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User manual for Netpbm(0)                            User manual for Netpbm(0)

       netpbm - netpbm library overview

Overview Of Netpbm
       Netpbm is a package of graphics programs and a programming library.

        There  are  over  220  separate programs in the package, most of which
       have 'pbm', 'pgm', 'ppm', 'pam', or 'pnm' in their names.  For example,
        and giftopnm(1)

       For  example, you might use pamscale to shrink an image by 10%.  Or use
       pamcomp to overlay one image on top of another.  Or use pbmtext to cre-
       ate  an image of text.  Or reduce the number of colors in an image with

       Netpbm  is  an  open  source  software  package,  distributed  via  the
       Sourceforge  netpbm project <> .

Table Of Contents

              Overview Of Netpbm <#overview>


              The Netpbm Formats <#formats>


              Implied Format Conversion <#impconv>


              Netpbm and Transparency <#transparency>


              The Netpbm Programs <#programs>


              Common Options <#commonoptions>


              Directory <#directory>


              How To Use The Programs <#prognotes>


              The Netpbm Library <#libnetpbm>


              netpbm-config <#config>


              Memory Usage <#memoryusage>


              CPU Usage <#cpuusage>


              Netpbm For Gimp <#netpbmforgimp>


              Companion Software <#companion>


              PHP-NetPBM <#phpnetpbm>


              Other Graphics Software <#othersoftware>


              Image Viewers <#viewers>


              Image Capturers <#capturers>


              Visual Graphics Software <#visual>


              Programming Tools <#programmingtools>


              Tools For Specific Graphics Formats <#toolsforformats>


              Document/Graphics Software <#document>


              Other <#otherothersoftware>


              Other Graphics Formats <#otherfmt>


              History <#history>


              Author <#author>

The Netpbm Programs
       The Netpbm programs are generally useful run by a person from a command
       shell, but are also designed to be used by programs.  A common  charac-
       teristic of Netpbm programs is that they are simple, fundamental build-
       ing blocks.  They are most powerful when stacked in pipelines.   Netpbm
       programs  do  not  use  graphical user interfaces and do not seek input
       from a user.  The only programs that display graphics at  all  are  the
       very  primitive display programs pamx and ppmsvgalib, and they don't do
       anything but that.

       Each of these programs has its own manual, as linked in  the  directory

       The  Netpbm  programs can read and write files greater than 2 GiB wher-
       ever the underlying system can.  There may be exceptions where the pro-
       grams  use  external libraries (The JPEG library, etc.) to access files
       and the external library does not have large file  capability.   Before
       Netpbm  10.15  (April  2003),  no Netpbm program could read a file that

   Common Options
       There are a few options that are present on all programs that are based
       on  the Netpbm library, including virtually all Netpbm programs.  These
       are not mentioned in the individual manuals for the programs.

       You can use two hyphens instead of one on these options if you like.

               Suppress all informational messages  that  would  otherwise  be
              issued  to  Standard  Error.  (To be precise, this only works to
              the extent that the program in question  implements  the  Netpbm
              convention of issuing all informational messages via the pm_mes-
              sage() service of the Netpbm library).

              Instead of doing anything else, report the version of  the  lib-
              netpbm  library linked with the program (it may have been linked
              statically into the program, or dynamically linked at run time).
              Normally,  the  Netpbm programs and the library are installed at
              the same time, so this tells you the version of the program  and
              all the other Netpbm files it uses as well.

       -plain If  the program generates an image in PNM format, generate it in
              the "plain" (aka "ascii") version of the format, as  opposed  to
              the "raw" (aka "binary") version.

              Note  that the other Netpbm format, PAM, does not have plain and
              raw versions, so this option has no effect  on  a  program  that
              generates PAM output.

              This option was introduced in Netpbm 10.10 (October 2002).  From
              Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006) through Netpbm 10.62 (March  2013),
              the  option  is invalid with a program that generates PAM output
              (instead of ignoring the option, the program fails).

       Here is a complete list of all the Netpbm programs (with links to their


   How To Use The Programs
       As  a  collection of primitive tools, the power of Netpbm is multiplied
       by the power of all the other unix tools you can use with them.   These
       notes  remind  you  of some of the more useful ways to do this.  Often,
       when people want to add high level functions to the Netpbm tools,  they
       have  overlooked  some  existing tool that, in combination with Netpbm,
       already does it.

       Often, you need to apply some conversion or edit to a  whole  bunch  of

       As  a  rule, Netpbm programs take one input file and produce one output
       file, usually on Standard Output.  This is for flexibility,  since  you
       so often have to pipeline many tools together.

