address to a project or user quota block.

       echo [arg] ...
              Echo the arguments to the output.

       f      See the forward command.

              Move forward to the next entry in the position ring.

       frag [-adflqRrv]
              Get file fragmentation data. This prints information about frag-
              mentation of file data in the filesystem (as opposed to fragmen-
              tation of freespace, for which see the  freesp  command).  Every
              file in the filesystem is examined to see how far from ideal its
              extent mappings are. A summary is printed giving the totals.

                 -v  sets verbosity, every inode has information  printed  for
                     it.   The  remaining  options  select  which  inodes  and
                     extents are examined.  If no options are given  then  all
                     are assumed set, otherwise just those given are enabled.

                 -a  enables processing of attribute data.

                 -d  enables processing of directory data.

                 -f  enables processing of regular file data.

                 -l  enables processing of symbolic link data.

                 -q  enables processing of quota file data.

                 -R  enables processing of realtime control file data.

                 -r  enables processing of realtime file data.

       freesp [-bcds] [-a ag] ... [-e i] [-h h1] ... [-m m]
              Summarize  free  space  for  the filesystem. The free blocks are
              examined and totalled, and displayed in the form of a histogram,
              with a count of extents in each range of free extent sizes.

                 -a  adds ag to the list of allocation groups to be processed.
                     If no -a options are given then all allocation groups are

                 -b  specifies  that  the  histogram buckets are binary-sized,
                     with the starting sizes being the powers of 2.

                 -c  specifies that freesp will search the by-size (cnt) space
                     Btree instead of the default by-block (bno) space Btree.

                 -d  specifies that every free extent will be displayed.

                 -e  specifies  that  the  histogram  buckets are equal-sized,
                     with the size specified as i.

                 -h  specifies a starting block number for a histogram  bucket
                     as  h1.   Multiple -h's are given to specify the complete
                     set of buckets.

                 -m  specifies that the histogram starting block  numbers  are
                     powers of m.  This is the general case of -b.

                 -s  specifies  that  a  final  summary of total free extents,
                     free blocks, and the average free extent size is printed.

       fsb    See the fsblock command.

       fsblock [fsb]
              Set current address to the fsblock value given by  fsb.   If  no
              value for fsb is given the current address is printed, expressed
              as an fsb.   The  type  is  set  to  data  (uninterpreted).  XFS
              filesystem  block  numbers  are  computed  ((agno  << agshift) |
              agblock) where agshift depends on  the  size  of  an  allocation
              group. Use the convert command to convert to and from this form.
              Block numbers given for file blocks (for instance from the  bmap
              command) are in this form.

       hash string
              Prints  the  hash value of string using the hash function of the
              XFS directory and attribute implementation.

       help [command]
              Print help for one or all commands.

       inode [inode#]
              Set the current inode number. If no inode# is given,  print  the
              current inode number.

       label [label]
              Set  the  filesystem  label. The filesystem label can be used by
              mount(8) instead of using a device special  file.   The  maximum
              length  of an XFS label is 12 characters - use of a longer label
              will result in truncation and a warning will be  issued.  If  no
              label is given, the current filesystem label is printed.

       log [stop | start filename]
              Start  logging  output  to  filename, stop logging, or print the
              current logging status.

       metadump [-egow] filename
              Dumps metadata to a file. See xfs_metadump(8) for more  informa-

       ncheck [-s] [-i ino] ...
              Print  name-inode pairs. A blockget -n command must be run first
              to gather the information.

                 -i  specifies an inode number to be printed. If no -i options
                     are given then all inodes are printed.

