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Image::ExifTool::FLAC (3)
Read Free Lossless Audio Codec information
Image::ExifTool::FLAC (3pm)
Read Free Lossless Audio Codec information
__audit_free (9)
free a per-task audit context
__blk_queue_free_tags (9)
release tag maintenance info
__check_region (9)
check if a resource region is busy or free
__free_hook (3)
malloc debugging variables
__get_request (9)
get a free request
__kfree_skb (9)
private function
__krealloc (9)
like krealloc but don't free p.
__pmFreeHostSpec (3)
uniform host specification parser
__pmFreeProfile (3)
free a PMAPI instance profile
__scsi_put_command (9)
Free a struct scsi_cmnd
_nc_free_and_exit (3ncurses)
curses memory-leak checking
_nc_freeall (3ncurses)
curses memory-leak checking
ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
acl_free (3)
release memory allocated to an ACL data object
ADMISSION_SYNTAX_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ADMISSIONS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
airq_iv_free (9)
free irq bits of an interrupt vector
alloc_hugepages (2)
allocate or free huge pages
alloca (3)
allocate memory that is automatically freed
archive_read_free (3)
functions for reading streaming archives
archive_write_free (3)
functions for creating archives
ares_free_data (3)
Free data allocated by several c-ares functions
ares_free_hostent (3)
Free host structure allocated by ares functions
ares_free_string (3)
Free strings allocated by ares functions
ares_freeaddrinfo (3)
Free addrinfo structure allocated by ares functions
ASIdentifierChoice_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdentifiers_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASIdOrRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1_ex_free_func (3osslssl-3)
ASN.1 external function support
ASN1_INTEGER_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1_INTEGER allocation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_free (3osslssl-3)
object allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
functions to manage waiting for asynchrono...
ata_host_start (9)
start and freeze ports of an ATA host
ata_qc_free (9)
free unused ata_queued_cmd
attemptckalloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
attemptckrealloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
AUTHORITY_KEYID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ber_bvarray_free (3)
OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecfree (3)
OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvfree (3)
OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_free (3)
OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
BIO_ADDR_free (3osslssl-3)
BIO_ADDR routines
BIO_ADDRINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
BIO_ADDRINFO type and routines
BIO_free (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_free_all (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up BIO methods
BIO_new (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_vfree (3osslssl-3)
BIO allocation and freeing functions
bitmap_find_free_region (9)
find a contiguous aligned mem region
blk_free_devt (9)
free a dev_t
blk_free_tags (9)
release a given set of tag maintenance info
blk_queue_free_tags (9)
release tag maintenance info
blk_queue_start_tag (9)
find a free tag and assign it
blk_rq_unprep_clone (9)
Helper function to free all bios in a cloned request
BN_BLINDING_free (3osslssl-3)
blinding related BIGNUM functions
BN_clear (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_secure_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_secure_new_ex (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_GENCB_free (3osslssl-3)
generate primes and test for primality
BN_MONT_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Montgomery multiplication
BN_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_RECP_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_secure_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free BIGNUMs
BUF_MEM_free (3osslssl-3)
simple character array structure
calloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
cap_free (3)
capability data object storage management
ASN1 object utilities
cfree (3)
free allocated memory
ckalloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
ckfree (3)
allocate or free heap memory
ckrealloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
clk_put (9)
"free" the clock source
clnt_freeres (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
CMS_ContentInfo_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CMS_ReceiptRequest_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CONF_modules_free (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
consume_skb (9)
free an skbuff
context_free (3)
Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
macros for manipulating CPU sets
CRL_DIST_POINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
CRYPTO_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
Memory allocation functions
CRYPTO_EX_free (3osslssl-3)
functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_free (3osslssl-3)
Memory allocation functions
CRYPTO_free_ex_data (3osslssl-3)
functions supporting application-specific ...
CRYPTO_free_ex_index (3osslssl-3)
functions supporting application-specific...
