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- CPAN::Meta::History (3)
- history of CPAN Meta Spec changes
- CPAN::Meta::History (3pm)
- history of CPAN Meta Spec changes
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_0 (3)
- Version 1.0 metadata specification for ME...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_0 (3pm)
- Version 1.0 metadata specification for ...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_1 (3)
- Version 1.1 metadata specification for ME...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_1 (3pm)
- Version 1.1 metadata specification for ...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_2 (3)
- Version 1.2 metadata specification for ME...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_2 (3pm)
- Version 1.2 metadata specification for ...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_3 (3)
- Version 1.3 metadata specification for ME...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_3 (3pm)
- Version 1.3 metadata specification for ...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_4 (3)
- Version 1.4 metadata specification for ME...
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_4 (3pm)
- Version 1.4 metadata specification for ...
- CPAN::Reporter::History (3pm)
- Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
- Date::Manip::History (3)
- Twenty years and still going strong
- docker-history (1)
- Show the history of an image
- editline (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_tok_str (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_deletestr (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_end (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_get (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_getc (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_gets (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_history (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_history_end (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_history_init (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_init (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_insertstr (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_line (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_parse (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_push (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_reset (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_resize (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_set (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_source (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_tok_end (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_tok_init (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_tok_line (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- el_tok_reset (3)
- line editor, history and tokenization functions
- expire (8)
- Usenet article and history expiration program
- fc (1p)
- process the command history list
- grephistory (1)
- Query the INN history database
- libinnhist (3)
- routines for managing INN history
- history (5)
- record of current and recently expired Usenet articles
- history (n)
- Manipulate the history list
- libsolv-history (3)
- how the libsolv library came into existence
- makehistory (8)
- Initialize or rebuild INN history database
- opendmarc-expire (8)
- OpenDMARC history data expiration tool
- opendmarc-importstats (8)
- import OpenDMARC statistics/history data
- pam_pwhistory (8)
- PAM module to remember last passwords
- perlhist (1)
- the Perl history records
- prunehistory (8)
- Remove tokens from Usenet history file
- roff (7)
- concepts and history of roff typesetting
- Tcl_RecordAndEval (3)
- save command on history list before evaluating
- Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj (3)
- save command on history list before evaluating
- Term::ReadLine::Gnu (3pm)
- Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
- XDeviceTimeCoord (3)
- get device motion history
- XDisplayMotionBufferSize (3)
- send events and pointer motion history structure
- XGetDeviceMotionEvents (3)
- get device motion history
- XGetMotionEvents (3)
- send events and pointer motion history structure
- XSendEvent (3)
- send events and pointer motion history structure
- XTimeCoord (3)
- send events and pointer motion history structure
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