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Devel::InnerPackage (3)
find all the inner packages of a package
Devel::InnerPackage (3pm)
find all the inner packages of a package
Math::BigFloat (3)
arbitrary size floating point math package
Module::Build::PPMMaker (3)
Perl Package Manager file creation
Module::Build::PPMMaker (3pm)
Perl Package Manager file creation
Module::Metadata (3)
Gather package and POD information from perl module files
Module::Metadata (3pm)
Gather package and POD information from perl module ...
PPI::Statement::Package (3)
A package statement
PPI::Statement::Package (3pm)
A package statement
Package::Stash (3)
Routines for manipulating stashes
Package::Stash (3pm)
routines for manipulating stashes
Package::Stash::PP (3)
Pure perl implementation of the Package::Stash API
Package::Stash::PP (3pm)
pure perl implementation of the Package::Stash API
Package::Stash::XS (3)
Faster and more correct implementation of the Packag...
Package::Stash::XS (3pm)
faster and more correct implementation of the Pack...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Prohib... (3)
Put packages (especially subcl...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Prohib... (3pm)
Put packages (especially sub...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Requir... (3)
Always make the "package" expl...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Requir... (3pm)
Always make the "package" ex...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Requir... (3)
Package declaration must match...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Requir... (3pm)
Package declaration must mat...
Specio::Registry (3)
Implements the per-package type registry
Specio::Registry (3pm)
Implements the per-package type registry
Sub::Install (3)
install subroutines into packages easily
Sub::Install (3pm)
install subroutines into packages easily
Test2::Require::Module (3)
Skip tests if certain packages are not installed...
Test2::Require::Module (3pm)
Skip tests if certain packages are not install...
Test2::Tools::Target (3)
Alias the testing target package.
Test2::Tools::Target (3pm)
Alias the testing target package.
Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::Nego... (3)
Package configuration negotiat...
autodie::skip (3)
Skip a package when throwing autodie exceptions
AutoSplit (3)
split a package for autoloading
avopkg (1)
"Avogadro Package Manager"
blib (3)
Use MakeMaker's uninstalled version of a package
cargo-package (1)
(unknown subject)
Class::MOP::Package (3pm)
Package Meta Object
ctanify (1)
Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
curses (3ncurses)
CRT screen handling and optimization package
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval (3)
Clean package to evaluate code in
fragiso (8)
split rpm packages from an iso and reassemble the iso ...
gpk-dbus-service (1)
GNOME PackageKit Session Service
gpk-install-catalog (1)
GNOME PackageKit Catalog Installer
gpk-install-local-file (1)
GNOME PackageKit Local File Helper
gpk-install-mime-type (1)
GNOME PackageKit MimeType installer
gpk-install-package-name (1)
GNOME PackageKit Package Name Helper
gpk-install-provide-file (1)
GNOME PackageKit Local File Provider
gpk-prefs (1)
GNOME PackageKit Update Preferences
gpk-update-viewer (1)
GNOME PackageKit Update Viewer
groff_trace (7)
groff macro package trace.tmac
hp-smh-templates (4)
HP System Management Homepage Template package. (1)
install dependencies with package manager or CPAN
installcheck (1)
find out which packages cannot be installed
intltoolize (8)
copy intltool related files to software package
libsolv (3)
package dependency solver library using a satisfiabili...