                 -s  specifies that only setuid and setgid files are printed.

       p      See the print command.

       pop    Pop location from the stack.

       print [field-expression] ...
              Print  field  values.  If no argument is given, print all fields
              in the current structure.

       push [command]
              Push location to the stack. If command is supplied, set the cur-
              rent  location  to  the results of command after pushing the old

       q      See the quit command.

       quit   Exit xfs_db.

       ring [index]
              Show position ring (if no index argument is given), or move to a
              specific entry in the position ring given by index.

       sb [agno]
              Set  current  address to SB header in allocation group agno.  If
              no agno is given, use the current allocation group number.

       source source-file
              Process commands  from  source-file.   source  commands  can  be

       stack  View the location stack.

       type [type]
              Set  the  current  data  type to type.  If no argument is given,
              show the current data type.  The possible data types  are:  agf,
              agfl,  agi,  attr,  bmapbta,  bmapbtd,  bnobt, cntbt, data, dir,
              dir2, dqblk, inobt, inode, log, rtbitmap, rtsummary, sb, symlink
              and  text.   See the TYPES section below for more information on
              these data types.

       uuid [uuid | generate | rewrite]
              Set the filesystem universally unique  identifier  (UUID).   The
              filesystem  UUID  can  be  used  by  mount(8) instead of using a
              device special file.  The  uuid  can  be  set  directly  to  the
              desired  UUID,  or  it  can be automatically generated using the
              generate option. These options will both  write  the  UUID  into
              every  copy of the superblock in the filesystem.  rewrite copies
              the current UUID from the primary superblock  to  all  secondary
              copies  of the superblock.  If no argument is given, the current
              filesystem UUID is printed.

       version [feature | versionnum features2]
              Enable selected features for a filesystem (certain features  can
              be  enabled  on  an  unmounted filesystem, after mkfs.xfs(8) has
              created the filesystem).  Support for unwritten extents  can  be
              enabled  using the extflg option. Support for version 2 log for-
              mat can be enabled using the log2 option. Support  for  extended
              attributes  can be enabled using the attr1 or attr2 option. Once
              enabled, extended attributes cannot be disabled,  but  the  user
              may  toggle  between  attr1 and attr2 at will (older kernels may
              not support the newer version).

              If no argument is given, the current version  and  feature  bits
              are  printed.   With  one  argument, this command will write the
              updated version number into every copy of the superblock in  the
              filesystem.   If  two  arguments are given, they will be used as
              numeric values for the versionnum  and  features2  bits  respec-
              tively,  and  their string equivalent reported (but no modifica-
              tions are made).

       write [field value] ...
              Write a value to disk.  Specific fields can be set in structures
              (struct mode), or a block can be set to data values (data mode),
              or a block can be set to string values (string mode, for symlink
              blocks).  The operation happens immediately: there is no buffer-

              Struct mode is in effect when the current  type  is  structural,
              i.e.  not  data.  For  struct  mode,  the syntax is "write field

              Data mode is in effect when the current type is  data.  In  this
              case the contents of the block can be shifted or rotated left or
              right, or filled with a sequence, a constant value, or a  random
              value.  In this mode write with no arguments gives more informa-
              tion on the allowed commands.

       This section gives the fields in each structure type  and  their  mean-
       ings.   Note that some types of block cover multiple actual structures,
       for instance directory blocks.

       agf       The AGF block is the header for block allocation information;
                 it  is in the second 512-byte block of each allocation group.
                 The following fields are defined:
                     magicnum    AGF block magic number, 0x58414746 ('XAGF').
                     versionnum  version number, currently 1.
                     seqno       sequence number starting from 0.
                     length      size in filesystem blocks of  the  allocation
                                 group.  All allocation groups except the last
                                 one of the filesystem have  the  superblock's
                                 agblocks value here.
                     bnoroot     block number of the root of the Btree holding
                                 free space information sorted by  block  num-
                     cntroot     block number of the root of the Btree holding
                                 free space information sorted by block count.
                     bnolevel    number  of  levels  in  the   by-block-number
                     cntlevel    number of levels in the by-block-count Btree.
                     flfirst     index into the AGFL block of the first active
                     fllast      index into the AGFL block of the last  active
                     flcount     count of active entries in the AGFL block.
                     freeblks    count  of blocks represented in the freespace
                     longest     longest  free  space   represented   in   the
                                 freespace Btrees.
                     btreeblks   number of blocks held in the AGF Btrees.

