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Test2::Tools::Refcount (3)
assert reference counts on objects
Test2::Tools::Refcount (3pm)
assert reference counts on objects
.k5identity (5)
Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
Apache2::Access (3)
A Perl API for Apache request object: Access, Authenti...
Apache2::Access (3pm)
A Perl API for Apache request object: Access, Authent...
Apache2::CmdParms (3)
Perl API for Apache command parameters object
Apache2::CmdParms (3pm)
Perl API for Apache command parameters object
Apache2::Connection (3)
Perl API for Apache connection object
Apache2::Connection (3pm)
Perl API for Apache connection object
Apache2::ConnectionUtil (3)
Perl API for Apache connection utils
Apache2::ConnectionUtil (3pm)
Perl API for Apache connection utils
Apache2::Directive (3)
Perl API for manipulating the Apache configuration tree
Apache2::Directive (3pm)
Perl API for manipulating the Apache configuration...
Apache2::PerlSections (3)
write Apache configuration files in Perl
Apache2::PerlSections (3pm)
write Apache configuration files in Perl
BC (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
COMMENT (7pg161)
define or change the comment of an object
CPAN::Meta::Check (3)
Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
CPAN::Meta::Check (3pm)
Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
CPAN::Mirrors (3)
Get CPAN mirror information and select a fast one
CPAN::Mirrors (3pm)
Get CPAN mirror information and select a fast one
Class::Inspector (3)
Get information about a class and its structure
Class::Inspector (3pm)
Get information about a class and its structure
Class::Inspector::Functions (3)
Get information about a class and its struc...
Class::Inspector::Functions (3pm)
Get information about a class and its str...
DBIx::Simple::Result::RowObject (3)
Simple result row object class
DBIx::Simple::Result::RowObject (3pm)
Simple result row object class
Data::Grove::Parent (3)
provide parent properties to Data::Grove objects
Data::Grove::Parent (3pm)
provide parent properties to Data::Grove objects
Data::Grove::Visitor (3)
add visitor/callback methods to Data::Grove objects
Data::Grove::Visitor (3pm)
add visitor/callback methods to Data::Grove objects
Data::Printer::Filter::ContentType (3)
detect popular (binary) content in s...
Data::Printer::Filter::ContentType (3pm)
detect popular (binary) content in...
Data::Printer::Filter::DB (3)
pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx::...
Data::Printer::Filter::DB (3pm)
pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx...
Data::Printer::Filter::DateTime (3)
pretty-printing date and time objects (...
Data::Printer::Filter::DateTime (3pm)
pretty-printing date and time objects...
Data::Printer::Object (3)
underlying object for Data::Printer
Data::Printer::Object (3pm)
underlying object for Data::Printer
Date::Manip::Obj (3)
Base class for Date::Manip objects
Date::Manip::Obj (3pm)
Base class for Date::Manip objects
Date::Manip::Objects (3)
A description of the various Date::Manip objects
Date::Manip::Objects (3pm)
A description of the various Date::Manip objects
DateTime (3)
A date and time object for Perl
DateTime (3pm)
A date and time object for Perl
DateTime::Duration (3)
Duration objects for date math
DateTime::Duration (3pm)
Duration objects for date math
DateTime::Infinite (3)
Infinite past and future DateTime objects
DateTime::Infinite (3pm)
Infinite past and future DateTime objects
DateTime::Locale::Base (3)
Base class for individual locale objects (deprec...
DateTime::Locale::Base (3pm)
Base class for individual locale objects (depr...
DateTime::Locale::FromData (3)
Class for locale objects instantiated from p...
DateTime::Locale::FromData (3pm)
Class for locale objects instantiated from...
DateTime::TimeZone (3)
Time zone object base class and factory
DateTime::TimeZone (3pm)
Time zone object base class and factory
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly (3)
A DateTime::TimeZone object that just co...
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly (3pm)
A DateTime::TimeZone object that just ...
DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB (3)
An object to represent an Olson time zone d...
DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB (3pm)
An object to represent an Olson time zone...
Devel::Cycle (3)
Find memory cycles in objects
Devel::Cycle (3pm)
Find memory cycles in objects
Devel::StackTrace (3)
An object representing a stack trace
Devel::StackTrace (3pm)
An object representing a stack trace
dislocate (1)
disconnect and reconnect processes
Email::Simple::Creator (3)
private helper for building Email::Simple objects
Email::Simple::Creator (3pm)
private helper for building Email::Simple objects
Encode::Detect (3)
An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding...
Encode::Detect (3pm)
An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding...
Encode::Detect::Detector (3)
Detects the encoding of data
Encode::Detect::Detector (3pm)
Detects the encoding of data
Encode::Encoder (3)
- Object Oriented Encoder
Encode::Encoder (3pm)
- Object Oriented Encoder
Exception::Class::Base (3)
A base class for exception objects
Exception::Class::Base (3pm)
A base class for exception objects
ExtUtils::testlib (3)
add blib/* directories to @INC
ExtUtils::testlib (3pm)
add blib/* directories to @INC
_newselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
File::Listing (3)
Parse directory listing
File::Listing (3pm)
parse directory listing
Getopt::Long::Parser (3)
Getopt::Long object oriented interface
Getopt::Long::Parser (3pm)
Getopt::Long object oriented interface
HTML::HeadParser (3)
Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
HTML::HeadParser (3pm)
Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
HTTP::Config (3)
Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP::Config (3pm)
Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP::Request::Common (3)
Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP::Request::Common (3pm)
Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP::Tiny (3)
A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
HTTP::Tiny (3pm)
A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
IO::HTML (3)
Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
IO::HTML (3pm)
Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
IO::Socket::INET6 (3)
[ DEPRECATED!! ] Object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET...
IO::Socket::INET6 (3pm)
Object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
IPC::Run3 (3)
run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection
IPC::Run3 (3pm)
run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection
inkscape.zh_TW (1)
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
J1F (3)
(unknown subject)
J1L (3)
(unknown subject)
JSON (3)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
JSON (3pm)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
JSON::XS (3)
JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
JSON::XS (3pm)
JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
LWP::ConnCache (3)
Connection cache manager
LWP::ConnCache (3pm)
Connection cache manager
Lingua::EN::Inflect (3)
Convert singular to plural. Select "a" or "an".
Lingua::EN::Inflect (3pm)
Convert singular to plural. Select "a" or "an".
List::Util (3)
A selection of general-utility list subroutines
List::Util (3pm)
A selection of general-utility list subroutines
MIME::Decoder (3)
an object for decoding the body part of a MIME stream
MIME::Decoder (3pm)
an object for decoding the body part of a MIME stream
Mail::DMARC::Policy (3)
a DMARC policy in object format
Mail::DMARC::Policy (3pm)
a DMARC policy in object format
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate (3)
aggregate report object
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate (3pm)
aggregate report object
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Metadata (3)
metadata section of aggregate ...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Metadata (3pm)
metadata section of aggregat...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record (3)
record section of aggregate report
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record (3pm)
record section of aggregate re...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
auth_results section of a DMAR...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
auth_results section of a DM...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
auth_results/dkim section of a...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
auth_results/dkim section of...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
auth_results/spf section of a ...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
auth_results/spf section of ...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
identifiers section of a DMARC...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
identifiers section of a DMA...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
row section of a DMARC aggrega...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
row section of a DMARC aggre...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3)
row/policy_evaluated section o...
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Recor... (3pm)
row/policy_evaluated section...
Mail::DMARC::Result (3)
an aggregate report result object
Mail::DMARC::Result (3pm)
an aggregate report result object
Mail::Field::AddrList (3)
object representation of e-mail address lists
Mail::Field::AddrList (3pm)
object representation of e-mail address lists
Mail::Mailer (3pm)
Simple interface to electronic mailing mechanisms
Mail::SPF (3)
An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Fra...
Mail::SPF (3pm)
An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Fra...
Mail::SPF::Mod::Redirect (3)
SPF record "redirect" modifier class
Mail::SPF::Mod::Redirect (3pm)
SPF record "redirect" modifier class
Mail::Send (3)
Simple electronic mail interface
Mail::Send (3pm)
Simple electronic mail interface
Mail::SpamAssassin (3)
Spam detector and markup engine
Mail::SpamAssassin (3pm)
Spam detector and markup engine
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PhishTag (3)
SpamAssassin plugin for redirectin...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PhishTag (3pm)
SpamAssassin plugin for redirect...
ModPerl::MethodLookup (3)
- Lookup mod_perl modules, objects and methods
ModPerl::MethodLookup (3pm)
- Lookup mod_perl modules, objects and methods
Module::Pluggable::Object (3)
automatically give your module the ability to...
Module::Pluggable::Object (3pm)
automatically give your module the ability ...
Moo (3)
Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
Moo (3pm)
Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
Moo::Role (3)
Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles
Moo::Role (3pm)
Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles
MooX::StrictConstructor (3)
Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up...
MooX::StrictConstructor (3pm)
Make your Moo-based object constructors blow ...
Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock (3)
Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock (3pm)
Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
Net::HTTP (3)
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
Net::HTTP (3pm)
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
Net::HTTPS (3)
Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection (client)
Net::HTTPS (3pm)
Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection (client)
Net::Server::Multiplex (3)
Multiplex several connections within one process
Net::Server::Multiplex (3pm)
Multiplex several connections within one process
PPI::Document (3)
Object representation of a Perl document
PPI::Document (3pm)
Object representation of a Perl document
PPI::Element (3)
The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
PPI::Element (3pm)
The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
PPI::Find (3)
Object version of the Element->find method
PPI::Find (3pm)
Object version of the Element->find method
PPI::Statement::Data (3)
The __DATA__ section of a file
PPI::Statement::Data (3pm)
The __DATA__ section of a file
PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6 (3)
Inline Perl 6 file section
PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6 (3pm)
Inline Perl 6 file section
PPI::Token::Data (3)
The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
PPI::Token::Data (3pm)
The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
PPI::Token::Pod (3)
Sections of POD in Perl documents
PPI::Token::Pod (3pm)
Sections of POD in Perl documents
Package::Stash::XS (3)
Faster and more correct implementation of the Packag...
Package::Stash::XS (3pm)
faster and more correct implementation of the Pack...
Params::Util (3)
Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
Params::Util (3pm)
Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler (3)
Object that implements the check s...
Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler (3pm)
Object that implements the check...
Path::Class::Dir (3)
Objects representing directories
Path::Class::Dir (3pm)
Objects representing directories
Path::Class::Entity (3)
Base class for files and directories
Path::Class::Entity (3pm)
Base class for files and directories
Path::Class::File (3)
Objects representing files
Path::Class::File (3pm)
Objects representing files
Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateCon... (3)
A collection of a set of probl...
Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateCon... (3pm)
A collection of a set of pro...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::... (3)
The "=head1 NAME" section shou...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::... (3pm)
The "=head1 NAME" section sh...
Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::Pr... (3)
Never write "select($fh)".
Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::Pr... (3pm)
Never write "select($fh)".
Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::Pr... (3)
Remove ineffective "## no crit...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::Pr... (3pm)
Remove ineffective "## no cr...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Objects::Prohib... (3)
Prohibit indirect object call ...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Objects::Prohib... (3pm)
Prohibit indirect object cal...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::Pr... (3)
"sub never { sub correct {} }".
Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::Pr... (3pm)
"sub never { sub correct {} }".
Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory (3)
Instantiates Policy objects.
Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory (3pm)
Instantiates Policy objects.
Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI (3)
Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.
Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI (3pm)
Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.
razor-agents (5)
Collection of files for checking, reporting, and revok...
SELECT (7pg161)
retrieve rows from a table or view
SQL::Dialects::ANSI (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::ANSI (3pm)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::AnyData (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::AnyData (3pm)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::CSV (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::CSV (3pm)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Dialects::Role (3)
The role of being a SQL::Dialect
SQL::Dialects::Role (3pm)
The role of being a SQL::Dialect
SQL::Eval (3)
Base for deriving evaluation objects for SQL::Statement
SQL::Eval (3pm)
Base for deriving evaluation objects for SQL::Statement
SQL::Statement::GetInfo (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Statement::GetInfo (3pm)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Statement::RAM (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Statement::RAM (3pm)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Statement::Util (3)
(unknown subject)
SQL::Statement::Util (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Scalar::Util (3)
A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
Scalar::Util (3pm)
A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
soxeffect (7)
Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipula...
Specio::Constraint::Intersection (3)
A class for intersection constraints
Specio::Constraint::Intersection (3pm)
A class for intersection constraints
Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan (3)
A class for constraints which require an ...
Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan (3pm)
A class for constraints which require a...
Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes (3)
A class for constraints which require an...
Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes (3pm)
A class for constraints which require ...
Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa (3)
A class for constraints which require an ...
Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa (3pm)
A class for constraints which require a...
Specio::Library::Builtins (3)
Implements type constraint objects for Perl's...
Specio::Library::Builtins (3pm)
Implements type constraint objects for Perl...
Specio::Library::Numeric (3)
Implements type constraint objects for some co...
Specio::Library::Numeric (3pm)
Implements type constraint objects for some ...
Specio::Library::Perl (3)
Implements type constraint objects for some commo...
Specio::Library::Perl (3pm)
Implements type constraint objects for some com...
Specio::Library::String (3)
Implements type constraint objects for some com...
Specio::Library::String (3pm)
Implements type constraint objects for some c...
Sub::Util (3)
A selection of utility subroutines for subs and CODE r...
Sub::Util (3pm)
A selection of utility subroutines for subs and CODE r...
TAP::Object (3)
Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
TAP::Object (3pm)
Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory (3)
Figures out which SourceHandler objects to...
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory (3pm)
Figures out which SourceHandler objects ...
TAP::Parser::Result (3)
Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
TAP::Parser::Result (3pm)
Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory (3)
Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects
Test2::API::Context (3)
Object to represent a testing context.
Test2::API::Context (3pm)
Object to represent a testing context.
Test2::API::Instance (3)
Object used by Test2::API under the hood
Test2::API::Instance (3pm)
Object used by Test2::API under the hood
Test2::API::Stack (3)
Object to manage a stack of Test2::Hub instances.
Test2::API::Stack (3pm)
Object to manage a stack of Test2::Hub instances.
Test2::AsyncSubtest (3)
Object representing an async subtest.
Test2::AsyncSubtest (3pm)
Object representing an async subtest.
Test2::Compare::Event (3)
Event specific Object subclass.
Test2::Compare::Event (3pm)
Event specific Object subclass.
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3)
Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that can...
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3pm)
Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that c...
Test2::Compare::Object (3)
Representation of an object during deep comparison.
Test2::Compare::Object (3pm)
Representation of an object during deep compar...
Test2::Compare::Regex (3)
Regex direct comparison
Test2::Compare::Regex (3pm)
Regex direct comparison
Test2::Manual::Contributing (3)
How to contribute to the Test2 project.
Test2::Manual::Contributing (3pm)
How to contribute to the Test2 project.
Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder (3)
This section maps Test::Builder met...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder (3pm)
This section maps Test::Builder m...
Test2::Tools::GenTemp (3)
Tool for generating a populated temp directory.
Test2::Tools::GenTemp (3pm)
Tool for generating a populated temp directory.
Test2::Util::Grabber (3)
Object used to temporarily intercept all events.
Test2::Util::Grabber (3pm)
Object used to temporarily intercept all events.
Test2::Util::Ref (3)
Tools for inspecting or manipulating references.
Test2::Util::Ref (3pm)
Tools for inspecting or manipulating references.
Test2::Util::Sub (3)
Tools for inspecting and manipulating subs.
Test2::Util::Sub (3pm)
Tools for inspecting and manipulating subs.
Test::Deep::All (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::All (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Any (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Any (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Array (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Array (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayEach (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayEach (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayElementsOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayElementsOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayLength (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayLength (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayLengthOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ArrayLengthOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Blessed (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Blessed (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Boolean (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Boolean (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cache (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cache (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cache::Simple (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cache::Simple (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Class (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Class (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cmp (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Cmp (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Code (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Code (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Hash (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Hash (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashEach (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashEach (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashElements (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashElements (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashKeys (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashKeys (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashKeysOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::HashKeysOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Ignore (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Ignore (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Isa (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Isa (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ListMethods (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ListMethods (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::MM (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::MM (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Methods (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Methods (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::None (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::None (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Number (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Number (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Obj (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Obj (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Ref (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Ref (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RefType (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RefType (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Regexp (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Regexp (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpMatches (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpMatches (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpRef (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpRef (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpRefOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpRefOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpVersion (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::RegexpVersion (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ScalarRef (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ScalarRef (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ScalarRefOnly (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::ScalarRefOnly (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Set (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Set (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Shallow (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Shallow (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Stack (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::Stack (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::String (3)
(unknown subject)
Test::Deep::String (3pm)
(unknown subject)
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist (3)
Object Oriented ShareDir creation fo...
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist (3pm)
Object Oriented ShareDir creation ...
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Inc (3)
Shared tempdir object code to inject ...
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Inc (3pm)
Shared tempdir object code to injec...
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module (3)
Object Oriented ShareDir creation ...
Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module (3pm)
Object Oriented ShareDir creatio...
Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject (3)
Internal Object to make code simpler.
Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject (3pm)
Internal Object to make code simp...
Test::Object (3)
Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
Test::Object (3pm)
Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
Test::RequiresInternet (3)
Easily test network connectivity
Test::RequiresInternet (3pm)
Easily test network connectivity
Throwable::Error (3)
an easy-to-use class for error objects
Throwable::Error (3pm)
an easy-to-use class for error objects
XML::DOM::CDATASection (3)
Escaping XML text blocks in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::CDATASection (3pm)
Escaping XML text blocks in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::CharacterData (3)
Common interface for Text, CDATASections and Co...
