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hosts.equiv (5)
list of hosts and users that are granted "trusted" r c...
Archive::Zip::MemberRead (3)
A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive membe...
Archive::Zip::MemberRead (3pm)
A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive mem...
DateTime::TimeZone::Floating (3)
A time zone that is always local
DateTime::TimeZone::Floating (3pm)
A time zone that is always local
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly (3)
A DateTime::TimeZone object that just co...
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly (3pm)
A DateTime::TimeZone object that just ...
Devel::CheckLib (3)
check that a library is available
Devel::CheckLib (3pm)
check that a library is available
Encode::Detect (3)
An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding...
Encode::Detect (3pm)
An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding...
Env (3)
perl module that imports environment variables as scal...
Exception::Class (3)
A module that allows you to declare real exception cla...
Exception::Class (3pm)
A module that allows you to declare real exception c...
ExtUtils::Depends (3)
Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
ExtUtils::Depends (3pm)
Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extens...
NEXT (3)
Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method...
Net::IMAP::Simple::PipeSocket (3)
a little wrapper around IPC-Open3 that fe...
Net::IMAP::Simple::PipeSocket (3pm)
a little wrapper around IPC-Open3 that ...
Net::SSLeay::Handle (3)
Perl module that lets SSL (HTTPS) sockets be handle...
Net::SSLeay::Handle (3pm)
Perl module that lets SSL (HTTPS) sockets be hand...
PPI::Node (3)
Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain o...
PPI::Node (3pm)
Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain o...
PPI::Statement::Include (3)
Statements that include other code
PPI::Statement::Include (3pm)
Statements that include other code
PPI::Structure::Subscript (3)
Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
PPI::Structure::Subscript (3pm)
Braces that represent an array or hash subs...
PPI::Token::Structure (3)
Token class for characters that define code struc...
PPI::Token::Structure (3pm)
Token class for characters that define code str...
PPIx::Regexp::Token::NoOp (3)
Represent a token that does nothing.
PPIx::Regexp::Token::NoOp (3pm)
Represent a token that does nothing.
Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler (3)
Object that implements the check s...
Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler (3pm)
Object that implements the check...
Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal (3)
A problem that should cause Perl::Critic...
Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal (3pm)
A problem that should cause Perl::Crit...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructur... (3)
Don't use labels that are the ...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructur... (3pm)
Don't use labels that are th...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Prohib... (3)
Ban modules that aren't blesse...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::Prohib... (3pm)
Ban modules that aren't bles...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpres... (3)
Don't use values that don't ex...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpres... (3pm)
Don't use values that don't ...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpres... (3)
Warns that you might have used...
Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpres... (3pm)
Warns that you might have us...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::Proh... (3)
Ban variables that aren't bles...
Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::Proh... (3pm)
Ban variables that aren't bl...
Perl::Critic::Utils::McCabe (3)
Functions that calculate the McCabe score o...
Perl::Critic::Utils::McCabe (3pm)
Functions that calculate the McCabe score...
Pod::Wordlist (3)
English words that come up in Perl documentation
Pod::Wordlist (3pm)
English words that come up in Perl documentation
source-highlight-settings (1)
utility that can be used to write a configura...
TAP::Base (3)
Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::...
TAP::Base (3pm)
Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::...
TAP::Object (3)
Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
TAP::Object (3pm)
Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
Task::Weaken (3)
Ensure that a platform has weaken support
Task::Weaken (3pm)
Ensure that a platform has weaken support
Test2 (3)
Framework for writing test tools that all work together.
Test2 (3pm)
Framework for writing test tools that all work together.
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3)
Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that can...
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3pm)
Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that c...
Test2::Compare::Undef (3)
Check that something is undefined
Test2::Compare::Undef (3pm)
Check that something is undefined
Test2::EventFacet::Error (3)
Facet for errors that need to be shown.
Test2::EventFacet::Error (3pm)
Facet for errors that need to be shown.
Test2::EventFacet::Render (3)
Facet that dictates how to render an event.
Test2::EventFacet::Render (3pm)
Facet that dictates how to render an event.