Log::Dispatch::Vars (3)
Variables used internally by multiple packages
macpack (1)
Macintosh OS X Packager for managed gui assemblies
map_slippy (n)
Common code for slippy based map packages
Math::BigInt (3)
arbitrary size integer math package
Math::BigRat (3)
arbitrary size rational number math package
qcomplex (n)
Straightforward complex number package
mdoc (7)
quick reference guide for the -mdoc macro package
mtx-package (1)
(unknown subject)
ncurses (3ncurses)
CRT screen handling and optimization package
npm (1)
javascript package manager
npm-access (1)
Set access level on published packages
npm-bugs (1)
Report bugs for a package in a web browser
npm-cache (1)
Manipulates packages cache
npm-dedupe (1)
Reduce duplication in the package tree
npm-deprecate (1)
Deprecate a version of a package
npm-dist-tag (1)
Modify package distribution tags
npm-docs (1)
Open documentation for a package in a web browser
npm-edit (1)
Edit an installed package
npm-exec (1)
Run a command from a local or remote npm package
npm-explain (1)
Explain installed packages
npm-explore (1)
Browse an installed package
npm-find-dupes (1)
Find duplication in the package tree
npm-init (1)
Create a package.json file
npm-install (1)
Install a package
npm-install-test (1)
Install package(s) and run tests
npm-json (5)
Specifics of npm's package.json handling
npm-link (1)
Symlink a package folder
npm-ls (1)
List installed packages
npm-outdated (1)
Check for outdated packages
npm-owner (1)
Manage package owners
npm-pack (1)
Create a tarball from a package
npm-pkg (1)
Manages your package.json
npm-prune (1)
Remove extraneous packages
npm-publish (1)
Publish a package
npm-rebuild (1)
Rebuild a package
npm-repo (1)
Open package repository page in the browser
npm-restart (1)
Restart a package
npm-run-script (1)
Run arbitrary package scripts
npm-search (1)
Search for packages
npm-star (1)
Mark your favorite packages
npm-stars (1)
View packages marked as favorites
npm-start (1)
Start a package
npm-stop (1)
Stop a package
npm-test (1)
Test a package
npm-uninstall (1)
Remove a package
npm-unpublish (1)
Remove a package from the registry
npm-unstar (1)
Remove an item from your favorite packages
npm-update (1)
Update packages
npm-version (1)
Bump a package version
npx (1)
Run a command from a local or remote npm package
overload (3)
Package for overloading Perl operations
pack200 (1)
Packages a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file for...
pack200-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Packages a JAR file into a compressed pack20...
package (n)
Facilities for package loading and version control
package-json (5)
Specifics of npm's package.json handling
package-lock-json (5)
A manifestation of the manifest
package-spec (7)
Package name specifier
package-stash-conflicts (1)
(unknown subject)
Package::DeprecationManager (3pm)
Manage deprecation warnings for your dist...
Package::Stash::Conflicts (3pm)
Provide information on conflicts for Packag...
perlmod (1)
Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
perlutil (1)
utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
pkcon (1)
PackageKit console client
pkg_create (n)
Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command fo...
pkg_mkIndex (n)
Build an index for automatic loading of packages
pkgdata (1)
package data for use by ICU
pkmon (1)
PackageKit console client
plasmapkg (1)
Install, list, remove Plasma packages
pskc_add_keypackage (3)
API function
pskc_get_keypackage (3)
API function
pthread_once (3p)
dynamic package initialization
registry (7)
The JavaScript Package Registry
rpm (8)
RPM Package Manager
rpm2cpio (8)
Extract cpio archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) pa...
rpmbuild (8)
Build RPM Package(s)
rpmdeps (8)
Generate RPM Package Dependencies
rpmgraph (8)
Display RPM Package Dependency Graph
rpmqpack (8)
check for installed rpm packages
rpmsign (8)
RPM Package Signing
scope (7)
Scoped packages
scout (1)
A Package Scout
semodule_deps (8)
show the dependencies between SELinux policy packages.
semodule_expand (8)
Expand a SELinux policy module package.
semodule_link (8)
Link SELinux policy module packages together
semodule_package (8)
Create a SELinux policy module package.
semodule_unpackage (8)
Extract policy module and file context file from an ...
sg3_utils (8)
a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands
Tcl_PkgPresent (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgPresentEx (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgProvide (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgProvideEx (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgRequire (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireEx (3)
package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireProc (3)
package version control
Tcl_StaticPackage (3)
make a statically linked package available via the 'l...
Term::ReadLine (3)
Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no r...
texdoctk (1)
GUI for easier access of TeX package and program docum...
use-devel-checklib (1)
(DEPRECATED)a script to package Devel::CheckLib with...
vala-gen-introspect (1)
generate a GI file for GObject and glib based packages
zip (1)
package and compress (archive) files
zypp-NameReqPrv (1)
Investigate packages and dependencies in solver test-c...
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