CRYPTO_free_fn (3osslssl-3)
Memory allocation functions
CRYPTO_secure_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
secure heap storage
CRYPTO_secure_free (3osslssl-3)
secure heap storage
CRYPTO_THREAD_lock_free (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL thread support
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Encapsulates the data required to eval...
CTLOG_free (3osslssl-3)
encapsulates information about a Certificate Transp...
CTLOG_STORE_free (3osslssl-3)
Create and populate a Certificate Transparenc...
curl_formfree (3)
free a previously build multipart form post chain
curl_free (3)
reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcur...
curl_mime_free (3)
free a previously built mime structure
curl_slist_free_all (3)
free an entire curl_slist list
curl_url_cleanup (3)
free the URL handle
custom_ext_free_cb (3osslssl-3)
custom TLS extension handling
debug_object_free (9)
debug checks when an object is freed
devm_clk_put (9)
"free" a managed clock source
devm_free_pages (9)
Resource-managed free_pages
devm_get_free_pages (9)
Resource-managed __get_free_pages
devm_kfree (9)
Resource-managed kfree
devm_mdiobus_free (9)
Resource-managed mdiobus_free
devres_free (9)
Free device resource data
df (1p)
report free disk space
dga (1)
test program for the XFree86-DGA extension
DH_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DH objects
DH_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up DH methods
DH_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DH objects
DIRECTORYSTRING_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DISPLAYTEXT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
DIST_POINT_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
dma_pool_free (9)
put block back into dma pool
dma_release_from_coherent (9)
try to free the memory allocated from per-dev...
dmam_free_coherent (9)
Managed dma_free_coherent
dmam_free_noncoherent (9)
Managed dma_free_noncoherent
drm_gem_free_mmap_offset (9)
release a fake mmap offset for an object
drm_gem_object_free (9)
free a GEM object
drm_gem_put_pages (9)
helper to free backing pages for a GEM object
drm_mode_config_cleanup (9)
free up DRM mode_config info
drm_pci_free (9)
Free a PCI consistent memory block
DSA_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up DSA methods
DSA_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_SIG_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_get0 (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_set0 (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free DSA signature objects
e2freefrag (8)
report free space fragmentation information
EC_GROUP_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating and destroying EC_G...
EC_GROUP_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating and destroying EC_GROUP o...
EC_KEY_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating, destroying and manipulatin...
EC_POINT_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating, destroying and man...
EC_POINT_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating, destroying and manipulat...
ECDSA_SIG_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions for creating, destroying and manipula...
ECPARAMETERS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ECPKPARAMETERS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
edd_release (9)
free edd structure
EDIPARTYNAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ENGINE_free (3osslssl-3)
ENGINE cryptographic module support
ERR_free_strings (3osslssl-3)
load and free error strings
ERR_load_crypto_strings (3osslssl-3)
load and free error strings
ESS_CERT_ID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_CERT_ID_V2_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
EVP_ASYM_CIPHER_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_ASYM_CIPHER algor...
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up EVP_CIPHER methods
EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP base 64 encode/decode routines
EVP_KDF_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP KDF routines
EVP_KDF_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP KDF routines
EVP_KEM_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEM algorithm objects
EVP_KEYEXCH_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_KEYEXCH algorithm obj...
EVP_KEYMGMT_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP key management routines
EVP_MAC_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP MAC routines
EVP_MAC_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP MAC routines
EVP_MD_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up legacy EVP_MD methods
EVP_PKEY_asn1_free (3osslssl-3)
manipulating and registering EVP_PKEY_ASN1_...
EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_free (3osslssl-3)
manipulating and registering EVP_PKEY_A...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
public key algorithm context functions
EVP_PKEY_free (3osslssl-3)
public/private key allocation and raw key handli...
EVP_PKEY_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
manipulating EVP_PKEY_METHOD structure
EVP_RAND_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP RAND routines
EVP_RAND_free (3osslssl-3)
EVP RAND routines
EVP_SIGNATURE_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manage EVP_SIGNATURE algorithm...
EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
FcFreeTypeCharIndex (3)
map Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSet (3)
compute Unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing (3)
compute Unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeQuery (3)
compute pattern from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryAll (3)
compute all patterns from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryFace (3)
compute pattern from FT_Face
fcitx (1)
Free Chinese Input Toy of X - a Chinese IME for XIM
FcStrFree (3)
free a string
FcValueDestroy (3)
Free a value
File::BaseDir (3)
Use the base directory specification
File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop (3pm)
Find your home and other directories on Fr...
for_each_dtlb_entry (9)
Iterate over free (non-wired) DTLB entries
for_each_itlb_entry (9)
Iterate over free (non-wired) ITLB entries
free (1)
Display amount of free and used memory in the system
free (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
free (3p)
free allocated memory
free_area_init_nodes (9)
Initialise all pg_data_t and zone data
free_bootmem_with_active_regions (9)
Call memblock_free_early_nid for each ...
free_dma (9)
free a reserved system DMA channel
free_field (3form)
create and destroy form fields
free_fieldtype (3form)
define validation-field types
free_form (3form)
create and destroy forms
free_handle (3)
file handle operations
free_hugepages (2)
allocate or free huge pages
free_irq (9)
free an interrupt allocated with request_irq
free_item (3menu)
create and destroy menu items
free_menu (3menu)
create and destroy menus
free_netdev (9)
free network device
free_rs (9)
Free the rs control structure, if it is no longer used
freeaddrinfo (3)
network address and service translation
freeaddrinfo (3p)
get address information
freecon (3)
get SELinux security context of a process
freeconary (3)
get SELinux security context of a process
freehostent (3)
get network hostnames and addresses
freelocale (3)
create, modify, and free a locale object
freelocale (3p)
free resources allocated for a locale object
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FreeMail (3)
check message headers/body for fre...
freetds.conf (5)
configuration file for FreeTDS
freetype-config (1)
Get information about a libfreetype installation
freeze_bdev (9)
- lock a filesystem and force it into a consistent state
freeze_super (9)
lock the filesystem and force it into a consistent state
fsfreeze (8)
suspend access to a filesystem (Ext3/4, ReiserFS, JFS,...
gendiff (1)
utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
GENERAL_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_NAMES_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
GENERAL_SUBTREE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
get_request (9)
get a free request
glob (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
globfree (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
glXFreeContextEXT (3gl)
free client-side memory for imported context
gnutls_anon_free_client_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_anon_free_server_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_certificate_free_ca_names (3)
API function
gnutls_certificate_free_cas (3)
API function
gnutls_certificate_free_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_certificate_free_crls (3)
API function
gnutls_certificate_free_keys (3)
API function
gnutls_psk_free_client_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_srp_free_client_credentials (3)
API function
gnutls_srp_free_server_credentials (3)
API function
HMAC_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
HMAC message authentication code
hsi_free_msg (9)
Free an HSI message
hsi_put_controller (9)
Free an HSI controller
i2o_block_device_free (9)
free the memory of the I2O Block device
i2o_block_request_free (9)
Frees a I2O block request
i2o_block_sglist_free (9)
Frees the SG list
i2o_exec_wait_free (9)
Free an i2o_exec_wait struct
i2o_iop_free (9)
Free the i2o_controller struct
i2o_pci_free (9)
Frees the DMA memory for the I2O controller
i2o_pci_irq_disable (9)
Free interrupt for I2O controller
ibv_free_device_list (3)
get and release list of available RDMA devices
idn2_free (3)
API function
idn_free (3)
API function
idr_remove (9)
remove the given id and free its slot
ieee80211_free_hw (9)
free hardware descriptor
if_freenameindex (3)
get network interface names and indexes
if_freenameindex (3p)
free memory allocated by if_nameindex
ImageMagick (1)
is a free software suite for the creation, modificatio...