       agfl      The  AGFL  block  contains block numbers for use of the block
                 allocator; it is in the fourth 512-byte block of each alloca-
                 tion  group.  Each entry in the active list is a block number
                 within the allocation group that can be used for any  purpose
                 if space runs low.  The AGF block fields flfirst, fllast, and
                 flcount designate which entries are currently active.   Entry
                 space  is  allocated  in  a  circular  manner within the AGFL
                 block.  Fields defined:
                     bno         array of all block numbers. Even those  which
                                 are not active are printed.

       agi       The AGI block is the header for inode allocation information;
                 it is in the third 512-byte block of each  allocation  group.
                 Fields defined:
                     magicnum    AGI block magic number, 0x58414749 ('XAGI').
                     versionnum  version number, currently 1.
                     seqno       sequence number starting from 0.
                     length      size  in  filesystem blocks of the allocation
                     count       count of inodes allocated.
                     root        block number of the root of the Btree holding
                                 inode allocation information.
                     level       number  of  levels  in  the  inode allocation
                     freecount   count of allocated inodes  that  are  not  in
                     newino      last inode number allocated.
                     dirino      unused.
                     unlinked    an  array of inode numbers within the alloca-
                                 tion group. The entries in the AGI block  are
                                 the  heads  of  lists  which  run through the
                                 inode next_unlinked field. These  inodes  are
                                 to  be  unlinked the next time the filesystem
                                 is mounted.

       attr      An attribute fork is organized as a  Btree  with  the  actual
                 data  embedded  in  the leaf blocks. The root of the Btree is
                 found in block 0 of the fork.  The index (sort order) of  the
                 Btree  is  the  hash  value  of  the attribute name.  All the
                 blocks contain a blkinfo structure at the beginning, see type
                 dir for a description. Nonleaf blocks are identical in format
                 to those for version 1 and version 2  directories,  see  type
                 dir  for  a  description. Leaf blocks can refer to "local" or
                 "remote" attribute values. Local values are  stored  directly
                 in  the  leaf block.  Remote values are stored in an indepen-
                 dent block in the attribute fork (with  no  structure).  Leaf
                 blocks contain the following fields:
                     hdr         header  containing  a  blkinfo structure info
                                 (magic number  0xfbee),  a  count  of  active
                                 entries,  usedbytes  total bytes of names and
                                 values, the firstused byte in the name  area,
                                 holes  set if the block needs compaction, and
                                 array freemap as for dir leaf blocks.
                     entries     array of  structures  containing  a  hashval,
                                 nameidx  (index  into the block of the name),
                                 and flags incomplete, root, and local.
                     nvlist      array of structures describing the  attribute
                                 names and values. Fields always present: val-
                                 uelen (length of value  in  bytes),  namelen,
                                 and  name.   Fields present for local values:
                                 value  (value  string).  Fields  present  for
                                 remote values: valueblk (fork block number of
                                 containing the value).

       bmapbt    Files with many extents in their data or attribute fork  will
                 have  the  extents  described  by the contents of a Btree for
                 that fork, instead of being stored  directly  in  the  inode.
                 Each bmap Btree starts with a root block contained within the
                 inode.  The other levels of the Btree are stored in  filesys-
                 tem  blocks.  The blocks are linked to sibling left and right
                 blocks at each level, as well as by pointers from  parent  to
                 child blocks.  Each block contains the following fields:
                     magic       bmap  Btree  block  magic  number, 0x424d4150
                     level       level of this block above the leaf level.
                     numrecs     number of records or keys in the block.
                     leftsib     left (logically lower) sibling  block,  0  if
                     rightsib    right  (logically higher) sibling block, 0 if
                     recs        [leaf blocks only] array of  extent  records.
                                 Each  record  contains  startoff, startblock,
                                 blockcount, and extentflag (1 if  the  extent
                                 is unwritten).
                     keys        [non-leaf  blocks only] array of key records.
                                 These are the first key value of  each  block
                                 in the level below this one. Each record con-
                                 tains startoff.
                     ptrs        [non-leaf blocks only] array of  child  block
                                 pointers.  Each pointer is a filesystem block
                                 number to the next level in the Btree.