XML::DOM::CharacterData (3pm)
Common interface for Text, CDATASections and ...
XML::LibXML::CDATASection (3)
XML::LibXML Class for CDATA Sections
XML::LibXML::CDATASection (3pm)
XML::LibXML Class for CDATA Sections
XML::LibXML::SAX (3)
XML::LibXML direct SAX parser
XML::LibXML::SAX (3pm)
XML::LibXML direct SAX parser
XML::Parser::Style::Objects (3)
Objects styler parser
XML::Parser::Style::Objects (3pm)
(unknown subject)
XML::Parser::Style::Subs (3pm)
(unknown subject)
XML::Parser::Style::Tree (3pm)
(unknown subject)
XML::PatAct::ToObjects (3)
An action module for creating Perl objects
XML::PatAct::ToObjects (3pm)
An action module for creating Perl objects
Xrandr (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
YAML::Dumper (3)
YAML class for dumping Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Dumper (3pm)
YAML class for dumping Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Loader (3)
YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Loader (3pm)
YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Tag (3)
Tag URI object class for YAML
YAML::Tag (3pm)
Tag URI object class for YAML
__audit_ipc_obj (9)
record audit data for ipc object
__audit_sockaddr (9)
record audit data for sys_bind, sys_connect, sys_sendto
__nand_correct_data (9)
[NAND Interface] Detect and correct bit error(s)
__pmConnectLogger (3)
connect to a performance metrics logger control port
__pmParseCtime (3)
convert ctime(3) string to tm structure
__setfpucw (3)
set FPU control word on i386 architecture (obsolete)
_copy_from_pages (9)
(unknown subject)
accept (2)
accept a connection on a socket
accept (3p)
accept a new connection on a socket
accept4 (2)
accept a connection on a socket
access (3p)
determine accessibility of a file relative to director...
ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
acct_collect (9)
collect accounting information into pacct_struct
acl_free (3)
release memory allocated to an ACL data object
aconnect (1)
ALSA sequencer connection manager
acpi_bus_scan (9)
Add ACPI device node objects in a given namespace scope.
acpi_scan_drop_device (9)
Drop an ACPI device object.
acyclic (1)
make directed graph acyclic
add_taint (9)
(unknown subject)
addgnupghome (8)
Create .gnupg home directories
adjtime (3)
correct the time to synchronize the system clock
ADMISSION_SYNTAX_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ADMISSION_SYNTAX_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ADMISSIONS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ADMISSIONS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
airq_iv_alloc (9)
allocate irq bits from an interrupt vector
airq_iv_create (9)
create an interrupt vector
airq_iv_free (9)
free irq bits of an interrupt vector
airq_iv_release (9)
release an interrupt vector
airq_iv_scan (9)
scan interrupt vector for non-zero bits
sol (6)
a collection of card games which are easy to play with...
Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::Directory (3)
Plugin to extract a downloaded...
Alien::Build::Version::Basic (3)
Very basic version object for Alien::Build
alphasort (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
alphasort (3p)
scan a directory
change the definition of a large object
ANALYZE (7pg161)
collect statistics about a database
anemotaxis (6x)
directional search on a plane.
antinspect (6x)
ant model inspection screenhack
apachectl (8)
Apache HTTP Server Control Interface
apachectl2 (8)
Apache HTTP Server Control Interface
arch_prctl (2)
set architecture-specific thread state
archive_read_disk (3)
functions for reading objects from disk
archive_write_disk (3)
functions for creating objects on disk
ares_fds (3)
return file descriptors to select on
aseqnet (1)
ALSA sequencer connectors over network
ASIdentifierChoice_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdentifierChoice_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdentifiers_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdentifiers_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdOrRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdOrRange_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
asn1_get_object_id_der (3)
API function
ASN1_ITEM (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1_OBJECT_free (3osslssl-3)
object allocation functions
asn1_object_id_der (3)
API function
ASN1_OBJECT_new (3osslssl-3)
object allocation functions
ASRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASRange_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
asy (1)
Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
ata_is_40wire (9)
check drive side detection
ata_mselect_caching (9)
Simulate MODE SELECT for caching info page
ata_scsi_mode_select_xlat (9)
Simulate MODE SELECT 6, 10 commands
ata_set_max_sectors (9)
Set max sectors
ata_std_bios_param (9)
generic bios head/sector/cylinder calculator used by...
atktopbm (1)
convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM
attr (1)
extended attributes on XFS filesystem objects
attr_get (3)
get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_getf (3)
get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_remove (3)
remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_removef (3)
remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_set (3)
set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_setf (3)
set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
audit_detect_machine (3)
Detects the current machine type
audit_open (3)
Open a audit netlink socket connection
AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
AUTHORITY_KEYID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
AUTHORITY_KEYID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
autoexpect (1)
generate an Expect script from watching a session
avc_compute_create (3)
obtain SELinux label for new object
avc_compute_member (3)
obtain SELinux label for new object
basename (1)
strip directory and suffix from filenames
basename (1p)
return non-directory portion of a pathname
BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
bcomps (1)
biconnected components filter for graphs
bf_compact (1)
shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bf_copy (1)
shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bindtextdomain (3)
set directory containing message catalogs
BIO_connect (3osslssl-3)
BIO socket communication setup routines
BIO_ctrl_dgram_connect (3osslssl-3)
Network BIO with datagram semantics
BIO_ctrl_set_connected (3osslssl-3)
Network BIO with datagram semantics
BIO_do_connect (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_do_connect_retry (3osslssl-3)
BIO connection utility functions
BIO_get_conn_address (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_hostname (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_ip_family (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_port (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_new_buffer_ssl_connect (3osslssl-3)
BIO_new_connect (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_new_ssl_connect (3osslssl-3)
BIO_s_connect (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_address (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_hostname (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_ip_family (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_port (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_set_nbio (3osslssl-3)
connect BIO
BIO_socket_wait (3osslssl-3)
BIO connection utility functions
BIO_wait (3osslssl-3)
BIO connection utility functions
bison (1)
GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
Bit::Vector (3pm)
Efficient bit vector, set of integers and "big int" ma...
Bit::Vector::Overload (3pm)
Overloaded operators add-on for Bit::Vector
Bit::Vector::String (3pm)
Generic string import/export for Bit::Vector
bitmap_parselist_user (9)
(unknown subject)
blk_limits_max_hw_sectors (9)
set hard and soft limit of max sectors for re...
blk_queue_chunk_sectors (9)
set size of the chunk for this queue
blk_queue_max_discard_sectors (9)
set max sectors for a single discard
blk_queue_max_hw_sectors (9)
set max sectors for a request for this queue
blk_queue_max_write_same_sectors (9)
set max sectors for a single write same
blkdiscard (8)
discard sectors on a device
blocktube (6x)
draws a swirling, falling tunnel of reflective slabs
body_checks (5)
Postfix built-in content inspection
busctl (1)
Introspect the bus
cap_clear (3)
capability data object manipulation
cap_clear_flag (3)
capability data object manipulation
cap_compare (3)
capability data object manipulation
cap_dup (3)
capability data object storage management
cap_free (3)
capability data object storage management
cap_get_flag (3)
capability data object manipulation
cap_init (3)
capability data object storage management
cap_set_flag (3)
capability data object manipulation
capng_get_caps_fd (3)
(unknown subject)
capng_set_caps_fd (3)
(unknown subject)
cargo (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-add (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-bench (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-build (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-check (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-clean (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-doc (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-fetch (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-fix (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-generate-lockfile (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-help (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-init (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-install (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-locate-project (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-login (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-logout (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-metadata (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-new (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-owner (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-package (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-pkgid (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-publish (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-remove (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-report (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-run (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-rustc (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-rustdoc (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-search (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-test (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-tree (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-uninstall (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-update (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-vendor (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-verify-project (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-version (1)
(unknown subject)
cargo-yank (1)
(unknown subject)
Carp::Clan (3pm)
Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" o...
ccomps (1)
connected components filter for graphs
cd (1p)
change the working directory
cd (n)
Change working directory
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
cfg80211_connect_result (9)
notify cfg80211 of connection result
cfg80211_cqm_rssi_notify (9)
connection quality monitoring rssi event
cfg80211_disconnected (9)
notify cfg80211 that connection was dropped
chacl (1)
change the access control list of a file or directory
chdir (2)
change working directory
chdir (3p)
change working directory
check_hd (1)
(unknown subject)
checkbutton (n)
Create and manipulate 'checkbutton' boolean selection ...
chmod (3p)
change mode of a file relative to directory file descr...
chown (3p)
change owner and group of a file relative to directory...
chroot (2)
change root directory
circuit (6x)
animates a number of 3D electronic components.
clamdscan (1)
scan files and directories for viruses using Clam Anti...
clamscan (1)
scan files and directories for viruses
class (n)
create a class of objects
Class::MOP (3pm)
A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
Class::MOP::Attribute (3pm)
Attribute Meta Object
Class::MOP::Class (3pm)
Class Meta Object
Class::MOP::Instance (3pm)
Instance Meta Object
Class::MOP::Method (3pm)
Method Meta Object
Class::MOP::Method::Accessor (3pm)
Method Meta Object for accessors
Class::MOP::Method::Constructor (3pm)
Method Meta Object for constructors
Class::MOP::Method::Meta (3pm)
Method Meta Object for "meta" methods
Class::MOP::Method::Overload (3pm)
Method Meta Object for methods which imp...
Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped (3pm)
Method Meta Object for methods with befor...
Class::MOP::Module (3pm)
Module Meta Object
Class::MOP::Object (3pm)
Base class for metaclasses
Class::MOP::Package (3pm)
Package Meta Object
cleanlinks (1)
remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories
clear_nlink (9)
directly zero an inode's link count
closedir (3)
close a directory
closedir (3p)
close a directory stream
CMS_ContentInfo_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_ContentInfo_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_ContentInfo_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_ContentInfo_print_ctx (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_data_create (3osslssl-3)
Create CMS Data object
CMS_data_create_ex (3osslssl-3)
Create CMS Data object
CMS_digest_create (3osslssl-3)
Create CMS DigestedData object
CMS_digest_create_ex (3osslssl-3)
Create CMS DigestedData object
CMS_ReceiptRequest_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_ReceiptRequest_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
comm (1p)
select or reject lines common to two files
connect (2)
initiate a connection on a socket
connect (3p)
connect a socket
connect (n)
Connection setup
ConnectionNumber (3)
Display macros and functions
context (1)
(unknown subject)
convert_hd (1)
(unknown subject)
core (n)
Basic reflected/virtual channel support
cp (1)
copy files and directories
cproj (3)
project into Riemann Sphere
cproj (3p)
complex projection functions
cprojf (3)
project into Riemann Sphere
cprojl (3)
project into Riemann Sphere
CRL_DIST_POINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CRL_DIST_POINTS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
Crypt::Mode::ECB (3)
Block cipher mode ECB [Electronic codebook]
cryptdir (1)
encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
csplit (1)
split a file into sections determined by context lines
ctxtools (1)
(unknown subject)
cups-config (1)
get cups api, compiler, directory, and link informatio...
cups-files.conf (5)
file and directory configuration file for cups
cupsaccept (8)
accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
cupsreject (8)
accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
curl_easy_pause (3)
pause and unpause a connection
curl_easy_recv (3)
receives raw data on an "easy" connection
curl_easy_send (3)
sends raw data over an "easy" connection
curl_easy_upkeep (3)
Perform any connection upkeep checks.
curl_formadd (3)
add a section to a multipart form POST
curl_global_sslset (3)
Select SSL backend to use with libcurl
curl_share_cleanup (3)
Clean up a shared object
curl_share_init (3)
Create a shared object
curl_share_setopt (3)
Set options for a shared object
get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is co...
time until the SSL/SSH handshake completed
get the ID of the last connection used by the handle
get the time until connect
get the time until connect
get the last used HTTP method
get the last used URL
get the CONNECT response code
get the http version used in the connection
get local IP address of last connection
get number of created connections
get errno number from last connect failure
get IP address of last connection
get the protocol used in the connection
get the number of redirects
get the time for all redirection steps
get the time for all redirection steps
get the URL a redirect would go to
max number of connections to a single host
max simultaneously open connections
size of connection cache
timeout waiting for FTP server to connect back
directory holding CA certificates
stop when connected to target server
connect to a specific host and port instead of the U...
timeout for the connect phase
timeout for the connect phase
ask for names only in a directory listing
timeout for Expect: 100-continue response
follow HTTP 3xx redirects
make connection get closed at once after use
force a new connection to be used
create missing directories for FTP and ...
select directory traversing method for FTP
max idle time allowed for reusing a connection
maximum connection cache size
maximum number of redirects allowed
permissions for remotely created directories
remote port number to connect to
how to act on an HTTP POST redirect
user callback called when a connection has been ...
directory holding HTTPS proxy CA certificates
protocols allowed to redirect to
protocols allowed to redirect to
SOCKS proxy GSSAPI negotiation protection
redirect stderr to another stream
suppress proxy CONNECT response header...
select condition for a time request
connection upkeep interval
directory wildcard transfers
cut (1)
remove sections from each line of files
cut (1p)
cut out selected fields of each line of a file
Cwd (3)
get pathname of current working directory
d2i_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_ADMISSION_SYNTAX (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_ADMISSIONS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASIdentifierChoice (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_ASIdentifiers (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_ASIdOrRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_BIT_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_ASN1_BMPSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ASN1_ENUMERATED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
d2i_ASN1_GENERALSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_ASN1_IA5STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ASN1_INTEGER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_NULL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_OBJECT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_ASN1_PRINTABLE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
d2i_ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_ASN1_SET_ANY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_T61STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ASN1_TIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_TYPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_UINTEGER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
d2i_ASN1_UTCTIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ASN1_UTF8STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_ASN1_VISIBLESTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_ASRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER re...
d2i_AUTHORITY_KEYID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
d2i_CMS_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_CMS_ContentInfo (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_CMS_ReceiptRequest (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_CRL_DIST_POINTS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_DHxparams (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_DIRECTORYSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_DISPLAYTEXT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_DIST_POINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_DIST_POINT_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_DSA_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ECDSA_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_EDIPARTYNAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ESS_CERT_ID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_ESS_CERT_ID_V2 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_ESS_SIGNING_CERT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
d2i_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_GENERAL_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_GENERAL_NAMES (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_IPAddressChoice (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_IPAddressFamily (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_IPAddressOrRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_IPAddressRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_ISSUING_DIST_POINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_NAMING_AUTHORITY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
d2i_NETSCAPE_SPKAC (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_NETSCAPE_SPKI (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_NOTICEREF (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_BASICRESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_OCSP_CERTID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_CERTSTATUS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_OCSP_CRLID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_ONEREQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_REQINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_REQUEST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_RESPBYTES (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_OCSP_RESPDATA (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_OCSP_RESPID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_OCSP_REVOKEDINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_OCSP_SERVICELOC (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_OCSP_SIGNATURE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_OCSP_SINGLERESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_OSSL_CMP_MSG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_OSSL_CMP_PKISI (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_OSSL_CRMF_CERTID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER...
d2i_OSSL_CRMF_MSG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_OSSL_CRMF_MSGS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
convert objects from/to ASN.1...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
d2i_OTHERNAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PBE2PARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PBEPARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PBKDF2PARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS12 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS12_BAGS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS12_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS12_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS12_MAC_DATA (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_PKCS12_SAFEBAG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_PKCS7 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS7_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS7_DIGEST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_PKCS7_ENCRYPT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_PKCS7_ENVELOPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_PKCS7_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
d2i_PKCS7_RECIP_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
d2i_PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
d2i_PKCS7_SIGNED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_PKCS8_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS8_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
d2i_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
d2i_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
d2i_PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_POLICYINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_POLICYQUALINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_PROFESSION_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DE...
d2i_PROXY_POLICY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
d2i_PUBKEY_bio (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
d2i_PUBKEY_ex (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
d2i_PUBKEY_fp (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
d2i_RSA_OAEP_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_RSA_PSS_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_SCRYPT_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_SCT_LIST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 repres...
d2i_SXNET (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_SXNETID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_ACCURACY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_MSG_IMPRINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_TS_MSG_IMPRINT_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
d2i_TS_MSG_IMPRINT_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
d2i_TS_REQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_REQ_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_REQ_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_RESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_RESP_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_RESP_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_STATUS_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_TS_TST_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_TS_TST_INFO_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_TS_TST_INFO_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_USERNOTICE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_ALGOR (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_ALGORS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_ATTRIBUTE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_X509_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_CERT_AUX (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_X509_CINF (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_CRL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_CRL_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_CRL_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_CRL_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_X509_EXTENSION (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_X509_EXTENSIONS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_X509_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_NAME_ENTRY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_PUBKEY_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
d2i_X509_PUBKEY_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
d2i_X509_REQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_REQ_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_REQ_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_REQ_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
d2i_X509_REVOKED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d2i_X509_VAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
d_splice_alias (9)
splice a disconnected dentry into the tree if one exists
Date::Calc::Object (3pm)
Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloa...