       Here  is an example of a shell command to convert all your of PNG files
       (named *.png) to JPEG files named *.jpg:
       for i in *.png; do pngtopam $i | ppmtojpeg >`basename $i .png`.jpg; done

       Or you might just generate a stream of individual shell  commands,  one
       per  file, with awk or perl.  Here's how to brighten 30 YUV images that
       make up one second of a movie, keeping the images in the same files:

       ls *.yuv
          | perl -ne 'chomp;
          print yuvtoppm $_ | ppmbrighten -v 100 | ppmtoyuv >tmp$$.yuv;
          mv tmp$$.yuv $_
          | sh

       The tools find (with the -exec option) and xargs are  also  useful  for
       simple manipulation of groups of files.

       Some  shells'  'process  substitution'  facility  can help where a non-
       Netpbm program expects you to identify a disk file for  input  and  you
       want it to use the result of a Netpbm manipulation.  Say the hypotheti-
       cal program printcmyk takes the filename of a Tiff CMYK file  as  input
       and what you have is a PNG file abc.png.

       printcmyk <({ pngtopam abc.png | pnmtotiffcmyk ; })

       It  works  in the other direction too, if you have a program that makes
       you name its output file and you want the output to go through a Netpbm

The Netpbm Formats
       All  of  the  programs  work  with a set of graphics formats called the
       'netpbm' formats.  Specifically, these formats are pbm(5)  ,  pgm(5)  ,
       ppm(5) , and pam(5)

       The first three of these are sometimes known generically as 'pnm'.

       Many  of  the  Netpbm  programs convert from a Netpbm format to another
       format or vice versa.  This is so you can use the  Netpbm  programs  to
       work on graphics of any format.  It is also common to use a combination
       of Netpbm programs to convert from one  non-Netpbm  format  to  another
       non-Netpbm  format.   Netpbm has converters for about 100 graphics for-
       mats, and as a package Netpbm lets you do more graphics format  conver-
       sions than any other computer graphics facility.

       The  Netpbm formats are all raster formats, i.e. they describe an image
       as a matrix of rows and columns of pixels.  In the PBM format, the pix-
       els are black and white.  In the PGM format, pixels are shades of gray.
       In the PPM format, the pixels are in full color.   The  PAM  format  is
       more  sophisticated.  A replacement for all three of the other formats,
       it can represent matrices of general data including but not limited  to
       black and white, grayscale, and color images.

       Programs  designed  to  work with PBM images have 'pbm' in their names.
       Programs designed to work with PGM, PPM, and PAM images similarly  have
       'pgm', 'ppm', and 'pam' in their names.

       All  Netpbm  programs  designed to read PGM images see PBM images as if
       they were PGM too.  All Netpbm programs designed to read PPM images see
       PGM and PBM images as if they were PPM.  See
        Implied Format Conversion <#impconv> .

        Programs  that  have  'pnm'  in their names read PBM, PGM, and PPM but
       unlike 'ppm' programs, they distinguish between those formats and their
       function depends on the format.  For example, pnmtopng(1)
        creates a black and white PNG output image if its input is PBM or PGM,
       but a color PNG output image if its input is PPM.  And  pnmrotate  pro-
       duces  an output image of the same format as the input.  A hypothetical
       ppmrotate program would also read all  three  PNM  input  formats,  but
       would see them all as PPM and would always generate PPM output.

       Programs  that  have  "pam" in their names read all the Netpbm formats:
       PBM, PGM, PPM, and PAM.  They sometimes treat them all as if  they  are
       PAM, using an implied conversion, but often they recognize the individ-
       ual formats and behave accordingly, like a  "pnm"  program  does.   See
       Implied Format Conversion <#impconv> .

       Finally,  there  are subformats of PAM that are equivalent to PBM, PGM,
       and PPM respectively, and Netpbm programs designed to  read  PBM,  PGM,
       and/or  PPM see those PAM images as if they were the former.  For exam-
       ple, ppmhist can analyze a PAM image of tuple type RGB  (i.e.  a  color
       image) as if it were PPM.

        If  it  seems  wasteful  to you to have three separate PNM formats, be
       aware that there is a historical reason  for  it.   In  the  beginning,
       there were only PBMs.  PGMs came later, and then PPMs.  Much later came
       PAM, which realizes the possibility of having just one  aggregate  for-

       The  formats  are  described in the specifications of pbm(5) , pgm(5) ,
       ppm(5) , and pam(5)

   Implied Format Conversion
       A program that uses the PGM library subroutines to read  an  image  can
       read  a  PBM  image  as  well as a PGM image.  The program sees the PBM
       image as if it were the equivalent PGM image, with  a  maxval  of  255.
       note:  This sometimes confuses people who are looking at the formats at
       a lower layer than they ought to be because  a  zero  value  in  a  PBM
       raster means white, while a zero value in a PGM raster means black.