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolC... (3)
How to add behaviors that occu...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolC... (3pm)
How to add behaviors that oc...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolS... (3)
How to add behaviors that occu...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolS... (3pm)
How to add behaviors that oc...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest (3)
How to implement a tool that makes use ...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest (3pm)
How to implement a tool that makes us...
Test2::Tools::Defer (3)
Write tests that get executed at a later time
Test2::Tools::Defer (3pm)
Write tests that get executed at a later time
Test::Builder::Tester (3)
test testsuites that have been built with Test::B...
Test::Builder::Tester (3pm)
test testsuites that have been built with Test:...
Throwable (3)
a role for classes that can be thrown
Throwable (3pm)
a role for classes that can be thrown
URI::data (3)
URI that contains immediate data
URI::data (3pm)
URI that contains immediate data
URI::file (3)
URI that maps to local file names
URI::file (3pm)
URI that maps to local file names
XML::DOM::Parser (3)
An XML::Parser that builds XML::DOM document structures
XML::DOM::Parser (3pm)
An XML::Parser that builds XML::DOM document structures
XML::Handler::BuildDOM (3)
PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document s...
XML::Handler::BuildDOM (3pm)
PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document...
XML::XPath::XMLParser (3)
The default XML parsing class that produces a nod...
XML::XPath::XMLParser (3pm)
The default XML parsing class that produces a n...
YAML::Node (3)
A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
YAML::Node (3pm)
A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
__bio_clone_fast (9)
clone a bio that shares the original bio's biovec
alloca (3)
allocate memory that is automatically freed
ata_scsiop_noop (9)
Command handler that simply returns success.
audit_core_dumps (9)
record information about processes that end abnormally
auparse_feed_has_data (3)
check if there is any data accumulating that migh...
aureport (8)
a tool that produces summary reports of audit daemon logs
ausearch_next_event (3)
find the next event that meets search criteria
ausyscall (8)
a program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers
autodie (3)
Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with l...
auvirt (8)
a program that shows data related to virtual machines
bio_clone_fast (9)
clone a bio that shares the original bio's biovec
BIO_f_readbuffer (3osslssl-3)
read only buffering BIO that supports BIO_tel...
bitmap (n)
Images that display two colors
boxed (6x)
draws a box full of 3D bouncing balls that explode.
cdda2wav (1)
a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav s...
cfg80211_disconnected (9)
notify cfg80211 that connection was dropped
cfg80211_ibss_joined (9)
notify cfg80211 that device joined an IBSS
cfg80211_scan_done (9)
notify that scan finished
check_conflicting_open (9)
see if the given dentry points to a file that ha...
commit a transaction that was earlier prepared for...
cubestorm (6x)
a series of 3D boxes that fill space
curl_free (3)
reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcur...
callback that approves or denies server pushes
callback that receives header data
dangerball (6x)
a 3D ball that periodically extrudes spikes. Ouch!
debugfs_create_atomic_t (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and ...
debugfs_create_blob (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read a binary...
debugfs_create_bool (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and writ...
debugfs_create_regset32 (9)
create a debugfs file that returns register values
debugfs_create_size_t (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and wr...
debugfs_create_u16 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_u32 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_u32_array (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read u32...
debugfs_create_u64 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_u8 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write ...
debugfs_create_x16 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_x32 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_x64 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write...
debugfs_create_x8 (9)
create a debugfs file that is used to read and write ...
device_destroy (9)
removes a device that was created with device_create
Digest (3)
Modules that calculate message digests
drm_crtc_check_viewport (9)
Checks that a framebuffer is big enough for the...
drm_warn_on_modeset_not_all_locked (9)
check that all modeset locks are locked
dtd2xsd (1)
XML Schema generator from XML document that contains DTD.
edd_get_pci_dev (9)
finds pci_dev that matches edev
Email::Sender::Role::HasMessage (3)
an object that has a message
Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::Persi... (3)
an SMTP client that stays online
Email::Sender::Util (3)
random stuff that makes Email::Sender go
expirerm (8)
Remove articles that have been expired
fail2ban-python (1)
a helper for Fail2Ban to assure that the same Python i...
faked (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-sysv (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-tcp (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
fc_remote_port_delete (9)
notifies the fc transport that a remote port is n...
fc_remote_port_rolechg (9)
notifies the fc transport that the roles on a re...