Date::Calendar (3pm)
Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
Date::Calendar::Year (3pm)
Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Cal...
dblink_cancel_query (3pg161)
cancels any active query on the named connection
dblink_connect (3pg161)
opens a persistent connection to a remote database
dblink_connect_u (3pg161)
opens a persistent connection to a remote databas...
dblink_disconnect (3pg161)
closes a persistent connection to a remote database
dblink_error_message (3pg161)
gets last error message on the named connection
dblink_get_connections (3pg161)
returns the names of all open named dblink ...
dblink_get_notify (3pg161)
retrieve async notifications on a connection
dblink_is_busy (3pg161)
checks if connection is busy with an async query
dbus-cleanup-sockets (1)
clean up leftover sockets in a directory
debug_object_activate (9)
debug checks when an object is activated
debug_object_active_state (9)
debug checks object usage state machine
debug_object_assert_init (9)
debug checks when object should be init-ed
debug_object_deactivate (9)
debug checks when an object is deactivated
debug_object_destroy (9)
debug checks when an object is destroyed
debug_object_free (9)
debug checks when an object is freed
debug_object_init (9)
debug checks when an object is initialized
debug_object_init_on_stack (9)
debug checks when an object on stack is init...
debugfs_create_dir (9)
create a directory in the debugfs filesystem
debugfs_remove (9)
removes a file or directory from the debugfs filesystem
debugfs_remove_recursive (9)
recursively removes a directory
debugfs_rename (9)
rename a file/directory in the debugfs filesystem
ASN1 object utilities
macro to declare a fifo object
macro to declare a fifo pointer object
DECLARE_PEM_rw (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
decryptdir (1)
encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
dependency-selectors (7)
Dependency Selector Syntax & Querying
depmod.d (5)
Configuration directory for depmod
destroy_rcu_head_on_stack (9)
destroy on-stack rcu_head for debugobjects
detectups (8)
UPS detection/powerd configuration generator
dfbg (1)
DirectFB background configuration tool
DH_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DH objects
DH_get0_g (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_get0_key (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_get0_p (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_get0_pqg (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_get0_q (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_get_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select DH method
DH_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DH objects
DH_new_method (3osslssl-3)
select DH method
DH_OpenSSL (3osslssl-3)
select DH method
DH_set0_key (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_set0_pqg (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_set_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select DH method
DH_set_flags (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
DH_set_method (3osslssl-3)
select DH method
diffimg (1)
Calculates intersection between two images
dir (1)
list directory contents
directfb-csource (1)
C code generation utility for DirectFB surfaces
directfbrc (5)
DirectFB configuration file
directory (1)
(unknown subject)
DIRECTORYSTRING_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIRECTORYSTRING_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
dirent.h (0p)
format of directory entries
dirfd (3)
get directory stream file descriptor
dirfile2ascii (1)
output dirfile database vectors as ASCII text
DirHandle (3)
(obsolete) supply object methods for directory handles
dirname (1p)
return the directory portion of a pathname
dirname (3p)
report the parent directory name of a file pathname
dirsplit (1)
splits directory into multiple with equal size
disk_map_sector_rcu (9)
map sector to partition
DISPLAYTEXT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DISPLAYTEXT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_NAME_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
dl_iterate_phdr (3)
walk through list of shared objects
dma_buf_kmap (9)
Map a page of the buffer object into kernel address sp...
dma_buf_kmap_atomic (9)
Map a page of the buffer object into kernel address...
dma_buf_vmap (9)
Create virtual mapping for the buffer object into kern...
dmarc_http_client (1)
(unknown subject)
dmarc_httpd (1)
(unknown subject)
dmarc_lookup (1)
(unknown subject)
dmarc_receive (1)
(unknown subject)
dmarc_send_reports (1)
(unknown subject)
dmarc_update_public_suffix_list (1)
(unknown subject)
do_splice_direct (9)
splices data directly between two files
docker-diff (1)
Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
docker-inspect (1)
Return low-level information on a container or image
docker-network-connect (1)
connect a container to a network
docker-network-disconnect (1)
disconnect a container from a network
docker-network-inspect (1)
inspect a network
docker-volume-inspect (1)
Get low-level information about a volume
domDoc (n)
Manipulates an instance of a DOM document object
domNode (n)
Manipulates an instance of a DOM node object
dosepsbin (1)
- Extract PS/WMF/TIFF sections from DOS EPS binary files
dot (1)
filter for drawing directed graphs
drm (7)
Direct Rendering Manager
drm_add_modes_noedid (9)
add modes for the connectors without EDID
drm_connector_cleanup (9)
cleans up an initialised connector
drm_connector_init (9)
Init a preallocated connector
drm_connector_unplug_all (9)
unregister connector userspace interfaces
drm_crtc_init_with_planes (9)
Initialise a new CRTC object with specified p...
drm_detect_hdmi_monitor (9)
detect whether monitor is HDMI
drm_detect_monitor_audio (9)
check monitor audio capability
drm_fb_helper_initial_config (9)
setup a sane initial connector configuration
drm_fb_helper_single_add_all_connectors (9)
add all connectors to fbdev emu...
drm_framebuffer_cleanup (9)
remove a framebuffer object
drm_framebuffer_remove (9)
remove and unreference a framebuffer object
drm_gem_create_mmap_offset (9)
create a fake mmap offset for an object
drm_gem_create_mmap_offset_size (9)
create a fake mmap offset for an object
drm_gem_free_mmap_offset (9)
release a fake mmap offset for an object
drm_gem_get_pages (9)
helper to allocate backing pages for a GEM object fro...
drm_gem_handle_create (9)
create a gem handle for an object
drm_gem_mmap (9)
memory map routine for GEM objects
drm_gem_mmap_obj (9)
memory map a GEM object
drm_gem_object_free (9)
free a GEM object
drm_gem_object_init (9)
initialize an allocated shmem-backed GEM object
drm_gem_private_object_init (9)
initialize an allocated private GEM object
drm_gem_put_pages (9)
helper to free backing pages for a GEM object
drm_get_cea_aspect_ratio (9)
get the picture aspect ratio corresponding to ...
drm_get_connector_status_name (9)
return a string for connector status
drm_helper_connector_dpms (9)
connector dpms helper implementation
drm_helper_disable_unused_functions (9)
disable unused objects
drm_helper_move_panel_connectors_to_head (9)
move panels to the front in th...
drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes (9)
get complete set of display modes
drm_helper_probe_single_connector_mod... (9)
get complete set of display modes
drm_mode_connector_attach_encoder (9)
attach a connector to an encoder
drm_mode_connector_list_update (9)
update the mode list for the connector
drm_mode_connector_update_edid_property (9)
update the edid property of a c...
drm_mode_create_dvi_i_properties (9)
create DVI-I specific connector proper...
drm_mode_create_tv_properties (9)
create TV specific connector properties
drm_mode_object_find (9)
look up a drm object with static lifetime
drm_mode_probed_add (9)
add a mode to a connector's probed_mode list
drm_object_attach_property (9)
attach a property to a modeset object
drm_object_property_get_value (9)
retrieve the value of a property
drm_object_property_set_value (9)
set the value of a property
drm_prime_gem_destroy (9)
helper to clean up a PRIME-imported GEM object
drm_rect_adjust_size (9)
adjust the size of the rectangle
drm_rect_calc_hscale (9)
calculate the horizontal scaling factor
drm_rect_calc_hscale_relaxed (9)
calculate the horizontal scaling factor
drm_rect_calc_vscale (9)
calculate the vertical scaling factor
drm_rect_calc_vscale_relaxed (9)
calculate the vertical scaling factor
drm_rect_clip_scaled (9)
perform a scaled clip operation
drm_rect_debug_print (9)
print the rectangle information
drm_rect_downscale (9)
downscale a rectangle
drm_rect_equals (9)
determine if two rectangles are equal
drm_rect_height (9)
determine the rectangle height
drm_rect_intersect (9)
intersect two rectangles
drm_rect_translate (9)
translate the rectangle
drm_rect_visible (9)
determine if the the rectangle is visible
drm_rect_width (9)
determine the rectangle width
drm_rgb_quant_range_selectable (9)
is RGB quantization range selectable?
drm_select_eld (9)
select one ELD from multiple HDMI/DP sinks
drm_set_preferred_mode (9)
Sets the preferred mode of a connector
drm_universal_plane_init (9)
Initialize a new universal plane object
drm_vma_node_reset (9)
Initialize or reset node object
drop_nlink (9)
directly drop an inode's link count
DROP_OWNED (7pg161)
remove database objects owned by a database role
DSA_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_get0_g (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DSA object
DSA_get0_p (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DSA object
DSA_get0_q (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in a DSA object
DSA_get_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select DSA method
DSA_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_new_method (3osslssl-3)
select DSA method
DSA_OpenSSL (3osslssl-3)
select DSA method
DSA_set_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select DSA method
DSA_set_method (3osslssl-3)
select DSA method
DSA_SIG_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_get0 (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_set0 (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSAparams_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DTLS_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework fo...
DTLS_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/S...
DTLS_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework fo...
DTLSv1_2_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framewor...
DTLSv1_2_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
DTLSv1_2_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framewor...
DTLSv1_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework ...
DTLSv1_listen (3osslssl-3)
Statelessly listen for incoming connections
DTLSv1_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
DTLSv1_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework ...
duplocale (3)
duplicate a locale object
duplocale (3p)
duplicate a locale object
dvidvi (1)
selects and/or re-arranges pages in a TeX dvi file
dvipdfm (1)
produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dviselect (1)
extract pages from DVI files
eaccess (3)
check effective user's permissions for a file
ebtables (8)
(unknown subject)
EC_GF2m_simple_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_mont_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_nist_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_nistp224_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_nistp256_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_nistp521_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GFp_simple_method (3osslssl-3)
Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
EC_GROUP_check (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_cmp (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_copy (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_dup (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get0_field (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get0_order (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get0_seed (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get_cofactor (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get_degree (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get_order (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_get_seed_len (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_method_of (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_order_bits (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_GROUP_set_seed (3osslssl-3)
Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
EC_POINT_get_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creatin...
EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creatin...
ECPARAMETERS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ECPARAMETERS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ECPKPARAMETERS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ECPKPARAMETERS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
EDIPARTYNAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
EDIPARTYNAME_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
eject (1)
eject removable media
elf_getdata (3)
Get washed data of section
emacs (1)
GNU project Emacs
Email::Sender::Role::HasMessage (3)
an object that has a message
ESS_CERT_ID_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_V2_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_V2_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_V2_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
euidaccess (3)
check effective user's permissions for a file
events (n)
Event support for reflected/virtual channels
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_cipher_data (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect and modify ...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_original_iv (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect EVP_CIPHER_...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_updated_iv (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect EVP_CIPHER_C...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect EVP_CIPHER_CTX IV data
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_noconst (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect EVP_CIPHER_CTX I...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_original_iv (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect EVP_CIPHER_CTX ...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_cipher_data (3osslssl-3)
Routines to inspect and modify ...
EVP_KEM_fetch (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_KEM_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_KEM_get0_name (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_KEM_is_a (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_KEM_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_SIGNATURE (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_SIGNATURE algorithm objects
exa (4)
new 2D acceleration architecture for X.Org
expat (n)
Creates an instance of an expat parser object
expect (1)
programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
ext_edirectory_userip_acl (8)
Squid eDirectory IP Lookup Helper
extcheck (1)
Detects version conflicts between a target Java Archiv...
extcheck-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
A utility to detect jar conflicts
extcheck-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Detects version conflicts between a target ...
EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ExtUtils::Constant::Base (3)
base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap (3)
Entry in the INPUT section of a typemap
ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap (3)
Entry in the OUTPUT section of a typemap
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type (3)
Entry in the TYPEMAP section of a typemap
faccessat (3p)
determine accessibility of a file relative to director...
fc-scan (1)
scan font files or directories
FcAtomicCreate (3)
create an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicDestroy (3)
destroy an FcAtomic object
FcCacheCreateTagFile (3)
Create CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory.
FcCacheDir (3)
Return directory of cache
FcCacheNumSubdir (3)
Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheSubdir (3)
Return the i'th subdirectory.
FcCharSetIntersect (3)
Intersect charsets
FcCharSetIntersectCount (3)
Intersect and count charsets
FcConfigAppFontAddDir (3)
Add fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigEnableHome (3)
controls use of the home directory.
FcConfigGetCacheDirs (3)
return the list of directories searched for cache ...
FcConfigGetConfigDirs (3)
Get config directories
FcConfigGetFontDirs (3)
Get font directories
FcConfigGetSysRoot (3)
Obtain the system root directory
FcConfigHome (3)
return the current home directory.
FcConfigSetSysRoot (3)
Set the system root directory
FcDirCacheClean (3)
Clean up a cache directory
FcDirCacheCreateUUID (3)
Create .uuid file at a directory
FcDirCacheLoad (3)
load a directory cache
FcDirCacheRead (3)
read or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheRescan (3)
Re-scan a directory cache
FcDirCacheValid (3)
check directory cache
FcDirSave (3)
DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirScan (3)
scan a font directory without caching it
FcFileIsDir (3)
check whether a file is a directory
fchdir (2)
change working directory
fchdir (3p)
change working directory
fchmodat (3p)
change mode of a file relative to directory file descr...
fchownat (3p)
change owner and group of a file relative to directory...
FcLangSetCopy (3)
copy a langset object
FcLangSetCreate (3)
create a langset object
FcLangSetDestroy (3)
destroy a langset object
FcNameGetConstantFor (3)
Lookup symbolic constant For object
FcNameGetObjectType (3)
Lookup an object type
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes (3)
Register object types
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes (3)
Unregister object types
FcObjectSetAdd (3)
Add to an object set
FcObjectSetBuild (3)
Build object set from args
FcObjectSetCreate (3)
Create an object set
FcObjectSetDestroy (3)
Destroy an object set
FcPatternFilter (3)
Filter the objects of pattern
FcPatternFindIter (3)
Set the iterator to point to the object in the pattern
FcPatternIterGetObject (3)
Returns an object name which the iterator point to
FcPatternIterNext (3)
(unknown subject)
FcPatternObjectCount (3)
Returns the number of the object
FcPatternRemove (3)
Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
FcRangeCopy (3)
Copy a range object
FcRangeCreateDouble (3)
create a range object for double
FcRangeCreateInteger (3)
create a range object for integer
FcRangeDestroy (3)
destroy a range object
FcStrDirname (3)
directory part of filename
fdopendir (3)
open a directory
fdopendir (3p)
open directory associated with file descriptor
fdp (1)
filter for drawing undirected graphs
fdupes (1)
finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
fegetround (3p)
get and set current rounding direction
fesetround (3p)
set current rounding direction
field (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
field_count (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
fifo2 (n)
In-memory interconnected fifo channels
File::BaseDir (3)
Use the base directory specification
File::Basename (3)
Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix.
File::chdir (3)
a more sensible way to change directories
File::DesktopEntry (3)
Object to handle .desktop files
File::Find (3)
Traverse a directory tree.
File::HomeDir (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on any platform
File::HomeDir::Darwin (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on Darwin ...
File::HomeDir::Darwin::Carbon (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on...
File::HomeDir::Darwin::Cocoa (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on ...
File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on Fr...
File::HomeDir::MacOS9 (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on legacy ...