       A  program  that  uses the PPM library subroutines to read an image can
       read a PGM image as well as a PPM image and a PBM image as  well  as  a
       PGM  image.   The  program  sees the PBM or PGM image as if it were the
       equivalent PPM image, with a maxval of 255 in the PBM case and the same
       maxval as the PGM in the PGM case.

       A  program  that  uses the PAM library subroutines to read an image can
       read a PBM, PGM, or PPM image as well as a PAM image.  The program sees
       a  PBM  image  as  if  it were the equivalent PAM image with tuple type
       BLACKANDWHITE.  It sees a PGM image as if it were  the  equivalent  PAM
       image with tuple type GRAYSCALE.  It sees a PPM image as if it were the
       equivalent PAM image with tuple type RGB.  But the program actually can
       see  deeper if it wants to.  It can tell exactly which format the input
       was and may respond accordingly.  For example, a PAM program  typically
       produces output in the same format as its input.

       A  program  that  uses the PGM library subroutines to read an image can
       read a PAM image as well a PGM image, if the  PAM  is  a  grayscale  or
       black  and  white  visual  image.  That canonically means the PAM has a
       depth of 1 and a tuple type of GRAYSCALE  or  BLACKANDWHITE,  but  most
       Netpbm programs are fairly liberal and will take any PAM at all, ignor-
       ing all but the first plane.

       There is a similar implied conversion for PPM library subroutines read-
       ing  PAM.   There  is nothing similar for PBM, so if you need for a PBM
       program to read a PAM image, run it through pamtopnm.

   Netpbm and Transparency
       In many graphics formats, there's a means of  indicating  that  certain
       parts of the image are wholly or partially transparent, meaning that if
       it were displayed 'over' another image,  the  other  image  would  show
       through there.  Netpbm formats deliberately omit that capability, since
       their purpose is to be extremely simple.

       In Netpbm, you handle transparency via a transparency mask in  a  sepa-
       rate  (slightly  redefined)  PGM image.  In this pseudo-PGM, what would
       normally be a pixel's intensity is instead an  opaqueness  value.   See
       pgm(5) pamcomp(1)
        is an example of a program that uses a PGM transparency mask.

       Another  means  of  representing  transparency information has recently
       developed in Netpbm, using PAM images.  In spite of the argument  given
       above  that  Netpbm  formats  should be too simple to have transparency
       information built in, it turns out to be extremely inconvenient to have
       to  carry the transparency information around separately.  This is pri-
       marily because Unix shells don't provide easy ways to have networks  of
       pipelines.   You  get  one  input and one output from each program in a
       pipeline.  So you'd like to have both the  color  information  and  the
       transparency  information  for  an  image  in the same pipe at the same

       For that reason, some new (and recently renovated) Netpbm programs rec-
       ognize   and  generate  a  PAM  image  with  tuple  type  RGB_ALPHA  or
       GRAYSCALE_ALPHA, which contains a plane for the  transparency  informa-
       tion.  See thePAMspecification(5)

The Netpbm Library
       The  Netpbm  programming library, libnetpbm(3) , makes it easy to write
       programs that manipulate graphic images.  Its main function is to  read
       and  write  files in the Netpbm formats, and because the Netpbm package
       contains converters for all the popular graphics formats, if your  pro-
       gram  reads and writes the Netpbm formats, you can use it with any for-

       But the library also contain some utility functions, such as  character
       drawing and RGB/YCrCb conversion.

       The  library has the conventional C linkage.  Virtually all programs in
       the Netpbm package are based on the Netpbm library.

       In a standard installation of Netpbm, there is a program named  netpbm-
       config  in  the  regular program search path.  We don't consider this a
       Netpbm program -- it's just an ancillary part of a Netpbm installation.
       This  program  tells you information about the Netpbm installation, and
       is intended to be run by other programs that interface with Netpbm.  In
       fact, netpbm-config is really a configuration file, like those you typ-
       ically see in the /etc/ directory of a Unix system.

           $netpbm-config --datadir

       If you write a program that needs to access a Netpbm data file, it  can
       use such a shell command to find out where the Netpbm data files are.

       netpbm-config  is  the  only  file that must be installed in a standard
       directory (it must be in a directory that is  in  the  default  program
       search path).  You can use netpbm-config as a bootstrap to find all the
       other Netpbm files.

       There is no detailed documentation of netpbm-config.  If  you're  in  a
       position  to use it, you should have no trouble reading the file itself
       to figure out how to use it.

Memory Usage
       An important characteristic that varies among graphics software is  how
       much  memory  it uses, and how.  Does it read an entire image into mem-
       ory, work on it there, then write it out all at once?  Does it read one
       and  write one pixel at a time?  In Netpbm, it differs from one program
       to the next, but there are some generalizations we can make.