inndf (8)
Report free disk, inodes, and overview information
input_ff_destroy (9)
frees force feedback portion of input device
input_free_device (9)
free memory occupied by input_dev structure
input_free_minor (9)
release previously allocated minor
input_free_polled_device (9)
free memory allocated for polled device
input_mt_destroy_slots (9)
frees the MT slots of the input device
IPAddressChoice_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressFamily_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressOrRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
IPAddressRange_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ipc_free (9)
free ipc space
ISSUER_SIGN_TOOL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ISSUING_DIST_POINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
journal_try_to_free_buffers (9)
try to free page buffers.
Judy1FreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyHSFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudyLFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
JudySLFreeArray (3)
(unknown subject)
kfifo_free (9)
frees the fifo
kfree (9)
free previously allocated memory
kfree_skb (9)
free an sk_buff
kmem_cache_free (9)
Deallocate an object
kthread_freezable_should_stop (9)
should this freezable kthread return now?
kzfree (9)
like kfree but zero memory
ldap_attributetype_free (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_control_free (3)
LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_controls_free (3)
LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_dnfree (3)
LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_free_urldesc (3)
LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_matchingrule_free (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_memfree (3)
LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memvfree (3)
LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_mods_free (3)
Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_msgfree (3)
Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_objectclass_free (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax_free (3)
Schema definition handling routines
ldap_value_free (3)
LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_value_free_len (3)
LDAP attribute value handling routines
lh_TYPE_free (3osslssl-3)
dynamic hash table
libssh2_agent_free (3)
free an ssh-agent handle
libssh2_channel_free (3)
free all resources associated with a channel
libssh2_free (3)
deallocate libssh2 memory
libssh2_knownhost_free (3)
free a collection of known hosts
libssh2_publickey_list_free (3)
libssh2_session_free (3)
frees resources associated with a session instance
lock_may_read (9)
checks that the region is free of locks
lock_may_write (9)
checks that the region is free of locks
locks_unlink_lock (9)
Delete a lock and then free it.
malloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
malloc_trim (3)
release free memory from the top of the heap
mdiobus_free (9)
free a struct mii_bus
mempool_free (9)
return an element to the pool.
MMDB_free_entry_data_list (3)
a library for working with MaxMind DB files
mpt_adapter_dispose (9)
Free all resources associated with an MPT adapter
mpt_free_fw_memory (9)
free firmware memory
mpt_free_msg_frame (9)
Place MPT request frame back on FreeQ.
mpt_inactive_raid_list_free (9)
This clears this link list.
mptspi_initTarget (9)
Target, LUN alloc/free functionality.
NAME_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NAMING_AUTHORITY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NCONF_free (3osslssl-3)
functionality to Load and parse configuration files...
ne_iaddr_free (3)
functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_ssl_cert_free (3)
functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_clicert_free (3)
SSL client certificate handling
NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKAC_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
NETSCAPE_SPKI_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
newlocale (3)
create, modify, and free a locale object
NOTICEREF_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
nr_free_pagecache_pages (9)
count number of pages beyond high watermark
nr_free_zone_pages (9)
count number of pages beyond high watermark
OCSP_BASICRESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CERTID_free (3osslssl-3)
OCSP certificate ID utility functions
OCSP_CERTSTATUS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_CRLID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_ONEREQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REQ_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
OCSP responder query functions
OCSP_REQINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_REQUEST_free (3osslssl-3)
OCSP request functions
OCSP_RESPBYTES_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPDATA_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_RESPONSE_free (3osslssl-3)
OCSP response functions
OCSP_REVOKEDINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SERVICELOC_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SIGNATURE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OCSP_SINGLERESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OPENSSL_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
Memory allocation functions
OPENSSL_free (3osslssl-3)
Memory allocation functions
OPENSSL_INIT_free (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL initialisation and deinitialisation ...