File::HomeDir::Unix (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on legacy Unix
File::HomeDir::Windows (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on Windows
File::IconTheme (3)
Find icon directories
File::Path (3)
Create or remove directory trees
File::pushd (3pm)
change directory temporarily for a limited scope
File::UserDirs (3)
Find extra media and documents directories
FileHandle (3)
supply object methods for filehandles
multi (n)
Multi-file operation, scatter/gather, standard object
traverse (n)
Iterative directory traversal
find (1)
search for files in a directory hierarchy
find (n)
search for classes and objects
find-jar (1)
find extension JAR or directory
FindBin (3)
Locate directory of original perl script
five-or-more (6)
(unknown subject)
font (n)
Create and inspect fonts.
fontchooser (n)
control font selection dialog
fop-fontlist (1)
(unknown subject)
form_field (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
form_fields (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
freelocale (3)
create, modify, and free a locale object
freelocale (3p)
free resources allocated for a locale object
fribidi_get_par_direction (3)
get base paragraph direction
ftok (3)
convert a pathname and a project identifier to a Syste...
fulla (1)
Correct lens distortion, vignetting and chromatic aber...
futimesat (2)
change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
g++-13 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
g++-4.9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gc-analyze-4.9 (1)
Analyze Garbage Collector (GC) memory dumps
gcc-13 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc-4.9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcm-inspect (1)
GNOME Color Manager Inspect Tool
gdbus (1)
Tool for working with D-Bus objects
GENERAL_NAME_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_NAME_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_NAMES_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_NAMES_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_SUBTREE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_SUBTREE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
get_current_dir_name (3)
get current working directory
getauxval (3)
retrieve a value from the auxiliary vector
getcwd (2)
get current working directory
getcwd (3)
get current working directory
getcwd (3p)
get the pathname of the current working directory
getdents (2)
get directory entries
getdents64 (2)
get directory entries
getdirentries (3)
get directory entries in a filesystem-independent format
getegid (3p)
get the effective group ID
geteuid (3p)
get the effective user ID
getfattr (1)
get extended attributes of filesystem objects
getpeereid (3bsd)
get the effective credentials of a UNIX-domain peer
getpeername (2)
get name of connected peer socket
getresgid (2)
get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresgid32 (2)
get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid (2)
get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid32 (2)
get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getsysinfo (1)
(unknown subject)
getwd (3)
get current working directory
git-bisect (1)
Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a...
git-bugreport (1)
Collect information for user to file a bug report
git-bundle (1)
Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file (1)
Provide contents or details of repository objects
git-clone (1)
Clone a repository into a new directory
git-commit-tree (1)
Create a new commit object
git-count-objects (1)
Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consu...
git-describe (1)
Give an object a human readable name based on an avail...
git-fetch (1)
Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack (1)
Receive missing objects from another repository
git-fsck (1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-hash-object (1)
Compute object ID and optionally create an object from...
git-http-push (1)
Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-imap-send (1)
Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
git-ls-tree (1)
List the contents of a tree object
git-mktag (1)
Creates a tag object with extra validation
git-mktree (1)
Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-mv (1)
Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-notes (1)
Add or inspect object notes
git-pack-objects (1)
Create a packed archive of objects
git-prune (1)
Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed (1)
Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-push (1)
Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-remote-fd (1)
Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-repack (1)
Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace (1)
Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-send-email (1)
Send a collection of patches as emails
git-send-pack (1)
Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-show (1)
Show various types of objects
git-stash (1)
Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-submodule (1)
Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-svn (1)
Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repositor...
git-tag (1)
Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-unpack-objects (1)
Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-ref (1)
Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-upload-pack (1)
Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-write-tree (1)
Create a tree object from the current index
glActiveTextureARB (3gl)
select active texture unit
glClientActiveTextureARB (3gl)
select active texture unit
glFrustum (3gl)
multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix
glGet (3gl)
return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetBooleanv (3gl)
return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetDoublev (3gl)
return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetFloatv (3gl)
return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetIntegerv (3gl)
return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetString (3gl)
(unknown subject)
glmatrix (6x)
simulates the title sequence effect of the movie
glNormal (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3b (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3bv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3d (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3dv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3f (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3fv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3i (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3iv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3s (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glNormal3sv (3gl)
set the current normal vector
glPolygonMode (3gl)
select a polygon rasterization mode
glReadBuffer (3gl)
select a color buffer source for pixels
glRect (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectd (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectdv (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectf (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectfv (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRecti (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectiv (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRects (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glRectsv (3gl)
draw a rectangle
glSelectBuffer (3gl)
establish a buffer for selection mode values
glShadeModel (3gl)
select flat or smooth shading
glutInitWindowPosition (3)
set the initial window position and size respect...
glutMotionFunc (3)
set the motion and passive motion callbacks respective...
glutSetWindowTitle (3)
change the window or icon title respectively of the ...
glutSolidCone (3)
render a solid or wireframe cone respectively.
glutSolidCube (3)
render a solid or wireframe cube respectively.
glutSolidSphere (3)
render a solid or wireframe sphere respectively.
glutSolidTeapot (3)
render a solid or wireframe teapot respectively.
glutSolidTorus (3)
render a solid or wireframe torus (doughnut) respectiv...
glutStrokeWidth (3)
(unknown subject)
glutWarpPointer (3)
(unknown subject)
glXImportContextEXT (3gl)
import another process's indirect rendering context.
glXIsDirect (3gl)
indicate whether direct rendering is enabled
gnutls_alpn_get_selected_protocol (3)
API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify_direct (3)
API function
gnutls_pkcs7_verify_direct (3)
API function
gnutls_priority_set_direct (3)
API function
gnutls_record_get_direction (3)
API function
gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile (3)
API function
gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct (3)
API function
gnutls_subject_alt_names_deinit (3)
API function
gnutls_subject_alt_names_get (3)
API function
gnutls_subject_alt_names_init (3)
API function
gnutls_subject_alt_names_set (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_name (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_other... (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_name (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_other... (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name2 (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_other... (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_key_id (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_unique_id (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_name (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_other... (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alternati... (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_key_id (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_unique_id (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_ext_export_subject_alt_names (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_ext_export_subject_key_id (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_ext_import_subject_alt_names (3)
API function
gnutls_x509_ext_import_subject_key_id (3)
API function
gobject-query (1)
display a tree of types
gorbd (1)
- An object request broker daemon
gorbd-4.8 (1)
- An object request broker daemon
gorbd-4.9 (1)
- An object request broker daemon
gperf (1)
generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gpg-connect-agent (1)
Communicate with a running agent
gpgconf (1)
Modify .gnupg home directories
graph (n)
Create and manipulate directed graph objects
graph1 (n)
Create and manipulate directed graph objects
graphops (n)
Operation for (un)directed graph objects
greynetic (6x)
draw random stippled/color rectangles
grmiregistry (1)
- Remote object registry
grmiregistry-4.8 (1)
- Remote object registry
grmiregistry-4.9 (1)
- Remote object registry
grub2-mknetdir (1)
prepare a GRUB netboot directory.
gst-inspect-1.0 (1)
print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-inspect-0.10 (1)
print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-xmlinspect-0.10 (1)
print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
guards (1)
select from a list of files guarded by conditions
guile (1)
The GNU Project Extension Language
gvfs-mkdir (1)
Create directories
gvfs-monitor-dir (1)
Monitor directories for changes
gvfs-trash (1)
Move files or directories to the trash
gvfs-tree (1)
List contents of directories in a tree-like format
handle_early_requeue_pi_wakeup (9)
Detect early wakeup on the initial futex
Hash::Util (3)
A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
hattrib (1)
change HFS file or directory attributes
hcd (1)
change working HFS directory
hcitool (1)
configure Bluetooth connections
HDB::Object (3pm)
Base class for persistent Class::HPLOO objects.
hdir (1)
display an HFS directory in long format
header_checks (5)
Postfix built-in content inspection
hls (1)
list files in an HFS directory
hmkdir (1)
create a new HFS directory
hostnamectl (1)
Control the system hostname
tnameserv-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
(unknown subject)
hpwd (1)
print the full path to the current HFS working directory
hrename (1)
rename or move an HFS file or directory
hrmdir (1)
remove an empty HFS directory
HTML::Element (3pm)
Class for objects that represent HTML elements
HTML::Tidy (3pm)
(X)HTML validation in a Perl object
HTML::Tidy::Message (3pm)
Message object for the Tidy functionality
HTML::Tree::AboutObjects (3pm)
- article: "User's View of Object-Oriented M...
HTTP::Headers::Auth (3)
(unknown subject)
HTTP::Headers::ETag (3)
(unknown subject)
huddle (n)
Create and manipulate huddle object
hugin_stitch_project (1)
Stitch a hugin project
I18N::LangTags::Detect (3)
detect the user's language preferences
i2c_unregister_device (9)
reverse effect of i2c_new_device
i2d_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_ADMISSION_SYNTAX (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_ADMISSIONS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASIdentifierChoice (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_ASIdentifiers (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_ASIdOrRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_bio_stream (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_ASN1_BIT_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_ASN1_BMPSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ASN1_ENUMERATED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
i2d_ASN1_GENERALSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_ASN1_IA5STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ASN1_INTEGER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_NULL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_OBJECT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_ASN1_PRINTABLE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
i2d_ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_ASN1_SET_ANY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_T61STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ASN1_TIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_TYPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER rep...
i2d_ASN1_UTCTIME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ASN1_UTF8STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_ASN1_VISIBLESTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_ASRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER re...
i2d_AUTHORITY_KEYID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
i2d_CMS_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_CMS_ContentInfo (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_CMS_ReceiptRequest (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_CRL_DIST_POINTS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_DHxparams (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_DIRECTORYSTRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_DISPLAYTEXT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_DIST_POINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_DIST_POINT_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_DSA_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ECDSA_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_EDIPARTYNAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ESS_CERT_ID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_ESS_CERT_ID_V2 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_ESS_SIGNING_CERT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
i2d_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_GENERAL_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_GENERAL_NAMES (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_IPAddressChoice (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_IPAddressFamily (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_IPAddressOrRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_IPAddressRange (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_ISSUING_DIST_POINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_NAMING_AUTHORITY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
i2d_NETSCAPE_SPKAC (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_NETSCAPE_SPKI (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_NOTICEREF (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_BASICRESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_OCSP_CERTID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_CERTSTATUS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_OCSP_CRLID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_ONEREQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_REQINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_REQUEST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_RESPBYTES (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_OCSP_RESPDATA (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_OCSP_RESPID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_OCSP_REVOKEDINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_OCSP_SERVICELOC (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_OCSP_SIGNATURE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_OCSP_SINGLERESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_OSSL_CMP_MSG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_OSSL_CMP_PKISI (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_OSSL_CRMF_CERTID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER...
i2d_OSSL_CRMF_MSG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_OSSL_CRMF_MSGS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
convert objects from/to ASN.1...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
i2d_OTHERNAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PBE2PARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PBEPARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PBKDF2PARAM (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS12 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS12_BAGS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS12_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS12_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS12_MAC_DATA (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_PKCS12_SAFEBAG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_PKCS7 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_DIGEST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_PKCS7_ENCRYPT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_PKCS7_ENVELOPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_PKCS7_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
i2d_PKCS7_NDEF (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_RECIP_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represe...
i2d_PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
i2d_PKCS7_SIGNED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_PKCS8_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS8_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repr...
i2d_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
i2d_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKeyInfo_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER ...
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKeyInfo_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER r...
i2d_PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_POLICYINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_POLICYQUALINFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_PROFESSION_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DE...
i2d_PROXY_POLICY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
i2d_PUBKEY_bio (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
i2d_PUBKEY_fp (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
i2d_RSA_OAEP_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_RSA_PSS_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_SCRYPT_PARAMS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_SCT_LIST (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 repres...
i2d_SXNET (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_SXNETID (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_ACCURACY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_MSG_IMPRINT (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_TS_MSG_IMPRINT_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repre...
i2d_TS_MSG_IMPRINT_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER repres...
i2d_TS_REQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_REQ_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_REQ_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_RESP (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_RESP_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_RESP_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_STATUS_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_TS_TST_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_TS_TST_INFO_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_TS_TST_INFO_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_USERNOTICE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509 (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_ALGOR (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_ALGORS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_ATTRIBUTE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_X509_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_CERT_AUX (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_X509_CINF (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_CRL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_CRL_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_CRL_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_CRL_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_X509_EXTENSION (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_X509_EXTENSIONS (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_X509_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_NAME (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_NAME_ENTRY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_PUBKEY_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represen...
i2d_X509_PUBKEY_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER represent...
i2d_X509_REQ (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_REQ_bio (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_REQ_fp (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_REQ_INFO (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representa...
i2d_X509_REVOKED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_SIG (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2d_X509_VAL (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
i2s_ASN1_ENUMERATED (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string repre...
i2s_ASN1_ENUMERATED_TABLE (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string...
i2s_ASN1_IA5STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string repres...
i2s_ASN1_INTEGER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string represen...
i2s_ASN1_OCTET_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string rep...
i2s_ASN1_UTF8STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string repre...
i2t_ASN1_OBJECT (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
i386 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
ibv_alloc_pd (3)
allocate or deallocate a protection domain (PDs)
ibv_close_xrcd (3)
open or close an XRC protection domain (XRCDs)
ibv_dealloc_pd (3)
allocate or deallocate a protection domain (PDs)
ibv_open_xrcd (3)
open or close an XRC protection domain (XRCDs)
ich_pata_cable_detect (9)
Probe host controller cable detect info
icpfind (1)
Use heuristic control-point detection strategies
id (1)
print real and effective user and group IDs
idmapd.conf (5)
(unknown subject)
idr_get_next (9)
lookup next object of id to given id.
ieee80211_sta_ps_transition (9)
PS transition for connected sta
ieee80211_sta_ps_transition_ni (9)
PS transition for connected sta (in proc...
ifplugd (8)
A link detection daemon for ethernet devices
ifplugstatus (8)
A link beat detection tool
ifsysctl (5)
(unknown subject)
imapfeed (8)
Multi-host, multi-connection, streaming NNTP feeder
ASN1 object utilities
inc_nlink (9)
directly increment an inode's link count
indirect (3)
Lexically warn about using the indirect method call sy...
indirect (3pm)
Lexically warn about using the indirect method call sy...
init_rcu_head_on_stack (9)
initialize on-stack rcu_head for debugobjects
inkscape (1)
an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) editing program. (1)
programme d'dition SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
inkscape.ja (1)
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) (1)
editor SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
innfeed (8)
Multi-host, multi-connection, streaming NNTP feeder
input_ff_erase (9)
erase a force-feedback effect from device
input_ff_upload (9)
upload effect into force-feedback device
input_inject_event (9)
send input event from input handler
install (3)
Dummy module that prevents unexpected results from the...
install (3pm)
Dummy module that prevents unexpected results from the...
interaggregate (6x)
Visualize the momentary and aggregate intersections be...
intermomentary (6x)
Visualize the momentary and aggregate intersections be...
IO::Stringy (3pm)
I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
IO::Dir (3)
supply object methods for directory handles
IO::File (3)
supply object methods for filehandles
IO::Handle (3)
supply object methods for I/O handles
IO::Pipe (3)
supply object methods for pipes
IO::Poll (3)
Object interface to system poll call
IO::Seekable (3)
supply seek based methods for I/O objects
IO::Select (3)
OO interface to the select system call
IO::Socket (3)
Object interface to socket communications
IO::Socket::INET (3)
Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO::Socket::UNIX (3)
Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
IO::WrapTie (3pm)
wrap tieable objects in IO::Handle interface
IPAddressChoice_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressChoice_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressFamily_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressFamily_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressOrRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressOrRange_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressRange_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPC::Msg (3)
SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC::Semaphore (3)
SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC::SharedMem (3)
SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
ipc_check_perms (9)
check security and permissions for an ipc object
ipc_obtain_object (9)
(unknown subject)
ipc_obtain_object_check (9)
(unknown subject)
ipc_update_perm (9)
update the permissions of an ipc object
ipcget_new (9)
create a new ipc object
ipcget_public (9)
get an ipc object or create a new one
irc (n)
Create IRC connection and interface.
is (n)
test argument to see if it is a class or an object
iscsi_create_conn (9)
create iscsi class connection
iscsi_destroy_conn (9)
destroy iscsi class connection
iscsi_find_flashnode_conn (9)
finds flashnode connection entry
ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUING_DIST_POINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUING_DIST_POINT_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUING_DIST_POINT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
itcl (n)
object-oriented extensions to Tcl
itcldelegate (n)
delegate methods, procs or options to other objects
itclextendedclass (n)
create a extendedclass of objects
local (n)
create an object local to a procedure
itclwidget (n)
create a widget class of objects
item_count (3menu)
make and break connections between items and menus
items (3menu)
make and break connections between items and menus
J1BC (3)
(unknown subject)
J1C (3)
(unknown subject)
J1FA (3)
(unknown subject)
J1FE (3)
(unknown subject)
J1LE (3)
(unknown subject)
J1MU (3)
(unknown subject)
J1N (3)
(unknown subject)
J1NE (3)
(unknown subject)
J1P (3)
(unknown subject)
J1PE (3)
(unknown subject)
J1S (3)
(unknown subject)
J1T (3)
(unknown subject)
J1U (3)
(unknown subject)
jar-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
(unknown subject)
JHSD (3)
(unknown subject)
(unknown subject)
JHSG (3)
(unknown subject)
JHSI (3)
(unknown subject)
JLBC (3)
(unknown subject)
JLC (3)
(unknown subject)
JLD (3)
(unknown subject)
JLF (3)
(unknown subject)
JLFA (3)
(unknown subject)
JLFE (3)
(unknown subject)
JLG (3)
(unknown subject)
JLI (3)
(unknown subject)
JLL (3)
(unknown subject)
JLLE (3)
(unknown subject)
JLMU (3)
(unknown subject)
JLN (3)
(unknown subject)
JLNE (3)
(unknown subject)
JLP (3)
(unknown subject)
JLPE (3)
(unknown subject)
jmap (1)
Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory detail...
jmap-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory...
JSLD (3)
(unknown subject)
JSLF (3)
(unknown subject)
(unknown subject)
JSLG (3)
(unknown subject)
JSLI (3)
(unknown subject)
JSLL (3)
(unknown subject)
JSLN (3)
(unknown subject)
JSLP (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1 (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1_funcs (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1ByCount (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Count (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1First (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1FirstEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1FreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Last (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1LastEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1MemUsed (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Next (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1NextEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Prev (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1PrevEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Set (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Test (3)
(unknown subject)
Judy1Unset (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHS (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHS_funcs (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHSDel (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHSFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHSGet (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHSIns (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyL (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyL_funcs (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLByCount (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLCount (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLDel (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLFirst (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLFirstEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLGet (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLIns (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLLast (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLLastEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLMemUsed (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLNext (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLNextEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLPrev (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLPrevEmpty (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySL (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySL_funcs (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLDel (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLFirst (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLGet (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLIns (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLLast (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLNext (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLPrev (3)
(unknown subject)
k5identity (5)
Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
kexec (8)
directly boot into a new kernel
keyctl_reject (3)
Negatively instantiate a key specifying search error
kgdb_arch_exit (9)
Perform any architecture specific uninitalization.
kgdb_arch_handle_exception (9)
Handle architecture specific GDB packets.
kgdb_arch_init (9)
Perform any architecture specific initalization.
kgdb_arch_late (9)
Perform any architecture specific initalization.
kmem_cache_alloc (9)
Allocate an object
kmem_cache_alloc_node (9)
Allocate an object on the specified node
kmem_cache_free (9)
Deallocate an object
kobject_add (9)
the main kobject add function
kobject_create_and_add (9)
create a struct kobject dynamically and register...
kobject_del (9)
unlink kobject from hierarchy.
kobject_get (9)
increment refcount for object.
kobject_get_path (9)
generate and return the path associated with a given k...
kobject_init (9)
initialize a kobject structure
kobject_init_and_add (9)
initialize a kobject structure and add it to the k...
kobject_put (9)
decrement refcount for object.
kobject_rename (9)
change the name of an object
kobject_set_name (9)
Set the name of a kobject
latexrevise (1)
selectively remove markup and text from latexdiff output
ldap (3)
OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol API
ldap_init (3)
Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to a...
ldap_init_fd (3)
Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to a...
ldap_initialize (3)
Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to a...
ldap_objectclass2name (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass2str (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass_free (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_open (3)
Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to a...
ldap_set_urllist_proc (3)
Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection...
ldap_str2objectclass (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldapx (n)
LDAP extended object interface
libcap (3)
capability data object manipulation
libexpect (3)
programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
libnetpbm_draw (3)
(unknown subject)
libsolv-pool (3)
Libsolv's pool object
libssh2_agent_connect (3)
connect to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_disconnect (3)
close a connection to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_get_identity (3)
get a public key off the collection of publi...
libssh2_channel_direct_streamlocal_ex (3)
Tunnel a UNIX socket connection t...