       Most Netpbm programs keep one row of pixels at a time in memory.   Such
       a  program  reads a row from an input file, processes it, then writes a
       row to an output file.  Some programs  execute  algorithms  that  can't
       work  like that, so they keep a small window of rows in memory.  Others
       must keep the entire image in memory.  If you think  of  what  job  the
       program does, you can probably guess which one it does.

       When  Netpbm keeps a pixel in memory, it normally uses a lot more space
       for it than it occupies in the Netpbm image file format.

       The older programs (most of Netpbm) use 12 bytes per  pixel.   This  is
       true  even  for  a PBM image, for which it only really takes one bit to
       totally describe the pixel.  Netpbm does this expansion to make  imple-
       menting  the  programs  easier -- it uses the same format regardless of
       the type of image.

       Newer programs use the 'pam' family of  library  functions  internally,
       which use memory a little differently.  These functions are designed to
       handle generic tuples with a variable numbers of planes,  so  no  fixed
       size  per-tuple  storage  is  possible.   A program of this type uses 4
       bytes per sample (a tuple is composed of samples), plus a pointer  (4-8
       bytes) per tuple.  In a graphic image, a tuple is a pixel.  So an ordi-
       nary color image takes 16-20 bytes per pixel.

       When considering memory usage, it is important to remember that  memory
       and disk storage are equivalent in two ways:

       o      Memory  is  often virtual, backed by swap space on disk storage.
              So accessing memory may mean doing disk I/O.

       o      Files are usually cached and buffered, so that accessing a  disk
              file may just mean accessing memory.

       This  means  that  the consequences of whether a program works from the
       image file or from a memory copy are not straightforward.

       Note that an image takes a lot less space in a Netpbm format file,  and
       therefore in an operating system's file cache, than in Netpbm's in-mem-
       ory format.  In non-Netpbm image formats, the data is even smaller.  So
       reading  through an input file multiple times instead of keeping a copy
       in regular memory can be the best use of memory, and many  Netpbm  pro-
       grams  do  that.  But some files can't be read multiple times.  In par-
       ticular, you can't rewind and re-read a pipe, and a pipe is  often  the
       input  for a Netpbm program.  Netpbm programs that re-read files detect
       such input files and read them into a temporary file,  then  read  that
       temporary file multiple times.

       A  few Netpbm programs use an in-memory format that is just one bit per
       pixel.  These are programs that convert between PBM and a  format  that
       has a raster format very much like PBM's.  In this case, it would actu-
       ally make the program more complicated (in addition to much slower)  to
       use Netpbm's generic 12 byte or 8 byte pixel representation.

       By  the  way,  the old axiom that memory is way faster than disk is not
       necessarily true.  On small systems, it typically is  true,  but  on  a
       system  with  a large network of disks, especially with striping, it is
       quite easy for the disk storage to be capable of supplying data  faster
       than the CPU can use it.

CPU Usage
       People  sometimes  wonder  what  CPU facilities Netpbm programs and the
       Netpbm programming library use.  The programs never depend on  particu-
       lar  features  existing  (assuming  they're compiled properly), but the
       speed and cost of running a program varies depending upon the CPU  fea-

       Note  that  when you download a binary that someone else compiled, even
       though it appears to be compiled properly for your machine, it  may  be
       compiled  improperly  for that machine if it is old, because the person
       who compiled it may have chosen to exploit features of  newer  CPUs  in
       the  line.  For example, an x86 program may be compiled to use instruc-
       tions that are present on an 80486, but not on  an  80386.   You  would
       probably not know this until you run the program and it crashes.

       But  the default build options almost always build binaries that are as
       backward compatible with old CPUs as possible.  An exception is a build
       for  a  64  bit  x86 CPU.  While the builder could build a program that
       runs on a 32 bit x86, it does not do so by default.   A  default  build
       builds a program will not run on an older 32-bit-only x86 CPU.

       One  common  build  option  is  to  use MMX/SSE operands with x86 CPUs.
       Those are not available on older x86 CPUs.  The builder by default does
       not  generate code that uses MMX/SSE when building for 32 bit x86 CPUs,
       but does when building for 64 bit x86.

       One area of particular importance is floating  point  arithmetic.   The
       Netpbm  image  formats  are based on integers, and Netpbm arithmetic is
       done with integers where possible.  But there is one  significant  area
       that  is  floating point: programs that must deal with light intensity.
       The Netpbm formats use integers that are  proportional  to  brightness,
       and  brightness  is exponentially related to light intensity.  The pro-
       grams have to keep the intermediate intensity values in floating  point
       in  order  not  to lose precision.  And the conversion (gamma function)
       between the two is heavy-duty floating point arithmetic.