       bnobt     There is one set of filesystem blocks forming  the  by-block-
                 number  allocation  Btree for each allocation group. The root
                 block of this Btree is designated by the bnoroot field in the
                 corresponding  AGF  block.   The blocks are linked to sibling
                 left and right blocks at each level, as well as  by  pointers
                 from  parent  to  child blocks.  Each block has the following
                     magic       BNOBT   block   magic   number,    0x41425442
                     level       level number of this block, 0 is a leaf.
                     numrecs     number of data entries in the block.
                     leftsib     left  (logically  lower)  sibling block, 0 if
                     rightsib    right (logically higher) sibling block, 0  if
                     recs        [leaf   blocks   only]   array  of  freespace
                                 records. Each record contains startblock  and
                     keys        [non-leaf  blocks only] array of key records.
                                 These are the first value of  each  block  in
                                 the  level  below  this one. Each record con-
                                 tains startblock and blockcount.
                     ptrs        [non-leaf blocks only] array of  child  block
                                 pointers.  Each  pointer  is  a  block number
                                 within the allocation group to the next level
                                 in the Btree.

       cntbt     There  is  one set of filesystem blocks forming the by-block-
                 count allocation Btree for each allocation  group.  The  root
                 block of this Btree is designated by the cntroot field in the
                 corresponding AGF block. The blocks  are  linked  to  sibling
                 left  and  right blocks at each level, as well as by pointers
                 from parent to child blocks. Each  block  has  the  following
                     magic       CNTBT    block   magic   number,   0x41425443
                     level       level number of this block, 0 is a leaf.
                     numrecs     number of data entries in the block.
                     leftsib     left (logically lower) sibling  block,  0  if
                     rightsib    right  (logically higher) sibling block, 0 if
                     recs        [leaf  blocks  only]   array   of   freespace
                                 records.  Each record contains startblock and
                     keys        [non-leaf blocks only] array of key  records.
                                 These  are  the  first value of each block in
                                 the level below this one.  Each  record  con-
                                 tains blockcount and startblock.
                     ptrs        [non-leaf  blocks  only] array of child block
                                 pointers. Each  pointer  is  a  block  number
                                 within the allocation group to the next level
                                 in the Btree.

       data      User file blocks, and other blocks  whose  type  is  unknown,
                 have  this  type  for  display purposes in xfs_db.  The block
                 data is displayed in hexadecimal format.

       dir       A version 1 directory is organized as a Btree with the direc-
                 tory  data embedded in the leaf blocks. The root of the Btree
                 is found in block 0 of the file. The index  (sort  order)  of
                 the Btree is the hash value of the entry name. All the blocks
                 contain a blkinfo structure at the beginning with the follow-
                 ing fields:
                     forw        next sibling block.
                     back        previous sibling block.
                     magic       magic number for this block type.
                 The non-leaf (node) blocks have the following fields:
                     hdr         header  containing  a  blkinfo structure info
                                 (magic number 0xfebe), the  count  of  active
                                 entries,  and  the  level of this block above
                                 the leaves.
                     btree       array  of  entries  containing  hashval   and
                                 before  fields.  The  before value is a block
                                 number within the directory file to the child
                                 block,  the hashval is the last hash value in
                                 that block.
                 The leaf blocks have the following fields:
                     hdr         header containing a  blkinfo  structure  info
                                 (magic  number  0xfeeb),  the count of active
                                 entries, namebytes (total name string bytes),
                                 holes  flag  (block  needs  compaction),  and
                                 freemap (array of base, size entries for free
                     entries     array   of   structures  containing  hashval,
                                 nameidx (byte index into  the  block  of  the
                                 name string), and namelen.
                     namelist    array  of  structures  containing inumber and