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip (3)
convenience macro for libssh2_channel_dire...
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex (3)
Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH ...
libssh2_channel_forward_accept (3)
accept a queued connection
libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex (3)
listen to inbound connections
libssh2_knownhost_free (3)
free a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_get (3)
get a known host off the collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_init (3)
init a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_writefile (3)
write a collection of known hosts to a file
libssh2_session_block_directions (3)
get directions to wait for
libssh2_session_disconnect (3)
convenience macro for libssh2_session_discon...
libssh2_session_disconnect_ex (3)
terminate transport layer
libssh2_session_init_ex (3)
initializes an SSH session object
libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex (3)
create a directory on the remote file system
libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex (3)
read directory data from an SFTP handle
libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex (3)
remove an SFTP directory
lilv (3)
(unknown subject)
linefind (1)
Detect vertical features in images
link (3p)
link one file to another file relative to two director...
linux32 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
lio_listio (3p)
list directed I/O
list_audio_tracks (1)
(unknown subject)
listen (2)
listen for connections on a socket
listen (3p)
listen for socket connections and limit the queue of i...
lndir (1)
create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another...
localectl (1)
Control the system locale and keyboard layout settings
lock_two_nondirectories (9)
take two i_mutexes on non-directory objects
lockdev (8)
(unknown subject)
Log::Dispatch::ApacheLog (3)
Object for logging to Apache::Log objects
Log::Dispatch::Base (3)
Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
Log::Dispatch::Code (3)
Object for logging to a subroutine reference
Log::Dispatch::Email (3)
Base class for objects that send log messages via ...
Log::Dispatch::File (3)
Object for logging to files
Log::Dispatch::Handle (3)
Object for logging to IO::Handle classes
Log::Dispatch::Null (3)
Object that accepts messages and does nothing
Log::Dispatch::Output (3)
Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* objects
Log::Dispatch::Screen (3)
Object for logging to the screen
Log::Dispatch::Syslog (3)
Object for logging to system log.
Log::Log4perl::Config::Watch (3)
Detect file changes
Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout:... (3)
(unknown subject)
Log::Log4perl::Resurrector (3)
Dark Magic to resurrect hidden L4p statements
loggerAppender (n)
Collection of predefined appenders for logger
lookup_dcookie (2)
return a directory entry's path
ls (1)
list directory contents
ls (1p)
list directory contents
lscpu (1)
display information about the CPU architecture
lto-dump-13 (1)
Tool for dumping LTO object files
luatools (1)
(unknown subject)
lvmsadc (8)
LVM system activity data collector
machinectl (1)
Control the systemd machine manager
macusers (1)
List the users connecting via AFP
Mail::AuthenticationResults (3)
Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WelcomeLi... (3)
welcomelist by Subject header
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteList... (3pm)
whitelist by Subject header
mapproj (n)
Map projection routines
mariadb-install-db (1)
initialize MariaDB data directory (mysql_install_db ...
matchpoint (1)
Run feature detection and extraction
math_error (7)
detecting errors from mathematical functions
matrix (n)
Create and manipulate matrix objects
matrix1 (n)
Create and manipulate matrix objects
mbsinit (3p)
determine conversion object status
mcd (1)
change MSDOS directory
MCE::Signal (3pm)
Temporary directory creation/cleanup and signal handling
MCE::Subs (3pm)
Exports functions mapped directly to MCE methods
mdeltree (1)
recursively delete an MSDOS directory and its contents
mdir (1)
display an MSDOS directory
mdoc-assemble (1)
(unknown subject)
mdoc-export-html (1)
(unknown subject)
mdoc-export-msxdoc (1)
(unknown subject)
mdoc-update (1)
(unknown subject)
mdoc-validate (1)
(unknown subject)
menu_items (3menu)
make and break connections between items and menus
mib2c.conf (5)
(unknown subject)
mk_isdnhwdb (1)
(unknown subject)
mkdir (1)
make directories
mkdir (1p)
make directories
mkdir (2)
create a directory
mkdir (3p)
make a directory relative to directory file descriptor
mkdirat (2)
create a directory
mkdirhier (1)
makes a directory hierarchy
mkdtemp (3)
create a unique temporary directory
mkdtemp (3p)
create a unique directory or file
mkfifo (3p)
make a FIFO special file relative to directory file de...
mkfontdir (1)
create an index of X font files in a directory
mkhomedir_helper (8)
Helper binary that creates home directories
mklost+found (8)
create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux secon...
mknod (3p)
make directory, special file, or regular file
mkstemp (3p)
create a unique directory
mktemp (1)
create a temporary file or directory
mmd (1)
make an MSDOS subdirectory
mmove (1)
move or rename an MSDOS file or subdirectory
modprobe.d (5)
Configuration directory for modprobe
mono-cil-strip (1)
(unknown subject)
monolinker (1)
(unknown subject)
Moose (3pm)
A postmodern object system for Perl 5
Moose::Cookbook::Roles::ApplicationTo... (3pm)
Applying a role to an object...
Moose::Manual::Attributes (3pm)
Object attributes with Moose
Moose::Manual::Construction (3pm)
Object construction (and destruction) wit...
Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor (3pm)
Method Meta Object for constructors
Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor (3pm)
Method Meta Object for destructors
Moose::Meta::Object::Trait (3pm)
Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object func...
Moose::Meta::Role::Composite (3pm)
An object to represent the set of roles
Moose::Object (3pm)
The base object for Moose
morph3d (6x)
3d morphing objects.
mountpoint (1)
see if a directory is a mountpoint
move_field (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
mpathpersist (8)
(unknown subject)
mpi-selector (1)
A simple site-wide/per-user MPI selection tool for clu...
mpi-selector-menu (1)
A menu-based wrapper around the mpi-selector command
mprotect (2)
set protection on a region of memory
mprotect (3p)
set protection of memory mapping
mpt_detect_bound_ports (9)
Search for matching PCI bus/dev_function
mptopdf (1)
(unknown subject)
mrd (1)
remove an MSDOS subdirectory
mtx-babel (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-base (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-cache (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-chars (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-check (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-colors (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-context (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-epub (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-fcd (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-flac (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-fonts (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-grep (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-interface (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-metapost (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-metatex (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-modules (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-package (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-patterns (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-pdf (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-profile (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-rsync (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-scite (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-server (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-texworks (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-timing (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-tools (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-unzip (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-update (1)
(unknown subject)
mtx-watch (1)
(unknown subject)
mtxrun (1)
(unknown subject)
my (n)
invoke any method of current object
mysql_install_db (1)
initialize MariaDB data directory (mysql_install_db is...
mzip (1)
change protection mode and eject disk on Zip/Jaz drive
NAME_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NAME_CONSTRAINTS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NAMING_AUTHORITY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NAMING_AUTHORITY_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
nautilus-connect-server (1)
To Access a remote server
nc (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
ncat (1)
Concatenate and redirect sockets
NCONF_get_section (3osslssl-3)
functionality to Load and parse configuratio...
NCONF_get_section_names (3osslssl-3)
functionality to Load and parse config...
ne_buffer_destroy (3)
destroy a buffer object
ne_buffer_finish (3)
destroy a buffer object
ne_close_connection (3)
set up HTTP sessions
ne_set_connect_timeout (3)
common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_ssl_cert_cmp (3)
functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_cert_free (3)
functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_cert_subject (3)
functions to access certificate properties
neato (1)
filter for drawing undirected graphs
Net::DBus::Binding::Connection (3pm)
A connection between client and server
Net::DBus::Binding::Introspector (3pm)
Handler for object introspection data
Net::DBus::Binding::Server (3pm)
A server to accept incoming connections
Net::DBus::Dumper (3pm)
Stringify Net::DBus objects suitable for printing
Net::DBus::Exporter (3pm)
Export object methods and signals to the bus
Net::DBus::Object (3pm)
Provide objects to the bus for clients to use
Net::DBus::RemoteObject (3pm)
Access objects provided on the bus
Net::DBus::Test::MockConnection (3pm)
Fake a connection to the bus unit tes...
Net::DBus::Test::MockMessage (3pm)
Fake a message object when unit testing
Net::DBus::Test::MockObject (3pm)
Fake an object from the bus for unit testing
Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects (3pm)
tutorials on providing a DBus s...
Net::DBus::Tutorial::UsingObjects (3pm)
tutorial on accessing a DBus service
Net::FTP::dataconn (3pm)
FTP Client data connection class
Net::LDAP (3pm)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Net::LDAP::Control (3pm)
LDAPv3 control object base class
Net::LDAP::Control::ManageDsaIT (3pm)
LDAPv3 Manage DSA-IT control object
Net::LDAP::Control::Paged (3pm)
LDAPv3 Paged results control object
Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy (3pm)
LDAPv3 Password Policy control object
Net::LDAP::Control::PostRead (3pm)
LDAPv3 Post-Read control object
Net::LDAP::Control::PreRead (3pm)
LDAPv3 Pre-Read control object
Net::LDAP::Control::ProxyAuth (3pm)
LDAPv3 Proxy Authorization control object
Net::LDAP::Control::Sort (3pm)
Server Side Sort (SSS) control object
Net::LDAP::Control::SyncDone (3pm)
LDAPv3 Sync Done control object
Net::LDAP::Control::SyncRequest (3pm)
LDAPv3 Sync Request control object
Net::LDAP::Control::SyncState (3pm)
LDAPv3 Sync State control object
Net::LDAP::Control::VLV (3pm)
LDAPv3 Virtual List View control object
Net::LDAP::Entry (3pm)
An LDAP entry object
Net::LDAP::Extension::Refresh (3pm)
LDAPv3 Refresh extension object (RFC 2589)
Net::LDAP::Intermediate (3pm)
LDAPv3 intermediate response object base class
Net::LDAP::Intermediate::SyncInfo (3pm)
LDAPv3 Sync Info Message object
Net::LDAP::RootDSE (3pm)
An LDAP RootDSE object
Net::LDAP::Search (3pm)
Object returned by Net::LDAP search method
Net::LDAP::Security (3pm)
Security issues with LDAP connections
Net::LDAPS (3pm)
use LDAP over an SSL connection
Net::SNMP (3pm)
Object oriented interface to SNMP
Net::Works::Address (3)
An object representing a single IP (4 or 6) address
Net::Works::Network (3)
An object representing a single IP address (4 or 6)...
netcat (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
netdev_cap_txqueue (9)
check if selected tx queue exceeds device queues
NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKAC_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKAC_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKI_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKI_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
netstat (8)
Print network connections, routing tables, interface s...
newlocale (3)
create, modify, and free a locale object
newlocale (3p)
create or modify a locale object
nm (1)
list symbols from object files
nm (1p)
write the name list of an object file (DEVELOPMENT)
nm-connection-editor (1)
network connection editor for NetworkManager
nm-online (1)
ask NetworkManager whether the network is connected
NOTICEREF_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NOTICEREF_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
npm-ci (1)
Clean install a project
npm-install-ci-test (1)
Install a project with a clean slate and run tests
npm-query (1)
Dependency selector query
ntfsls (8)
list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
numa (7)
overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
numa_maps (5)
overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
oauth (3)
(unknown subject)
OBJ_add_sigid (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cleanup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_create (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_get0_data (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_length (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_ln2nid (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utility functions
objcopy (1)
copy and translate object files
objdump (1)
display information from object files
obprobe (1)
"create electrostatic probe grid"
occtl (8)
OpenConnect VPN server control tool
ocpasswd (8)
OpenConnect server password utility
ocserv (8)
OpenConnect VPN server
OCSP_BASICRESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_BASICRESP_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CERTID_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CERTID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CERTSTATUS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CERTSTATUS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CRLID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CRLID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_ONEREQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_ONEREQ_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REQINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REQINFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPBYTES_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPBYTES_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPDATA_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPDATA_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPONSE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REVOKEDINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REVOKEDINFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SERVICELOC_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SERVICELOC_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SIGNATURE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SIGNATURE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SINGLERESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SINGLERESP_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ofxconnect (1)
Create a statement request file
oldfind (1)
search for files in a directory hierarchy
oo_copy (n)
create copies of objects and classes
oo_objdefine (n)
define and configure classes and objects
oo_object (n)
root class of the class hierarchy
oo_define (n)
define and configure classes and objects
open (3p)
open file relative to directory file descriptor
openat (3p)
open file relative to directory file descriptor
openconnect (8)
Connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN
opendir (3)
open a directory
opendir (3p)
open directory associated with file descriptor
openlog (3p)
open a connection to the logging facility
OPENSSL_ia32cap (3osslssl-3)
the x86[_64] processor capabilities vector
OPENSSL_s390xcap (3osslssl-3)
the IBM z processor capabilities vector
openvpn-examples (5)
(unknown subject)
orbd (1)
Enables clients to locate and call persistent objects ...
orbd-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
The Object Request Broker Daemon
osinfo-detect (1)
Detect the operating system on installable media or trees
ospeed (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
OSSL_CMP_CTX_push1_subjectAltName (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the C...
OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_expected_sender (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the C...
OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_subjectName (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the CMP c...
OSSL_CMP_ITAV_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_LOG_ALERT (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_log_close (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_CRIT (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_DEBUG (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_EMERG (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_ERR (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_INFO (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_NOTICE (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_log_open (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_LOG_TRACE (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_MSG_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_MSG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_MSG_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISI_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISI_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISI_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISI_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_severity (3osslssl-3)
(unknown subject)
OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_accept_unprotected (3osslssl-3)
generic functions to s...
OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_send_unprotected... (3osslssl-3)
generic functions to ...
OSSL_CRMF_CERTID_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTID_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_get0_subject (3osslssl-3)
functions reading from CRM...
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSG_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSG_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSG_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_PBMPARAMETER_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_selection (3osslssl-3)
Decoder context routines
OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_selection (3osslssl-3)
Encoder context routines
OSSL_HTTP_proxy_connect (3osslssl-3)
HTTP client high-level functions
OSSL_HTTP_REQ_CTX_set_expected (3osslssl-3)
HTTP client low-level functions
OSSL_PARAM (3osslssl-3)
a structure to pass or request object parameters
OSSL_STORE_attach (3osslssl-3)
Functions to read objects from a BIO
OSSL_STORE_close (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_ctrl (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_CTX (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_eof (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_error (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_expect (3osslssl-3)
Specify what object type is expected
OSSL_STORE_expect_fn (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to manipulate, regist...
OSSL_STORE_find (3osslssl-3)
Specify what object type is expected
OSSL_STORE_INFO (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manipulate OSSL_STORE_INFO objects
OSSL_STORE_load (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_expect (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to manipulate...
OSSL_STORE_open (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_open_ex (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to read objects from a URI
OSSL_STORE_supports_search (3osslssl-3)
Specify what object type is expected
OTHERNAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OTHERNAME_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
package-stash-conflicts (1)
(unknown subject)
pam_ck_connector (8)
Register session with ConsoleKit
pam_mkhomedir (8)
PAM module to create users home directory
pamcut (1)
cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
pamedge (1)
edge-detect an image
pamperspective (1)
a reverse scanline renderer for Netpbm images
pamrecolor (1)
alter colors without affecting luminance
pamtosvg (1)
convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graph...
panic_nand_get_device (9)
[GENERIC] Get chip for selected access
pano_modify (1)
Change output parameters of project file
parted (8)
(unknown subject)
passwd.nntp (5)
Passwords for connecting to remote NNTP servers
pax (1)
read and write file archives and copy directory hierar...
PBE2PARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBE2PARAM_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBEPARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBEPARAM_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBKDF2PARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBKDF2PARAM_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
pbmtoatk (1)
convert a PBM image to a Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtoppa (1)
convert PBM image to HP Printer Performance Architectu...
PC (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
pcap_get_required_select_timeout (3pcap)
get a timeout to be used when doin...
pcap_get_selectable_fd (3pcap)
get a file descriptor on which a select() ca...
pcap_inject (3pcap)
transmit a packet
pcap_setdirection (3pcap)
set the direction for which packets will be captured
pci_msi_vec_count (9)
Return the number of MSI vectors a device can send
pci_release_selected_regions (9)
Release selected PCI I/O and memory resources
pci_request_selected_regions (9)
Reserve selected PCI I/O and memory resources
pci_select_bars (9)
Make BAR mask from the type of resource
pcre2_get_ovector_count (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_get_ovector_pointer (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised ...