       Programs that mix pixels together have to combine light  intensity,  so
       they  do  heavy  floating point.  Three of the most popular Netpbm pro-
       grams do that: pamscale(1)

       (shrink/expand an image), pamcomp(1)

       (overlay an image over another one), and pamditherbw(1)
        (Make a black and white image that approximates a grayscale image).

       The Netpbm image formats use 16 bit integers.   The  Netpbm  code  uses
       'unsigned int' size integers to work with them.

Netpbm For Gimp
       The  Gimp is a visual image editor for Unix and X, so it does the kinds
       of things that Netpbm does, but interactively in a  user-friendly  way.
       The Gimp knows a variety of graphics file formats and image transforma-
       tions, but you can extend it with plugins.

       A particularly easy way to write a Gimp plugin is  to  write  a  Netpbm
       program  (remember that a fundamental mission of Netpbm is make writing
       image  manipulation   programs   easy)   and   then   use   netpbm2gimp
       <>  to compile that same source code
       into a Gimp plugin.

       You can turn a program that converts from a certain graphics file  for-
       mat to Netpbm format into a Gimp load plugin.  Likewise, you can turn a
       program that converts to a certain graphics format from  Netpbm  format
       into a Gimp store plugin.  Finally, a program that transforms images in
       Netpbm format can become a process plugin.

       And the netpbm2gimp project has already packaged for you a few  hundred
       of the Netpbm programs as Gimp plugins.  With this package you can, for
       example, edit an image in any of the arcane graphics file formats  that
       Netpbm understands but no other image editor in existence does.

Companion Software
       If you're using Netpbm to do graphics for a website, you can invoke the
       Netpbm programs from a PHP script.  To make this even easier, check out
       PHP-NetPBM  <>  ,  a PHP class
       that interacts with Netpbm.  Its main goal is to decrease the  pain  of
       using  Netpbm when working with images in various formats.  It includes
       macro commands to perform manipulations on many files.

       I can't actually recommend PHP-NetPBM.  I spent some time staring at it
       and was unable to make sense of it.  Some documentation is in fractured
       English and other is in an unusual character set.   But  a  PHP  expert
       might be able to figure it out and get some use out of it.

Other Graphics Software
       Netpbm  contains primitive building blocks.  It certainly is not a com-
       plete graphics software library.

   Image Viewers
       The first thing you will want to make use of any of these  tools  is  a
       viewer.   (On  GNU/Linux,  you can use Netpbm's pamx or ppmsvgalib in a
       pinch, but it is pretty limiting).  zgv is a good full  service  viewer
       to  use  on a GNU/Linux system with the SVGALIB graphics display driver
       library.          You         can         find          zgv          at
       <> .

       zgv even has a feature in it wherein you can visually crop an image and
       write an output file of the cropped image using pamcut(1)

       See the -s option to zgv.

       For the X inclined, there is also xzgv.

       xwud (X Window Undump) is a classic application program in the X Window
       System that displays an image in an X window.  It takes the  special  X
       Window Dump format as input; you can use Netpbm's pnmtoxwd(1)
        to create it.  You're probably better off just using Netpbm's pamx(1)

       xloadimage  and  its  extension  xli  are also common ways to display a
       graphic image in X.

       gqview is a more modern X-based image viewer.

       qiv is a small, very fast viewer for X.

       To play mpeg movies, such as produced by ppmtompeg, try mplayer(1)
        or xine <> .

       <> .

   Image Capturers
       xwd (X Window Dump), a classic application program in the X Window Sys-
       tem, captures the contents of an X window, in  its  own  special  image
       format, called X Window Dump File.  You can use Netpbm's xwdtopnm(1)
        to turn it into something more useful.

       fbdump  <>  Capturers the current con-
       tents of a video display on the local  computer  and  generates  a  PPM
       image of it.  It works with Linux framebuffer devices.

   Visual Graphics Software
       Visual  graphics  software is modern point-and-click software that dis-
       plays an image and lets you work on it and see the results as  you  go.
       This is fundamentally different from what Netpbm programs do.

       ImageMagick  is  like  a  visual version of Netpbm.  Using the X/Window
       system on Unix, you can do basic editing of images and lots  of  format
       conversions.   The package does include at least some non-visual tools.
       convert, mogrify, montage, and animate are popular  programs  from  the
       ImageMagick  package.   ImageMagick  runs on Unix, Windows, Windows NT,
       Macintosh, and VMS.

       xv is a very old and very popular  simple  image  editor  in  the  Unix
       world.  It does not have much in the way of current support, or mainte-
       nance, though.

