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GREP(1P)                   POSIX Programmer's Manual                  GREP(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.

       grep -- search a file for a pattern

       grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvx] -e pattern_list
           [-e pattern_list]... [-f pattern_file]... [file...]

       grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvx] [-e pattern_list]...
           -f pattern_file [-f pattern_file]... [file...]

       grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvx] pattern_list [file...]

       The grep utility shall search the input files, selecting lines matching
       one  or  more  patterns;  the  types  of patterns are controlled by the
       options specified. The patterns are specified  by  the  -e  option,  -f
       option,  or  the  pattern_list  operand. The pattern_list's value shall
       consist of one or more patterns separated by <newline> characters;  the
       pattern_file's  contents  shall  consist of one or more patterns termi-
       nated by a <newline> character. By default,  an  input  line  shall  be
       selected  if any pattern, treated as an entire basic regular expression
       (BRE) as described in the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2008, Sec-
       tion  9.3,  Basic  Regular  Expressions,  matches  any part of the line
       excluding the terminating <newline>; a null BRE shall match every line.
       By  default,  each selected input line shall be written to the standard

       Regular expression matching shall be based on text lines. Since a <new-
       line>  separates  or  terminates  patterns  (see  the -e and -f options
       below), regular expressions cannot  contain  a  <newline>.   Similarly,
       since patterns are matched against individual lines (excluding the ter-
       minating <newline> characters) of the input, there is no way for a pat-
       tern to match a <newline> found in the input.

       The  grep  utility  shall  conform  to  the  Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1-2008, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

       The following options shall be supported:

       -E        Match using extended regular expressions.  Treat each pattern
                 specified  as  an  ERE,  as described in the Base Definitions
                 volume of POSIX.1-2008, Section 9.4, Extended Regular Expres-
                 sions.   If  any  entire  ERE pattern matches some part of an
                 input line excluding  the  terminating  <newline>,  the  line
                 shall be matched. A null ERE shall match every line.

       -F        Match  using fixed strings. Treat each pattern specified as a
                 string instead of a regular expression. If an input line con-
                 tains  any of the patterns as a contiguous sequence of bytes,
                 the line shall be matched.  A null string shall  match  every

       -c        Write only a count of selected lines to standard output.

       -e pattern_list
                 Specify one or more patterns to be used during the search for
                 input.  The application shall ensure that  patterns  in  pat-
                 tern_list  are  separated by a <newline>.  A null pattern can
                 be specified by two adjacent  <newline>  characters  in  pat-
                 tern_list.   Unless  the  -E  or -F option is also specified,
                 each pattern shall be treated as a BRE, as described  in  the
                 Base  Definitions  volume of POSIX.1-2008, Section 9.3, Basic
                 Regular Expressions.  Multiple -e and  -f  options  shall  be
                 accepted  by  the grep utility. All of the specified patterns
                 shall be used when matching lines, but the order  of  evalua-
                 tion is unspecified.

       -f pattern_file
                 Read one or more patterns from the file named by the pathname
                 pattern_file.  Patterns in pattern_file shall  be  terminated
                 by  a <newline>.  A null pattern can be specified by an empty
                 line in pattern_file.  Unless the -E or  -F  option  is  also
                 specified,  each  pattern  shall  be  treated  as  a  BRE, as
                 described in the Base  Definitions  volume  of  POSIX.1-2008,
                 Section 9.3, Basic Regular Expressions.

       -i        Perform  pattern matching in searches without regard to case;
                 see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2008, Section 9.2,
                 Regular Expression General Requirements.

       -l        (The  letter  ell.)  Write only the names of files containing
                 selected lines to standard output. Pathnames shall be written
                 once  per file searched. If the standard input is searched, a
                 pathname of "(standardinput)" shall be written, in the  POSIX
                 locale.  In other locales, "standardinput" may be replaced by
                 something more appropriate in those locales.

       -n        Precede each output line by its relative line number  in  the
                 file,  each  file starting at line 1. The line number counter
                 shall be reset for each file processed.

       -q        Quiet. Nothing shall  be  written  to  the  standard  output,
                 regardless  of  matching  lines.  Exit with zero status if an
                 input line is selected.

       -s        Suppress the error messages ordinarily written  for  nonexis-
                 tent  or  unreadable files. Other error messages shall not be

       -v        Select lines not matching any of the specified  patterns.  If
                 the -v option is not specified, selected lines shall be those
                 that match any of the specified patterns.

       -x        Consider only input lines that use all characters in the line
                 excluding  the terminating <newline> to match an entire fixed
                 string or regular expression to be matching lines.

       The following operands shall be supported:

                 Specify one or more patterns to be used during the search for
                 input.  This operand shall be treated as if it were specified
                 as -e pattern_list.

       file      A pathname of a file to be searched for the patterns.  If  no
                 file  operands  are  specified,  the  standard input shall be

       The standard input shall be used if no file operands are specified, and
       shall  be  used  if a file operand is '-' and the implementation treats
       the '-' as meaning standard input.  Otherwise, the standard input shall
       not be used.  See the INPUT FILES section.

       The input files shall be text files.