FcNameUnparse (3)
Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FFI::CheckLib (3)
Check that a library is available for FFI
find_get_pages_tag (9)
find and return pages that match tag
find_next_best_node (9)
find the next node that should appear in a given no...
findsmb (1)
list info about machines that respond to SMB name quer...
fix_small_imbalance (9)
Calculate the minor imbalance that exists amongst t...
flipflop (6x)
draws a grid of 3D squares that change positions
flush_scheduled_work (9)
ensure that any scheduled work has run to completion.
flush_workqueue (9)
ensure that any scheduled work has run to completion.
ftpusers (5)
list of users that may not log in via the FTP daemon
fuser (1p)
list process IDs of all processes that have one or mor...
git-bisect (1)
Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a...
git-check-ref-format (1)
Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-prune-packed (1)
Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
glob (n)
Return names of files that match patterns
glutFullScreen (3)
requests that the current window be made full screen.
glXChooseVisual (3gl)
return a visual that matches specified attributes
grid (n)
Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid
hsi_start_tx (9)
Signal the port that the client wants to start a TX
hsi_stop_tx (9)
Signal the port that the client no longer wants to tra...
HTML::AsSubs (3pm)
functions that construct a HTML syntax tree
HTML::Element (3pm)
Class for objects that represent HTML elements
HTML::TreeBuilder (3pm)
Parser that builds a HTML syntax tree
hypertorus (6x)
Draws a hypertorus that rotates in 4d
i2o_device_claim_release (9)
release a device that the OSM is using
icedax (1)
a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav s...
Importer (3pm)
Alternative but compatible interface to modules that e...
install (3)
Dummy module that prevents unexpected results from the...
install (3pm)
Dummy module that prevents unexpected results from the...
jconsole (1)
Starts a graphical console that lets you monitor and m...
jconsole-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Starts a graphical console that lets you mo...
jrunscript (1)
Runs a command-line script shell that supports interac...
jrunscript-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Runs a command-line script shell that sup...
latexdiff-vc (1)
wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different vers...
libsmbclient (7)
An extension library for browsers and that can be used...
lock_may_read (9)
checks that the region is free of locks
lock_may_write (9)
checks that the region is free of locks
Log::Dispatch::Email (3)
Base class for objects that send log messages via ...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that us...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSender (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that ...
Log::Dispatch::Email::MIMELite (3)
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that us...
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate (3)
Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves
Log::Dispatch::Null (3)
Object that accepts messages and does nothing
might_sleep (9)
annotation for functions that can sleep
min_not_zero (9)
return the minimum that is _not_ zero, unless both are...
mirrorblob (6x)
Draws a wobbly blob that distorts the image behind it.
mkhomedir_helper (8)
Helper binary that creates home directories
mod_mono (8)
apache module that enables ASP.NET pages. Works togeth...
module_driver (9)
Helper macro for drivers that don't do anything specia...
Moose::Intro (3pm)
Expanded into Moose::Manual, so go read that
Moose::Unsweetened (3pm)
Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
mountain (6x)
random 3D plots that look vaguely mountainous.
mptspi_print_read_nego (9)
negotiation parameters debug info that is being ...
mptspi_print_write_nego (9)
negotiation parameters debug info that is being...
mq_notify (3p)
notify process that a message is available (REALTIME)
my_safe_process (1)
Utility program that encapsulates process creation, mo...
ne_ssl_trust_cert (3)
functions to indicate that certificates are trusted
ne_ssl_trust_default_ca (3)
functions to indicate that certificates are tru...
opieftpd (8)
File Transfer Protocol server that uses OPIE authentic...
opielogin (1)
Replacement for login(1) that issues OPIE challenges.
opiesu (1)
Replacement su(1) program that uses OPIE challenges
pack (n)
Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
pam_misc_paste_env (3)
transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_mount (8)
A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pamrubber (1)
a rubber-sheeting utility that stretches an image base...