PEM_read_bio_CMS (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_PKCS8 (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_CMS (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_EC_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_ECPrivateKey (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_PKCS8 (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_read_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_CMS (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_DHxparams (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_EC_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8 (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_CMS (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_DHxparams (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_EC_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_ECPKParameters (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_ECPrivateKey (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_PKCS8 (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_SSL_SESSION (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
PEM_write_X509_PUBKEY (3osslssl-3)
PEM object encoding routines
perlboot (1)
Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
perlbot (1)
Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
PerlIO::utf8_strict (3)
Fast and correct UTF-8 IO
perlobj (1)
Perl object reference
perlootut (1)
Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
perltie (1)
how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltooc (1)
Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
perltoot (1)
Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
persistent-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
pg_isready (1pg161)
check the connection status of a PostgreSQL server
pg_rewind (1pg161)
synchronize a PostgreSQL data directory with another d...
pgmabel (1)
create cross section using Abel Integration for Deconv...
phy_attach_direct (9)
attach a network device to a given PHY device pointer
phy_connect (9)
connect an ethernet device to a PHY device
phy_connect_direct (9)
connect an ethernet device to a specific phy_device
phy_disconnect (9)
disable interrupts, stop state machine, and detach a P...
phy_read_mmd_indirect (9)
reads data from the MMD registers
phy_write_mmd_indirect (9)
writes data to the MMD registers
piecewise (6x)
lots of moving circles intersecting in interesting ways.
pinion (6x)
draws a scrolling sequence of interconnected gears
PKCS12_add_cert (3osslssl-3)
Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags
PKCS12_add_key (3osslssl-3)
Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags
PKCS12_add_key_ex (3osslssl-3)
Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags
PKCS12_add_safe (3osslssl-3)
Create and add objects to a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_add_safe_ex (3osslssl-3)
Create and add objects to a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_add_safes (3osslssl-3)
Create and add objects to a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_add_safes_ex (3osslssl-3)
Create and add objects to a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_add_secret (3osslssl-3)
Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags
PKCS12_BAGS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_BAGS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_MAC_DATA_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_MAC_DATA_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create0_p8inf (3osslssl-3)
Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create0_pkcs8 (3osslssl-3)
Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create_cert (3osslssl-3)
Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create_crl (3osslssl-3)
Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create_secret (3osslssl-3)
Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_attr (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_bag_obj (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_bag_type (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_p8inf (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_pkcs8 (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_safes (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get0_type (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get1_cert (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get1_crl (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get_bag_nid (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_get_nid (3osslssl-3)
Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_DIGEST_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_DIGEST_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENCRYPT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENCRYPT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENVELOPE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENVELOPE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_print_ctx (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_RECIP_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_RECIP_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNED_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNED_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
pmconnectlogger (3)
connect to a performance metrics logger control port
pmdaConnect (3)
establish a connection between a daemon PMDA and PMCD
pmdaGetOpt (3)
get options from argument vector, trapping generic PMD...
pmdaOpenLog (3)
redirect stderr to a logfile
pmFetchArchive (3)
get performance metrics directly from an archive log
pmparsectime (3)
convert ctime(3) string to tm structure
pmReconnectContext (3)
reconnect to a PMAPI context
pmSetMode (3)
set collection time parameters for the current PMAPI c...
pnmmercator (1)
transform a worldmap from rectangular projection to Me...
pnmpaste (1)
paste a rectangle into a PNM image
Pod::Find (3)
find POD documents in directory trees
Pod::InputObjects (3)
objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, ...
Pod::Select (3)
extract selected sections of POD from input
Pod::Simple::LinkSection (3)
- represent "section" attributes of L codes
Pod::Simple::Search (3)
find POD documents in directory trees
podselect (1)
print selected sections of pod documentation on standa...
POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICY_MAPPING_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICY_MAPPING_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYINFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYQUALINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYQUALINFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
polyominoes (6x)
fill a rectangle with irregularly-shaped blocks.
pom_disable_module (7)
disable given project module in POM file
pom_xpath_inject (7)
inject XML code into POM file
pool (n)
Create and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)
posix_spawnattr_destroy (3p)
destroy and initialize spawn attributes object...
posix_spawnattr_init (3p)
initialize the spawn attributes object (ADVANCED ...
posix_trace_attr_init (3p)
initialize the trace stream attributes object (T...
posix_typed_mem_open (3p)
open a typed memory object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
ppmtospu (1)
convert a PPM image to an Atari Spectrum 512 image
pppoe-connect (8)
Shell script to manage a PPPoE link
pppoe-wrapper (1)
SUID wrapper for starting and stopping PPPoE connections.
pptpctrl (8)
PPTP control connection manager
print_access_vector (3)
convert between SELinux class and permission values...
prioqueue (n)
Create and manipulate prioqueue objects
Proc::ProcessTable::Process (3)
Perl process objects
proc_dointvec (9)
read a vector of integers
proc_dointvec_jiffies (9)
read a vector of integers as seconds
proc_dointvec_minmax (9)
read a vector of integers with min/max values
proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies (9)
read a vector of integers as 1 milliseconds
proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies (9)
read a vector of integers as 1/USER_HZ sec...
proc_doulongvec_minmax (9)
read a vector of long integers with min/max values
proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax (9)
read a vector of millisecond values w...
process-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
PROFESSION_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROFESSION_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROFESSION_INFOS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROFESSION_INFOS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
projectiveplane (6x)
Draws a 4d embedding of the real projective plane.
projects (5)
persistent project root definition
projid (5)
the project name mapping file
property (7osslssl-3)
Properties, a selection mechanism for algorithm imple...
provider-object (7osslssl-3)
A specification for a provider-native object a...
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
PROXY_POLICY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROXY_POLICY_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
prune (1)
Prune directed graphs
pselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect (3p)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect6 (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
psselect (1)
select pages from a PostScript file
pstopdf (1)
(unknown subject)
pthread_attr_destroy (3)
initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_destroy (3p)
destroy and initialize the thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstack (3)
set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_init (3)
initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_init (3p)
initialize the thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstack (3)
set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_barrier_destroy (3p)
destroy and initialize a barrier object
pthread_barrierattr_init (3p)
initialize the barrier attributes object
pthread_condattr_getclock (3p)
get and set the clock selection condition va...
pthread_condattr_init (3p)
initialize the condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_setclock (3p)
set the clock selection condition variable a...
pthread_mutex_consistent (3p)
mark state protected by robust mutex as consi...
pthread_mutexattr_init (3p)
initialize the mutex attributes object
pthread_rwlock_destroy (3p)
destroy and initialize a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_rdlock (3p)
lock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (3p)
lock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (3p)
lock a read-write lock object for writing
pthread_rwlock_unlock (3p)
unlock a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_wrlock (3p)
lock a read-write lock object for writing
pthread_rwlockattr_init (3p)
initialize the read-write lock attributes object
pthread_spin_destroy (3p)
destroy or initialize a spin lock object
pthread_spin_lock (3p)
lock a spin lock object
pthread_spin_unlock (3p)
unlock a spin lock object
pto_gen (1)
Generate a Hugin project file from a list of images.
pto_merge (1)
Merges two or more Hugin project files
pulsar (6x)
intersecting planes, alpha blending, fog, and textures.
pwd (1)
print name of current/working directory
pwd (1p)
return working directory name
pwd (n)
Return the absolute path of the current working directory
pwdx (1)
report current working directory of a process
python (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.11 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.9 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
qcatool2 (1)
command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qselect (1p)
select batch jobs
queue (n)
Create and manipulate queue objects
QwtAbstractScale (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtAbstractScaleDraw (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtAbstractSlider (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtAlphaColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtAnalogClock (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtArrayData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtArrowButton (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtClipper (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCompass (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCompassMagnetNeedle (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCompassRose (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCompassWindArrow (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCounter (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCPointerData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtCurveFitter (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDial (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDialNeedle (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDialScaleDraw (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDialSimpleNeedle (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDoubleInterval (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDoubleRange (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtDynGridLayout (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtEventPattern (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtEventPattern_KeyPattern (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtEventPattern_MousePattern (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtIntervalData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtKnob (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLegend (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLegendItem (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLegendItemManager (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLinearColorMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLinearScaleEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtLog10ScaleEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtMagnifier (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtMathMLTextEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtMetricsMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPainter (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPanner (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPicker (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerClickPointMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerClickRectMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerDragPointMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerDragRectMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPickerPolygonMachine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlainTextEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlot (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotCanvas (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotCurve (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotDict (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotGrid (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotItem (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotLayout (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotMagnifier (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotMarker (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotPanner (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotPicker (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotPrintFilter (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotRasterItem (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotRescaler (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotScaleItem (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotSpectrogram (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotSvgItem (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPlotZoomer (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtPolygonFData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtRasterData (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtRichTextEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtRoundScaleDraw (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleArithmetic (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleDiv (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleDraw (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleMap (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleTransformation (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtScaleWidget (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtSimpleCompassRose (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtSlider (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtSpline (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtSplineCurveFitter (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtSymbol (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtText (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtTextEngine (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtTextLabel (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtThermo (3)
(unknown subject)
QwtWheel (3)
(unknown subject)
RAND_get_rand_method (3osslssl-3)
select RAND method
RAND_OpenSSL (3osslssl-3)
select RAND method
RAND_set_rand_method (3osslssl-3)
select RAND method
rcu_read_lock_bh_held (9)
might we be in RCU-bh read-side critical section?
rdiffdir (1)
compute and apply signatures and diffs to directories
rdma_accept (3)
Called to accept a connection request.
rdma_connect (3)
Initiate an active connection request.
rdma_disconnect (3)
This function disconnects a connection.
rdma_get_request (3)
Retrieves the next pending connection request event.
rdma_listen (3)
Listen for incoming connection requests.
rdma_reject (3)
Called to reject a connection request.
re2c (1)
(unknown subject)
readdir (2)
read directory entry
readdir (3)
read a directory
readdir (3am)
directory input parser for gawk
readdir (3p)
read a directory
readdir_r (3)
read a directory
readv (3p)
read a vector
change the ownership of database objects owned by a...
recv (3p)
receive a message from a connected socket
tc-red (8)
Random Early Detection
refchan (n)
command handler API of reflected channels
regulator_count_voltages (9)
count regulator_list_voltage selectors
remove (3)
remove a file or directory
rename (3p)
rename file relative to directory file descriptor
report (n)
Create and manipulate report objects
request_firmware_direct (9)
load firmware directly without usermode helper
rewinddir (3)
reset directory stream
rewinddir (3p)
reset the position of a directory stream to the beginn...
rm (1)
remove files or directories
rm (1p)
remove directory entries
rmdir (1)
remove empty directories
rmdir (1p)
remove directories
rmdir (2)
delete a directory
rmdir (3p)
remove a directory
rmiregistry (1)
Starts a remote object registry on the specified port ...
rmiregistry-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
The Java Remote Object Registry
rmiregistry-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Starts a remote object registry on the s...
rnews (1)
Inject individual articles and UUCP batches into INN
RPC::XML::ParserFactory (3pm)
A factory class for RPC::XML::Parser objects
RPC::XML::Procedure (3pm)
Object encapsulation of server-side RPC procedures
rpc_add_pipe_dir_object (9)
associate a rpc_pipe_dir_object to a directory
rpc_find_or_alloc_pipe_dir_object (9)
(unknown subject)
rpc_init_pipe_dir_object (9)
initialise a struct rpc_pipe_dir_object
rpc_remove_pipe_dir_object (9)
remove a rpc_pipe_dir_object from a directory
rpc_switch_client_transport (9)
(unknown subject)
RSA_blinding_off (3osslssl-3)
protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_blinding_on (3osslssl-3)
protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_flags (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_get0_d (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
RSA_get0_e (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
RSA_get0_n (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
RSA_get0_p (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
RSA_get0_q (3osslssl-3)
Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
RSA_get_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_get_method (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_new_method (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_OAEP_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_OAEP_PARAMS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_PKCS1_OpenSSL (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_PSS_PARAMS_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_PSS_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_PSS_PARAMS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_set_default_method (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSA_set_method (3osslssl-3)
select RSA method
RSAPrivateKey_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSAPublicKey_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ruby (1)
Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby.ruby2.1 (1)
Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby.ruby3.2 (1)
Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
s2i_ASN1_IA5STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string repres...
s2i_ASN1_INTEGER (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string represen...
s2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string rep...
s2i_ASN1_UTF8STRING (3osslssl-3)
convert objects from/to ASN.1/string repre...
safe-rmdir (8)
delete empty directories a bit more safely
sasl_client_new (3)
Create a new client authentication object
sasl_dispose (3)
Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_done (3)
Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_server_new (3)
Create a new server authentication object
scache (8)
Postfix shared connection cache server
scandir (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
scandir (3p)
scan a directory
scandirat (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
sccmap (1)
extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
schemagen-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
Java(TM) Architecture for XML Binding Sche...
SCRYPT_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
SCRYPT_PARAMS_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
scsi_bios_ptable (9)
Read PC partition table out of first sector of device.
scsi_mode_select (9)
issue a mode select
scsi_partsize (9)
Parse cylinders/heads/sectors from PC partition table
scsi_proc_hostdir_add (9)
Create directory in /proc for a scsi host
scsi_proc_hostdir_rm (9)
remove directory in /proc for a scsi host
scsicam_bios_param (9)
Determine geometry of a disk in cylinders/heads/sect...
sctp_connectx (3)
initiate a connection on an SCTP socket using multiple...
sd_journal_open_directory (3)
Open the system journal for reading
sd_watchdog_enabled (3)
Check whether the service manager expects watchdog ...
SDL_CDEject (3)
Ejects a CDROM
SDL_FillRect (3)
This function performs a fast fill of the given rectan...
SDL_GetClipRect (3)
Gets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_LockSurface (3)
Lock a surface for directly access.
SDL_Rect (3)
Defines a rectangular area
SDL_SetClipRect (3)
Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_UpdateRect (3)
Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
SDL_UpdateRects (3)
Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on ...
sdlmm.h (3)
(unknown subject)
SDLmm_SRect (3)
This enhanced version of SDL_Rect includes a number of...
SDLmm_Audio (3)
(unknown subject)
SDLmm_CD (3)
(unknown subject)
SDLmm_Joystick (3)
(unknown subject)
SDLmm_PixelFormat (3)
(unknown subject)
SDLmm_Timer (3)
(unknown subject)
seccomp_arch_add (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_exist (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_native (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_remove (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
seccomp_arch_resolve_name (3)
Manage seccomp filter architectures
define or change a security label applied to an object
securityfs_create_dir (9)
create a directory in the securityfs filesystem
securityfs_remove (9)
removes a file or directory from the securityfs files...
seekdir (3p)
set the position of a directory stream
select (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
select (3p)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
SELECT_INTO (7pg161)
define a new table from the results of a query
select_tut (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
urxvt-selection-256color (1)
more intelligent selection (enabled by default)
selection (n)
Manipulate the X selection
urxvt-selection-autotransform-256color (1)
automatically transform select text
urxvt-selection-pastebin-256color (1)
automatic pastebin upload
urxvt-selection-to-clipboard-256color (1)
copy the selection to the clipboa...
SelectSaver (3)
save and restore selected file handle
self (n)
method call internal introspection
selinux_boolean_sub (3)
(unknown subject)
selinux_set_mapping (3)
establish dynamic object class and permission mapping
sensors-detect (8)
detect hardware monitoring chips
seq_hlist_next_rcu (9)
move to the next position of the hlist protected by RCU
seq_hlist_start_head_rcu (9)
start an iteration of a hlist protected by RCU
seq_hlist_start_rcu (9)
start an iteration of a hlist protected by RCU
serd (3)
(unknown subject)
session-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
set_form_fields (3form)
make and break connections between fields and forms
set_menu_items (3menu)
make and break connections between items and menus
set_nlink (9)
directly set an inode's link count
setarch (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setegid (2)
set effective user or group ID
setegid (3p)
set the effective group ID
seteuid (2)
set effective user or group ID
seteuid (3p)
set effective user ID
setfattr (1)
set extended attributes of filesystem objects
setregid (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setregid (3p)
set real and effective group IDs
setregid32 (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setresgid (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresgid32 (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid32 (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setreuid (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setreuid (3p)
set real and effective user IDs
setreuid32 (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
sfdp (1)
filter for drawing large undirected graphs
shm_open (3)
create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shm_open (3p)
open a shared memory object (REALTIME)
shm_unlink (3)
create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shm_unlink (3p)
remove a shared memory object (REALTIME)
shutdown (2)
shut down part of a full-duplex connection
signal_delivered (9)
(unknown subject)
size (1)
list section sizes and total size of binary files
sk98lin (4)
Marvell/SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet driver v6.21
sk_alloc (9)
All socket objects are allocated here
sk_filter_select_runtime (9)
select execution runtime for BPF program
sk_stream_wait_connect (9)
Wait for a socket to get into the connected state
slapd-meta (5)
metadirectory backend to slapd
slapo-collect (5)
Collective attributes overlay to slapd
slapo-dds (5)
Dynamic Directory Services overlay to slapd
smbcacls (1)
Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory names
smbstatus (1)
report on current Samba connections
smbtar (1)
shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly t...
snd_card_disconnect (9)
disconnect all APIs from the file-operations (user ...
snd_pcm_rate_mask_intersect (9)
computes the intersection between two rate ...
snd_pcm_stream_str (9)
Get a string naming the direction of a stream
snd_printd_ratelimit (9)
(unknown subject)
snmp_select_info (3)
netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_sess_select_info (3)
session functions
socket (n)
Open a TCP network connection
socketpair (2)
create a pair of connected sockets
socketpair (3p)
create a pair of connected sockets
socksify (1)
runtime socksification of selected programs
spctoppm (1)
convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file to a PPM
spectrogramscreenshots (3)
.TH "spectrogramscreenshots" 3 "Mon Aug 1 2011" ...