OPENSSL_LH_free (3osslssl-3)
dynamic hash table
OPENSSL_secure_clear_free (3osslssl-3)
secure heap storage
OPENSSL_secure_free (3osslssl-3)
secure heap storage
OPENSSL_sk_free (3osslssl-3)
stack container
OPENSSL_sk_pop_free (3osslssl-3)
stack container
optionFree (3)
free allocated option processing memory
OSSL_CMP_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
functions for managing the CMP client contex...
OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_MSG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_PKISI_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
generic functions to set up and control ...
OSSL_CRMF_CERTID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_CRMF_PBMPARAMETER_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
OSSL_DECODER_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Decoder context routines
OSSL_DECODER_free (3osslssl-3)
Decoder method routines
OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Encoder context routines
OSSL_ENCODER_free (3osslssl-3)
Encoder method routines
OSSL_HTTP_REQ_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
HTTP client low-level functions
OSSL_LIB_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL library context
OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free (3osslssl-3)
functions to assist in the creation of OSS...
OSSL_PARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
OSSL_PARAM array copy functions
OSSL_SELF_TEST_free (3osslssl-3)
functionality to trigger a callback during...
OSSL_STORE_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to manipulate OSSL_STORE_INFO o...
OSSL_STORE_LOADER_free (3osslssl-3)
Types and functions to manipulate, regi...
OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_free (3osslssl-3)
Type and functions to create OSSL_STORE...
OTHERNAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBE2PARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBEPARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PBKDF2PARAM_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
pcap_findalldevs (3pcap)
get a list of capture devices, and free that list
pcap_free_datalinks (3pcap)
get a list of link-layer header types supported...
pcap_free_tstamp_types (3pcap)
get a list of time stamp types supported by ...
pcap_freealldevs (3pcap)
get a list of capture devices, and free that list
pcap_freecode (3pcap)
free a BPF program
pci_load_and_free_saved_state (9)
Reload the save state pointed to by state...
pcre16_free_study (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring_list (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre2_code_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_compile_context_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised...
pcre2_convert_context_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised...
pcre2_converted_pattern_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revis...
pcre2_general_context_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised...
pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revis...
pcre2_jit_stack_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_maketables_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_match_context_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_match_data_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_serialize_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_substring_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
pcre2_substring_list_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised ...
pcre32_free_study (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring_list (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_stack_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_study (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring_list (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_free (3)
Perl-compatible regular expressions
perlfreebsd (1)
Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
PKCS12_BAGS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_MAC_DATA_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS12_SAFEBAG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_DIGEST_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENCRYPT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ENVELOPE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_RECIP_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNED_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
pmdaMainLoopFreeResultCallback (3)
generic PDU processing for a PMDA
pmFreeEventResult (3)
release storage allocated for unpacked event records
pmFreeMetricSpec (3)
uniform metric specification parser
pmfreeprofile (3)
free a PMAPI instance profile
pmFreeResult (3)
release storage allocated for performance metrics values
POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICY_MAPPING_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
POLICYQUALINFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROFESSION_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
PROFESSION_INFOS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
ASN1 object utilities
PROXY_POLICY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
pskc_free (3)
API function
rdma_ack_cm_event (3)
Free a communication event.
rdma_free_devices (3)
Frees the list of devices returned by rdma_get_devices.
realloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
regfree (3)
POSIX regex functions
regulator_bulk_free (9)
free multiple regulator consumers
regulator_put (9)
"free" the regulator source
relay_destroy_channel (9)
free the channel struct
remove_irq (9)
free an interrupt
rhosts (5)
grants or denies password-free r-command access to a s...
root_device_unregister (9)
unregister and free a root device
rpc_free (9)
free buffer allocated via rpc_malloc
rpc_free_iostats (9)
release an rpc_iostats structure
RSA_free (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up RSA methods
RSA_new (3osslssl-3)
allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_OAEP_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
RSA_PSS_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
sas_phy_free (9)
free a SAS PHY
sas_port_free (9)
free a SAS PORT
sas_rphy_delete (9)
remove and free SAS remote PHY
sas_rphy_free (9)
free a SAS remote PHY
SCRYPT_PARAMS_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
scsi_put_command (9)
Free a scsi command block
SCT_free (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate Timestamp
SCT_LIST_free (3osslssl-3)
A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate Ti...