       dir2      A version 2 directory has four kinds of blocks.  Data  blocks
                 start  at  offset 0 in the file.  There are two kinds of data
                 blocks: single-block directories have  the  leaf  information
                 embedded  at the end of the block, data blocks in multi-block
                 directories do not.  Node and leaf  blocks  start  at  offset
                 32GiB  (with  either  a  single  leaf  block or the root node
                 block).  Freespace blocks start at offset  64GiB.   The  node
                 and  leaf blocks form a Btree, with references to the data in
                 the data blocks.  The freespace blocks form an index of long-
                 est free spaces within the data blocks.

                 A single-block directory block contains the following fields:
                     bhdr        header  containing  magic  number  0x58443242
                                 ('XD2B') and an array bestfree of the longest
                                 3 free spaces in the block (offset, length).
                     bu          array  of  union  structures. Each element is
                                 either an entry or a freespace.  For entries,
                                 there  are  the  following  fields:  inumber,
                                 namelen, name, and tag.  For freespace, there
                                 are  the  following fields: freetag (0xffff),
                                 length, and tag.  The tag value is  the  byte
                                 offset in the block of the start of the entry
                                 it is contained in.
                     bleaf       array of leaf entries containing hashval  and
                                 address.  The address is a 64-bit word offset
                                 into the file.
                     btail       tail structure containing the total count  of
                                 leaf  entries  and stale count of unused leaf
                 A data block contains the following fields:
                     dhdr        header  containing  magic  number  0x58443244
                                 ('XD2D') and an array bestfree of the longest
                                 3 free spaces in the block (offset, length).
                     du          array of union structures as for bu.
                 Leaf blocks have two possible forms. If the Btree consists of
                 a  single  leaf then the freespace information is in the leaf
                 block, otherwise it is in separate blocks and the root of the
                 Btree  is  a  node block. A leaf block contains the following
                     lhdr        header containing a  blkinfo  structure  info
                                 (magic  number  0xd2f1  for  the  single leaf
                                 case, 0xd2ff for the true  Btree  case),  the
                                 total  count of leaf entries, and stale count
                                 of unused leaf entries.
                     lents       leaf entries, as for bleaf.
                     lbests      [single leaf only] array of values which rep-
                                 resent  the  longest  freespace  in each data
                                 block in the directory.
                     ltail       [single leaf only] tail structure  containing
                                 bestcount count of lbests.
                 A node block is identical to that for types attr and dir.

                 A freespace block contains the following fields:
                     fhdr        header  containing  magic  number  0x58443246
                                 ('XD2F'), firstdb  first  data  block  number
                                 covered  by this freespace block, nvalid num-
                                 ber of valid entries,  and  nused  number  of
                                 entries representing real data blocks.
                     fbests      array of values as for lbests.

       dqblk     The  quota  information is stored in files referred to by the
                 superblock uquotino  and  pquotino  fields.  Each  filesystem
                 block  in  a  quota  file contains a constant number of quota
                 entries. The quota entry size is currently 136 bytes, so with
                 a  4KiB  filesystem block size there are 30 quota entries per
                 block. The dquot command is used to locate these  entries  in
                 the  filesystem.  The file entries are indexed by the user or
                 project identifier to determine the block and  offset.   Each
                 quota entry has the following fields:
                     magic          magic number, 0x4451 ('DQ').
                     version        version number, currently 1.
                     flags          flags, values include 0x01 for user quota,
                                    0x02 for project quota.
                     id             user or project identifier.
                     blk_hardlimit  absolute limit on blocks in use.
                     blk_softlimit  preferred limit on blocks in use.
                     ino_hardlimit  absolute limit on inodes in use.
                     ino_softlimit  preferred limit on inodes in use.
                     bcount         blocks actually in use.
                     icount         inodes actually in use.
                     itimer         time when service will be refused if  soft
                                    limit is violated for inodes.
                     btimer         time  when service will be refused if soft
                                    limit is violated for blocks.
                     iwarns         number  of  warnings  issued  about  inode
                                    limit violations.
                     bwarns         number  of  warnings  issued  about  block
                                    limit violations.
                     rtb_hardlimit  absolute limit on realtime blocks in use.
                     rtb_softlimit  preferred limit on realtime blocks in use.
                     rtbcount       realtime blocks actually in use.
                     rtbtimer       time when service will be refused if  soft
                                    limit is violated for realtime blocks.
                     rtbwarns       number  of  warnings issued about realtime
                                    block limit violations.