       The Gimp is a visual image editor for Unix and X, in the same  category
       as  the more famous, less capable, and much more expensive Adobe Photo-
       shop, etc. for Windows.  See  <>
       .   And  you  can  add  most  of  Netpbm's  function  to The Gimp using
       Netpbm2gimp <> .

       Electric Eyes, kuickshow, and gthumb are also visual  editors  for  the
       X/Window system, and KView and gwenview are specifically for KDE.

   Programming Tools
       If  you're  writing a program in C to draw and manipulate images, check
       out gd <> .  Netpbm contains a C  library  for
       drawing images (libnetpbm's 'ppmd' routines), but it is probably not as
       capable or documented as gd.  You can easily  run  any  Netpbm  program
       from  a  C program with the pm_system function from the Netpbm program-
       ming library, but that is less efficient than gd functions that do  the
       same thing.

       Cairo <>  is similar.

       Ilib  is  a  C  subroutine library with functions for adding text to an
       image (as you might do at a higher level with pbmtext, pamcomp,  etc.).
       It   works   with   Netpbm   input  and  output.   Find  it  at
       <> .  Netpbm also includes character  drawing
       functions in the libnetpbm(3)
        library,  but  they  do  not have as fancy font capabilities (see ppm-

       for an example of use of the Netpbm character drawing functions).

       Pango <>  is another text rendering library,  with
       an emphasis on internationalization.

       Pango and Cairo complement each other and work well together.

       GD  is  a  library  of graphics routines that is part of PHP.  It has a
       subset of Netpbm's functions and has been found to resize  images  more
       slowly and with less quality.

   Tools For Specific Graphics Formats
       mencode, which is part of the mplayer(1)
        package,  creates movie files.  It's like a much more advanced version
       of ppmtompeg(1) , without the Netpbm building block simplicity.

       MJPEGTools <>  is software for dealing with
       the MJPEG movie format.

       To  create  an animated GIF, or extract a frame from one, use gifsicle.
       gifsicle converts between animated GIF and still GIF, and you  can  use
       pamtogif  and  giftopnm to connect up to all the Netpbm utilities.  See <> .

       To convert an image of text to text (optical  character  recognition  -
       OCR),   use  gocr  (think  of  it  as  an  inverse  of  pbmtext).   See <> . <>    contains  a
       PNG  test  suite  -- a whole bunch of PNG images exploiting the various
       features of the PNG format.

       Other   versions   of    Netpbm's    pnmtopng/pngtopam    are    at (1)

       The  version  in  Netpbm was actually based on that package a long time
       ago, and you can expect to find better exploitation of the PNG  format,
       especially  recent  enhancements,  in that package.  It may be a little
       less consistent with the Netpbm project and less exploitive  of  recent
       Netpbm format enhancements, though.

         pngwriter  <>    is a C++ library for
       creating PNG images.  With it, you plot an image pixel by  pixel.   You
       can also render text with the FreeType2 library.

       jpegtran Does some of the same transformations as Netpbm is famous for,
       but does them specifically on JPEG files and does them without loss  of
       information.   By  contrast, if you were to use Netpbm, you would first
       decompress the JPEG image to Netpbm format, then transform  the  image,
       then  compress it back to JPEG format.  In that recompression, you lose
       a little image information because JPEG is  a  lossy  compression.   Of
       course,  only  a  few  kinds  of  lossless transformation are possible.
       jpegtran comes with the Independent JPEG Group's (
       <>  JPEG library.

        Some tools to deal with EXIF files (see also Netpbm's jpegtopnm(1)
        and pnmtojpeg(1) ):

       To  dump  (interpret)  an  EXIF header: Exifdump (( http://topo.math.u-                       <http://topo.math.u->            )            or           Jhead
       <> .

       A  Python  EXIF  library  and  dumper:

       Here's  some software to work with IOCA (Image Object Content Architec-
       ture):  ImageToolbox  <>    ($2500,   demo
       available).  This can convert from TIFF -> IOCA and back again.  Ameri-

       ($40 Windows only).

       pnm2ppa converts to HP's 'Winprinter' format (for  HP  710,  720,  820,
       1000,  etc).   It  is  a  superset  of  Netpbm's pbmtoppa  and handles,
       notably, color.  However, it is more of a printer driver than a Netpbm-
       style  primitive graphics building block.  See The Pnm2ppa /Sourceforge
       Project <>

       DjVuLibre is a package of software  for  using  the  DjVu  format.   It
       includes viewers, browser plugins, decoders, simple encoders, and util-
       ities.  The encoders and decoders can convert  between  DjVu  and  PNM.
        the DjVu website.  <>

   Document/Graphics Software
       There  is  a large class of software that does document processing, and
       that is somewhat related to graphics because documents contain graphics
       and a page of a document is for many purposes a graphic image.  Because
       of this slight intersection with graphics, I cover document  processing
       software  here briefly, but it is for the most part beyond the scope of
       this document.