SDL_FreeCursor (3)
Frees a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor.
SDL_FreeSurface (3)
Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
SDL_FreeWAV (3)
Frees previously opened WAV data
SDL_FreeYUVOverlay (3)
Free a YUV video overlay
seq_release (9)
free the structures associated with sequential file.
setup_per_zone_wmarks (9)
called when min_free_kbytes changes or when memor...
sh64_next_free_dtlb_entry (9)
Find the next available DTLB entry
sh64_put_wired_dtlb_entry (9)
Free a wired (locked-in) entry in the DTLB.
sk_TYPE_free (3osslssl-3)
stack container
sk_TYPE_pop_free (3osslssl-3)
stack container
skb_kill_datagram (9)
Free a datagram skbuff forcibly
sl_free (3bsd)
stringlist manipulation functions
snd_ctl_free_one (9)
release the control instance
snd_device_free (9)
release the device from the card
snd_dma_free_pages (9)
release the allocated buffer
snd_free_pages (9)
release the pages
snd_info_free_entry (9)
release the info entry
snd_pcm_lib_free_pages (9)
release the allocated DMA buffer.
snd_pcm_lib_free_vmalloc_buffer (9)
free vmalloc buffer
snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_free_for_all (9)
release all pre-allocated buffers ...
snmp_free_pdu (3)
netsnmp_pdu_api functions
snmp_free_var (3)
netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_free_varbind (3)
netsnmp_varbind_api functions
sparse_keymap_free (9)
free memory allocated for sparse keymap
SPI_freeplan (3pg161)
free a previously saved prepared statement
SPI_freetuple (3pg161)
free a row allocated in the upper executor context
SPI_freetuptable (3pg161)
free a row set created by SPI_execute or a simila...
SPI_pfree (3pg161)
free memory in the upper executor context
SRP_user_pwd_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to create a record of SRP user ver...
SRP_VBASE_free (3osslssl-3)
Functions to create and manage a stack of SRP u...
SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods (3osslssl-3)
handle SSL/TLS integrated co...
SSL_CONF_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
SSL configuration allocation functions
SSL_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_custom_ext_free_cb_ex (3osslssl-3)
custom TLS extension handling
SSL_free (3osslssl-3)
free an allocated SSL structure
SSL_free_buffers (3osslssl-3)
manage SSL structure buffers
SSL_load_error_strings (3osslssl-3)
load and free error strings
SSL_SESSION_dup (3osslssl-3)
create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
SSL_SESSION_free (3osslssl-3)
create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
SSL_SESSION_new (3osslssl-3)
create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
SSL_SESSION_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
svc_freeargs (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
SXNET_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
SXNETID_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
Tcl_Alloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptAlloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptRealloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_DStringFree (3)
manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_EventuallyFree (3)
avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_Free (3)
allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_FreeEncoding (3)
procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_FreeParse (3)
parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_FreeResult (3)
manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_Preserve (3)
avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_Realloc (3)
allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_Release (3)
avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tk_Free3DBorder (3)
draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj (3)
draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FreeBitmap (3)
maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj (3)
maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeColor (3)
maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColorFromObj (3)
maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
Tk_FreeConfigOptions (3)
process configuration options
Tk_FreeCursor (3)
maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeCursorFromObj (3)
maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeFont (3)
maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeFontFromObj (3)
maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeGC (3)
maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_FreeImage (3)
use an image in a widget
Tk_FreeOptions (3)
process configuration options for widgets
Tk_FreePixmap (3)
allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_FreeSavedOptions (3)
process configuration options
Tk_FreeTextLayout (3)
routines to measure and display single-font, multi-li...