       inobt     There is one set of filesystem blocks forming the inode allo-
                 cation  Btree  for  each  allocation group. The root block of
                 this Btree is designated by the root field in the correspond-
                 ing  AGI  block.   The  blocks are linked to sibling left and
                 right blocks at each level, as well as by pointers from  par-
                 ent to child blocks.  Each block has the following fields:
                     magic       INOBT    block   magic   number,   0x49414254
                     level       level number of this block, 0 is a leaf.
                     numrecs     number of data entries in the block.
                     leftsib     left (logically lower) sibling  block,  0  if
                     rightsib    right  (logically higher) sibling block, 0 if
                     recs        [leaf blocks only] array  of  inode  records.
                                 Each  record  contains  startino  allocation-
                                 group relative inode number, freecount  count
                                 of  free  inodes in this chunk, and free bit-
                                 map, LSB corresponds to inode 0.
                     keys        [non-leaf blocks only] array of key  records.
                                 These  are  the  first value of each block in
                                 the level below this one.  Each  record  con-
                                 tains startino.
                     ptrs        [non-leaf  blocks  only] array of child block
                                 pointers. Each  pointer  is  a  block  number
                                 within the allocation group to the next level
                                 in the Btree.

       inode     Inodes are allocated in "chunks" of 64 inodes each. Usually a
                 chunk is multiple filesystem blocks, although there are cases
                 with large filesystem blocks where a chunk is less  than  one
                 block.  The inode Btree (see inobt above) refers to the inode
                 numbers per allocation  group.  The  inode  numbers  directly
                 reflect  the  location  of  the  inode block on disk. Use the
                 inode command to point xfs_db to a specific inode. Each inode
                 contains  four  regions: core, next_unlinked, u, and a.  core
                 contains the fixed information.  next_unlinked  is  separated
                 from  the core due to journaling considerations, see type agi
                 field unlinked.  u is a union structure that is different  in
                 size  and  format depending on the type and representation of
                 the file data ("data fork").  a is an optional  union  struc-
                 ture  to  describe attribute data, that is different in size,
                 format, and location depending on the presence and  represen-
                 tation  of  attribute  data,  and  the  size  of  the  u data
                 ("attribute fork").  xfs_db automatically selects the  proper
                 union members based on information in the inode.