       First, we look at where Netpbm meets document processing.  pstopnm con-
       verts from Postscript and PDF to PNM.  It effectively renders the docu-
       ment into images of printed pages.  pstopnm is nothing but a convenient
       wrapper for Ghostscript <> , and in particu-
       lar Netpbm-format device drivers that are part of it.  pnmtops and pbm-
       toepsi  convert  a  PNM  image to a Postscript program for printing the
       image.  But to really use PDF and Postscript files, you generally  need
       more complex document processing software.

       Adobe  invented Postscript and PDF and products from Adobe are for many
       purposes the quintessential Postscript and PDF tools.

       Adobe's free Acrobat Reader displays PDF and  converts  to  Postscript.
       The  Acrobat  Reader  for unix has a program name of 'acroread' and the
       -toPostScript option (also see the -level2 option) is useful.

       Other software from Adobe, available for purchase, interprets and  cre-
       ates  Postscript  and  PDF files.  'Distill' is a program that converts
       Postscript to PDF.

       xpdf <>  also reads PDF files.

       GSview, ghostview, gv, ggv, and kghostview are some other  viewers  for
       Postscript and PDF files.

       The  program  ps2pdf,  part of Ghostscript, converts from Postscript to

       Two packages that produce more kinds of  Encapsulated  Postscript  than
       the   Netpbm   programs,   including   compressed   kinds,   are  bmeps
       <>                    and          imgtops
       <> .

       dvips  converts  from DVI format to Postscript.  DVI is the format that
       Tex produces.  Netpbm can convert from Postscript to  PNM.   Thus,  you
       can  use  these in combination to work with Tex/Latex documents graphi-

       wvware <>  converts a Microsoft Word docu-
       ment  (.doc file) to various other formats.  While the web page doesn't
       seem to mention it, it reportedly can extract an embedded  image  in  a
       Word document as a PNG.

       Document  Printer  <>   converts various
       print document formats (Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML,  etc.)   to  various
       graphic image formats.  ($38, Windows only).

       Latex2html  converts  Latex  document  source  to HTML document source.
       Part of that involves graphics, and Latex2html uses  Netpbm  tools  for
       some  of  that.  But Latex2html through its history has had some rather
       esoteric codependencies with Netpbm.   Older  Latex2html  doesn't  work
       with current Netpbm.  Latex2html-99.2beta8 works, though.

       The file program looks at a file and tells you what kind of file it is.
       It recognizes most of the graphics formats with which Netpbm deals,  so
       it is pretty handy for graphics work.  Netpbm's anytopnm(1)
        program    depends   on   file.    See
       <> .

       The Utah Raster Toolkit serves a lot of the same purpose as Netpbm, but
       without  the  emphasis on format conversions.  This package is based on
       the RLE format, which you can convert to and from the  Netpbm  formats.
       The   website   of   the   Geometric   Design   And  Computation  group
       <>  in the Department of Computer Science  at
       University  of  Utah  used  to  (ca. 2002) have information on the Utah
       Raster Toolkit, but now it doesn't.

       Ivtools is a suite of free X Window System drawing  editors  for  Post-
       script,  Tex, and web graphics production, as well as an embeddable and
       extendable vector graphic shell.  It uses the Netpbm  facilities.   See <> .

       Chisato  Yamauchi  <> has written a free c/For-
       tran             graphic             library:              EGGX/ProCall
       <>   .   He  says  he
       tried to write the ultimate easy-to-use graphic kit for X.  It  is  for
       drawing  upon  an X11 window, but for storage, it outputs PPM.  He sug-
       gests Netpbm to convert to other formats.

       The program morph morphs one image into another.  It uses Targa  format
       images, but you can use tgatoppm and ppmtotga to deal with that format.
       You have to use the graphical (X/Tk) Xmorph to create  the  mesh  files
       that you must feed to morph.  morph is part of the Xmorph package.  See <> .