SPI_connect (3pg161)
connect a C function to the SPI manager
SPI_finish (3pg161)
disconnect a C function from the SPI manager
SPI_modifytuple (3pg161)
create a row by replacing selected fields of a giv...
spi_unregister_driver (9)
reverse effect of spi_register_driver
splice_direct_to_actor (9)
splices data directly between two non-pipes
sprof (1)
Read and display shared object profiling data
sputoppm (1)
convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file to a PPM i...
sratom (3)
(unknown subject)
srp_reconnect_rport (9)
reconnect to an SRP target port
SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack (3osslssl-3)
load certificate names
SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack (3osslssl-3)
load certificate names
SSL_add_store_cert_subjects_to_stack (3osslssl-3)
load certificate names
SSL_clear (3osslssl-3)
reset SSL object to allow another connection
SSL_client_version (3osslssl-3)
get the protocol information of a connection
SSL_connect (3osslssl-3)
initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_ctrl (3osslssl-3)
internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_CTX_new (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/S...
SSL_CTX_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSL_CTX_select_current_cert (3osslssl-3)
extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_sess_connect (3osslssl-3)
obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good (3osslssl-3)
obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate (3osslssl-3)
obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb (3osslssl-3)
handle application layer protocol n...
SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb (3osslssl-3)
handle application layer prot...
SSL_CTX_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSL_dup (3osslssl-3)
create an SSL structure for a connection
SSL_get0_alpn_selected (3osslssl-3)
handle application layer protocol negot...
SSL_get_cipher (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_bits (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_name (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_version (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_current_cipher (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_fd (3osslssl-3)
get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_pending_cipher (3osslssl-3)
get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_rbio (3osslssl-3)
get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_rfd (3osslssl-3)
get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile (3osslssl-3)
Configure and query SRTP support
SSL_get_shutdown (3osslssl-3)
manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_get_version (3osslssl-3)
get the protocol information of a connection
SSL_get_wbio (3osslssl-3)
get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_wfd (3osslssl-3)
get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_in_connect_init (3osslssl-3)
retrieve information about the handshake s...
SSL_is_dtls (3osslssl-3)
get the protocol information of a connection
SSL_new (3osslssl-3)
create an SSL structure for a connection
SSL_peek (3osslssl-3)
read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_peek_ex (3osslssl-3)
read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_pending (3osslssl-3)
check for readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
SSL_read (3osslssl-3)
read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_read_ex (3osslssl-3)
read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_select_current_cert (3osslssl-3)
extra chain certificate processing
SSL_select_next_proto (3osslssl-3)
handle application layer protocol negoti...
SSL_sendfile (3osslssl-3)
write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_SESSION_get0_alpn_selected (3osslssl-3)
get and set SNI and ALPN data a...
SSL_SESSION_set1_alpn_selected (3osslssl-3)
get and set SNI and ALPN data a...
SSL_set0_rbio (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set0_wbio (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_bio (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_connect_state (3osslssl-3)
functions for manipulating and examining...
SSL_set_fd (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_set_rfd (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_set_shutdown (3osslssl-3)
manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_set_wfd (3osslssl-3)
connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_shutdown (3osslssl-3)
shut down a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_stateless (3osslssl-3)
Statelessly listen for incoming connections
SSL_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
create an SSL structure for a connection
SSL_version (3osslssl-3)
get the protocol information of a connection
SSL_write (3osslssl-3)
write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_write_ex (3osslssl-3)
write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
SSLv23_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework ...
SSLv23_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv23_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework ...
SSLv3_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework f...
SSLv3_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/...
SSLv3_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework f...
sss_rpcidmapd (5)
sss plugin configuration directives for rpc.idmapd
stack (n)
Create and manipulate stack objects
stap-report (1)
collect system information that is useful for debuggin...
stapsh (8)
(unknown subject)
starwars (6x)
draws a perspective text crawl, like at the beginning ...
stooop (n)
Object oriented extension.
strip (1)
discard symbols and other data from object files
struct_tree (n)
Create and manipulate tree objects
struct_tree1 (n)
Create and manipulate tree objects
struct_cfg80211_connect_params (9)
Connection parameters
struct_debug_obj (9)
representaion of an tracked object
struct_debug_obj_descr (9)
object type specific debug description structure
struct_drm_rect (9)
two dimensional rectangle
struct_ieee80211_tx_rate (9)
rate selection/status
struct_kgdb_arch (9)
Describe architecture specific values.
struct_task_cputime (9)
collected CPU time counts
Sub::Info (3pm)
Tool for inspecting subroutines.
subpage_prot (2)
define a subpage protection for an address range
SXNET_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
SXNET_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
SXNETID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
SXNETID_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
symlink (3p)
make a symbolic link relative to directory file descri...
synchronize_srcu (9)
wait for prior SRCU read-side critical-section completion
sys_select.h (0p)
select types
sys_uio.h (0p)
definitions for vector I/O operations
syscall (2)
indirect system call
sysfs_chmod_file (9)
update the modified mode value on an object attribute.
sysfs_create_bin_file (9)
create binary file for object.
sysfs_create_file_ns (9)
create an attribute file for an object with custom ns
sysfs_create_link (9)
create symlink between two objects.
sysfs_remove_bin_file (9)
remove binary file for object.
sysfs_remove_file_ns (9)
remove an object attribute with a custom ns tag
sysfs_remove_link (9)
remove symlink in object's directory.
sysfs_rename_link_ns (9)
rename symlink in object's directory.
systemd-cat (1)
Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-detect-virt (1)
Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd-readahead-collect.service (8)
Disk read ahead logic
systemd-socket-proxyd (8)
Bidirectionally proxy local sockets to another (p...
systemd-system-update-generator (8)
Generator for redirecting boot to offli...
systemd.directives (7)
Index of configuration directives
systemd.index (7)
List all manpages from the systemd project
t1lint (1)
check a PostScript Type 1 font for correctness
tca_correct (1)
Calculate transverse chromatic aberration
transformcore (n)
Basic reflected/virtual channel transform support
Tcl_Chdir (3)
manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_ClassGetMetadata (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ClassSetMetadata (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_Concat (3)
concatenate a collection of strings
Tcl_CopyObjectInstance (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_FSCopyDirectory (3)
procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCreateDirectory (3)
procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory (3)
procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRemoveDirectory (3)
procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetClassAsObject (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetCwd (3)
manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_GetObjectAsClass (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectCommand (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectFromObj (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectName (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectNamespace (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_MethodDeclarerObject (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_NewObjectInstance (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectContextInvokeNext (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextIsFiltering (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextMethod (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextObject (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgs (3)
manipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectDeleted (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectGetMethodNameMapper (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectSetMetadata (3)
manipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectSetMethodNameMapper (3)
manipulate objects and classes
tdbc (n)
Tcl Database Connectivity
tdbc_connection (n)
TDBC connection object
tdbc_resultset (n)
TDBC result set object
tdbc_statement (n)
TDBC statement object
tdomcmd (n)
tdom is an expat parser object extension to create an ...
telepathy-gabble (8)
Telepathy connection manager for XMPP (Jabber)
telepathy-haze (8)
Telepathy connection manager using libpurple
telepathy-idle (8)
Telepathy connection manager for IRC
telepathy-salut (8)
Telepathy connection manager for link-local XMPP
telldir (3)
return current location in directory stream
telldir (3p)
current location of a named directory stream
termcap (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
Test::Alien::Run (3)
Run object
Test::Alien::Synthetic (3)
A mock alien object for testing
tevent (3)
(unknown subject)
tevent_compat (3)
(unknown subject)
tevent_helpers (3)
(unknown subject)
tevent_ops (3)
(unknown subject)
tevent_queue (3)
(unknown subject)
tevent_request (3)
(unknown subject)
texdirflatten (1)
Collects all components of a (La)TeX file in a single ...
texexec (1)
(unknown subject)
texmfstart (1)
(unknown subject)
tgetent (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetflag (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetnum (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetstr (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgoto (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
thread-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
TIFFWriteDirectory (3tiff)
write the current directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFPrintDirectory (3tiff)
print a description of a TIFF directory
TIFFReadDirectory (3tiff)
get the contents of the next directory in an open...
TIFFSetDirectory (3tiff)
set the current directory for an open TIFF file
Time::Piece (3)
Object Oriented time objects
Time::tm (3)
internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
timedatectl (1)
Control the system time and date
tixDestroy (n)
Destroy Tix Objects
tixDirSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate directory selection dialogs.
tixDisplayStyle (n)
Create style object for Tix display items.
tixExFileSelectBox (n)
Create and manipulate tixExFileSelectBox widgets
tixExFileSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate tixExFileSelectDialog widgets
tixFileSelectBox (n)
Create and manipulate Tix FileSelectBox widgets
tixFileSelectDialog (n)
Create and manipulate tixFileSelectDialog widgets
tixSelect (n)
Create and manipulate tixSelect widgets
tk_chooseColor (n)
pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
tk_chooseDirectory (n)
pops up a dialog box for the user to select a direct...
Tk_ClearSelection (3)
Deselect a selection
Tk_CreateSelHandler (3)
arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_DeleteSelHandler (3)
arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_Draw3DRectangle (3)
draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Fill3DRectangle (3)
draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
tk_getOpenFile (n)
pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
tk_getSaveFile (n)
pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
Tk_GetSelection (3)
retrieve the contents of a selection
Tk_IntersectTextLayout (3)
routines to measure and display single-font, mul...
Tk_OwnSelection (3)
make a window the owner of the primary selection
Tk_RestrictEvents (3)
filter and selectively delay X events
TLS_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for...
TLS_FEATURE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TLS_FEATURE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TLS_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SS...
TLS_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for...
TLSv1_1_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework...
TLSv1_1_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
TLSv1_1_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework...
TLSv1_2_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework...
TLSv1_2_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
TLSv1_2_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework...
TLSv1_client_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework f...
TLSv1_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/...
TLSv1_server_method (3osslssl-3)
create a new SSL_CTX object as framework f...
tnc (n)
tnc is an expat parser object extension, that validate...
tred (1)
transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
treeql (n)
Query tree objects
TS_ACCURACY_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_ACCURACY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_ACCURACY_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_MSG_IMPRINT_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_MSG_IMPRINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_MSG_IMPRINT_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_REQ_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_REQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_REQ_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_RESP_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Timestamp response context object creation
TS_RESP_CTX_new (3osslssl-3)
Timestamp response context object creation
TS_RESP_CTX_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
Timestamp response context object creation
TS_RESP_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_RESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_RESP_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_STATUS_INFO_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_STATUS_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_STATUS_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_TST_INFO_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_TST_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_TST_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ttk_combobox (n)
text field with popdown selection list
ttk_spinbox (n)
Selecting text field widget
tty (1)
print the file name of the terminal connected to stand...
tzselect (8)
select a timezone
uart_handle_dcd_change (9)
handle a change of carrier detect state
uname26 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
unflatten (1)
adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
unlink (3p)
remove a directory entry relative to directory file de...
unlock_two_nondirectories (9)
release locks from lock_two_nondirectories
UP (3ncurses)
direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
urxvt (7)
(unknown subject)
urxvt-selection (1)
more intelligent selection (enabled by default)
urxvt-selection-autotransform (1)
automatically transform select text
urxvt-selection-pastebin (1)
automatic pastebin upload
urxvt-selection-popup (1)
(unknown subject)
urxvt-selection-popup-256color (1)
(unknown subject)
urxvt-selection-to-clipboard (1)
copy the selection to the clipboard each t...
usb_anchor_resume_wakeups (9)
(unknown subject)
usb_anchor_suspend_wakeups (9)
(unknown subject)
usb_copy_descriptors (9)
copy a vector of USB descriptors
usb_ep_alloc_request (9)
allocate a request object to use with this endpoint
usb_ep_free_request (9)
frees a request object
usb_gadget_connect (9)
software-controlled connect to USB host
usb_gadget_disconnect (9)
software-controlled disconnect from USB host
usb_gadget_vbus_connect (9)
Notify controller that VBUS is powered
usb_gadget_vbus_disconnect (9)
notify controller about VBUS session end
usb_gadget_wakeup (9)
tries to wake up the host connected to this gadget
usb_ifnum_to_if (9)
get the interface object with a given interface number
user-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
user-session-keyring (7)
(unknown subject)
USERNOTICE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
USERNOTICE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
uuid (3ossp)
(unknown subject)
uuid++ (3ossp)
(unknown subject)
vdso (7)
overview of the virtual ELF dynamic shared object
VACUUM (7pg161)
garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
vacuumdb (1pg161)
garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database
vacuumlo (1pg161)
remove orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
vala-gen-introspect (1)
generate a GI file for GObject and glib based packages
vala-gen-introspect-0.22 (1)
generate a GI file for GObject and glib based ...
vdir (1)
list directory contents
version (3)
Perl extension for Version Objects
version::Internals (3)
Perl extension for Version Objects
versionsort (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
vfs_audit (8)
record selected Samba VFS operations in the system log
vfs_dirsort (8)
Sort directory contents
vfs_extd_audit (8)
record selected Samba VFS operations
vfs_linux_xfs_sgid (8)
(unknown subject)
vfs_rename (9)
rename a filesystem object
vfs_unlink (9)
unlink a filesystem object
vgmknodes (8)
recreate volume group directory and logical volume spe...
virt-pki-validate (1)
validate libvirt PKI files are configured correctly
vmmouse_detect (1)
VMware mouse device autodetection tool
w1_reset_select_slave (9)
reset and select a slave
wait_for_device_probe (9)
(unknown subject)
whoami (1)
print effective userid
whois (1)
client for the whois directory service
wicked-ethtool (8)
(unknown subject)
wicked-redfish (8)
(unknown subject)
winbind_krb5_locator (7)
A plugin for MIT and Heimdal Kerberos for detectin...
winbind_krb5_locator (8)
A plugin for MIT and Heimdal Kerberos for detectin...
winicon (1)
(unknown subject)
wpa_background (8)
Background information on Wi-Fi Protected Access and I...
wpa_supplicant (8)
Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X supplicant
writev (3p)
write a vector
X11::Protocol::Connection (3pm)
Perl module abstract base class for X11 cli...
X11::Protocol::Connection::FileHandle (3pm)
Perl module base class for File...
X11::Protocol::Connection::INETFH (3pm)
Perl module for FileHandle-based TC...
X11::Protocol::Connection::INETSocket (3pm)
Perl module for IO::Socket::INE...
X11::Protocol::Connection::Socket (3pm)
Perl module base class for IO::Sock...
X11::Protocol::Connection::UNIXFH (3pm)
Perl module for FileHandle-based Un...
X11::Protocol::Connection::UNIXSocket (3pm)
Perl module for IO::Socket::UNI...
X11::Protocol::Ext::SHAPE (3pm)
Perl module for the X11 Protocol Nonrectang...
X509_ALGOR_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ALGOR_it (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ALGOR_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ATTRIBUTE_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ATTRIBUTE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ATTRIBUTE_get0_object (3osslssl-3)
X509 attribute functions
X509_ATTRIBUTE_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ATTRIBUTE_set1_object (3osslssl-3)
X509 attribute functions
X509_CERT_AUX_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CERT_AUX_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CINF_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CINF_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_CRL_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_digest_sig (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_EXTENSION_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_EXTENSION_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_EXTENSION_get_object (3osslssl-3)
extension utility functions
X509_EXTENSION_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_EXTENSION_set_object (3osslssl-3)
extension utility functions
X509_get0_subject_key_id (3osslssl-3)
retrieve certificate extension data
X509_get_subject_name (3osslssl-3)
get X509_NAME hashes or get and set issu...
X509_LOOKUP_by_subject (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL certificate lookup mechanisms
X509_LOOKUP_by_subject_ex (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL certificate lookup mechanisms
X509_LOOKUP_get_by_subject_fn (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP...
X509_LOOKUP_meth_get_get_by_subject (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_...
X509_LOOKUP_meth_set_get_by_subject (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_...
X509_NAME_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_NAME_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_ENTRY_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_ENTRY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object (3osslssl-3)
X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object (3osslssl-3)
X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_OBJECT_set1_X509 (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP methods
X509_OBJECT_set1_X509_CRL (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP met...
X509_pubkey_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_PUBKEY_dup (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_eq (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_free (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_get (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_get0 (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_get0_param (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_new (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_set (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_PUBKEY_set0_param (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_REQ_digest (3osslssl-3)
get digest of various objects
X509_REQ_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_get_subject_name (3osslssl-3)
get X509_NAME hashes or get and set ...
X509_REQ_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_INFO_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_set_subject_name (3osslssl-3)
get X509_NAME hashes or get and set ...
X509_REVOKED_dup (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REVOKED_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REVOKED_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_set_subject_name (3osslssl-3)
get X509_NAME hashes or get and set issu...
X509_SIG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_SIG_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_STORE_get0_objects (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE setter and getter functions
X509_subject_name_cmp (3osslssl-3)
compare X509 certificates and related va...