                 The following are fields in the inode core:
                     magic       inode magic number, 0x494e ('IN').
                     mode        mode  and  type  of  file,  as  described  in
                                 chmod(2), mknod(2), and stat(2).
                     version     inode version, 1 or 2.
                     format      format of u  union  data  (0:  xfs_dev_t,  1:
                                 local  file  - in-inode directory or symlink,
                                 2: extent list, 3: Btree root, 4:  unique  id
                     nlinkv1     number  of  links  to the file in a version 1
                     nlinkv2     number of links to the file in  a  version  2
                     projid_lo   owner's project id (low word; version 2 inode
                                 only).  projid_hi owner's  project  id  (high
                                 word; version 2 inode only).
                     uid         owner's user id.
                     gid         owner's group id.
                     atime       time last accessed (seconds and nanoseconds).
                     mtime       time last modified.
                     ctime       time created or inode last modified.
                     size        number of bytes in the file.
                     nblocks     total  number of blocks in the file including
                                 indirect and attribute.
                     extsize     basic/minimum extent size for the file.
                     nextents    number of extents in the data fork.
                     naextents   number of extents in the attribute fork.
                     forkoff     attribute fork offset in the inode, in 64-bit
                                 words from the start of u.
                     aformat     format of a data (1: local attribute data, 2:
                                 extent list, 3: Btree root).
                     dmevmask    DMAPI event mask.
                     dmstate     DMAPI state information.
                     newrtbm     file is the realtime bitmap and is "new" for-
                     prealloc    file has preallocated data space after EOF.
                     realtime    file data is in the realtime subvolume.
                     gen         inode generation number.
                 The following fields are in the u data fork union:
                     bmbt        bmap  Btree  root.  This looks like a bmapbtd
                                 block with redundant information removed.
                     bmx         array of extent descriptors.
                     dev         dev_t for the block or character device.
                     sfdir       shortform  (in-inode)  version  1  directory.
                                 This  consists of a hdr containing the parent
                                 inode number and a count of active entries in
                                 the  directory,  followed by an array list of
                                 hdr.count entries. Each such  entry  contains
                                 inumber, namelen, and name string.
                     sfdir2      shortform  (in-inode)  version  2  directory.
                                 This consists of a hdr containing a count  of
                                 active  entries  in the directory, an i8count
                                 of entries with inumbers that don't fit in  a
                                 32-bit  value,  and  the parent inode number,
                                 followed  by  an  array  list  of   hdr.count
                                 entries.  Each such entry contains namelen, a
                                 saved offset used when the directory is  con-
                                 verted  to  a larger form, a name string, and
                                 the inumber.
                     symlink     symbolic link string value.
                 The following fields are in the a attribute fork union if  it
                     bmbt        bmap Btree root, as above.
                     bmx         array of extent descriptors.
                     sfattr      shortform  (in-inode)  attribute values. This
                                 consists of a hdr containing a totsize (total
                                 size in bytes) and a count of active entries,
                                 followed  by  an  array  list  of   hdr.count
                                 entries.  Each  such  entry contains namelen,
                                 valuelen, root flag, name, and value.

       log       Log blocks contain the journal entries  for  XFS.   It's  not
                 useful  to  examine  these  with  xfs_db, use xfs_logprint(8)

       rtbitmap  If the filesystem has a realtime subvolume, then  the  rbmino
                 field  in  the  superblock refers to a file that contains the
                 realtime bitmap.  Each bit in the bitmap  file  controls  the
                 allocation  of  a  single  realtime extent (set == free). The
                 bitmap is processed in 32-bit words, the LSB  of  a  word  is
                 used for the first extent controlled by that bitmap word. The
                 atime field of the realtime bitmap inode contains  a  counter
                 that is used to control where the next new realtime file will

       rtsummary If the filesystem has a realtime subvolume, then the  rsumino
                 field  in  the  superblock refers to a file that contains the
                 realtime summary data. The summary file contains a two-dimen-
                 sional  array of 16-bit values.  Each value counts the number
                 of free extent runs (consecutive free realtime extents) of  a
                 given  range  of  sizes  that starts in a given bitmap block.
                 The size ranges are binary buckets (low size in the bucket is
                 a  power  of 2).  There are as many size ranges as are neces-
                 sary given the size of the  realtime  subvolume.   The  first
                 dimension  is  the  size  range,  the second dimension is the
                 starting bitmap block number (adjacent entries  are  for  the
                 same size, adjacent bitmap blocks).