pcap_findalldevs (3pcap)
get a list of capture devices, and free that list
pcap_freealldevs (3pcap)
get a list of capture devices, and free that list
phy_find_setting (9)
find a PHY settings array entry that matches speed & d...
phy_find_valid (9)
find a PHY setting that matches the requested features...
pid_alive (9)
check that a task structure is not stale
Pod::Coverage::CountParents (3)
subclass of Pod::Coverage that examines the...
ptardiff (1)
program that diffs an extracted archive against an une...
rcu_idle_enter (9)
inform RCU that current CPU is entering idle
rcu_idle_exit (9)
inform RCU that current CPU is leaving idle
rcu_is_watching (9)
see if RCU thinks that the current CPU is idle
requeue_pi_wake_futex (9)
Wake a task that acquired the lock during requeue
restorecond (8)
daemon that watches for file creation and then sets th...
revpath (1)
generate a relative path that can be used to undo a ch...
rmid (1)
Starts the activation system daemon that enables objec...
rmid-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Starts the activation system daemon that enable...
cancel a transaction that was earlier prepared f...
rpc_force_rebind (9)
force transport to check that remote port is unchanged
rubik (6x)
screen saver that solves Rubik's Cube.
samba-dcerpcd (8)
This is one of Samba's DCERPC server processes that ca...
schemagen (1)
Generates a schema for every name space that is refere...
scsi_eh_finish_cmd (9)
Handle a cmd that eh is finished with.
SDL_CreateThread (3)
Creates a new thread of execution that shares its pare...
SDL_DestroySemaphore (3)
Destroys a semaphore that was created by SDL_Creat...
SDL_JoystickGetHat (3)
Get the current state of a joystick hat
showexternal (1)
Fetch and display the body of a mail message that is i...
showpartial (1)
Fetch and display the body of a mail message that is i...
skb_cow_data (9)
Check that a socket buffer's data buffers are writable
skb_page_frag_refill (9)
check that a page_frag contains enough room
SSL_set_retry_verify (3osslssl-3)
indicate that certificate verification sh...
stap-report (1)
collect system information that is useful for debuggin...
struct_usb_class_driver (9)
identifies a USB driver that wants to use the U...
syndaemon (1)
a program that monitors keyboard activity and disables...
sys_rt_sigpending (9)
examine a pending signal that has been raised while b...
Tcl_BackgroundError (3)
report Tcl exception that occurred in background pr...
Tcl_BackgroundException (3)
report Tcl exception that occurred in backgroun...
Test::Compile (3)
Assert that your Perl files compile OK.
Test::Compile::Internal (3)
Assert that your Perl files compile OK.
timerfd_create (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
Tk_ImageChanged (3)
notify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
tnc (n)
tnc is an expat parser object extension, that validate...
topblock (6x)
a 3D world of falling blocks that build up and up.
truncate_pagecache (9)
unmap and remove pagecache that has been truncated
truncate_pagecache_range (9)
unmap and remove pagecache that is hole-punched
ttk_button (n)
Widget that issues a command when pressed
ttk_menubutton (n)
Widget that pops down a menu when pressed
unix2_chkpwd (8)
helper binary that verifies the password of the curren...
unix_chkpwd (8)
Helper binary that verifies the password of the curren...
unix_update (8)
Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
usb_gadget_vbus_connect (9)
Notify controller that VBUS is powered
usb_init_urb (9)
initializes a urb so that it can be used by a USB driver
valac (1)
compiler that translates Vala source code into C sourc...
valac-0.22 (1)
compiler that translates Vala source code into C sourc...
vm-install-jobs (8)
queries and manages VM creation jobs that were started...
wsimport (1)
Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts that can be packag...
wsimport-java-1.8.0-openjdk (1)
Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts that ca...
xfs_estimate (8)
estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
XkbAllocGeomDoodads (3)
Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geom...
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads (3)
Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbBellEvent (3)
Provides a function that initiates a bell event for th...
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges (3)
Query the changes that have occurred in the but...
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping (3)
Update the keyboard description that is inter...
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods (3)
Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be ...
XkbSetServerInternalMods (3)
Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the se...
XtGetSelectionRequest (3)
retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSe...
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