X509_subject_name_hash (3osslssl-3)
get X509_NAME hashes or get and set iss...
X509_VAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_VAL_new (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
x86_64 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
XAddConnectionWatch (3)
handle Xlib internal connections
xasy (1)
script-based vector graphics language
xbuild (1)
Mono's tool to build MSBuild project files
xcb_alloc_color_cells (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_named_color (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_named_color_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_named_color_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_bell (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_bell_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_active_pointer_grab (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_active_pointer_grab_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_hosts (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_hosts_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_control_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_mapping_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_clear_area (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_clear_area_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_close_font (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_close_font_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_create_region_from_bord... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_create_region_from_bord... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows_c... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_configure_request_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_convert_selection (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_convert_selection_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_gc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_gc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_plane (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_plane_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_create_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_add (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_add_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_create (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_create_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_destroy (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_destroy_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_subtract (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_damage_subtract_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_delete_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_delete_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_subwindows (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_subwindows_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_capable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_capable_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_capable_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_disable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_disable_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_enable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_enable_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_force_level (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_force_level_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_set_timeouts (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_set_timeouts_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_buffer_swap_complete_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_create_drawable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_create_drawable_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_destroy_drawable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_destroy_drawable_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buff... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buff... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_invalidate_buffers_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_interval (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_interval_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffer_from_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffer_from_pixmap_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffer_from_pixmap_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_buffers_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_buffers_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_offsets (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_offsets_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_offsets_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_strides (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_strides_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_strides_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_fd_from_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_fd_from_fence_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_fd_from_fence_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_fence_from_fd (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_fence_from_fd_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_open (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_open_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_open_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffers_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_fill_poly (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_fill_poly_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_force_screen_saver (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_force_screen_saver_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_genericevent_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_genericevent_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_genericevent_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_path_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_path_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_get_selection_owner (3)
Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_get_selection_owner_reply (3)
Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_get_selection_owner_unchecked (3)
Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_buffer_swap_complete_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_change_drawable_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_change_drawable_attributes_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_client_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_client_info_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_copy_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_copy_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_attribs_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_attribs_arb_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_glx_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_glx_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_new_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_new_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pbuffer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pbuffer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_window_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_lists (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_lists_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_queries_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_queries_arb_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_textures (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_textures_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_glx_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_glx_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pbuffer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pbuffer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_end_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_end_list_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_feedback_buffer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_feedback_buffer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attribs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attri... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attri... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_enabled (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_enabled_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_enabled_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_new_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_new_list_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pbuffer_clobber_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storef (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storef_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storei (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storei_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_large (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_large_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_select_buffer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_select_buffer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_arb (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_arb_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_swap_buffers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_swap_buffers_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_use_x_font (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_use_x_font_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_data_2 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_dat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_gl (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_gl_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_x (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_x_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_grab_server (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_grab_server_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_graphics_exposure_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_gravity_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_allow_device_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_allow_device_events_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_barrier_hit_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_button_press_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagat... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_key_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_key_mapping_c... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_feedback_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_feedback_control_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_close_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_close_device_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_delete_device_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_delete_device_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_bell (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_bell_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_changed_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_focus_in_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_press_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_state_notify_eve... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_mapping_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_presence_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_property_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_state_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_valuator_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_enter_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_m... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_m... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_p... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keysyms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keys... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keys... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_ev... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_ev... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_un... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_property_items (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_property_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_feedba... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_feedba... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_even... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_button (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_button_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_key (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_key_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_hierarchy_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_key_press_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties_atoms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties_atom... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties_atom... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_device_properties_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_infos_it... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_infos_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_names_it... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_names_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_pad_1 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info_iter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_pad_1 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_property_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_classes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_classes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_raw_button_press_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_raw_key_press_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_raw_touch_begin_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_select_extension_event (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_select_extension_event_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_send_extension_event (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_send_extension_event_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_focus (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_focus_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_touch_begin_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_touch_ownership_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_button (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_button_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_key (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_key_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_allow_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_allow_events_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_barrier_release_pointer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_barrier_release_pointer_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_hierarchy (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_hierarchy_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_change_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_delete_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_delete_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_client_pointer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_client_pointer_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_client_pointer_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_focus (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_focus_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_focus_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_property_items (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_property_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events_mask... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events_mask... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_grab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_grab_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_grab_device_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties_properti... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties_properti... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_list_properties_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_ungrab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_ungrab_device_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_device_infos_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_device_infos_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_device_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_device_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer_buttons (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer_buttons_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer_buttons_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_pointer_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_select_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_select_events_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_set_client_pointer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_set_client_pointer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_set_focus (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_set_focus_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_ungrab_device (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_ungrab_device_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_warp_pointer (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_warp_pointer_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_keymap_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_names_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_names_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_hosts_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_hosts_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_map_subwindows (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_map_subwindows_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_no_exposure_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_no_operation (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_no_operation_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_arc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_arc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_arc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_arc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle (3)
Fills rectangles
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle_checked (3)
Fills rectangles
xcb_poly_point (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_point_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_rectangle (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_rectangle_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_16 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_16_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_8 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_8_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_complete_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_configure_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_generic_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_idle_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_capabilities (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_capabilities_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_capabilities_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_redirect_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_present_select_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_put_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_put_image_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_keymap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_keymap_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_query_keymap_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_add_output_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_add_output_mode_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_output_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_output_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_provider_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_provider_property_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_output_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_output_property_c... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_provider_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_provider_property... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_lease (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_lease_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_lease_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_monitor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_monitor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_mode_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_property_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_provider_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_provider_property_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_destroy_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_destroy_mode_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_free_lease (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_free_lease_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pad_3 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pad_4 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_monitors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_monitors_monitors_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_monitors_monitors_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_monitors_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_monitors_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_crtcs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_crtcs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_crtcs_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_outputs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_outputs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_outputs_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property_data_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_property_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers_providers (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers_providers_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers_providers_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_providers_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_output... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_output... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atoms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atom... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atom... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties_atoms (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties_at... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties_at... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_provider_properties_un... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property_val... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property_val... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_provider_property_val... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_screen_change_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_select_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_gamma (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_gamma_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_transform (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_transform_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_monitor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_monitor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_output_primary (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_output_primary_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_provider_offload_sink (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_provider_offload_sink_c... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_provider_output_source (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_provider_output_source_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_recolor_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_recolor_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_create_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_disable_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_disable_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_intercepted_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_intercepted_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_register_clients (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_register_clients_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_unregister_clients (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_unregister_clients_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_glyphs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_glyphs_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_traps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_traps_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_change_picture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_change_picture_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_16 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_16_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_32 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_32_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_8 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_8_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_anim_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_anim_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_conical_gradient (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_conical_gradient_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_glyph_set (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_glyph_set_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_linear_gradient (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_linear_gradient_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_picture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_picture_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_radial_gradient (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_radial_gradient_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_solid_fill (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_solid_fill_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_fill_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_fill_rectangles_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_iter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixels (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixe... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixe... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_un... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_va... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_va... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_va... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_reference_glyph_set (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_reference_glyph_set_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangle... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_transform (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_transform_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_trapezoids (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_trapezoids_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_fan (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_fan_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_strip (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_strip_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_triangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_triangles_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_reparent_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_ids (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_ids_ids_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_ids_ids_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_ids_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_ids_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_resource_bytes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_resource_bytes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_resource_bytes_sizes_it... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_resource_bytes_sizes_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_resource_bytes_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_resize_request_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_rotate_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_rotate_properties_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selection_clear_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selection_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selection_request_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_con... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_con... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_con... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_unc... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_contex... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_propertie... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_propertie... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_selection... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_selection... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_create_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_use_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_use_context_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_create_cont... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_use_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_use_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_access_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_access_control_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_clip_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_clip_rectangles_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_font_path (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_font_path_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_set_selection_owner (3)
Sets the owner of a selection
xcb_set_selection_owner_checked (3)
Sets the owner of a selection
xcb_shape_combine (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_combine_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_i... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_fd (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_fd_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_completion_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_store_colors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_store_colors_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_store_named_color (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_store_named_color_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_fence_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_alarm (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_alarm_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_counter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_counter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_counter_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_alarm (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_alarm_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_counter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_counter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_fence_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_alarm (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_alarm_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_counter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_counter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_fence_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_counter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_counter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_reset_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_reset_fence_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_counter (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_counter_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_trigger_fence (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_sync_trigger_fence_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_fake_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_fake_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_button (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_button_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_keyboard (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_keyboard_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_server (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_server_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_subwindows (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_subwindows_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_visibility_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_attribut_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_create_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_destroy_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_destroy_context_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_job (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_job_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_page (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_page_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_attr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_attr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_attr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_d... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_r... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_u... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolution (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolutio... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolutio... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_pr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_pr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_un... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_conte... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_unch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data_c... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version_unche... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_select_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_attributes_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolution (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolutio... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolutio... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_job (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_job_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_page (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_page_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_close_connection (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_close_connection_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_drawable (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_drawable_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_un... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_pr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_pr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_pr... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_cl... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_rects (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_re... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_re... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_ca... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_ca... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_ca... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_by_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_by_name_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_save_set (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_save_set_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_copy_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_copy_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_pointer_barrier (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_pointer_barrier_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_bitmap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_bitmap_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_gc (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_gc_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_picture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_picture... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_cursor_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_delete_pointer_barrier (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_delete_pointer_barrier_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_destroy_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_destroy_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_expand_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_expand_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles_it... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_im... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_im... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_hide_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_hide_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_intersect_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_intersect_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_invert_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_invert_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_region_extents (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_region_extents_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_cursor_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_cursor_input_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_selection_input (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_selection_input_che... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_selection_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_cursor_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_cursor_name_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_gc_clip_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_gc_clip_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_picture_clip_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_picture_clip_region_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region_ch... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_subtract_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_subtract_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_translate_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_translate_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_union_region (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_union_region_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_access_x_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_action_message_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_compat_map_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_controls_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_extension_device_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn_ite... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions_i... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_leds_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_leds_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_pad_1 (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_replies (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_map_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_state_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_compat_maps_i... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_compat_maps_l... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_geometries_it... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_geometries_le... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keycodes_iter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keycodes_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keymaps_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keymaps_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_symbols_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_symbols_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_types_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_types_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_map_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_names_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_new_keyboard_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_select_events (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_select_events_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_compat_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_compat_map_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_device_info (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_device_info_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_indicator_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_indicator_map_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_map (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_map_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_named_indicator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_named_indicator_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_names (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_names_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_still (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_still_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_video (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_video_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format_iter... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_port_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_image_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_still (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_still_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_video (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_video_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_info_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_info_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_info_iterator (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_info_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_attribut... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_attribut... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_set_port_attribute (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_set_port_attribute_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_stop_video (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_stop_video_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_ungrab_port (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_ungrab_port_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xv_video_notify_event_t (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data_end (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data_length (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_subpicture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_subpicture_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_surface (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_surface_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces_... (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version_reply (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version_unchecked (3)
(unknown subject)
XCheckMaskEvent (3)
select events by type
XCheckTypedEvent (3)
select events by type
XCheckTypedWindowEvent (3)
select events by type
XCheckWindowEvent (3)
select events by type
xclip (1)
command line interface to X selections (clipboard)
XCloseDisplay (3)
connect or disconnect to X server
XCompositeRedirectSubwindows (3)
X Composite Extension library
XCompositeRedirectWindow (3)
X Composite Extension library
XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows (3)
X Composite Extension library
XCompositeUnredirectWindow (3)
X Composite Extension library
XConvertSelection (3)
manipulate window selection
xcursorgen (1)
create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
xcutsel (1)
interchange between cut buffer and selection
XDGAFillRectangle (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASelectInput (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDirectionalDependentDrawing (3)
obtain fontset information
xdpr (1)
dump an X window directly to a printer
xdr_rejected_reply (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_vector (3)
library routines for external data representation
XDrawRectangle (3)
draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawRectangles (3)
draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XevieSelectInput (3)
X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
XFillArc (3)
fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillArcs (3)
fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillPolygon (3)
fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangle (3)
fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangles (3)
fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
xfontsel (1)
point and click selection of X11 font names
xgamma (1)
Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server
XGetSelectedExtensionEvents (3)
select extension events, get the list of cu...
XGetSelectionOwner (3)
manipulate window selection
XGetXCBConnection (3)
get the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
XIGetSelectedEvents (3)
select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
XInternalConnectionNumbers (3)
handle Xlib internal connections
XIntersectRegion (3)
region arithmetic
XISelectEvents (3)
select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
xjc-java-1.7.0-openjdk (1)
Java(TM) Architecture for XML Binding
XkbAddGeomDoodad (3)
Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or ...
XkbAddGeomOverlay (3)
Add one overlay to a section
XkbAddGeomRow (3)
Add a row to a section
XkbAddGeomSection (3)
Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAllocGeomOverlays (3)
Allocate overlays in a section
XkbAllocGeomRows (3)
Allocate rows in a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads (3)
Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbAllocGeomSections (3)
Allocate geometry sections
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps (3)
Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the...
XkbComputeSectionBounds (3)
Update the bounding box of a section
XkbFreeCompatMap (3)
Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions ...
XkbFreeGeomOverlays (3)
Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomRows (3)
Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSections (3)
Free geometry sections
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat (3)
Determines whether or not the server support...
XkbSARedirectSetVMods (3)
Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask (3)
Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields o...
XkbSARedirectVMods (3)
Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converte...
XkbSARedirectVModsMask (3)
Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields o...
XkbSelectEventDetails (3)
Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and...
XkbSelectEvents (3)
Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more...
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat (3)
Sets DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbUpdateMapFromCore (3)
Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the map...
xlito (1x)
(unknown subject)
XMaskEvent (3)
select events by type
xmlgraphics-fop-fontlist (1)
(unknown subject)
XNextEvent (3)
select events by type
XOpenDisplay (3)
connect or disconnect to X server
XPeekEvent (3)
select events by type
XpInputSelected (3)
Queries which X Print events the client has selected t...
XpPutDocumentData (3)
(unknown subject)
XProcessInternalConnection (3)
handle Xlib internal connections
xprt_disconnect_done (9)
mark a transport as disconnected
XpSelectInput (3)
Specifies which X Print events, from the specified pri...
xrdp-dis (1)
xrdp disconnect utility
XRectangle (3)
draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XRectInRegion (3)
determine if regions are empty or equal
XRemoveConnectionWatch (3)
handle Xlib internal connections
XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigCurrentRate (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRates (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRotations (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigSizes (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigTimes (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRGetScreenInfo (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryExtension (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryVersion (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRRootToScreen (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSelectInput (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfig (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
xscreensaver-getimage (1)
put some randomly-selected image on the root window
xscreensaver-getimage-file (1)
put a randomly-selected image on the root wi...
XScreenSaverSelectInput (3)
X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XSelectExtensionEvent (3)
select extension events, get the list of currentl...
XSelectInput (3)
select input events
XSelectionClearEvent (3)
SelectionClear event structure
XSelectionEvent (3)
SelectionNotify event structure
XSelectionRequestEvent (3)
SelectionRequest event structure
XSetClipRectangles (3)
GC convenience routines
XSetEventQueueOwner (3)
set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
XSetSelectionOwner (3)
manipulate window selection
XShape (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineMask (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRectangles (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRegion (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineShape (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeGetRectangles (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeInputSelected (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeOffsetShape (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtension (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtents (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryVersion (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeSelectInput (3)
X nonrectangular shape functions
XtAddGrab (3)
redirect user input to a modal widget
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout (3)
set and obtain selection timeout values
XtAppSetSelectionTimeout (3)
set and obtain selection timeout values
XtCallActionProc (3)
invoke an action procedure directly
XtCancelSelectionRequest (3)
bundle multiple selection conversion requests ...
XtCreateSelectionRequest (3)
bundle multiple selection conversion requests ...
XtDirectConvert (3)
invoke resource converters
XtDisownSelection (3)
set selection owner
XtDisplayOfObject (3)
obtain window information about a widget
XtGetSelectionParameters (3)
retrieve target parameters for a selection req...
XtGetSelectionRequest (3)
retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSe...
XtGetSelectionTimeout (3)
set and obtain selection timeout values
XtGetSelectionValue (3)
obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental (3)
obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValues (3)
obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental (3)
obtain selection values
XtIsObject (3)
obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsRectObj (3)
obtain and verify a widget's class
XtOwnSelection (3)
set selection owner
XtOwnSelectionIncremental (3)
set selection owner
XtRegisterExtensionSelector (3)
extension event handling
XtRemoveGrab (3)
redirect user input to a modal widget
XtScreenOfObject (3)
obtain window information about a widget
XtSendSelectionRequest (3)
bundle multiple selection conversion requests in...
XtSetSelectionParameters (3)
specify target parameters for a selection requ...
XtSetSelectionTimeout (3)
set and obtain selection timeout values
XtWindowOfObject (3)
obtain window information about a widget
XUnionRectWithRegion (3)
region arithmetic
XvSelectPortNotify (3)
enable or disable XvPortNotify events
XvSelectVideoNotify (3)
enable or disable VideoNotify events
XWindowEvent (3)
select events by type
yacc (1)
GNU Project parser generator
yasm_arch (7)
Yasm Supported Target Architectures
yasm_objfmts (7)
Yasm Supported Object Formats
zip_add_dir (3)
add directory to zip archive
zip_dir_add (3)
add directory to zip archive
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