       sb        There  is one sb (superblock) structure per allocation group.
                 It is the first disk block in the allocation group.  Only the
                 first  one  (block 0 of the filesystem) is actually used; the
                 other blocks are redundant information for  xfs_repair(8)  to
                 use if the first superblock is damaged. Fields defined:
                     magicnum    superblock magic number, 0x58465342 ('XFSB').
                     blocksize   filesystem block size in bytes.
                     dblocks     number  of  filesystem  blocks present in the
                                 data subvolume.
                     rblocks     number of filesystem blocks  present  in  the
                                 realtime subvolume.
                     rextents    number  of realtime extents that rblocks con-
                     uuid        unique identifier of the filesystem.
                     logstart    starting filesystem block number of  the  log
                                 (journal).   If  this  value  is 0 the log is
                     rootino     root inode number.
                     rbmino      realtime bitmap inode number.
                     rsumino     realtime summary data inode number.
                     rextsize    realtime extent size in filesystem blocks.
                     agblocks    size of an  allocation  group  in  filesystem
                     agcount     number of allocation groups.
                     rbmblocks   number of realtime bitmap blocks.
                     logblocks   number of log blocks (filesystem blocks).
                     versionnum  filesystem  version  information.  This value
                                 is currently 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the low 4 bits.
                                 If  the  low  bits  are 4 then the other bits
                                 have additional meanings.  1 is the  original
                                 value.  2 means that attributes were used.  3
                                 means  that  version  2  inodes  (large  link
                                 counts)  were used.  4 is the bitmask version
                                 of the version number.   In  this  case,  the
                                 other   bits   are  used  as  flags  (0x0010:
                                 attributes  were  used,  0x0020:  version   2
                                 inodes  were  used, 0x0040: quotas were used,
                                 0x0080: inode cluster alignment is in  force,
                                 0x0100:  data  stripe  alignment is in force,
                                 0x0200: the shared_vn field is used,  0x1000:
                                 unwritten extent tracking is on, 0x2000: ver-
                                 sion 2 directories are in use).
                     sectsize    sector size in bytes, currently  always  512.
                                 This  is  the  size of the superblock and the
                                 other header blocks.
                     inodesize   inode size in bytes.
                     inopblock   number of inodes per filesystem block.
                     fname       obsolete, filesystem name.
                     fpack       obsolete, filesystem pack name.
                     blocklog    log2 of blocksize.
                     sectlog     log2 of sectsize.
                     inodelog    log2 of inodesize.
                     inopblog    log2 of inopblock.
                     agblklog    log2 of agblocks (rounded up).
                     rextslog    log2 of rextents.
                     inprogress  mkfs.xfs(8)  or  xfs_copy(8)  aborted  before
                                 completing this filesystem.
                     imax_pct    maximum  percentage  of filesystem space used
                                 for inode blocks.
                     icount      number of allocated inodes.
                     ifree       number of allocated inodes that  are  not  in
                     fdblocks    number of free data blocks.
                     frextents   number of free realtime extents.
                     uquotino    user quota inode number.
                     pquotino    project quota inode number; this is currently
                     qflags      quota status flags (0x01: user quota account-
                                 ing  is  on,  0x02:  user  quota  limits  are
                                 enforced, 0x04: quotacheck has  been  run  on
                                 user  quotas,  0x08: project quota accounting
                                 is  on,  0x10:  project  quota   limits   are
                                 enforced,  0x20:  quotacheck  has been run on
                                 project quotas).
                     flags       random flags. 0x01: only read-only mounts are
                     shared_vn   shared   version   number   (shared  readonly
                     inoalignmt  inode chunk alignment in filesystem blocks.
                     unit        stripe or RAID unit.
                     width       stripe or RAID width.
                     dirblklog   log2  of  directory  block  size  (filesystem

       symlink   Symbolic  link  blocks  are  used only when the symbolic link
                 value does not fit inside the inode.  The  block  content  is
                 just  the  string  value.   Bytes past the logical end of the
                 symbolic link value have arbitrary values.

       text      User file blocks, and other blocks  whose  type  is  unknown,
                 have  this  type  for  display purposes in xfs_db.  The block
                 data is displayed in  two  columns:  Hexadecimal  format  and
                 printable ASCII chars.

       Many  messages  can  come  from the check (blockget) command; these are
       documented in xfs_check(8).

       mkfs.xfs(8), xfs_admin(8), xfs_check(8), xfs_copy(8),  xfs_logprint(8),
       xfs_metadump(8),   xfs_ncheck(8),  xfs_repair(8),  mount(8),  chmod(2),
       mknod(2), stat(2), xfs(5).


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