       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of grep:

       LANG      Provide  a  default  value for the internationalization vari-
                 ables that are unset or null. (See the Base Definitions  vol-
                 ume  of POSIX.1-2008, Section 8.2, Internationalization Vari-
                 ables for the precedence  of  internationalization  variables
                 used to determine the values of locale categories.)

       LC_ALL    If  set  to  a non-empty string value, override the values of
                 all the other internationalization variables.

                 Determine the locale for the behavior of ranges,  equivalence
                 classes,  and multi-character collating elements within regu-
                 lar expressions.

       LC_CTYPE  Determine the locale for the interpretation of  sequences  of
                 bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as
                 opposed to  multi-byte  characters  in  arguments  and  input
                 files)  and  the behavior of character classes within regular

                 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format
                 and  contents  of  diagnostic  messages  written  to standard

       NLSPATH   Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing
                 of LC_MESSAGES.


       If  the -l option is in effect, the following shall be written for each
       file containing at least one selected input line:

           "%s\n", <file>

       Otherwise, if more than one file argument appears, and -q is not speci-
       fied, the grep utility shall prefix each output line by:

           "%s:", <file>

       The  remainder  of  each  output line shall depend on the other options

        *  If the -c option is in effect, the remainder of  each  output  line
           shall contain:

               "%d\n", <count>

        *  Otherwise,  if  -c is not in effect and the -n option is in effect,
           the following shall be written to standard output:

               "%d:", <line number>

        *  Finally, the following shall be written to standard output:

               "%s", <selected-line contents>

       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.



       The following exit values shall be returned:

        0    One or more lines were selected.

        1    No lines were selected.

       >1    An error occurred.

       If the -q option is specified, the exit status  shall  be  zero  if  an
       input  line  is  selected,  even  if  an error was detected. Otherwise,
       default actions shall be performed.

       The following sections are informative.

       Care should be taken when using characters  in  pattern_list  that  may
       also  be meaningful to the command interpreter. It is safest to enclose
       the entire pattern_list argument in single-quotes:


       The -e pattern_list option has the same effect as the pattern_list  op-
       erand,  but is useful when pattern_list begins with the <hyphen> delim-
       iter. It is also useful when it is more convenient to provide  multiple
       patterns as separate arguments.

       Multiple  -e  and -f options are accepted and grep uses all of the pat-
       terns it is given while matching input  text  lines.   (Note  that  the
       order of evaluation is not specified. If an implementation finds a null
       string as a pattern, it is allowed to use that pattern first,  matching
       every line, and effectively ignore any other patterns.)

       The  -q  option provides a means of easily determining whether or not a
       pattern (or string) exists in a group of files. When searching  several
       files,  it  provides  a performance improvement (because it can quit as
       soon as it finds the first match) and requires less care by the user in
       choosing the set of files to supply as arguments (because it exits zero
       if it finds a match even if grep detected an access or  read  error  on
       earlier file operands).

        1. To  find all uses of the word "Posix" (in any case) in file
           and write with line numbers:

               grep -i -n posix

        2. To find all empty lines in the standard input:

               grep ^$


               grep -v .

        3. Both of the following commands print all lines  containing  strings
           "abc" or "def" or both:

               grep -E 'abc|def'

               grep -F 'abc

        4. Both  of  the  following  commands print all lines matching exactly
           "abc" or "def":

               grep -E '^abc$|^def$'

               grep -F -x 'abc

       This grep has been enhanced in an upwards-compatible way to provide the
       exact functionality of the historical egrep and fgrep commands as well.
       It was the clear intention of the standard  developers  to  consolidate
       the three greps into a single command.

       The  old  egrep  and fgrep commands are likely to be supported for many
       years to come as implementation extensions, allowing historical  appli-
       cations to operate unmodified.

       Historical implementations usually silently ignored all but one of mul-
       tiply-specified -e and -f options, but were not consistent as to  which
       specification was actually used.

       The  -b  option was omitted from the OPTIONS section because block num-
       bers are implementation-defined.

       The System V restriction on using - to mean standard input was omitted.

       A definition of action taken when given a null BRE or ERE is specified.
       This is an error condition in some historical implementations.

       The  -l  option previously indicated that its use was undefined when no
       files were explicitly named. This behavior was historical and placed an
       unnecessary restriction on future implementations. It has been removed.

       The  historical  BSD  grep  -s  option practice is easily duplicated by
       redirecting standard output to /dev/null.  The -s option required  here
       is from System V.

       The  -x  option,  historically  available only with fgrep, is available
       here for all of the non-obsolescent versions.



       The Base Definitions volume of  POSIX.1-2008,  Chapter  8,  Environment
       Variables, Chapter 9, Regular Expressions, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax

       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in  electronic  form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX),  The  Open  Group  Base
       Specifications Issue 7, Copyright (C) 2013 by the Institute of Electri-
       cal and Electronics Engineers,  Inc  and  The  Open  Group.   (This  is
       POSIX.1-2008  with  the  2013  Technical Corrigendum 1 applied.) In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at .

       Any  typographical  or  formatting  errors that appear in this page are
       most likely to have been introduced during the conversion of the source
       files  to  man page format. To report such errors, see https://www.ker- .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2013                             GREP(1P)

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