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Net::Server::HTTP (3)
very basic Net::Server based HTTP server class
Net::Server::HTTP (3pm)
very basic Net::Server based HTTP server class
Net::Server::PSGI (3)
basic Net::Server based PSGI HTTP server class
Net::Server::PSGI (3pm)
basic Net::Server based PSGI HTTP server class
XML::NamespaceSupport (3)
A simple generic namespace processor
XML::NamespaceSupport (3pm)
a simple generic namespace support class
ares_set_local_dev (3)
Bind to a specific network device when creating sock...
ata_std_qc_defer (9)
Check whether a qc needs to be deferred
dblink_get_notify (3pg161)
retrieve async notifications on a connection
ntpdc (1)
vendor-specific NTPD control program
git-name-rev (1)
Find symbolic names for given revs
iwspy (8)
Get wireless statistics from specific nodes
libmagic (3)
Magic number recognition library
tc-netem (8)
Network Emulator
number (6)
convert Arabic numerals to English
pmdaPMID (3)
translate a dynamic performance metric name into a PMID
pmLookupName (3)
translate performance metric names into PMIDs
pmNameAll (3)
translate a PMID to a set of performance metric names
pmNameID (3)
translate a PMID to a performance metric name
pmRegisterDerived (3)
register a derived metric name and definition (8)
Start or stop INN daemons
rpc.nfsd (8)
NFS server process
snd_ac97_get_short_name (9)
retrieve codec name
strdup (3p)
duplicate a specific number of bytes from a string
strndup (3p)
duplicate a specific number of bytes from a string
vmalloc_node (9)
allocate memory on a specific node
vzalloc_node (9)
allocate memory on a specific node with zero fill
XkbAllocNames (3)
Allocate symbolic names structures
XkbFreeNames (3)
Free symbolic names structures
XkbGetNames (3)
Obtain symbolic names from the server
XkbSetNames (3)
Change the symbolic names in the server
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