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x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASE x
x SuSE Linux 13.1-RELEASEx
SYSTEMD.MOUNT(5)                 systemd.mount                SYSTEMD.MOUNT(5)

       systemd.mount - Mount unit configuration


       A unit configuration file whose name ends in ".mount" encodes
       information about a file system mount point controlled and supervised
       by systemd.

       This man page lists the configuration options specific to this unit
       type. See systemd.unit(5) for the common options of all unit
       configuration files. The common configuration items are configured in
       the generic [Unit] and [Install] sections. The mount specific
       configuration options are configured in the [Mount] section.

       Additional options are listed in systemd.exec(5), which define the
       execution environment the mount(8) binary is executed in, and in
       systemd.kill(5), which define the way the processes are terminated, and
       in systemd.resource-control(5), which configure resource control
       settings for the processes of the service. Note that the User= and
       Group= options are not particularly useful for mount units specifying a
       "Type=" option or using configuration not specified in /etc/fstab;
       mount(8) will refuse options that are not listed in /etc/fstab if it is
       not run as UID 0.

       Mount units must be named after the mount point directories they
       control. Example: the mount point /home/lennart must be configured in a
       unit file home-lennart.mount. For details about the escaping logic used
       to convert a file system path to a unit name, see systemd.unit(5).

       Optionally, a mount unit may be accompanied by an automount unit, to
       allow on-demand or parallelized mounting. See systemd.automount(5).

       If a mount point is beneath another mount point in the file system
       hierarchy, a dependency between both units is created automatically.

       Mount points created at runtime (independently of unit files or
       /etc/fstab) will be monitored by systemd and appear like any other
       mount unit in systemd. See /proc/self/mountinfo description in proc(5).

       Some file systems have special semantics as API file systems for
       kernel-to-userspace and userspace-to-userpace interfaces. Some of them
       may not be changed via mount units, and cannot be disabled. For a
       longer discussion see API File Systems[1].

       Mount units may either be configured via unit files, or via /etc/fstab
       (see fstab(5) for details). Mounts listed in /etc/fstab will be
       converted into native units dynamically at boot and when the
       configuration of the system manager is reloaded. In general,
       configuring mount points through /etc/fstab is the preferred approach.
       See systemd-fstab-generator(8) for details about the conversion.

       When reading /etc/fstab a few special mount options are understood by
       systemd which influence how dependencies are created for mount points
       from /etc/fstab. systemd will create a dependency of type Wants from
       either or, depending whether the file
       system is local or remote. If x-systemd.automount is set, an automount
       unit will be created for the file system. See systemd.automount(5) for
       details. If x-systemd.device-timeout= is specified, it may be used to
       configure how long systemd should wait for a device to show up before
       giving up on an entry from /etc/fstab. Specify a time in seconds or
       explicitly specify a unit as "s", "min", "h", "ms".

       If nofail is given, this mount will be only wanted, not required, by
       the This means that the boot will continue even if
       this mount point is not mounted successfully. Option fail has the
       opposite meaning and is the default.

       If noauto is given, this mount will not be added as a dependency for This means that it will not be mounted automatically
       during boot, unless it is pulled in by some other unit. Option auto has
       the opposite meaning and is the default.

       If a mount point is configured in both /etc/fstab and a unit file that
       is stored below /usr, the former will take precedence. If the unit file
       is stored below /etc, it will take precedence. This means: native unit
       files take precedence over traditional configuration files, but this is
       superseded by the rule that configuration in /etc will always take
       precedence over configuration in /usr.

       Mount files must include a [Mount] section, which carries information
       about the file system mount points it supervises. A number of options
       that may be used in this section are shared with other unit types.
       These options are documented in systemd.exec(5) and systemd.kill(5).
       The options specific to the [Mount] section of mount units are the

           Takes an absolute path of a device node, file or other resource to
           mount. See mount(8) for details. If this refers to a device node, a
           dependency on the respective device unit is automatically created.
           (See systemd.device(5) for more information.) This option is

           Takes an absolute path of a directory of the mount point. If the
           mount point does not exist at the time of mounting, it is created.
           This string must be reflected in the unit filename. (See above.)
           This option is mandatory.

           Takes a string for the file system type. See mount(8) for details.
           This setting is optional.

           Mount options to use when mounting. This takes a comma-separated
           list of options. This setting is optional.

           Directories of mount points (and any parent directories) are
           automatically created if needed. This option specifies the file
           system access mode used when creating these directories. Takes an
           access mode in octal notation. Defaults to 0755.

           Configures the time to wait for the mount command to finish. If a
           command does not exit within the configured time, the mount will be
           considered failed and be shut down again. All commands still
           running will be terminated forcibly via SIGTERM, and after another
           delay of this time with SIGKILL. (See KillMode= in
           systemd.kill(5).) Takes a unit-less value in seconds, or a time
           span value such as "5min 20s". Pass 0 to disable the timeout logic.
           The default value is set from the manager configuration file's
           DefaultTimeoutStart= variable.

       Check systemd.exec(5) and systemd.kill(5) for more settings.

       systemd(1), systemctl(8), systemd.unit(5), systemd.exec(5),
       systemd.kill(5), systemd.resource-control(5), systemd.service(5),
       systemd.device(5), proc(5), mount(8), systemd-fstab-generator(8),

        1. API File Systems

systemd 210                                                   SYSTEMD.MOUNT(5)

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