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x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASE x
x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASEx
labelframe(n)                Tk Built-In Commands                labelframe(n)


       labelframe - Create and manipulate 'labelframe' labelled container wid-

       labelframe pathName ?options?

       -borderwidth          -highlightbackground -pady
       -cursor               -highlightcolor      -relief
       -font                 -highlightthickness  -takefocus
       -foreground           -padx                -text

       See the options manual entry for details on the standard options.

       Command-Line Name:-background
       Database Name:  background
       Database Class: Background

              This option is the  same  as  the  standard  -background  option
              except  that its value may also be specified as an empty string.
              In this case, the widget will display no background  or  border,
              and  no  colors will be consumed from its colormap for its back-
              ground and border.

       Command-Line Name:-class
       Database Name:  class
       Database Class: Class

              Specifies a class for the window.  This class will be used  when
              querying the option database for the window's other options, and
              it will also be used later for other purposes such as  bindings.
              The  -class  option may not be changed with the configure widget

       Command-Line Name:-colormap
       Database Name:  colormap
       Database Class: Colormap

              Specifies a colormap to use for the window.  The  value  may  be
              either new, in which case a new colormap is created for the win-
              dow and its children, or the name of another window (which  must
              be  on the same screen and have the same visual as pathName), in
              which case the new window will use the colormap from the  speci-
              fied  window.  If the -colormap option is not specified, the new
              window uses the same colormap as its parent.   This  option  may
              not be changed with the configure widget command.

       Command-Line Name:-height
       Database Name:  height
       Database Class: Height

              Specifies  the desired height for the window in any of the forms
              acceptable to Tk_GetPixels.  If this  option  is  less  than  or
              equal to zero then the window will not request any size at all.

       Command-Line Name:-labelanchor
       Database Name:  labelAnchor
       Database Class: LabelAnchor

              Specifies where to place the label. A label is only displayed if
              the -text option is not the empty string.  Valid values for this
              option  are  (listing  them clockwise) nw, n, ne, en, e, es, se,
              s,sw, ws, w and wn.  The default value is nw.

       Command-Line Name:-labelwidget
       Database Name:  labelWidget
       Database Class: LabelWidget

              Specifies a widget to use as label.  This  overrides  any  -text
              option.  The widget must exist before being used as -labelwidget
              and if it is not a descendant of this window, it will be  raised
              above it in the stacking order.

       Command-Line Name:-visual
       Database Name:  visual
       Database Class: Visual

              Specifies  visual  information  for the new window in any of the
              forms accepted by Tk_GetVisual.  If this option  is  not  speci-
              fied,  the  new  window  will use the same visual as its parent.
              The -visual option may not be modified with the configure widget

       Command-Line Name:-width
       Database Name:  width
       Database Class: Width

              Specifies  the  desired width for the window in any of the forms
              acceptable to Tk_GetPixels.  If this  option  is  less  than  or
              equal to zero then the window will not request any size at all.

       The  labelframe  command  creates  a  new window (given by the pathName
       argument) and makes it into a labelframe widget.   Additional  options,
       described  above, may be specified on the command line or in the option
       database to configure aspects of the labelframe such as its  background
       color  and relief.  The labelframe command returns the path name of the
       new window.

       A labelframe is a simple widget.  Its primary purpose is to  act  as  a
       spacer or container for complex window layouts.  It has the features of
       a frame plus the ability to display a label.

       The labelframe command creates a new Tcl command whose name is the same
       as  the path name of the labelframe's window.  This command may be used
       to invoke various operations on the widget.  It has the following  gen-
       eral form:
              pathName option ?arg arg ...?
       PathName  is  the  name of the command, which is the same as the label-
       frame widget's path name.  Option and  the  args  determine  the  exact
       behavior of the command.  The following commands are possible for frame

       pathName cget option
              Returns the current value of the configuration option  given  by
              option.   Option  may  have  any  of  the values accepted by the
              labelframe command.

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If  no
              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
              able options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for  information
              on  the  format  of  this list).  If option is specified with no
              value, then the command returns a list describing the one  named
              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
              of the value returned if no option is  specified).   If  one  or
              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
              the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s);  in  this
              case  the  command returns an empty string.  Option may have any
              of the values accepted by the labelframe command.

       When a new labelframe is created, it has  no  default  event  bindings:
       labelframes are not intended to be interactive.

       This  shows  how  to  build  part  of a GUI for a hamburger vendor. The
       labelframe widgets are used to organize the available  choices  by  the
       kinds of things that the choices are being made over.

              grid [labelframe .burger -text "Burger"] \
                   [labelframe .bun    -text "Bun"] -sticky news
              grid [labelframe .cheese -text "Cheese Option"] \
                   [labelframe .pickle -text "Pickle Option"] -sticky news
              foreach {type name val} {
                  burger Beef    beef
                  burger Lamb    lamb
                  burger Vegetarian beans

                  bun    Plain   white
                  bun    Sesame  seeds
                  bun    Wholemeal brown

                  cheese None    none
                  cheese Cheddar cheddar
                  cheese Edam    edam
                  cheese Brie    brie
                  cheese Gruy\u00e8re gruyere
                  cheese "Monterey Jack" jack

                  pickle None    none
                  pickle Gherkins gherkins
                  pickle Onions  onion
                  pickle Chili   chili
              } {
                  set w [radiobutton .$type.$val -text $name -anchor w \
                          -variable $type -value $val]
                  pack $w -side top -fill x
              set burger beef
              set bun    white
              set cheese none
              set pickle none

       frame(n), label(n), ttk::labelframe(n)

       labelframe, widget

Tk                                    8.4                        labelframe(n)

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