Other Graphics Formats
       People never seem to tire of inventing new graphics formats, often com-
       pletely  redundant  with pre-existing ones.  Netpbm cannot keep up with
       them.  Here is a list of a few that we  know  Netpbm  does  not  handle

       Various  commercial  Windows  software  handles  dozens of formats that
       Netpbm does not, especially formats typically used  with  Windows  pro-
       grams.   ImageMagick  is  probably the most used free image format con-
       verter and it also handles lots of formats Netpbm does not.

       o      WebP was announced by Google in October  2010  as  a  more  com-
              pressed replacement for JFIF (aka JPEG) on the web.

       o      JPEG  XR  offers greater dynamic range, a wider range of colors,
              and more efficient compression than JFIF  (aka  JPEG).   Windows
              and Internet Explorer understand this format, starting with Win-
              dows 7 and Internet Explorer 9, along with many other  programs.
              This  format  was previously known as Windows Media Photo and HD

       o      Direct Draw Surface (DDS)is the de facto standard wrapper format
              for  S3  texture  compression,  as  used  in all modern realtime
              graphics applications.  Besides Windows-based tools, there is  a
              Gimp plugin for this format.

       o      DjVu  is  a  web-centric  format  and software platform for dis-
              tributing documents and images.  Promoters  say  it  is  a  good
              replacement  for  PDF,  PS,  TIFF,  JFIF(JPEG), and GIF for dis-
              tributing scanned documents, digital documents, or  high-resolu-
              tion pictures, because it downloads faster, displays and renders
              faster, looks nicer  on  a  screen,  and  consumes  less  client
              resources than competing formats.

              For more information, see
               the DjVu website.  <>


              VRML       (Virtual       Reality       Modelling      Language)


              CALS (originated by US Department Of Defense, favored by  archi-
              tects).   It  is described in this 1997 listing of graphics for-
              <>     .
              CALS has at times been an abbreviation of various things, all of
              which  appear  to  be  essentially the same format, but possibly
              slightly different:

       o      Computer Aided Logistics Support

       o      Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support

       o      Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support

       o      Commerce At Light Speed

              The US Navy publishes specs(1)

              for it.

              The           web           page 
              <>  describes a program
              for converting from CALS to TIFF.


              array formats dx, general, netcdf, CDF, hdf, cm



       o      HDR formats OpenEXR, SGI TIFF LogLuv, floating point TIFF, Radi-
              ance RGBE

       o      Windows  Meta  File  (.WMF).  Libwmf converts from WMF to things
              like Latex, PDF, PNG.  Some of these can be input to Netpbm.

       o      Microsoft Word .doc format.  Microsoft keeps a proprietary  hold
              on  this  format.   Any  software  you see that can handle it is
              likely to cost money.

       o      RTF


              DXF (AutoCAD)


              IOCA (Image Object Content Architecture)  The  specification  of
              this format is documented by IBM:
               Data  Stream  and  Object  Architectures:  Image Object Content
              Architecture                                           Reference
              <>  .   See
              above for software that processes this format.

       o      OpenEXR is an HDR format (like PFM(1) ).  See
      <> .

       o      Xv Visual Schnauzer thumbnail image.  This  is  a  rather  anti-
              quated  format used by the Xv program.  In Netpbm circles, it is
              best known for the fact that it is very similar to  Netpbm  for-
              mats  and  uses  the same signature ('P7') as PAM because it was
              developed as sort of a fork of the Netpbm format specifications.

       o      YUV 4:2:0, aka YUV 420, and the similar YUV  4:4:4,  YUV  4:2:2,
              YUV  4:1:1,  YUV 4:1:1s, and YUV 4:1:0.  Video systems often use


              MJPEG <>  movie format.

       o      YUV4MPEG2 is a movie format whose purpose is similar to that  of
              the  Netpbm formats for still images.  You use it for manipulat-
              ing movies, but not for storing or transmitting them.  The  only
              known     use    of    the    format    is    with    MJPEGTools
              <> .  The programs  pnmtoy4m  and  y4mtopnm
              (and predecessors ppmtoy4m and y4mtoppm) in that package convert
              between a Netpbm stream and a YUV4MPEG2 stream.   As  you  might
              guess  from  the  name,  YUV4MPEG2  uses a YUV representation of
              data, which is more convenient than the Netpbm formats' RGB rep-
              resentation for working with data that is ultimately MPEG2.

       Netpbm  has a long history, starting with Jef Poskanzer's Pbmplus pack-
       age in 1988.  See the Netpbmwebsite(1)

       for details.

       The file doc/HISTORY in the Netpbm  source  code  contains  a  detailed
       change history release by release.

       Netpbm is based on the Pbmplus package by Jef Poskanzer, first distrib-
       uted in 1988 and maintained by him until 1991.  But  the  package  con-
       tains work by countless other authors, added since Jef's original work.
       In fact, the name is derived from the fact that the work  was  contrib-
       uted  by people all over the world via the Internet, when such collabo-
       ration was still novel enough to merit naming the package after it.

       Bryan Henderson has been maintaining Netpbm since 1999.  In addition to
       packaging  work  by others, Bryan has also written a significant amount
       of new material for the package.

netpbm documentation           22 February 2009      User manual for Netpbm(0)

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