Tk_FreeXId (3)
make X resource identifier available for reuse
Tk_GetColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
Tk_GetPixmap (3)
allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_PreserveColormap (3)
allocate and free colormaps
TLS_FEATURE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
trace_block_getrq (9)
get a free request entry in queue for block IO operat...
trace_block_sleeprq (9)
waiting to get a free request entry in queue for bl...
TS_ACCURACY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_MSG_IMPRINT_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_REQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_RESP_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
Timestamp response context object creation
TS_RESP_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_STATUS_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
TS_TST_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
UI_free (3osslssl-3)
user interface
usb_buffer_unmap (9)
free DMA mapping(s) for an urb
usb_buffer_unmap_sg (9)
free DMA mapping(s) for a scatterlist
usb_ep_free_request (9)
frees a request object
usb_free_coherent (9)
free memory allocated with usb_alloc_coherent
usb_free_descriptors (9)
free descriptors returned by usb_copy_descriptors
usb_free_streams (9)
free bulk endpoint stream IDs.
usb_free_urb (9)
frees the memory used by a urb when all users of it ar...
USERNOTICE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
vfree (9)
release memory allocated by vmalloc
wiphy_free (9)
free wiphy
wordfree (3)
perform word expansion like a posix-shell
X11::Protocol::Ext::XFree86_Misc (3pm)
Perl module for the XFree86 Misc Ext...
X509_ALGOR_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_ATTRIBUTE_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CERT_AUX_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CINF_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_CRL_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_EXTENSION_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_free (3osslssl-3)
X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_LOOKUP_free (3osslssl-3)
OpenSSL certificate lookup mechanisms
X509_LOOKUP_meth_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP methods
X509_LOOKUP_meth_get_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP met...
X509_LOOKUP_meth_set_free (3osslssl-3)
Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP met...
X509_NAME_ENTRY_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_NAME_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_PUBKEY_free (3osslssl-3)
SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
X509_REQ_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REQ_INFO_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_REVOKED_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_SIG_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
X509_STORE_CTX_free (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_free (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking fun...
X509_STORE_lock (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking fun...
X509_STORE_new (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking func...
X509_STORE_unlock (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking f...
X509_STORE_up_ref (3osslssl-3)
X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking f...
X509_VAL_free (3osslssl-3)
ASN1 object utilities
XAllocColor (3)
allocate and free colors
XAllocColorCells (3)
allocate and free colors
XAllocColorPlanes (3)
allocate and free colors
XAllocNamedColor (3)
allocate and free colors
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_free_cursor (3)
Deletes a cursor
xcb_free_cursor_checked (3)
Deletes a cursor
xcb_free_gc (3)
Destroys a graphics context
xcb_free_gc_checked (3)
Destroys a graphics context
xcb_free_pixmap (3)
Destroys a pixmap
xcb_free_pixmap_checked (3)
Destroys a pixmap
xcb_randr_free_lease (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_randr_free_lease_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture (3)
(unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture_checked (3)
(unknown subject)
XChangeGC (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XcmsFreeCCC (3)
creating and destroying CCCs
XCopyColormapAndFree (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color struc...
XCopyGC (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XCreateFontSet (3)
create and free an international text drawing font set
XCreateGC (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName (3)
frees a DBE buffer.
XdbeFreeVisualInfo (3)
frees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
XDGA (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAChangePixmapMode (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGACloseFramebuffer (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGACopyArea (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGACopyTransparentArea (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGACreateColormap (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAFillRectangle (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAGetViewportStatus (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAInstallColormap (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAOpenFramebuffer (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAQueryExtension (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAQueryModes (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGAQueryVersion (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASelectInput (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASetClientVersion (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASetMode (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASetViewport (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGASync (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
xdr_free (3)
library routines for external data representation
XF86DGA (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XF86Misc (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscGetKbdSettings (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscGetMouseSettings (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X exten...
XF86MiscGetSaver (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscQueryExtension (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscQueryVersion (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscSetKbdSettings (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86MiscSetMouseSettings (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X exten...
XF86MiscSetSaver (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
XF86VidModeDeleteModeLine (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X e...
XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ...
XF86VidModeGetDotClocks (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ext...
XF86VidModeGetGamma (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ext...
XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X...
XF86VidModeGetModeLine (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exte...
XF86VidModeGetMonitor (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exten...
XF86VidModeGetPermissions (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X e...
XF86VidModeGetViewPort (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exte...
XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X e...
XF86VidModeModModeLine (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exte...
XF86VidModeQueryExtension (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X e...
XF86VidModeQueryVersion (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ext...
XF86VidModeSetClientVersion (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X...
XF86VidModeSetGamma (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ext...
XF86VidModeSetViewPort (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exte...
XF86VidModeSwitchMode (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X exten...
XF86VidModeSwitchToMode (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X ext...
XF86VidModeValidateModeLine (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X...
XF86VM (3)
Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
XFree (3)
free client data
XFree86-DGA (3)
Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XFreeColormap (3)
create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XFreeColors (3)
allocate and free colors
XFreeCursor (3)
manipulate cursors
XFreeDeviceList (3)
list available input devices
XFreeEventData (3)
retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XFreeExtensionList (3)
list available extensions
XFreeFont (3)
load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XFreeFontInfo (3)
obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontNames (3)
obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontPath (3)
set, get, or free the font search path
XFreeFontSet (3)
create and free an international text drawing font set
XFreeGC (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XFreeModifiermap (3)
manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding str...
XFreePixmap (3)
create or destroy pixmaps
XFreeStringList (3)
convert string lists and text property structure
xfs_freeze (8)
suspend access to an XFS filesystem
Xft (3)
X FreeType interface library
XGContextFromGC (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XGCValues (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XGenericEventCookie (3)
retrieve and free additional event data through coo...
XGetEventData (3)
retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetFontPath (3)
set, get, or free the font search path
XGetGCValues (3)
create or free graphics contexts and graphics context ...
XIFreeDeviceInfo (3)
get information about devices.
XkbFreeClientMap (3)
Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDes...
XkbFreeCompatMap (3)
Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions ...
XkbFreeComponentList (3)
Free the structure returned by XkbListComponents
XkbFreeControls (3)
Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec...
XkbFreeDeviceInfo (3)
Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbFreeGeomColors (3)
Free geometry colors
XkbFreeGeomDoodads (3)
Free geometry doodads
XkbFreeGeometry (3)
Free an entire geometry
XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases (3)
Free geometry key aliases
XkbFreeGeomKeys (3)
Free geometry keys
XkbFreeGeomOutlines (3)
Free geometry outlines
XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys (3)
Free keys in an overlay row
XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows (3)
Free rows in an overlay
XkbFreeGeomOverlays (3)
Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomPoints (3)
Free points in a outline
XkbFreeGeomProperties (3)
Free geometry properties
XkbFreeGeomRows (3)
Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSections (3)
Free geometry sections
XkbFreeGeomShapes (3)
Free geometry shapes
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps (3)
Frees memory used by the indicators member of an X...
XkbFreeKeyboard (3)
Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of i...
XkbFreeNames (3)
Free symbolic names structures
XkbFreeServerMap (3)
Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec...
XListFonts (3)
obtain or free font names and information
XListFontsWithInfo (3)
obtain or free font names and information
XpFreePrinterList (3)
Frees a list of printer records.
XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo (3)
X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XSetFontPath (3)
set, get, or free the font search path
XtFree (3)
memory management functions
XvFreeAdaptorInfo (3)
free adaptor information
XvFreeEncodingInfo (3)
free encoding information
XwcFreeStringList (3)
convert text lists and text property structures
zip_source_free (3)
free zip data source
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